Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What qualities does a film director need?

What qualities does a film director need?

It is said that Jose Wei Deng is no longer in charge of the script of batwoman, and has handed over the post of director.

In the face of the unsatisfactory reputation and box office of Justice League, it is not surprising that Wei Deng participated in the scriptwriting and was responsible for the remake of the film.

However, people familiar with the matter recently revealed that The Avengers's director Jose Wei Deng is still writing the script of batwoman and has not yet handed over the post of director. Of course, the plan can't keep up with the change. Maybe it is not impossible that he will be replaced one day.

The unnamed "batwoman" film will be adapted from the comic book published by DC 1967. With the great success of Wonder Woman, the public has expected films featuring women, and Wei Deng himself is at the forefront of advocating women's roles in Hollywood. His Buffy the Vampire Hunter is enough to illustrate this point.