Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - First half: He Han fell in love with Luo Zijun? No, that's just the second Tang Jing.

First half: He Han fell in love with Luo Zijun? No, that's just the second Tang Jing.

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With the popularity of the TV series "My First Half Life", the emotional line between men and women is becoming more and more intriguing.

In the play, Luo Zijun, the heroine played by Ma Yili, was abandoned by her ex-husband, and was forced to change from a pampered rich woman to a salesgirl who looked at people's faces.

In the process of Luo Zijun's job search and growth step by step, Tang Jing played by her best friend Yolanda and He Han, the boss and boyfriend of Tang Jing played by Jin Dong, gave her great help.

Who knows, in the long run, Luo Zijun and He Han fell in love.

What is even bloodier is that He Han, an old oil slick, seems to know what "true love" is when he meets Luo Zijun. For Luo Zijun, Tang Jing, who had been in love for ten years, was brutally rejected.

However, does He Han really love Luo Zijun? Or, He Han, does he love Luo Zijun as a "person"?

We might as well ask first, did He Han love Tang Jing?


After graduating from graduate school, Tang Jing joined He Han's team. Under the guidance of He Han, she gradually grew into a pivotal figure in Shanghai's top consulting company. Such achievements are rare among women.

The ten years of Tang Jing's career is also a decade intertwined with He Han's love and hate. The relationship between two people is on and off, which makes people very confused-lovers, unmarried friends, you know.

Ten years later, Tang Jing, who was tired and unloved, decided to take a one-year rotation to tidy up his body and mind. She entrusted her newly re-employed best friend Luo Zijun to He Han.

Although the melon eaters headed by Luo Zijun tried their best to create opportunities, He Han never showed the intention of retaining them, so he watched Tang Jing go.

Why is this happening? Because both Tang Jing and He Han know that their relationship will continue, even in another ten years, the end will not be marriage.

He Han himself said, "One day, either I leave or she leaves, and there will be an end between me and her."

Men and women are the same, cooking, preparing vegetables, cooking and adding seasonings in one go. If you accidentally catch it, it won't taste like that when you cook it later.


These two people, like He Han and Tang Jing, can lead such a life and are among the best among middle-aged people.

So, honest but unexpectedly derailed Chen asked:

I can't understand how you feel. You said that Tang Jing loves you, and everyone in the world knows that unless you don't love her, but if so, why did you give her so many fantasies for so many years?

False but unmarried He Han said:

Speaking of which, she is my student and I am her teacher. When she first came to practice, she asked five or six other people.

But from then on, I began to like her and taught her bit by bit. I didn't know where I got such good patience. She is smarter and more motivated than I thought.

But I don't know whether I should be happy or worried, because I found myself out of control of her.

This is an incredible answer. What do you mean, uncontrollable? You like someone, but only if you can control her.

So, wussy but accidentally derailed Chen asked again:

Don't their occupations coincide? Why else would I kick Luo Zijun, who is well maintained, to find Lingling, a working woman? ! )

He Han, who is hypocritical but in love for ten years and not married, said again:

You got married before me. You should know better than me that getting married is a very specific thing. If I marry Tang Jing, someone will definitely contribute more time to this family. Who could it be? Me or Tang Jing?

If we want to have children, Tang Jing will delay more time, have a child and spend more time and energy with him. How to distribute it?

Tang Jing, of course, you would say. But I tell you, even if she thinks so herself, I can't bear to part with it.

Because you didn't see how hard she worked along the way, I did; You don't know how hard she worked to get her now and make you look effortless. I know.

This answer is also very problematic. He obviously didn't give Tang Jing a chance to enter the family, but now he says he can't bear to let Tang Jing enter the family, but what does Tang Jing think? Does he have the right to decide Tang Jing's life?


He Han's answers to Chen's two questions are in the same strain-

His love for Tang Jing is to cultivate, manage and control, but Tang Jing's life must be staged according to his ideas.

Tang Jing dances in his hands. He is very pleasing to the eye. Once out of control, he will hide.

As a result, Chen, who was honest but accidentally derailed, was deceived:

I really didn't expect you to think so much.

So, hypocritical but not married for ten years He Han simply admitted:

She is more like one of my works.

You know, I have done countless good cases, but all of them, all of them, can't be called my most proud works. My favorite work is Tang Jing. Do you think I love her or not?

Do you say you love her or not? Love, that is love. It's like a paper that I worked so hard to search for documents and materials, and I almost loved it. I'm in a hurry if anyone can't tell.

But am I going to marry it? Should I share my life with it? number

Moreover, when I have better data and write better articles, I will cherish the latter without hesitation.

Similarly, in He Han's eyes, Tang Jing is just a work and an object. He likes Tang Jing as much as we like our summer homework.

He himself said: "There are many smart and virtuous good wives, and there is only one in Tang Jing. I hope she can be better and more perfect!" "

The so-called better and more perfect here is the attribute of a work and an object, not as a person, a woman or a girlfriend.

This is Tang Jing's sorrow. She tried to grow into a big tree, but He Han only hoped that she was a potted plant.


So, does He Han love Luo Zijun? The answer is also obvious.

Luo Zijun, just the second Tang Jing, is another work. Luo Zijun worked hard in the workplace. He Han told her more than once: You are more and more like Tang Jing.

He Han, on the other hand, just loves his own works, loves the creative process and enjoys the fun of being someone else's life mentor.

If Luo Zijun and Tang Jing must compete, it's like He Han himself said:

Like Tang Jing, he was assigned to He Han's men as soon as he graduated, and only a few of them came up step by step by their own efforts.

And Luo Zijun, who has been a housewife for several years and re-entered the workplace, is really the first one.

So, such a poor foundation can be cultivated by He Hanpei into a character like Tang Jing. He Han gained a greater sense of accomplishment in Luo Zijun-making him mistake it for true love.

He Han, Tang Jing and Luo Zijun are never equal in personality. Just like a god, he created two people in his own image and praised: You are more and more like me. Come on, you will be eligible for my favor.

In fact, man is always a man, and God is always a god-this insurmountable gap has been dormant in He Han's heart.


Writing here, it seems that I interpret He Han as a dark and terrible guy who treats women as puppets. Don't worry, that's not the case.

He Han didn't mean to control each other, but lacked the ability of "equal love". Everything in his life must be controlled. Therefore, in intimate relationships, it is also difficult for him to appreciate each other's independent personality.

"He Philosophy" has a rich theoretical system, and He Han demands that everything in the world should operate in this theory, including people. Once beyond this system, He Han's attitude is to escape-just like facing Tang Jing who is growing too fast.

So He Han is the saddest person in the whole play.

As far as his career is concerned, he is undoubtedly successful. In his prime, he has been a partner of a consulting company for a long time, a luxury car, with considerable income and extensive contacts. In the workplace pyramid, He Han has reached the top.

Outside of work, He Han has only three major events in his life: eating fish, exercising and guiding others.

Eating fish must be the best fish, either just fished out of the sea or just flown in.

To exercise, you must wear a self-righteous and practical rustic sportswear-Luo Zijun saw it, and so did the audience.

He Han Zhi is very knowledgeable and capable. He drew himself a big circle and built it into an iron wall. He makes the rules of the game in it and strictly abides by them. Within this circle, he is very comfortable and comfortable. This is his kingdom.

Many people respect him because their circle is not as big as He Han's. But some people's circles are changing and growing, and He Han's circle is stubborn, and everything in the circle must run under his control.

This is He Han's weakness.


If we must say where Luo Zijun is stronger than Tang Jing, it is that Luo Zijun can treat He Han more equally and understand He Han's weakness better.

At first, both of them decided by telling the judge about it. When Luo Zijun sees He Han, he always makes fun of his style.

When Tang Jingyuan went to Hong Kong, Luo Zijun complained that He Han didn't keep Tang Jing, saying:

You're pretending to let go, but you can't let go at all.

You are full of confidence in what you can control, people and lifestyle, and adopt an ostrich policy for what you can't control.

As for you, you disdain to talk about marriage for the woman you control, and you dare not talk about marriage for the woman you can't control.

This is by far the most accurate evaluation of He Han.

If He Han falls in love with Luo Zijun because Luo Zijun knows his weaknesses better and can gradually face up to them in front of her and face and overcome them together, then this logic is perfect.

Unfortunately, He Han is still the Almighty King in the play, and he still disdains Zijun's criticism.

In fact, after ten years together, she is as clever as Tang Jing. What happened to He Han? Can she not know?

Only in love, the one who loves more is always humble. It's not that Tang Jing doesn't understand, but that she can't say it.

So, Tang Jing is also very clear that there is only one reason why He Han doesn't marry her, and that is not enough love. Or, it's not love at all.


I hope this is the end of the story.

No matter at work or in life, He Han suffered some changes, which made him confused, lonely and helpless and realized that he was not a god.

And this time, someone saved him, Luo Zijun, even Xue Dajian, everyone is kind, saved him, saved him with his own personality, not with any skills and skills he taught-

At this time, He Han understands that everyone is equal to him. Even Luo Zijun before the divorce, even Luo Ziqun and Bai Guang at the bottom of society, and even Wei Wei, a slut, He Han is not much better than the other party.

Then fall in love!