Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 4500-ton frigates should also be equipped with YJ2 1.

4500-ton frigates should also be equipped with YJ2 1.

4500-ton frigates should also be equipped with YJ2 1.

Unconsciously, the 4500-ton frigate, which has the ability of vertical hair, regional air defense, anti-missile and anti-submarine, and its own task force command ability, is approaching 40 immediately. It has become the cluster active frigate group with the largest total volume and combat effectiveness in the world.

After all, the superpower navy has no conventional frigates. The launch of the constellation-class first ship is still far away; On the contrary, the 7000-ton 054B is about to be launched. In the early days, this batch of nearly 40 054A series can be used as the absolute surface main force of any second-and third-rate navy in active service.

The problem is that among the long-eared people, it has gradually been "squeezed out" to the ranks of daily marginal handyman, and even no longer has the basic qualification to be included in the aircraft carrier strike group to fight in the distant ocean.

The fundamental reason is that there will only be more and more conventional shield ships and 054B with strong anti-submarine capability. 13000 tons 055 is not enough; 17,000-ton 055A or even larger models will soon be handed over, resulting in a "good-looking" 4,500-ton drooping frigate that can't even rank as a class 4 ship.

If you don't work hard, you may really become a "handyman" on duty in non-key waters. However, the age of these 40 frigates is very new, and most of them are less than 15 years, all of which belong to the state of surface ships. It should be upgraded appropriately to quickly improve its basic combat effectiveness.

The fastest and most effective upgrade is to improve its air defense, anti-missile and anti-ship combat strength. It's easier said than done. The HHQ 16 missile with a maximum range of less than 50 kilometers can be upgraded to a new model with a maximum operational radius of 160 kilometers soon.

This regional air defense and anti-missile capability is directly in line with the 052D series. The most important thing is to see what kind of missiles anti-ship needs to upgrade. The existing 054A is still dominated by eight C803A missiles launched obliquely. Although this subsonic sea-skimming anti-ship missile still belongs to the first-class existence among similar missiles in the world in terms of range, power and hit rate.

However, compared with the YJ2 1 series on 052D and 055 series, it can be said that it is not the product of an era at all. YJ2 1 It takes only 5 minutes at most from launch to hitting a large enemy ship including an enemy aircraft carrier1x00km away, and it is killed in one blow.

However, the maximum combat distance of the 803A series is less than one third of that of YJ2 1, and it is impossible to strike targets thousands of kilometers away. In this way, there is a huge disconnect between the main aegis and the main frigate group in anti-ship capability.

The problem is that if YJ2 1 is used on a large scale, it will be a quasi-world war or a century naval battle. Despite the absolute advantage, we should prepare for the worst. After all, wars between world powers are sudden and unpredictable. It is not absolutely impossible to temporarily withdraw from the battle sequence if a sneak attack causes a large-scale loss of Aegis ships.

In line with the scientific attitude of tempering justice with mercy, if the main fleet is damaged on a large scale. At this time, it is necessary to quickly fill up the 40 second-class frigates on the second line. However, if the anti-ship capability of the 4,500-ton frigate is completely different from that of the 7,700-ton Aegis, it is definitely unacceptable.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider how to quickly equip YJ2 1 to 054A. The existing 32 short hair is obviously not good. However, the eight inclined launching positions don't care much about the diameter and length of the new missile.

Just add a small program to the existing YJ2 1 and turn after take-off, and a large-scale dumping launch can be realized. 40 054A ships are enough to carry 320 YJ2 1 oblique launches. How many people in the world are not afraid?