Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Susan miller, an American witch, predicted the constellation August. Who can give it to me?

Susan miller, an American witch, predicted the constellation August. Who can give it to me?

Capricorn 2065438+August 2002 Fortune In the past two years, your life must have undergone tremendous changes, including one or more subsequent changes: a key relationship, your health, life arrangements, and your work or work environment. You may welcome the news very much. August is a peaceful and quiet month. Use this month to engage in your favorite activities and interesting plans, because you don't have to worry about being blown off track at important moments. You can be efficient, provided that you focus on unfinished business. Now is not a good time to start anything.

Cancer's eclipse (9 degrees) on July 1 day brings the growth of your intimate romantic relationship or business relationship last month, if you were born on February 30 +65438 plus or minus five days. If you have a planet or your ascent is in Cancer, Aries, Libra or Capricorn (4- 14 degrees), you may also feel this eclipse. If you have these birth dates or these important planets in your chart, and you didn't notice the news of last month, radical news may come when Mars passes through the solar eclipse in the sky on August 16- 17.

Now, with the beginning of August-no matter what day you were born-you will find that the activities around you are slowing down. Mercury, which represents communication and business, will take a nap. From August 2 to August 26, Mercury was retrograde for almost the whole month.

Now the talks will be postponed, and when you move on, you may change your mind about some action. It will be difficult to get high-level answers and recognition. Even so, let nature take its course, and don't force an answer now. Nothing is stable until Mercury returns to a straight line on August 26th. It is wise to wait for a period of time until the brilliant new moon comes to Virgo on August 28th. This is a very special new moon, and I think it will be your brightest diamond this year-a gift from the universe. It wisely knows not to approach the beginning and end of Mercury's retrograde cycle. You will have time to wait this month, because you won't lose anything in hesitation, and you can make up for yourself elsewhere.

If you need to make a deal during Mercury's awkward period, you can only renegotiate the deal later, and you may even do so-maybe you will change the direction of things and give up the deal in order to reduce losses. You may dramatically change your condition and make it completely different, but it won't be obvious. In fact, it's easy to make you feel that everything is safe and stable. They're not. In the future, you will see that some conditions used in your decision will be effective in the future. If you make a deal, you will regret being so hasty in the future (Susan Miller 2065438+Capricorn fortune in August 2002).

Make sure you don't lose anything in August-mark all your business cards, even your laptop. Please think carefully about where you put your things, because you will be very easily distracted this month. You shouldn't buy anything expensive, especially electronic products, because Mercury is in charge of electronic products and all mechanical moving parts.

In the first half of this month, you will be involved in financial affairs. The new moon that just happened a few days ago on July 30th will be particularly powerful in the first two weeks, and it will light up your eighth house about other people's money. You may want to check your insurance, you need to know that you are covered, and check your agent's phone bill to make sure your plan is correct. This is a good time to focus on ongoing financial affairs instead of starting a new financial plan.

You may plan to openly negotiate a new contract or divorce property division. You may be ready to apply for a loan, credit line, scholarship, mortgage or capital restructuring plan. Generally speaking, this is a good time to start.

The problem is that Mercury will retrograde in the same financial house we are talking about. This means that you will have three outcomes: 1) You will never make a deal, 2) You will find some mistakes in the documents signed later, and 3) You will receive the information that you have made a bad deal later. In any case, the deal will not be in your favor. Now is not the time to apply and sign.

However, sometimes you have no choice but to sign and move on. In these cases, you should do your best to be alert that you will be sad if you send it wrong, but even so, something will slip away quietly. This is what I met during the water reversal. I want to change the rent of the apartment I rented, which is a good deal from the landlord to the tenant. I signed my mortgage agreement with the bank before my apartment was officially closed. This is the retrograde cycle of Mercury, but I have no choice. My landlord wants every tenant to have a suitable mortgage before the deadline (thank goodness, Mercury won't go backwards then). If I don't sign it, I have to move out.

I signed it, but the bank called me two months later and said that they had made a huge mistake of $20,000 on my mortgage. Can you give me a check to replace this money? I told the bank that there is no extra $20,000 in my bank account-I can't do it, so what can we do now? They said, "Well, it's our fault, so we will attach an extra mortgage. You need to pay $65,438+$0,000 every month for 20 months." The news gives me the willies, but I have to agree. At that time, I was a single mother who had no children to raise and had to pay for her children's college expenses by herself. I have no experience in paying mortgage and ordinary handling fees, and they are higher than my previous rent, in the same apartment. The news that the bank made a mistake frightened me. I have experienced such a nightmare period, and I still shudder when I think about it. Banks can make mistakes-even such a big bank with a long history and good reputation.

Mercury retrograde will often bite you, sooner or later. My daughter signed the lease of her apartment in Los Angeles during Mercury retrograde, thinking, "This is just to renew the lease." But the landlord suddenly sold her house and told her that she had to move out within a month. At this point, she only has a four-month lease. She bought more time, but she had to move out at once. Moving is expensive, but my sweetheart Diana is lucky to find a place she likes. How to do it better. It's best to wait until August 28th or later to sign your name. If not, keep your eyes open.

August 1 1 may be a difficult day for your relationship (business or love), dear Capricorn, when Pluto in Capricorn will be in opposition to Mars in Cancer. On this day, you and your partner may have a fierce conflict, and you may be angered by what you hear from your partner. See how you feel. Today is not the day to choose to reach an agreement with your opponent or partner/cooperator. Keep silent and see what happens. Try not to overreact, but it will be difficult.

Financial considerations will come again, this is the end time, in August 13 full moon, plus or minus five days. Check the facts and figures before you write any big check. Neptune will be near this full moon, which will confuse important information. Your second house of labor income will be lit up, so you may buy valuables or pay a big check that you know you should pay. Another possibility is that if your boss promised you a raise some time ago-if so, you may get it near the full moon on August 13. As you can see, Mercury may get an extra allowance during retrograde. )

August 18 is a super rich day. You can sell an idea to your customers. You may need an agent to help you. When Mars is in your seventh house, it will provide you with an important collaborator.

If you have a timetable, look at the beginning of this month. I also like the signal that you will trade with Uranus on August 1 day-you will hear good news about money on this day. You can put a star on that day.

Once the sun enters Virgo on August 23rd, this month will be greatly improved. Virgo, like you, is an earth sign and forms a harmonious angle with your Capricorn sun. Your mood will light up, and you will be happy that you don't have to deal with the finances that you have to deal with.

Pay attention to the new moon on August 28, it will be very good for you. Starting today, you will get a two-week travel opportunity, so if you want to take a vacation, this is a good time. Because your ninth house is lit up, you may travel overseas or go to a place far away from your city. August 2 1 day to September 15 will also be held in virgo, and you will be sure to succeed and enjoy your trip (even if you are on business).

Remember that Mercury will go straight on August 26th, two days before the new moon, so this new moon will open the way for you to do whatever you like. This is a good time for a holiday.

You may want to start a publishing or broadcasting project that you have heard of. If so, it will be a special thing. Academic pursuit will also shine, so if you are going to start a new semester in a university or graduate school, you will enjoy the courses you choose, which will help you in the future.

I am very excited about this new moon, because it will be in love with Virgo (5 degrees) where Venus and the sun are located and Jupiter (in your fifth house of creativity and love). Pluto is in Capricorn at this time, which is very good and represents your first house of personality and identity. What an extraordinary new moon it will be for you, the highest in 20 12 years! This new moon will emancipate your mind, let you produce all kinds of new ideas and thoughts, stimulate your creativity in some way, and let you show your artistic nature.

The ninth house where the new moon occurs is also in charge of philosophy, theology and religious beliefs, so the end of August is also an ideal time for great philosophers to retire or engage in research. This field in our chart makes me think about the mysteries of life and our place in the world. You may want to spend some time thinking about what life means to us and how you can make better contributions. Such a friendly and inspiring new moon will make you think in a big environment, and your thoughts may change you.

If you were born on February 28th, 65438, or plus or minus five days, you will benefit from this wonderful new moon to the greatest extent. Similarly, if you know that any planets in your chart fall at about 5 degrees in Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus and Scorpio (these constellations are 0- 10 degrees)-if so, you will also benefit.

Regarding romance, I like August 18, when Jupiter is in your house of true love and Mars is in your partner's house of marriage. Your long-term partner stimulated your nerves at the beginning of this month (maybe August 9th or 1 1). This day will be a sacred day, when everything will magically improve. I'm glad to report it again! It will be romantic!

Things will only get better and better. From August 2 1 to September 15, Venus will pass through Virgo, which is an excellent place for Venus to stay! On August 26th, when Mercury returns to a straight line, things will improve further, especially if you want to start a new relationship with someone-after that, you will enjoy better communication and be excited about a good start. You already know that I like the new moon on August 28th very much.

At the end of this month, Venus is in Virgo, and on August 30th, it connects Jupiter in Taurus at a perfect angle, which represents good luck. A holiday later this month will be an excellent way to light the fire of love. If you can travel, plan an adventure trip to a distant city. If you can't, at least do something together on this beautiful day of August 30th-a nice dinner and a stroll among the gold and silver flowers-to celebrate your love for each other.

If you don't have any special circumstances, then August 30th is for yourself-a salon massage or spa. At the end of August, the world will look very beautiful, dear Capricorn, and you will enjoy every minute of the next month.

★ Overview ★

Your finances need to be maintained, so sharpen your pencil and look at your accounts with a magnifying glass. You will find ways to reduce waste and gain benefits, because the energy of the new moon on July 30 will help you find ways to increase your wealth in early August.

On August 13, there will be more economic conditions under the full moon. Neptune in Aquarius is near this new moon. It may be difficult for you to find the truth from fiction, and some data may be lost or wrong. On the day before the full moon, Mars and Pluto will fight first, indicating that an emotional or business partner will bring you financial problems and oppose one or two of your decisions. This full moon marks a tense stage, but if you think the quarrel between you and your partner is right, you can quarrel without losing goodwill and destroying your relationship.

Mercury will retrograde from August 2 to 26, during which time we will all become sloppy, forgetful and careless. Maybe you may not be like this, but the outside world is changing. It is difficult to aim at any target because the target is always moving. If you decide and apply a certain set of standards, you will probably change your mind at the end of this month, and you will probably regret it.

If you need to fill in an application for credit line, loan, mortgage or current venture capital, please leave your documents in the house on Monday, August 29th. If you send it ahead of time, your efforts will be wasted to some extent, but later you will know that it is true.

Part of the sky this month will have a new moon on August 28th+two weeks later. By traveling abroad, studying in university and participating in many cultural activities overseas or in your city, it will open up many influences and make you feel refreshed. It's time to treat your mind with some shocking spiritual food. This is also an excellent holiday.

Venus will accompany this new moon, ensuring that romance and beauty are combined with travel, and can also help you find love or brew tenderness between you and the people in your life now.

On August 28 and two weeks later, Jupiter will be in your romantic house, aiming at Pluto in your sign and the sun, new moon and Venus in Virgo, your ninth house of long-distance travel, forming a shining connection! The signs of planets on the earth show that you will choose to go to a magnificent mountain range and provide spectacular scenery. Get there and let the forces of nature use her magical love!

★ Key date ★

Your most romantic time: August 1-2, 5-6, 14- 15, 20-2 1, 28-29.

The perfect angle between the sun and Saturn, your ruler, will give you a chance to stabilize your career and compensate you, especially if your work is related to drawing commissions or royalties on August 4.

August 1- 10 Set aside time to study your finances. The sooner you do this, the better, because you can find a new arrangement to reduce waste and bring in extra income.

On the full moon of August 13, you will be ready to send a lot of checks or end salary negotiations. No matter what happens, it will increase your safety.

Mercury is retrograde from August 2 to 26.

The new moon on August 28 will bring a special opportunity to travel. You should know that this is a good time for a holiday!

If you can't travel, you can consider going back to college or attending seminars. Studying your course choice may be very important for your future.

Venus will be in Virgo from August 2 1 day to September 14, which is an ideal reality to enjoy salons and spas, making you more charming and attractive.