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Constellation activity planning name _ constellation activity planning name daquan

Model essay on the planning of astronomical popular science lecture activities

Every clear night, countless stars appear in the sky. The following is the planning of the lecture on astronomical science knowledge I arranged for you, hoping to help you. Welcome to read the reference study!

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Model essay on the planning of astronomical popular science lectures 1.

I. Background of the event

On February 20th, 65438, the United Nations passed a resolution to commemorate Galileo's first astronomical observation with a telescope for four years, and designated this year as international year of astronomy. The theme is "the universe, you come to discover". International year of astronomy, known as the global festival of astronomy and its contribution to society and culture, is the biggest scientific activity so far in this century.

On August 2 1, the 28th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (known as the Astronomical Olympics) opened in Beijing. Vice President China attended the meeting and delivered a speech. _ _ pointed out: "The convening of this conference in China will certainly have a positive impact on enhancing the friendship between China astronomers and astronomers from other countries, promoting exchanges and cooperation between China and international astronomical circles, and promoting the development of astronomy and related disciplines in China; At the same time, it will also inspire young people from all over the world, including China, to be full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge, to look at the splendid starry sky, to stimulate their strong interest in astronomical observation and astronomical research, and to devote themselves to the practice of scientific and technological innovation in today's world. "

In recent decades, astronomy has made great progress. A hundred years ago, we didn't even know the existence of the Milky Way. Today, we know that the universe that originated about 65.438+0.37 billion years ago is made up of billions of galaxies. At the same time, the public's demand for astronomical knowledge and desire to participate in astronomical activities are increasing day by day, especially the interest of college students in astronomy is more obvious.

Second, the purpose and significance of the activity

On the one hand, through this wonderful activity, the influence of geographical associations among students can be rapidly enhanced, especially among freshmen, which is conducive to the development of the next activities of the associations; On the other hand, the development of this activity will greatly train the ability of new geography assistants, greatly provide the cohesion and centripetal force of geographical associations, and help to form a warm, beautiful, United and upward geographical association family.

Three. Activity time: 6:00-8:30 pm on September 2 1 Friday.

Four. Venue: Complex Building 1 14

5. Organizer: Practice Department of Shangrao Teachers College Student Union.

Organizer: University Geographic Association

Activity target: teachers and students of the whole school

6. Instructor: Teacher Qiu Xiaolan

Seven. Theme: Explore the mysteries of the universe and popularize astronomical knowledge.

Eight. Activity arrangement

(1) preliminary work

(1) Before the activity, members of the president's group go to the property center of the school logistics department to examine and approve the classroom, and the president is responsible for inviting the lecturers.

(2) Before September 20th (Thursday), the Propaganda Department drew three activity posters and posted them on the exhibition boards of new and old canteens to publicize them to the teachers and students of the whole school.

(3) Before the event, the International Liaison Department sponsored the event and provided more funds for the event as much as possible.

④ On September 20th, a board meeting was held to discuss and arrange the work related to the activities of various departments, and the work should be assigned to individuals.

(B) the lecture process

The host introduces the guests present (before the lecture, remind the students to turn their mobile phones to mute or vibrate, and be careful not to make any noise during the lecture).

② President introduced the background, purpose and significance of this activity, and wished this lecture a complete success.

The host introduced the speaker and delivered a speech to welcome the speaker.

The speaker began his speech.

⑤ At the end of the speaker's speech, the host announced to enter the free question session.

⑥ After asking questions, the instructor commented on this activity.

⑦ The lecture officially ended, and the host gave a thank-you speech.

(3) Late activities

The office and editorial department should write a detailed summary of this activity to provide valuable experience for holding similar activities in the future.

② Summarize the activities at the next Council meeting.

Nine. Activity budget


Unit price (yuan)


Total price (yuan)

Poster; playbill






Article 1


mineral water


10 bottle






Promotional materials




Rent a stereo.


1 set


keynote speaker


1 person




X. comments

(1) All directors should be present at least half an hour in advance to assist the Logistics Department in arranging the venue.

After the lecture, the director stayed to clean the classroom.

(3) Maintain on-site discipline and calm down in case of emergency.

(4) In the free question session, if there is ice breaking, the host should encourage everyone to ask questions enthusiastically.

⑤ The contents of this plan are for reference only, and can be changed according to the actual situation when necessary. The final interpretation right belongs to the Council of Shangrao Normal University Student Geography Society.

Model essay on astronomy popular science lecture planning II

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the arrangement and shape of stars, and naturally linked some stars with similar positions to form constellations. So, how to identify these constellations at night?

Aries constellation

Observing Aries with naked eyes, the brightest stars are three main stars, and the brightest is Lou Susan. You can find it in the autumn sky, to the east of the winged quadrangle of Pegasus. Aries's hind legs are connected to a small part of Taurus. The sheep's head is simplified to a few simple strokes, and you can see other constellations, including Taurus, when you turn your head.

Taurus constellation

Only half of Taurus's body appears in the sky, and the other half of its trunk seems to disappear in the depths of the universe. Its legs bend under its body, and the poet Manili Uss once said, "A strong bull hobbles, its legs bend down, and Taurus lies wearily next to the Big Dipper."


Gemini's most striking constellation is composed of Beihe II and Beihe III. Beihe II is actually two white stars that are very close to each other and surround each other. This phenomenon is called "binary star system" in astronomy, which is used to describe the phenomenon that two stars surround each other because of similar gravity. Beihe San is more orange than his brother.

Cancer constellation

Cancer is the most inconspicuous constellation in the zodiac. Liu Su Zeng San, the brightest star in the binary system, is only a fourth-order star. Although cancer is not as clever as Leo, it also has some unique and interesting characteristics.

Le Signe du Lion

People born in the lion month are usually generous, and so are Leo in the sky. Leo is located at the intersection of Cancer in the west and Virgo in the east. In the northern hemisphere sky, you will see it in late winter and early spring. The most recognizable feature is its mane. In the sky, it is more like a concave question mark or a huge sickle.


Virgo has a noble body. She is about 46 degrees long and is one of the longest constellations in the sky. There are lions, Mu Fu and the back row in the north. On the south is the ghost guardian III. Crow and Grand Duke; There are Libra and serpent in the east; In the west, there are lions, giants and crows. Virgo, representing the goddess of harvest, contains more than 500 nebulae in the rich sky.


Libra is the smallest constellation in the sky, and the longitude on the ecliptic is only 2 1 degree. It's not a spectacular constellation, but it's very easy to find it through Scorpio: shining Scorpio is in the east and spectacular Virgo is in the west. Libra is easy to find in the starry sky in spring and early summer.


Scorpio is a constellation with an area of 12 constellations. Because it is made up of very large and bright planets, it is very clear and easy to identify. The front arc is the end of the constellation, the rest of the body is placed in the starry sky, and the curved tail is "hidden" in the milky way stars in the night sky (actually still visible). Late spring and early summer, just look at the southern sky.


Sagittarius is a centaur with a bow and arrow. The mysterious pattern of the constellation corresponds to eight bright planets, while the others are not so clear. The planets in the constellation are divided into two categories: the Big Dipper (composed of the body of a centaur) and the bow. In addition, there is a planet ahead, at the tip of the bow and arrow.

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

On the opposite axis of Cancer, it is the most inconspicuous Capricorn in the constellation 12. The brightest planet is Taurus, which is mainly composed of five stars with the brightness of the sun. The brightest two can be observed with the naked eye. The whole constellation is like a triangular hat or a flying bird, not more like a goat. It can be observed in late July every year.

Aquarius constellation

Aquarius is often described as kneeling. His urn contains mysterious water, which is placed on his shoulders and the contents are dumped at his feet. All the planets that make up the eleventh constellation are weak: the brightest one is only the third brightness. Aquarius is the easiest to find on a moonless night. It can be found in the autumn night sky and in the southeast.


Although this is one of the weakest signs in the zodiac (Cancer seems to be weaker). It is one of the longest constellations, and the longitude of the celestial sphere is about 4 1 degree. It consists of southern fish and northern fish, and their tails are combined by a ribbon. The fish and the line form a huge "V" shape, and at the apex is the brightest planet in Pisces: Waipingqi, commonly known as Alrescha.

Model essay on the planning of astronomical popular science lecture activities 3

Why can't you see the stars during the day?

At night, we see the stars twinkling in the sky, but during the day, we can't see the stars in the sky anymore. Where did the stars go during the day? In fact, the stars are hanging in the sky during the day and at night. Most of the stars can continue to shine and heat like the sun. At night, when the sun goes down, the earth is dark, so we can clearly see the shining stars. During the day, the sun shines brightly on the earth, so you can't see the stars. This is the same as turning on the electric light during the day and not feeling bright.

Why do stars shine?

At night, the little stars in the sky give off various colors of light, like a lamp. Why do stars shine?

Some stars, like the sun, are like a big stove, but they don't burn coal, but every day there are things called atoms, which are constantly changing and will heat up when they change, just like our hands clap their hands and they will heat up. This kind of change is always constant, but the sun is very close to us and the stars are too far away from us, so it looks just a small spot.

Why don't the stars and the moon fall?

In the clear night sky, there are bright moons and beautiful stars. Why do they always stay in the sky? Because the moon revolves around the earth, the earth attracts the moon all the time to prevent it from running away, but the moon also has the power to leave the earth, and it is not close to the earth. None of them can match anyone, so the moon can only go around the earth in a certain orbit in the sky. Similarly, the stars in the sky will not fall, but they are not around the earth, but around other planets, and no one will fall because of the interaction between the stars.

Why do the stars look only a little?

Every clear night, countless stars appear in the sky. Scientists have measured that they are very big, many of which are bigger than the earth and the sun. However, why do children see only a few stars? Because the stars are very, very far away. So which star is closest to us? The nearest star is proxima centauri, which belongs to Centauri and is more than 12 trillion kilometers away. It takes more than four years for the light it emits to reach the earth, that is to say, all you see is the light it emitted four years ago. You said it was far away from us.

Why are there so many stars in the sky?

On a summer night, Xiaohong pointed to the sky and counted the stars. One star, two stars, three stars, four stars and five stars are countless. The child doesn't believe me. Count the stars at night and see how many stars there are in the sky. According to the observation by scientists with advanced instruments, there are at least150 billion stars in the sky so far. Children, can you count so many stars? The sky is boundless, and many stars have not been discovered. No one can count the number of stars in the sky, but one day, science will be more developed and will be counted.

Why are there more stars in summer than in winter?

Sometimes there are many stars in the sky, sometimes there are few. We see more stars in summer than in winter.

The stars are in the sky, but not every place has so many stars, but some places have many and some places have few. The Milky Way is the place with the largest concentration of stars, with about 1000 billion stars. We know that the earth revolves around the sun, and it happens to be a summer night when the earth runs between the sun and the galaxy belt with the most stars, so we see the most stars in summer; In other seasons, when the earth rotates between the sun and the Milky Way, sometimes it is day and sometimes it is morning, so we see fewer stars than in summer.

Why are there so many stars in the sky, but so few?

At night, when children look at the stars in the sky, sometimes there are many stars and sometimes there are few. Why?

It turns out that Xiaoxing is playing hide-and-seek with us! Whenever there are clouds in the sky, some small stars are covered by the clouds, hiding behind the clouds, out of sight of children, and there are fewer stars in the sky; When the weather is particularly clear at night, there is no cloud at all, and there is no place to hide the little stars. You can see it. At this time, when the child looks again, there will be more stars.

Why is there no one on the star?

The teacher said that the earth where we live is also a star. Are there people living on other planets? We know that people must have air, water and proper temperature to survive on this planet. Which planet has these three conditions, which planet may have people, and which planet will have people? It is still a mystery. People suspect that there may be planets similar to the earth among many planets, inhabited by astronauts, and try many ways to get in touch with astronauts. 1234 sent a telegram to the sky that might be an astronaut in computer language. 1233 sent a special record player and a set of records-the voice of the earth to the universe in a spaceship. I hope that cosmic people can reply in time, but it will be decades before they can reply, because cosmic people are too far away from the earth. We believe that with the development of science and technology, the mystery of cosmic man will be solved one day.

Why do we see stars in only one color?

When we look at the stars, they are all white, as if they were all white. In fact, the stars are colorful, and the light emitted by the stars is composed of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan and purple. The temperatures of the stars are different, some are very cold and some are very hot. The number of seven colors in the light emitted by the stars is different, so the colors of the stars are different. The blue star is the hottest, the white star is also hot, and the red orange star has a lower temperature.

We can know the temperature of the stars by their colors.

Stars are all kinds of colors, so the night sky should be colorful. Why are they all white highlights? This is because the stars are too far away from us. It takes more than four years for the light from the nearest star to reach the earth, and it takes decades or even hundreds of years, thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, so we look at the stars as if they are just a small white bright spot.

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