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12 constellation origin _ 12 constellation origin story cartoon

Legends and stories about the origin of the twelve constellations

Constellation is an indispensable part of astrology and a group of stars in the sky. Everyone may know what their horoscope is, so do you know the legend of their horoscope? Below I sorted out the legendary stories about constellations. Welcome to reading.

Legend of the constellation 1: Aries 3/2 1-4/ 19.

Nipper's son, Farex, was sentenced to death for raping Arthas. Before the execution, Jin Ram held him and his sister Heller together in time. Unfortunately, my sister was dizzy and fell off the sheep's back for a while, but Felices was rescued safely. He offered this ram as a sacrifice to Zeus, who turned its image into a constellation in the sky. Later, Jason told a wonderful adventure story in order to take away the wool of Golden Sheep. So Aries is also called? Aries? .

Legend of Constellation 2: Taurus 4/20-5/20

Legend has it that Zeus, the god of gods famous for his romantic style, took a fancy to Europa (which later became Europe). In order to avoid Hera's eyes, he turned himself into a bull and carried Europa to fulfill his wish. Afterwards, Zeus changed back to his original shape and put his avatar Daniel in the sky, becoming one of the constellations.

Legend of Constellation III: Gemini 5/2 1-6/2 1

In Egypt, Gemini is called "Gemini", which is named after the two brightest stars in this constellation, namely Castor and Hecules. These two stars have two other names, namely Hercules and Apollo, Tritto Remus and Iasian. The Egyptian concept of Gemini is a young child, not a common adult image.

Legend of Constellation 4: Cancer June 22nd-July 22nd.

The legend that cancer was first born in Babylon. In Egypt, the symbol of this constellation is two turtles, sometimes called? Water sign? , sometimes called Allul (an unknown aquatic creature). It can be seen that this constellation is closely related to water, but the detailed legend has been lost.

Legend of constellation five: Leo 7/23-8/22

Legend has it that the symbol associated with this constellation is a lion in the Nimia Valley in Greece, which was killed by Heracles in a battle.

Legend of Constellation 6: Virgo 8/23-9/22

According to Roman mythology, Virgo, also known as the star of righteousness, is the daughter of Jupiter and Venus, who is the goddess of justice. At the end of the golden age, human beings offended her, so she returned to heaven in a rage.

Legend of Constellation 7: Libra 9/23- 10/23

Legend has it that Libra was born when the balance of good and evil in the hands of a priestess in Greek mythology flew to the sky, so it is also called? Libra? . Around 2000 BC, this constellation was related to the trial of Babylonian religion dominating life and death, and the scales were used to measure the good and evil of the soul.

Legend of Constellation 8: Scorpio10/24-11/22

Hera ordered Scorpio to climb out of the dark underground and attack Orion (Di Anna's favorite hunter, who later became Orion). On another occasion, Scorpio attacked felton, who was driving the carriage of the Sun God, with poison gas, giving Jupiter a chance to shoot lightning and destroy the running solar car.

Legend of Constellation 9: Sagittarius11/23-12/21

Sagittarius is half a man and half a yard in shape, with the dual characteristics of animals and humans, so it is also called? Sagittarius? , is a famous prophet, doctor and scholar. It is a supporter of the famous Greek heroes Jason, Achilles and Aeneas. Legend has it that he is the son of Carlos and Philia and the father of Zeus. It was after he was afraid that he turned himself into a horse. His mother Ferria couldn't stand her son's strange appearance and turned into a bodhi tree.

Legend of Constellation X: Capricorn12/22-119.

Pam, the son of hamish, is a demigod. Although running god is not as good as running god, it is still superior to human beings. Pan is so ugly that even his mother doesn't like him He has goat's ears and horns on his head, his upper body is hairy and his lower body is goat's posture. He likes music best and often plays the flute himself. Once, when the gods held a banquet on the bank of the Euphrates River, a monster suddenly appeared. The gods were frightened to disgrace and fled into the river in various forms. Pan also hurriedly jumped into the water to take refuge, but he panicked and turned into a fish completely. This is the origin of Capricorn. There was a fairy named Ea in Babylon, which is said to be? Antelope in the deep sea? It matches the image of Capricorn's fishtail, so it's also called? Capricorn? .

Legend of XI constellation: Aquarius 1/20-2/ 18

Prince Ganyedes of Troy is a golden boy. One day, when he was herding sheep, he was suddenly caught by an eagle transferred to Olympus by Zeus, who took the place of Princess Sybil, who married Hera chris, and was responsible for pouring wine for Zeus. In ancient Rome, the position of the sun in the first month of this constellation was rainy season, so it was named Aquarius, also known as? Aquarius? .

Legend of the Twelve Constellations: Pisces 2/ 19-3/20

One day, the gods saw that the weather was fine and held a banquet by the river. Music-loving gods happily sang and played musical instruments, and the atmosphere was quite warm. Suddenly there was a scream. This is Fan Jie, a monster with a hundred snakes and big wings. The gods saw something bad and fled everywhere. Zeus became a bird, Apollo became a crow, Hera became a cow, julius became a goat, and all the gods fled in the form of animals. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and her son, Giroz, the god of love, turned into fish and fled into the Euphrates River. At that time, they decided to tie their tails together with ribbons and never separate, thus successfully escaping from the monster. In this way, mother and son ascended to heaven with their tails connected and never separated. This is the origin of Pisces.

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