Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What are the twinkling stars in the west at night?

What are the twinkling stars in the west at night?

You may be talking about three stars in Orion, but the brightest one is not Qi Ming, but Sirius.

In winter, looking south, in the mid-air of the east, it is easy to see three bright stars arranged neatly. People often say that "three stars are shining high" refers to these three stars. These three stars and four bright stars nearby form the center of the winter night sky-Orion. Orion has many bright stars and strange shapes. A long time ago, some people abroad imagined it as a hunter and thought that Samsung was his belt. This is why it is called Orion.

In the southeast of Orion, there is a dazzling bright star, that is Sirius, which is the brightest star in the whole day from the earth (of course, the planet may be brighter than it). In ancient times, it was said that "bow and shoot Sirius". Where is the bow? Further southeast of Sirius, you can see three little stars forming a triangle. In fact, you can also think of these three stars as a bow, isn't it similar?

Sirius is Alpha Canis, the brightest star in the whole day. Sirius is a binary star consisting of A and B, and Star A is the first bright star in the whole day, belonging to the main sequence blue dwarf. Star B, commonly known as Sirius companion, is a white dwarf star with a slightly larger mass than the sun and a smaller radius than the earth. Its substance is mainly in degenerate state, and its average density is about 3.8× 106/ cubic centimeter. The orbital period of satellites A and B is 50.090 0.056 years and the orbital eccentricity is 0.5923 0.0019. Sirius is 8.65 0.09 light years away. Whether Sirius is a near binary is related to the evolution of Sirius binary. It was recorded in ancient times that Sirius was red, which provided us with research clues. X-rays of Sirius were discovered in 1975. Some people think that it may be the thermal radiation in the deep atmosphere of almost pure hydrogen of Star B, while others think that it may be caused by the high temperature corona of Star A or Star B, which is still under study. According to the data of 1980, X-rays in the 0. 15 ~ 3.0 kV band of A and B were measured by the High Energy Observatory No.2 satellite, and it was found that the X-rays of B were much stronger than that of A. ..