Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Easy-to-be-tempted girl: Don't fall in love with someone through the screen. Do you believe in online dating?

Easy-to-be-tempted girl: Don't fall in love with someone through the screen. Do you believe in online dating?

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A girl said that she fell in love with a boy online, but the other person suddenly became cold and ignored her inexplicably.

This made her heart very tormented.

At first, I heard her talk about her sadness, thinking that there should be many unforgettable memories between them. But later, they didn't know each other for three months.

This is a relatively pure online love. At first, I just felt happy chatting, and then I chatted every day, and the time for chatting became later and later.

Later, she offered to meet him, and then they met once. It feels good to meet each other, too. She was full of hope that the two of them had a chance, but within a week of meeting, the boys began to perfunctory.

It's the kind of absentmindedness that can be clearly felt.

She said that he used to chat with her late. He wouldn't if she didn't offer to sleep, but after ten o'clock, he said he was going to sleep.

If she looks for him during the day, he never answers. It was clearly a second ago, and the reason he gave was busy.

Being busy is really a universal excuse to escape.

What she doesn't understand is: why can a boy become so fast? At first, she felt that he obviously liked himself, but now, he is serious and begins to ignore him inexplicably.

Some girls are really too easily tempted. If the other person cares casually, he will start to lose his mind and fabricate all kinds of messy plots.

In fact, on the other side, it may be a very common thing.

Some people think that saying how much you can't let go in such a short time is pure moaning. Actually, it's not. Every serious love, no matter how long, is a terrible pain if it finally faces separation.

Many times, you can't blame the other person for becoming too fast, but you just entered the role too fast.


There is such a passage in "Human Disqualification":

My heart changed overnight. Can you believe it? There is always someone in the crowd. He's coming, bringing storms, and you have nowhere to hide. I left, the seasons were out of order, and I was ill for a long time.

You think, with a little care, two people talk more, which means the arrival of love, regardless of letting themselves fall into it.

Actually, it's not like this. There should be a process of liking.

When two people are together, they must have a sense of ceremony. This sense of ceremony means that one party must say "Let's be together" and formally confirm the relationship between two people before you can start to pay.

I found that many girls are prone to make a mistake: adding their early hearts to each other and acting alone for many times. As everyone knows, in the other person's heart, perhaps this scene has not yet begun.

Therefore, you shouldn't like someone through the screen.

If you really have a heart, you have to wait, control your feelings, and first know if the other person is the right person.

The most important thing is: whether the other party also releases the signal of liking you.

This kind of signal is not what you think in your heart, but whether he has actually acted. For example, if a person likes you, just through the internet, the other person will definitely not contact you all the time.

A friend of mine once told me that because a boy chats with her late every day and always replies to her message every second, she feels like her.

Similarly, she allowed her heart to begin to devote herself to this relationship, demanding him with various standards in love.

The consequence of her doing this is that she will be angry countless times every day, but she knows nothing there.

I once asked her, "What is your angry position? You are just friends now. "

She suddenly realized, "Yes, we are not lovers yet."


For the next few days, she asked me almost every other day if he liked himself. There are various reasons for her verification.

For example, she said to me, "I had a stomachache last night. He said a lot of things to coax me, and said that as long as he is by my side, he can take care of me. "

In her opinion, this is almost a confession. She said, "He must like me, right? Why else did you say you would take care of me? "

Girls are good at grasping details. She will tell me all the details of the chat between two people to prove that he likes himself.

However, sometimes boys don't do well enough. For example, he sometimes ignores her for two days in a row, and she just thinks about what he is doing. Is there anyone else you like or something?

In short, it is simply a scene of large-scale fine-tuning.

I said to her, "In that case, why don't you just say what you think and ask him what he really thinks?" Lest you guess here alone, be sad for a while, be happy for a while, and be led by others' emotions. In fact, you haven't even figured out the most basic questions. "

She said she didn't dare, and as a girl, she didn't want to bring up this topic on her own initiative. However, this does not affect her sinking in this relationship. I can see that she really likes him. The longer two people are so ambiguous, the deeper she will get into it.

Of course, in her view, this is ambiguous. Later, when she finally got up the courage and asked him what he thought of their relationship, he said, "We are very friendly friends. You won't like me if I go? "

Friends are also the kind of people who want to save face. Back to him: "Think about it, I don't like your type."

But as soon as she turned around, she began to cry to me, saying that she didn't expect her love to end like this. It was really sad.

If you look at others, you must feel that this kind of love is not like playing house. No, I can see that she's really having a hard time.

Therefore, we must be cautious in falling in love, and we can't take the lead in sitting in the position of girlfriend before the eight characters are finished. In this way, it's strange not to be disappointed.


If you like someone, you have to stretch the front a little. You can't ignore them because of two words of concern and your own inner guess.

Some people, perhaps out of friendly concern, while others, perhaps on purpose, just pay lip service and actually do nothing.

It's not like you. It's just casting a net.

Like is a prudent thing, you must wait until the other person really says that sentence, wait until the other person starts to pay, and wait until you all know each other thoroughly before you really start a relationship.

Such feelings can be tough, and you can reap the unique feelings that truly belong to two people.