Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Survival skills

Survival skills

Survival in the wild means that people live in the jungles of Shan Ye without shelter. Special forces, scouts, airborne troops, marines, soldiers who lost contact with the troops in the battle, and wrecked aircrew, in isolated enemy lines or unfamiliar wilderness jungles and islands, in the case of cutting off equipment, they need bottom-up skills in the field. Here are some simple common sense of survival in the wild.


Field survival skills

Other skills


Field survival skills

Other skills


Edit this paragraph of field survival skills.

Pinpoint the direction

In the absence of topographic maps, compasses and other standard equipment, soldiers should master some methods to judge the direction by using natural characteristics.

Using the sun to determine the position is very simple.

You can use a pole (straight pole) to make it perpendicular to the ground, and put a stone at the vertex A of the pole shadow; After about 10 minutes, when the shadow vertex of the benchmark moves to B, put another stone. Connect point A and point B into a straight line, and the direction of this straight line is the east-west direction. The direction perpendicular to the AB line is the north-south direction, and the end facing the sun is the south.

Judge the direction by pointing to the sun. The method is as follows: when the watch is placed horizontally, the position indicated by the hour hand (24-hour clock) is halved against the sun, and the direction indicated by 12 on the dial is roughly north. If the time is 16, the scale of the watch at 8 o'clock points to the sun, and the time of 12 refers to the north.

When the weather is clear at night, you can use Polaris to determine the direction. To find the North Star, we must first find Ursa Major (we call it the Big Dipper). Constellation consists of seven stars, and it starts like a spoon. After the Big Dipper was found, it extended to the spoon mouth along the line connecting the two stars A and B on the spoon edge, which was about five times the distance between the two stars A and B. The brighter star was Polaris. The direction indicated by Polaris is the north. You can also use Andromeda opposite the Big Dipper to find the North Star. Cassiopeia consists of five stars with the same brightness as the Big Dipper. It is shaped like a W, which is about twice the width of the whole gap in front of the middle of the W-shaped gap, and the Polaris can be found.

It is an auxiliary method to determine the orientation by using the features of ground objects. Use it flexibly according to different situations. Independent trees usually have lush leaves and smooth bark in the south. The annual ring line on the stump is usually thin in the south and dense in the north. The front doors of houses, windows and temples in rural areas generally face south. Snow in buildings, mounds, ridges and highlands usually melts quickly in the south and slowly in the north. The big rocks, mounds and trees in the south are densely vegetated, while the moss is easy to grow in the north.

When you get lost in the wild, don't panic, but stop immediately, always remember the road you have traveled calmly, try to reorient yourself according to all possible signs, and then find the road. The most reliable way is to get lost and go back to the original starting point.

After losing your way in the mountains, you must first climb high and look far, and judge which direction you should go. Usually, you should walk in the direction of low terrain, so it is easy to touch the water source, and it is safest to walk along the river, which is especially important in the forest. Because roads and residential areas are often built by waterfront and rivers.

If you meet a fork in the road, there are many roads that make you feel at a loss. You must first make clear the direction you want to take, and then choose the right road. If the directions of several roads are roughly the same and cannot be determined, then take the middle road first, so as to make ends meet, and even if you take the wrong road, you will not deviate too far.

Crossing complex terrain

In order to avoid getting lost, save physical strength and improve the speed of traveling in mountainous areas, we should try our best to avoid taking roads, forests, mountains and paths. If there is no road, you can choose to travel on the longitudinal ridge, mountainside, the edge of rivers and streams, and the terrain with high trees, large drop and low grass. We should strive to walk on the beam instead of the ditch, and walk vertically instead of horizontally.

When marching, you can take a big step without taking a small step. In this way, dozens of kilometers down, you can save a lot of steps. When you are tired, you should take a walk and have a rest. When climbing rocks, we should carefully observe the rocks, carefully identify the quality and weathering degree of the rocks, and determine the direction and route of climbing.

The basic method of rock climbing is the "three-point fixation" method, that is, after both hands and one foot or two feet are fixed with one hand, the remaining hand or one foot is moved to move the center of gravity up. Hands and feet should be coordinated to avoid moving at two points at the same time. Be sure to be steady, light and fast, choose the most suitable distance and the most stable fulcrum according to your own situation, and don't grab or push too far across big strides.

Climbing a hillside below 30 degrees can rise in a straight line. When climbing, your body leans forward slightly, your feet are all on the ground, your knees are bent, and your feet are exposed in a figure of eight. Don't walk too fast. When the slope is greater than 30 degrees, zigzag climbing route is generally adopted. When climbing a mountain, your legs are slightly bent, your upper body leans forward, your inner toes lean forward, your feet touch the ground, and your outer toes are slightly outward. When you accidentally slip on the road, you should immediately face the hillside, spread your arms but straighten your legs, and tilt your toes to make your body move up as much as possible to reduce the sliding speed. In this way, you can try to find climbing and supporting objects in the slide. Never sit facing outward, because it will not only slide faster, but also roll easily on steep slopes.

Rivers are common obstacles in mountainous and plain areas. Don't rush into the water when you meet a river. You should observe carefully before you decide where and how to cross the river. Rivers in mountainous areas are usually fast-flowing, with low water temperature and uneven riverbed. When crossing the river, in order to keep your body balanced, you should support it in the upstream direction of the water, or hold a stone weighing 15 ~ 20kg. When crossing in groups, three or four people can line up and hold each other's shoulders, with the strongest body in the upstream direction.

Collect food

There are two main ways to get food in the wild. One is hunting wild animals, and the other is collecting wild plants.

To hunt wild animals, we must first understand their habitats and grasp their life rules, and then adopt methods such as pressure catching, trapping, trapping and shooting. This needs to be mastered through long-term training and practice under the guidance of experts. Here is a brief introduction to the species and eating methods of edible insects and edible wild plants.

The insects that people are eating in the world are snails, earthworms, ants, cicadas, cockroaches, crickets, butterflies, locust seeds, grasshoppers, lake flies, spiders, mantises and so on. Although people are not used to eating insects, and even feel disgusted, they don't try in order to maintain their lives, combat effectiveness and complete their tasks as a last resort. However, it should be noted that it should be cooked or roasted thoroughly to prevent parasites in insects from entering the human body and causing poisoning or illness.

Common edible insects are locusts; Baked, boiled and fried with soy sauce; Mantis: Roast or stir-fry after removing wings, or cook. Dragonfly: eat after dry frying: cicada: eat raw or dry frying, and larvae can also be eaten; Scolopendra: dry fried, but it tastes bad; Anoplophora longicorn: larvae can be eaten raw or roasted; Ant: fried food, delicious; Spider: remove feet to bake food; Termites: they can be eaten raw or fried; Dendrolimus punctatus: baked food.

Edible wild plants include edible wild fruits, wild vegetables, algae, lichens, mushrooms and ferns. The identification of edible wild plants is the main content of bottom-up knowledge in this field. China has a vast territory and is suitable for all kinds of plants, of which about 2,000 are edible. Common edible wild fruits in China are: Vitis amurensis, Sapium sebiferum, Blackberry, Seabuckthorn, Torch Fruit, Myrtle, Elaeagnus Elaeagnus, Vaccinium bracteatum, Phyllanthus emblica and so on. Especially wild chestnuts, coconuts and papaya are easy to identify and are good food for emergency survival. Common wild vegetables are bitter herbs, dandelion, houttuynia cordata, purslane, thorn grass, shepherd's purse, wild amaranth, broom, water chestnut, lotus, reed, moss and so on. Wild vegetables can be eaten raw, fried, boiled or soaked in boiling water.

But the average person needs to be trained for a certain period of time under the guidance of experts to master this knowledge. Here is a simple method to identify the toxicity of wild plants in case of emergency. Usually cut a small hole in the collected plants, put a pinch of salt, and then carefully observe whether to change the original color. Usually, discolored plants are inedible.

Fourth, the method of obtaining drinking water.

There are usually two ways to get drinking water: one is to dig underground water, and the other is to purify surface water. We only introduce the method of obtaining drinking water from surface water.

Rainwater can be drunk directly at ordinary times. When it rains, you can use ponchos and plastic sheets to collect rainwater in large quantities, or you can use containers such as empty cans, cups and helmets to collect rainwater.

In the absence of reliable drinking water and inspection equipment, the water quality can be roughly identified according to its color, taste, temperature and water trace.

Field survival skills: finding and collecting water

3. When drinking concave water, be sure to disinfect the precipitate before boiling.

4. Collecting rainwater: Digging a hole in the ground, spreading a layer of plastic and enclosing it with clay can effectively collect rainwater.

6. Follow the trail of animals, birds, insects or humans to find water.

Wildfire of survival skills in the wild

The use of sleeping bags

Sleeping in a sleeping bag is tricky. People who "can't sleep" will feel cold at low temperature (MINUS 5 degrees), even if they use cold sleeping bags (MINUS 35 degrees). So how can they sleep warmer? When using sleeping bags, there are many external factors that will affect the performance of sleeping bags. It should be noted that the sleeping bag itself is not hot, it only effectively reduces the loss of body temperature, and the following situation will help you sleep warmer.

▲ Shelter from wind and moisture

In the wild, sheltered tents can provide a warm sleeping environment. When choosing a camp, don't choose the valley bottom, which is the gathering place of cold air, and try to avoid the ridges or valleys that bear strong winds. A good damp-proof pad can effectively separate the sleeping bag from the cold and wet ground, and the inflation effect is better. You need two ordinary moistureproof mats in the snow.

▲ Keep the sleeping bag dry.

The water absorbed by sleeping bags mainly comes from the human body instead of the outside world. Even in extremely cold conditions, the human body will still expel at least a small glass of water during sleep. Thermal insulation cotton will stick when it is wet, lose its elasticity and reduce its thermal insulation ability. If the sleeping bag is used for several days continuously, it is best to dry it in the sun. Frequent cleaning of sleeping bags can keep the elasticity of thermal insulation cotton.

▲ Wear more clothes.

Some soft clothes can also be used as thick pajamas Filling the gap between people and sleeping bags can also enhance the warmth of sleeping bags.

▲ Warm up before going to bed

The human body is the heat source of sleeping bags. If you do a short warm-up exercise or drink a hot drink before going to bed, your body temperature will rise slightly, which will help shorten the heating time of your sleeping bag.

Standing first aid kit

No one can predict what will happen in the wild. First aid kit can prolong your life, so be sure to carry it with you.

The first aid kit contains the following basic first aid items:

① bandage

Different widths and materials are used to deal with different areas and different types of damage.

Generally speaking, there are:

Gauze roll bandage: suitable for treating common wounds, mainly used to fix dressings.

Elastic scroll bandage: elastic, not only can be used to treat wounds, but also can be used to treat common injuries such as strain, sprain and varicose veins, which can fix injured limbs and reduce swelling.

Triangle towel: Triangle towel can be used in full width or folded into bandages with different widths. Usually used as a hand hanger to support upper limbs.

② dressing

Made of several layers of gauze, the texture is flexible. Mainly used to cover wounds and absorb secretions; Wounds with more bleeding and secretions can be thickened and covered.

③ cosmetic bag

The dressing bag consists of a cotton pad and a bandage roll. Cover the wound with a cotton pad (dressing) and then fix it with the attached scroll bandage.

(4) Disinfectant

This paper introduces the uses of several commonly used disinfectants:

1. gentian violet (purple potion): accelerate wound scabbing and wound healing.

2. Mercury chloride (mercuric chloride): it protects the wound and has antibacterial effect.

3. Alcohol and iodine: used for surface disinfection of non-mucosal wounds. Can not be used for disinfection of broken wounds.

4. Hydrogen peroxide: used for basic disinfection of contaminated mucosa or broken wounds.

⑤ Clean cotton balls

Used for cleaning wounds, dipped in disinfectant when using.

⑥ Disinfection belt

Usually used to treat small wounds. Before sticking the tape, make sure that the skin around the wound is dry and clean, otherwise it will not stick firmly.

⑦ Tape

Used for fixing dressing, roller bandage or triangular bandage.

8 all kinds of pills

Such as Contac, Ganmaotong, Berberine, Niuhuang Jiedu Tablet, Bilitong, Huoxiang Zhengqi Pill, stomach medicine, etc.

Pet-name ruby snake medicine

Vacuum extractor, Shanghai snake medicine, Ji Desheng snake medicine.

Join others.

Eye drops, flower oil, hemostatic paste, cooling oil, expelling wind oil, etc.

Survival skills in the wild-how to find the right way

As long as there is the sun, you can find the position with your watch.

Looking for water and collecting water

1. When drinking concave water, be sure to sterilize the precipitate before boiling it.

2. Collecting rainwater: Digging a hole in the ground, spreading a layer of plastic and enclosing it with clay can effectively collect rainwater.

3. Follow the trail of animals, birds, insects or humans to find water.

Edit other tips for this paragraph.

Field survival skills: finding and collecting water.

Life is inseparable from water. Normal people can live for three weeks without food and three days without water, so water should be given priority. Here are some tips to help you find or collect water quickly in the wild.

1. The first choice for finding water is the bottom of the valley. In order to find water on the high mountain, we should find it along the rock cracks and dry up the river.

Spring water is often dug in bed sand and gravel areas.

2. On the coast, if you want to dig a pit above the highest waterline, it is likely that a layer of leached water with a thickness of about 5 cm will float on the dense seawater layer.

3. When drinking concave water, be sure to disinfect the precipitate before boiling.

4. Collecting rainwater: Digging a hole in the ground, spreading a layer of plastic and enclosing it with clay can effectively collect rainwater.

5. Condensed water: put plastic bags on twigs with dense leaves, and leaves will produce condensed water by transpiration.

6. Follow the trail of animals, birds, insects or humans to find water.

7. Draw water from plants: hollow plants such as bamboo often have water in internodes, vines often have drinkable juice, and the fruits and stems of palm and cactus plants are rich in water.

8. Solar distiller: In arid desert areas, water can be collected by digging a pit with a width of about 90 cm and a depth of 45 cm on the relatively humid ground, placing a water collector in the center of the pit bottom, and hanging an arc-shaped plastic film on the surface of the pit. The light energy raises the temperature of the moist soil and air in the pit, and evaporates to generate water vapor, which condenses into water drops when contacting with the plastic film and slides down the container.


What can fire do? Cooking food. That's right. It also has many uses: the flame releases heat to produce warmth, which will save the heat loss in the body; You can dry clothes; Bacon can keep fresh for a long time; Can scare away dangerous beasts; Its smoke can drive away pests and forge metal tools ... awesome, I'll teach you a few tricks and learn to survive in the wild.

The first thing is to find flammable kindling: such as hay, dried leaves, birch bark, pine needles, turpentine, twigs, paper, cotton and so on.

Secondly, choose dry wood: dry wood should choose dry and uncorrupted trunk or branch. Try to choose hardwood such as pine, oak, oak, birch, locust, cherry, apricot, etc., which will burn for a long time, cause a big fire and contain more carbon. Don't pick up firewood near the ground. The firewood near the ground is wet, not easy to burn and full of smoke.

The next step is to clear a flat clearing away from the wind, away from hay and dry wood. Put the kindling in the middle, and gently add fine pine branches, fine dry wood, etc. On it, put up a bigger and longer firewood and light the fire. According to local conditions, the setting of the fire can be designed as cone, star, parallel, side by side, roof, pasture and so on. You can also support dry wood with stones under the rock wall or lean against the rock wall, and then place a leader below and light it. Generally, a pit with a diameter of about 1 m and a depth of about 30 cm is dug in the air-raid shelter. If the ground is hard enough to dig a hole, you can also find some stones to form a circle, and the size of the circle depends on the size of the fire. Then put the team leader in the middle of the circle, put some dry wood on it, and light the team leader to light the dry wood to form a bonfire. If the fire is about to burn out before the dry wood is lit, you should continue to add fire from the gap of the dry wood until the dry wood is burned out, instead of re-igniting the wood.

Finally, it is best to light a bonfire at the water's edge, or prepare some dirt, sand, moss, etc. By the campfire, so as to put out the fire in time.

Find the right path

The skills of finding the right route must be accumulated through the usual field activities. For example, I usually get into the habit of consulting maps and compasses at any time, and at the same time actively observe the surrounding terrain and surrounding plants to judge the correct position.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, which is the most basic way to tell the direction. You can also use the stick shadow method to measure. When the sun is enough to form a shadow, erect a straight stick (1 m or more) on the flat ground and put a stone (or other mark) on the shadow of the wooden stick. The shadow of the stick will move with the sun. After 30-60 minutes, put another stone on the shadow top of the stick again. Then draw a straight line between the two stones, and draw a straight line perpendicular to it in the middle of this straight line. Then step on the first mark with your left foot and the second mark with your right foot. At this time, the front of the standing person is due north, the back is due south, the right hand is east, and the left hand is west.

If you get lost on a cloudy day, you can know your position by the growth of moss on trees or stones. As far as the trees in the northern hemisphere are concerned, the leafy side is the south. If you cut down a tree, the side with wide rings and wet moss is the north.

Use stars: In the northern hemisphere, Polaris is usually the target. The key to using Polaris to identify the direction at night lies in finding Polaris accurately in the vast sea of stars. There are many ways to know Polaris. Here is a simple and effective method:

First, look for the Big Dipper (A) in the shape of the Big Dipper, and extend the interval between two stars on the handle of the Big Dipper by five times. Then you can find the North Star (D) on this straight line. Generally speaking, the stars on these two handles are called key planets. If you can't see the Big Dipper, go to the opposite constellation (B), which is made up of five stars. They look like the shapes of English letters M or W leaning to one side. Draw a straight line from a star in Hou Xian constellation, and you will find that the distance from Polaris to Polaris is almost the same as that from the Big Dipper. The direction of Polaris is due north.

Look at the direction with a watch: I want to know the direction but I don't have a compass in my hand. In this case, as long as there is the sun, you can find the position with your watch.

Put the matchstick vertically on the ground, then put the watch horizontally on the ground and overlap the shadow of the matchstick with a short needle. The middle between the surface 12 point direction and the scale indicated by the short needle is south, and the opposite is north.

If there are no matches, you can also use twigs to make the shadows more accurate. Remember to wear a watch if you are engaged in challenging survival activities. At this time, an ordinary watch is more valuable than an electronic watch. Because the hour hand and minute hand on an ordinary watch will become an important survival tool when necessary.