Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - A poem about starry fantasy

A poem about starry fantasy

1. Write a poem about the starry sky (with imagination): 1, a starry sky on a summer night.

For you, I want to stay on the road of life for a long time. Take your time, take your time, take your time.

Take your little hand and take away all your troubles. Reading, parting letters, recalling the tenderness of the past.

On a quiet summer night, looking at the twinkling starry sky, you make a wish that you can stay with me for a long time. That night, you left quietly, taking away your good wishes.

Breaking the dreamlike dream, I want to step on the wind of time and follow in your footsteps. 2. A village with a palm and a city swaying in the wind.

The noisy memory that retreated to the old color precipitated into a rusty coin. The cold night light, the hidden bed and the fluttering red silk go far together, and you gently rotate with the luster of the leaves in repeated sighs.

The deserted and lonely land in the demolished wall cries for the fall of words, and their climax souls sleep peacefully after the sad sound. Who will be the spirit flying in their blood, they will shrink and jump on the dark platform.

You go back until you calmly retain the past that rose from the land. Extended data:

You can also choose the following: the street lights in the distance are very clear, as if there are countless stars flashing.

Stars appear in the sky, as if countless street lamps were lit. I think there must be a beautiful market in the foggy air.

Some items on display in the market must be rare in the world. You see, the shallow Tianhe is definitely not very wide.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl crossing the river will surely ride the cow. I think they must be wandering in the street at the moment.

Don't believe me, please look at that meteor, even if they come with lanterns.

2. Poems about the starry sky (created by myself) I am used to looking up at the starry sky.

But fantasize about flying to the moon.

Looking down at the brilliance of the stars holding the moon.

I'm used to stop and go.

But fantasizing about silence.

End the warmth of a place.

It's like sorting out those

The ground is full of broken stars.

I am used to staying up late and getting up late.

Because I long for the beauty of the night sky.

In the dead of night

I can hear breathing in the night sky.

Heavy and ethereal

I'm used to the starry night.

A person listens to the waltz of the stars

Dance in a flurry

It's like stepping on the stars flying all over the sky

Stars always glow by themselves in the dark.

And that night sky is like a deep and naive maze.

It's just that the stars don't want to escape

Because stars are used to it.

Get used to getting lost in the noisy night.

A starry night sky

Pass by the flower shop on the roadside

At two or three in the morning

A skirt swaying with summer flowers

Light the tears of lavender

Drift away from the window of the next stop

I see. /I see.

Stars are flowers in the sky.

It is a treasure of childhood.

Sweet tears.

And fireflies lost in the night sky

The poem praising the starry sky is 1. Original: The star splashes Evian beads, the dew is about to drip, and the treasure is cut. The blue sky is like practice, and the light shakes the Beidou.

Source: Sha Xing Zhu Splash of Meng Yi in Yuan Dynasty.

Interpretation: Meteors in the sky twinkle along the Milky Way, like waves, and dew is like a trickle of jade. In the night, bluegrass has withered, but it is still neat as scissors. The blue sky is like silk, and the big dipper is swaying with the waves.

2, the original text: night reminder, dust clear and dew, ditty quiet and dark.

Source: Yue Bai Gaoping Qiu Si by Zhou Bangyan in the Song Dynasty.

Interpretation: The night is deep, as if urging the dawn, and it is almost midnight. Clear dew is like washing dust, leaving no dust on the ground. The moonlight was quiet and the alley was confused.

Poems describing the starry sky:

The endless plains are dotted with drooping stars. The moon runs with the river. -Du Fu

In the fragrance of rice and flowers, people talk about the harvest of a year, and frogs croak in their ears, as if in a bumper harvest year. -Xin Qiji

There are few stars on the moon, and blackbirds fly south. -Cao Cao

The night in Tianjie is as cool as water, lying watching morning glory and Vega. -Du Mu

The moon is thin and the stars are scattered, and the fairy wind blows down the incense of the imperial furnace. -Su Shi

4. Autumn night, an ancient poem about the starry sky.

(Tang) Du Mu

In the autumn night, candlelight reflected the screen, and Fan slapped the fireflies with his hand.

Day and night are as cool as water. Sit and watch the morning glory and Vega.

[Modern Translation]

In autumn night, white candlelight reflects the barren painting screen; I have a small fan in my hand, patting the firefly gently. The night in Tianjie is as cool as well water; Looking up at the starry sky on the couch, Altair is facing Vega.


Li he

Tianhe night drifts back to the stars, and Pu Yin clouds learn the sound of water.

The osmanthus in the jade palace has not fallen, and the fairy concubine picks incense and hangs tassels.

Qin Fei rolled up the north window and planted a little green phoenix in front of it.

Prince blowing sheng, in charge of goose management, called on dragons to plant tobacco and Yao grass.

Pink rose red ribbon lotus root silk skirt, green island step pick up Lan Hengchun.

The east means that xi can lead a horse, and the dust of the sea will give birth to a stone mountain.

On a clear night, the poet traveled in space and was attracted by the bright starry sky, so he spread his imagination wings and flew to a beautiful paradise.

Dream day

Open classification: poetry, art, dreaming, Li He

The old rabbit is cold and the toad is crying 1, and the half-open wall of Yunlou is inclined to be white.

The jade wheel rolled to reveal the wet mass light 3, and Luan Pei met Gui Xiang Mo 4.

Yellow dust and clear water walk down three mountains, unchanged for thousands of years.

Looking into the distance, qi zhou lit nine cigarettes and spilled six glasses of seawater.

-Li He


It is a blue sky again, and the old rabbit cold toad is sobbing in a low voice.

The moonlight shines obliquely, and the half-opened cloud floor powder wall is pale.

The jade wheel was exposed, and the light and shadow around Tuantuan were wet.

Guihua Lane and Luan Pei specialize in fairy moths.

Overlooking the vast sea and fields under the three sacred mountains,

A thousand years of uncertainty in the world is like a galloping horse.

Look at Kyushu, China, and nine cigarettes float.

Na Pianhai's water is as shallow as gushing from the bosom.

5. Beautiful Modern Poems Describe the Starry Sky What modern poems are there about "Beautiful Modern Poetry Starry Sky"? 1. The street lamp in the sky is far away, and there seem to be countless stars shining. The stars in the sky seem to be burning countless street lamps. I think there must be a beautiful market in the foggy air. Some items on display in the market must be rare in the world. You see, the shallow Tianhe River is certainly not very wide, and the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl across the river can ride the cow. I think they will wander around Tianjie at the moment. Watch the meteors, even if they walk with lanterns. Describing and praising nature is a very important content in Guo Moruo's poems.

In this kind of poems, some are magnificent and some are fresh and beautiful. The market in the sky belongs to the latter.

The poet imagines the starry night sky as a sky market with countless street lamps, and also transforms the myth and legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, imagining the meteor in the air as the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl wandering in the sky with lanterns, symbolizing their happiness and beauty. The author not only writes lifeless nature full of vitality and interest, but also entrusts his yearning and longing for beautiful things.

This poem has a strange imagination and unique images. The stars in the ethereal night sky are actually transformed into countless street lamps and even lanterns carried by the cowherd and the weaver girl, which makes the whole poem present a vivid and moving scene. It can be said that it is a romantic poem.

2. Variations on the Stars If every corner of the earth is full of light, who needs stars, who will stare at the night to find comfort in the distance, who doesn't want to be a poem every day, and every word is a star that vibrates in his heart like a bee, who doesn't want to have a soft night like a lake, fireflies and stars swimming in water lilies, who doesn't like spring, birds fall all over the branches like stars, and the twinkling sound of the sky comes from a distance. The clouds of white lilacs are hazy. If every corner of the earth is full of light, who needs stars, who will burn loneliness in the cold and look for stars and hope? Who wants to write poems about suffering year after year? Every capital is a group of stars trembling like ice and snow. Watching the night freeze like a piece of land, the wind blows off one thin star after another. Who doesn't like flying flags, like golden stars that spit out fire. When the stars in the sky are tired, they get up and light up where the sun can't shine. Appreciation: The theme of poetry is to deny the dark reality. Express the author's yearning and pursuit of ideals, but the author does not directly present his thoughts and feelings in the poem.

Instead, some images are used to imply or indirectly express experience, such as stars, poems, bees, fireflies, water lilies, spring, birds, cloves and so on to symbolize a bright and beautiful ideal world. The dark and cold reality is manifested in the dark night, ice and snow, frozen night, rigid land and stars blown by the wind, which makes the poem hazy and subtle and the artistic conception very beautiful.

The starry sky in summer night is for you, and I want to stay on the road of life. Take your time, take your time, take your time.

Take your little hand and take away all your troubles. Reading, parting letters, recalling the tenderness of the past.

On a quiet summer night, looking at the twinkling starry sky, you make a wish that you can stay with me for a long time. That night, you left quietly, taking away your good wishes.

Breaking the dreamlike dream, I want to step on the wind of time and follow in your footsteps. Appreciation: The author expresses his thoughts through poetry.

Through the summer night, the image of the starry sky creates a beautiful picture. 4. Night: The palm-sized village falls in lonely words, and the city swaying in the wind noisily retreats into the old color. Memory precipitates into a rusty coin. The cold night light dark bed and the fluttering red silk went away together. You shine with the leaves, gently rotating the ruins with repeated sighs, and the lonely land is shouting the word' autumn'. After that, their orgasmic souls fell asleep peacefully. Who will fly in their blood? On the dark platform of the spirit, the branches are separated, they shrink and jump, and you retreat fully until you calmly retain the appreciation of the past that rose from the land: this poem expresses sad feelings.

Through the image of villages, cities, coins, etc. A lonely world is shaped. 5. The nocturnal stars in the night sky are shining with warm light.

Just like the smile of the moon, a little light is enough to illuminate loneliness. This is a famous modern poem about the starry sky. In my memory, I stepped to pick up the forgotten tears and walked through an arc of rain curtain. The crystal shoes are dancing in place. The prince can't find the princess. Sunshine is infected with happiness. There are notes in the air, biting a piece of chocolate candy. The whole world is covered with sweet rain, purifying the sky. Rainbow smiles and butterflies dance. The petals are bathed in the rain. Angels hide in the clouds and dream of flying. The witch's moon pierced the night sky. Dream elves, rippling out the boundaries of little star dreams, continue to weave dream appreciation: the author uses short sentences, one image, stars, moon, princess and chocolate.

Beautiful as a dream.

6. What are the sentences describing the starry sky? 1. I sat quietly in front of the vast Xinghai and the silvery light all over the sky, with a complete starry sky in my heart.

What a cool and sunny autumn night it is! The stars are brighter and bigger than before, just like dazzling gems in the silver-gray sky, and everything on the earth has become so elegant and quiet.

Gradually, the remnant star closed her sleepy eyes and retired in the morning sky.

4. The flowers in the water, the moon in the mirror and the beautiful angel seem to be close to me, but they are out of reach. You can only see from a distance, but you can't touch it. It broke as soon as I reached out. Stars, looming, complement each other, as if whispering, telling unknown stories. I have never looked at the sky so seriously. At this moment, I smell the beauty of the night sky. I would like to crush my lifelong dreams in the night sky and turn them into stars in the sky.

Silence covers the huge starry sky in summer night and the whole earth, gentle and silent.

6. Aunt Moon, wearing a pale yellow skirt, came to the center of the sky with light steps, gently took off her veil, smiled sweetly, sprinkled soft moonlight on the earth, and blessed everything in her own way.

7. On a beautiful starry night, there is not a cloud in the sky, and the deep blue sky is full of diamond-like stars.

8. In the starry sky on a summer night, the stars are embedded in the blue sky like gems, staring at me like countless small eyes. Like naughty children, playing in the galaxy.

9. How beautiful the starry sky is on a summer night! Those twinkling stars are so calm and serene, like bright eyes and shining silver lamps. Looking at me and shining on me, I have a lot of fantasies.

10, sparkling stars, like gems, densely cover the boundless night sky. The Milky Way, from the northwest sky, crossed the sky and inclined to the southeast land.

1 1 A shining meteor, like a flower splashed from the river, flew out of the center of the Milky Way, slid across the dark blue night sky and fell silently to the north.

12, a meteor dragged a long tail of blue phosphorescence and drew a long arc in the night sky. It took a long time to fade away.

13, I don't know when a star as big as a pearl appeared. The stars winked at each other with big bright eyes, as if expressing words with their eyes. A few stars got into the clouds and probably played hide-and-seek with the moon!

14, the stars in the sky are very eye-catching, some large and some small, some bright and some dark, and you can see many constellations. At this time, you can see a very obvious constellation, which is Aquila, because Aquila is like an eagle, very bright …

15, several big and bright stars hang in the night sky, as if people in the sky were patrolling the vast space with lanterns.