Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - How to memorize more words quickly?

How to memorize more words quickly?

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The most important point is: ... If you want to be more successful than others, you must take shortcuts. Don't expect yourself to be luckier than others, and don't expect yourself to be smarter and harder than others. Intellectually speaking, you are not much different from others in terms of opportunities. If you want to surpass people similar to yourself, you must take shortcuts, shortcuts, shortcuts!

The first rule of memorizing word shortcuts is: you must recite a lot every time. Because I am not smarter than others, others forget one-fifth of the words after I recite them, and I will never forget less than others. However, others recite ten words every day, but they can recite one hundred, forget one fifth, and there are eighty left, ten times as many as others in the smartest state. One hundred a day is the least. In fact, you will find that this requirement is not high in the back. After a month, you may naturally recite 300 or 500.

These 400 articles should be memorized in four groups, 30 in the morning, 30 at noon 10, 30 in the afternoon and 30 at night. Review the bad words before the next morning. When reciting, you should read ten lines at a glance (pay attention to ten words instead of more or less), and don't recite them seriously, because there is no time to be serious. Read the pronunciation of each word while watching, or read it silently. After reading it, recall it and see what you can't remember. The purpose of this recitation is to leave a general impression, so that you will know the word next time you see it, so that you can remember most of it by reciting, and copy the rest of the words separately.

The second shortcut to memorizing words is: memorizing dictionaries! Why recite the dictionary? Because every word in the dictionary has a comprehensive explanation, and words that start with the same letter are all concentrated together. Not all dictionaries can be used to recite, so be sure to find a dictionary that only contains the words you want to recite. In addition, it is best to have English explanations and examples. Moreover, there must be phonetic symbols! If it's for TOFEL or GRE, pay attention to the phonetic dictionary of beauty pageant. The vocabulary at the back of the general textbook is for good students who listen carefully. Don't carry those things if you want to take a shortcut.

When memorizing dictionaries, recite them in the alphabetical order of (z, y, x, q, j, k, u) (v, w, n, o, l) (fg, it, hm, bde, r) (C, p, s, a), where c, p, s and a are one each. This has several advantages: (1) can increase the sense of accomplishment and interest. As for why, you can understand it by looking it up in the dictionary. ; It is convenient and clear to know which words are remembered and which ones are not. (3) Be able to master the most basic words first. Among the 30,000 words, there are three grades: 3,000 to 4,000, 8,000 to 10,000 and 22,000 to 30,000. In other words, you should prepare three dictionaries separately. These grades have very different characteristics and need to be recited in different ways. I didn't realize this at that time, so I took a detour from 1 10,000 to 30,000, wasting some time, otherwise it might have exceeded 50,000. ; )

So there are three branches under the word shortcut. The third shortcut to memorizing words is to know more words. Whether a word can be remembered depends on the frequency of meeting it on different occasions, not the length of time you look at it every time (the same rule also applies to soaking mm; ))。 Generally, you should remember a word and meet it three or four times a week on different occasions. When I mentioned a lot of reciting above, don't pick a word. That's what it means to remember or not. Because it doesn't matter whether it is love at first sight, the key is to have more different types of meeting opportunities. However, according to the level of words to be memorized, there are different ways to increase the chance of meeting.

The first branch: listen blindly! The level of 3000 to 4000 is a very common word, covering almost all the words needed to express the most basic ideas. Eighty percent of every article is composed of these words, and these words are the most basic morphemes (or "roots"), that is, things that can't be divided to the smallest, and there is no similarity between them. The best way to deal with these words is to do a lot of uninterrupted simple primary listening exercises. Because there are 20% other words in the reading materials, the reading materials can't be understood only by this level of words. But listening practice is the most basic dialogue, and pronunciation is generally standard. Listening more can increase the repetition rate of words and lay a phonetic foundation for memorizing words horizontally from 8 thousand to 10 thousand in the future.

Listening should be divided into intensive listening and extensive listening. Of course, intensive listening means understanding every word. I focus on extensive listening (restaurant? ; P. Extensive reading is the most important, because it depends on extensive reading to master the speed, intonation and overall impression. And these are the basis of memorizing 8 thousand to 10 thousand words? Extensive listening can make the frequently used words (that is, the words that need to be mastered most) grind the ears into cocoons, so that you can vaguely hear a sound, reflecting what this sound means. The words you hear in extensive reading are the words you really should remember, so don't be afraid to listen attentively and know nothing. What exactly is extensive listening? Extensive listening means that when listening, you should distract your attention and do other things at the same time (such as cooking a meal or discussing it loudly with others; ) ~), listen, one build what did not build. You must listen to the ubiquitous listening, listen whenever you have the chance, and it is best to put your headphones close to your ears. ; ) and intensive listening means finding out the words you didn't hear clearly. Aha, that's a word you have memorized but are not familiar with. Write these words separately in another place, and don't mix them with words that you haven't memorized. Extensive listening means intensive listening to what you have already heard. For example, if you listen to the second tape intensively, then listen to the first tape extensively, just right. Be careful, don't use English radio as your listening teaching material! ! ! By the way, I recommend a set of listening teaching materials: Step by Step by Wuhan Normal University. The content is gradual, and the music at the beginning of each class is also very nice. ; )

The second one: look crazy! The level of 8000 to 10000 basically includes the remaining 20%. These words are hard to find in listening textbooks. However, don't stop practicing listening, because listening can consolidate your intonation, which is a key to memorizing words at this level. However, memorizing this level of words requires more reading than listening. Look, there are also intensive reading and extensive reading. Just like listening, extensive reading is more important. Extensive reading should choose articles that are not too long and can be read patiently, and don't have too many words that you don't understand. Two or three unknowns are enough for an article. Don't read English newspapers, magazines and novels from the beginning. Those things are not only difficult to understand, but also have little effect on memorizing words. : q Extensive reading also requires a lot of practice. As long as you are patient and have enough time, just keep reading! Don't read carefully, just glance at the general meaning, then mark the words you don't understand, don't ponder what the meaning is, and continue scanning! After reading it all, look back at these words. Some of them may have come to mind, while others ... don't? Then look it up in the dictionary. If you haven't memorized it, throw it away. If you have memorized it, copy it down separately and put it with the words you didn't hear in the listening practice.

My experience is that the first two volumes of new concepts, then the first two volumes of textbooks are widely read in universities, then the primary part of another extensive reading course, then the third volume of new concepts, the third volume of extensive reading textbooks, the teachers' books for the advanced listening part of a listening textbook, then the fourth volume of new concepts and the fourth and fifth volumes of extensive reading textbooks ... This order is more appropriate.

The third one: nonsense! This is only suitable for memorizing 22,000 to 30,000 words. Because it goes without saying that other words have been memorized. ; However, there are few words at this level in the reading materials, and you may not have words at this level in ten articles. So now we can't increase the chances of meeting each other by reading. Even some foreigners have never seen these words. How can we expect them to write? Especially GRE words, such as "dressing horses", "hooligans in new york" and "the wind blowing from Africa to southern Europe", are subtle words, that is, if you are full of these words, you can pretend to be a scholar. ; Most foreigners can't understand what you say, so you can express the same meaning without these words. Here's your chance. You can take these words with you when talking to foreigners, and then pretend to be modest proudly and explain the meaning of these words to them. ; It is enough to explain one or two sentences to foreigners every time, and foreigners will admire you and admire you. ; ) HL will explain to ws! Be bold, be patient, and especially be bold. ; )

At this stage, you should stop practicing listening, because you haven't made much progress after practicing. Remember the first sentence? If you want to succeed, you must take a shortcut. There is no need to waste time on any action that can't make great progress in a short time. However, the reading materials at this time become a problem: you will find that what you read in the past is too shallow and boring, and you can't understand other deep things. You will also find a new interesting phenomenon: the articles you want to read are now all first-grade words. You know exactly what each word means, but you just can't understand the whole article. ; So what should you see? Just look at the superficial articles in the second level. Although simple, it can help you not forget the achievements you have recited in the past. Don't worry about articles you can't understand. When you communicate with foreigners more, you will naturally understand them. They are all articles composed of phrases, slang or grammar. :)

The fourth shortcut to memorizing words is: Lenovo, Lenovo, Lenovo, ... What is the first action of memorizing words? Take a closer look at its appearance. What about the second and third movements? Look at its connotation and pronunciation. And the fourth action, it should be association, and then association ... is it similar in appearance to other memorized words? Similar pronunciation? Is the meaning similar or opposite? If there is, write it down quickly and add this word next to other words. In this way, when you see other words in the future, you will also think of this word, which is equivalent to another chance to meet. Moreover, in the second and third level vocabulary, many words are composed of prefixes, roots and suffixes, with prefixes such as re, in, pseud, etc ... and suffixes such as er, a and oid ... and then they form a new word together. If you master these prefixes and suffixes, you can easily guess the meaning of a new word. In addition, many words with similar pronunciations have similar meanings, which are common in slang, poetry and children's language. If you recite 80 words every day, you can only recite 2400 words a month, but after mastering these rules, you can actually recite them faster and faster, and almost more than 10 thousand words are redundant. However, in GRE words, many words have nothing to do with other words, and there are no prefixes or suffixes, which seem simple and unforgettable. These words include transliteration of Greek, Italian, German, Latin and even Japanese. This can only be mastered by explaining it to others. (HL must pay attention! )

The fifth shortcut to memorizing words is: review! It is a normal rule that you remember quickly and forget quickly. In the process of memorizing words, review is very important. Let me summarize the law of review: review ten words first, then thirty words, and then all the words that I haven't recited before. When reviewing, you don't have to dig carefully, just scan it roughly, but you must think about its pronunciation (because English is like sound). The last words that can't be memorized must not be commonly used, because foreigners can't memorize them. ; After reciting a word with the first letter, you should review the word with the first letter in front. Then recite the first letter in brackets in the last article, and then review the one in brackets in the last article. When reviewing, you should first look at the English translation of Chinese meaning, then at Chinese, and then think about its English words. As I said before, words forgotten in extensive reading and words that can't be remembered when memorizing should be recorded separately, just for the purpose of treating them differently when reviewing. If you forget the words, read them once a day. If you know them, cross them out. If you can't remember them, recite the whole letter and recite it alone. You don't need to read them at ordinary times. The review method of GRE words is very strange: crossword puzzles are needed. In other words, cover part of the word and think about how to spell the whole word. In addition, we have to consider its synonyms, synonyms and antonyms. By the way, the words in the GRE test have nothing to do with the words in the TOFEL test, that is, if you don't know the TOFEL words, the GRE may get high marks.