Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Horror Ruling Constellation _ Horror Ruling Constellation 99 o'clock

Horror Ruling Constellation _ Horror Ruling Constellation 99 o'clock

The origin of the wind constellation

Comprehensive Analysis of (1) Fairy Tales

Gemini fairy tales are also related to Zeus. Zeus is very romantic, and his objects don't let go of goddesses, fairies and ordinary people. Zeus once took a fancy to Leda, the princess of Sparta, and turned into a beautiful white swan to attract Leda. Soon after, Leda gave birth to two golden eggs, one of which gave birth to the king's flesh and blood, that is, her brother Caster and sister Kleene Stella, and the other gave birth to Zeus' blood, Burukus and Helen. Although their biological fathers are different, Koster and Polox are very close. They live together and share everything everywhere. My brother Kester is good at military and riding, and my brother Polokus is good at fighting. Moreover, because the younger brother is the son of Zeus, he has immortality. The two even took part in the expedition of Agu and became heroes of the Greeks.

Once, the two brothers had an argument with their cousins for some reason, and their brother Caster was shot dead by several arrows. Although my brother was injured, he didn't die because of his divinity. Zeus took his dead brother to heaven. Because he didn't want to be separated from his brother, he prayed to Zeus and shared his life with him. In the end, both of them became constellations and never separated. So half the time they live in heaven together, and the other half they will live in the country of death.

In this story, we see the brotherhood, friendship, sharing and learning that Gemini often emphasizes. The characteristics of being half in the sky and half in the underworld not only have the meaning of sharing precious things, but also imply that everyone has both dark and bright characteristics, such as negative and positive, male and female. So Gemini attaches great importance to communication. Sun Gemini makes himself happy and glorious by understanding this trait, while Moon Gemini makes himself happy and glorious by understanding this trait. Make your life stable.

Features: sharing, communication, communication and consultation, flexibility, duality, variability, constant adjustment, easy distraction, good interpersonal skills, instability and nervousness.

In nature, Gemini belongs to the changeable constellation. This constellation includes Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. They are all in the moment of seasonal adjustment, so they have strong and obvious adjustment and adaptation characteristics. Because they are in an excessive state and fluidity, Gemini is unstable and often has two tonalities.

Air signs endowed Gemini with intelligent thinking. Sanfeng constellation observes and studies from three angles, while Gemini's observation angle is more inclined to nearby things and real life. More importantly, it must be fast and easy to carry and spread, so as to conform to the mobile characteristics of this constellation itself.

Ruler-mercury mercury

In psychoastrology, it is in charge of communication, thinking and learning and is influenced by the guardian star. Gemini emphasizes the transmission and dissemination of information, as well as the intellectual level, which belong to the dynamic and lively positive level of Mercury.

Gemini is a masculine sign, the pattern is a changing sign, the element is a wind sign, and the symbol is a double sign. The ruler is mercury.

The key words are fast, changeable, communication, media and learning.

Advantages are friendly, intelligent, changeable, fast, versatile, good at transmitting information, full of intellectuality and rationality.

The shortcomings are cunning, fickle, frivolous, neurotic and insincere. (1), comprehensive analysis of fairy tales

In the eyes of ancient astrologers, Libra did not exist. Originally regarded as one of the horns of Scorpio, it was later divided into Libra in the hands of the goddess of justice. It was not until the time of Claudius Ptolemy that he became an independent individual. The myth about Libra is that at first, God lived with people. Just like spring in the four seasons. Although the gods live on the zenith of Olympus, they often come to live with people. This period became the "golden age".

However, when Hei Di took Poseidon away, the four seasons began to change, the promised land began to disappear, people had to work hard to get food, and disputes began to appear. At this time, the goddess of justice Astoria (another way of saying it is Athena) became the arbiter of these issues. Due to the change of human nature, the gods are quite disappointed with people, but there are still some gods who are willing to stay on earth, including the kitchen god, the goddess of justice and her sister Guanyin. They chose to stay on the earth in order to maintain the concept of justice and fairness.

Among them, the goddess of justice holds Libra in her hand to judge right and wrong, and the Libra in her hand will change due to good and evil, thus arbitrating the problem of people. However, human nature has not been improved. In the bronze age, there were so-called heroes in the world, which also brought bloody wars, and even brothers and sisters would kill each other. So all the other gods fled back to heaven, leaving only the goddess of justice to maintain justice. However, after entering the Iron Age, the goddess of justice and compassion could no longer bear the large-scale cruel wars and killings and became the last god to leave this world. Virgo's persistent and serious personality comes from the characteristics of the goddess of justice, and the Libra, which cannot be biased, is placed on the ecliptic to judge justice.

(2) In psychoastrology, Libra symbolizes the reciprocal relationship between me and others, which is also related to their symbol Libra.

In addition, Libra stands for fairness and objectivity, but please note that the twelve constellations on the ecliptic are either animals or humans. Although some people say that Libra is a goddess with a scale in her hand, in fact, the position of the goddess is Virgo and Libra belongs to Libra. This implies a little secret that neither the sun nor the moon in Libra wants to admit. As we all know, animal constellations are easy to produce animal emotions and excitement, but they have primitive vitality, while human constellations have human rationality and objectivity. Libra, an "object" used to measure fairness, sometimes makes people feel that their views are not "humanized". Although they are objective and fair and know how to think of you from different angles, they are few in number.

Libra is a masculine constellation, the pattern is a pioneer constellation, the element is air signs, and the symbol is scale.

Traits: relationship, partner, connection and balance, femininity, hate disputes, arbitration and law.

The key words are peace, harmony and objectivity.

Advantages are beauty, peace, balance, comfort, quietness, sociability, communication and coordination.

Disadvantages are dependence, worry, lack of confidence and indecision. (1), comprehensive analysis of fairy tales

Aquarius is also called Aquarius. In the starry sky, Aquarius is a man carrying a water bottle. Water poured out of his water bottle. This water is not ordinary river water, nor spring water, but the wine of the gods, also known as "water of wisdom". The myth related to Aquarius can also explain why Aquarius is often closely related to homosexuality. This time, nature is related to the romantic Zeus. Although Zeus had many mistresses, few people knew that Zeus loved both sexes. Because the Trojan prince Ganymede is very handsome, many women fall for him. Zeus was fascinated by him when he saw him, so he turned into an eagle and took Ganymede, who was herding sheep in the mountains, gave him eternal youth and immortal life, and asked him to pour wine at the banquet of the gods. Later, the eagle incarnated by Zeus became Aquila in the starry sky, while Ganymede and the wine bottle became Aquarius.

Aquarius characteristics: reform, rebellion, unusual, future, foresight, humanistic spirit, loneliness and liberation.

Fixed air mark

Aquarius is a fixed sign of the wind, with its tenacity and stubbornness, and its insistence on self and principle. At the same time, air signs attached importance to communication and had a strong demand for knowledge and reason. At the same time, when he experiences everything around him, the wind image emphasizes thinking and analysis. Three air signs's use three different horizons, Gemini uses close range to observe, scan and share knowledge effectively and quickly, Libra observes, analyzes and discusses from an equal horizontal perspective, and Aquarius, a constellation strongly influenced by Uranus, the god of the sky, can get the maximum vision from a bird's eye view, just like satellite photos, and can observe the maximum situation.

Rulers-Saturn and Uranus

Uranus and Saturn both affect Aquarius. However, in fairy tales, the gods represented by the two planets are antagonistic. Saturn symbolizes conservatism, while Uranus symbolizes reform and liberation. When two different planets guard Aquarius, it often arouses the extreme trend of this constellation. When the two levels can't compromise, they can only choose one, either radical and open or stubborn, which often makes Aquarius full of contradictions. At the same time, the indifference and alienation shared by Saturn and Uranus also form the most conspicuous feature of Aquarius.

(2) the characteristics of fairy tales

Some characteristics of Aquarius are observed from fairy tales. At the beginning of heaven and earth, Mother Earth created Uranus, the god of the sky, and then combined with him to create everything (creating everything and creating the future), including many horrible monsters except Titan. But because Uranus gained the dominance of the sky and the world, he drove these monsters into hell. Uranus was the first generation of gods.

This move aroused the anger of Mother Earth and made representations with Uranus, but Uranus refused to return the freedom of the monster (the stubbornness of the fixed constellation). So Mother Earth gave her youngest son Giornos a sickle to overthrow the rule of Uranus. Kronos came to heaven to castrate Uranus, threw his sex organs into the sea and gave birth to Venus. Kronos is the second generation god, and Uranus cursed kronos, who will be replaced by his son Zeus, the third generation god.

The characteristics of Aquarius's reform and change can be seen from the changes brought about by creation and the subsequent overthrow of Uranus by Knox. When the world needs to change, it will need the changing characteristics of Aquarius, and we also see that Aquarius has a high self-esteem attitude. Among the gods, Uranus monopolizes the power, just like Aquarius always wants to be the most special one among the masses, just like the eagle in the sky, overlooking the earth, all things are equal, and only he is above. In fact, Aquarius is similar to the opposite Leo, and both of them have high self-esteem attitude. Leo is expressed by the enthusiasm of fire and sun, while Aquarius is expressed by the intellectuality of wind and the indifference of Uranus and Saturn. Thus, Aquarius is a constellation that emphasizes freedom and freedom.

But Uranus is really idealistic and doesn't want to see the ugly side of things. At the same time, because the god of the sky is high above, he can't see the details of some practical problems, thinks too highly of himself, and often conflicts with people. Aquarius requires reason and reason. In fairy tales, monsters and mother earth symbolize emotions, emotions, anger and resentment, which Aquarius often ignores, but in the end it causes more trouble.

Aquarius symbolizes people's dissatisfaction with the past, the change of their fascination with freedom, technology, progress and these things. Many people say that Aquarius has humanistic spirit and social spirit, and I used to think so. I think Aquarius's humanitarianism is a kind of appeal to the future and ideal, and at the same time, it is only willing to share knowledge and strength with those who agree with it, which is completely different from Pisces' selfless compassion.

Sun Aquarius requires that he can show a high degree of intellectuality and knowledge, have a comprehensive vision, create the future, and show a unique attitude in the group. The moon will nourish itself with knowledge and uniqueness. Relatively speaking, the moon in Aquarius has a stronger demand for knowledge, freedom, future and unique feelings. These things can bring a sense of security to the moon Aquarius, just like fish can't live without water.

Features: reform, rebellion, unusual, future, foresight, humanitarianism, loneliness and liberation.

Aquarius is a masculine sign, the pattern is a fixed sign, the element is a wind sign, and the symbol is water waves.

The key word is to change irregular human nature.

Advantages are calm, rational, creative, responsive, avant-garde, concerned about society and humanity.

Disadvantages are indifference, eccentricity, unreality and disorder.