Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Tang Yuyang: The right medicine! How do you get his heart from the moon sign?

Tang Yuyang: The right medicine! How do you get his heart from the moon sign?

What is the moon sign? The moon constellation embodies his personality of doing things in private, which you can only see when you are close to him. If you like a person, besides knowing his sun sign, the moon sign is also essential. Let's prescribe the right medicine. If you want to get a person's heart, you must know his horoscope.

Moon Aries If you meet them, you'll be on your own. Moon Aries has great personality. They are just children. Aries people, no matter how mature they are on the surface, will have a childlike innocence for a month. Doesn't that sound cute? But if I really meet the moon Aries, I'm not sure if it's cute.

Maybe you will find him boring or annoying, because he just lives a happy life every day (that is, he can do what he likes), so even if he is your other half, talking to him goes in one ear and out the other, and you can't do anything about him. But he's loyal. In your mind, he is very kind, filial and enthusiastic, and he has many labels of being a good person, but he is himself or a friend, not yours.

People with the moon in Taurus like a stable life and don't like too many changes, so you have to accept his slowness when you get along with them. Taurus doesn't like temporary movements or changes, so if you say the wind is rain, he will be a little troubled.

Even if he wants to cooperate with you very much, he can't, which will make him very anxious. Therefore, when you meet them, you should know that their advantages and advantages are that they are good at enjoying life and willing to learn and cook. And enjoy life very much, instead of feeling that life is in a hurry and enjoying life security. So if you have savings and financial planning, be sure to let him know. He appreciates such people.

Moon Gemini They are people who like to learn from the East and the West, so don't ask them what they want to learn, why they want to learn so many things and why they are curious about so many things, because they are just curious! Moreover, the moon and Gemini don't learn, and once they learn, they will learn very seriously. Moon Gemini people have a wide range of friends and like traveling very much. They can discuss where to play, where to go to class, or meet new friends. Don't be surprised when he really wants to get to know each other. You have to accompany him to understand and take risks, and Gemini will think that you are on the right path!

Moon cancer is very capable and energetic. No matter what, they can train you well. As long as you are as purposeful, energetic and ambitious as she is, two people can add points to each other without worrying about the cooling of bread and love. Invite him to a big meal, it is better to invite him to eat delicious food and hometown flavor. He would think, "You know me! Invite him to an expensive restaurant for dinner. It's better to treat him to something delicious that is hard to buy and has to wait in line. This will touch him. They like family atmosphere and music. If you attach great importance to family and affection, you will get extra points. Cancer Moon is a casual person who goes home. They will worry about not acting when they get home, which is very casual and sloppy.

If you become a lover, they will feel anxious because the other half must take good care of and clean up, so if you let him know that you belong at home from the beginning, you will be relaxed and wear pajamas, and he will feel more at ease. Cancer needs peace of mind. He likes listening to music and reading his own books to relax. He can't socialize with you at home, and he won't say anything without trusting you.

Moon Leo must enjoy the praise, even if it is well disguised, he will still eat it. You can't treat them lightly, thinking that false praise will make them happy. Of course, this is not the case! It should be said that the starting point of many things they do is to really want to be affirmed, and they will have strong self-esteem and pride. You must realize this and get rid of his appearance. Maybe he looks like Pisces, so he is modest, but it is not the case!

Virgo's moon is well planned and has a good idea of life. For example, it takes a few minutes and a few degrees to fry steak, and you have to cook it yourself to think that you will fry the most beautiful things. When you are with them, you should be mentally prepared. He is a man with many rules and requirements, and he can't do anything casually. If you are also very disciplined and attach great importance to your own life requirements, he will think you are quite good. If you are not such a person or completely on the contrary, too casual, he may look down on you because he can't stand improvisation and likes planning.

Moon Libra likes harmony, so even if you have any questions, please communicate with him in a calm way, and don't let him think what you want. Are you going to attack me? He will be anxious to explain or balance, so that you can understand that he didn't mean it, because they can't stand being misunderstood, and you will fall into an endless situation, or your emotions will pass, and the emotions of the Moon Libra will still be difficult, angry and unbalanced.

I suggest making friends with them, and never show the feeling of "I want to chase you" at the beginning. They will feel unbalanced and wonder what you want. Are you chasing me? Why should I help you chase it? Do you like me? But do I like you? He will think a lot and fall into this anxiety, so the best way is to cook frogs in warm water.

Moon Scorpio We all say that Scorpio will have more love, hate or envy, so Scorpio people have many secrets in their hearts. The moon Scorpio can't see many people from the surface. They will try their best to make things small or helpful. In my opinion, many people in Moon Scorpio are good people. Everyone says that it is terrible to open astrology books and see that Scorpio is revenge and resurrection from the dead.

But in fact, this is not the case. Sun Scorpio has the ability to bring people back to life, so Sun Scorpio is suitable for being a doctor, therapist and teacher (does it feel alive to press a massage when you are half tired? ), and the moon Scorpio people are very mysterious in their bones. To some extent, like Sun Scorpio, they are suitable for helping others.

Scorpio often attracts others to confide in him, or often hears other people's secrets at work (such as help hotline staff). Moon Scorpio is also very suitable for fortune tellers, counselors, teachers and other roles. And it may be more reasonable than Sun Scorpio, and really come from the water to help people in need.

Moon Sagittarius hates being controlled and restricted. Sagittarius is a constellation that loves freedom, so Sagittarius of the Moon usually likes the sky, so can you accept him? He may not run around when you don't restrict him, but you don't have to ask him where he wants to go. Sagittarius likes to have tacit understanding and the same ideas, such as the same religion, beliefs and ideas. The people you support are the same as the people I support, which will make them feel close.

Moon Capricorn they like to live a polite or well-behaved life, and their professional ability and status will make the moon Capricorn people feel safe. So they won't choose anything at random, and they won't give you their hearts just because you are beautiful or handsome. You must be recognized as a blue chip and an excellent person, and he is very optimistic about you, so that you will be tempted or feel safe. So you might as well make him think that you are doing a good job, or that you have a great career idea. Moon Capricorn will be interested in this kind of person who has the ability and ideas and is moving forward step by step. Remember not to be willful and all hands. They like gentlemen and ladies, feel right about each other and move on. There is no confusion and no step by step.

Moon Aquarius They have unexpected curiosity about people, which is different from Gemini. The moon Gemini is curious but not necessarily to people, but it may be right. The moon Aquarius can't live without people, and it can't live without people. Although they may try their best to get rid of it, unconsciously their work may be related to people, politics or community. Moon Aquarius may also become a medium between some individuals or markets, so it is suitable for people who live on the internet and have the opportunity to become celebrities and online celebrities. It also helps your business, appeal and influence.

In terms of mate selection, it is very important to feel alienated if you want to get close to the moon Aquarius. Moon Aquarius is super afraid that someone will stick to him. So you should have your own independent life and personality, and let him feel that even if you are together in the future, you don't belong to the role he wants to play. You can live in a room, you can surf the Internet, and I will do my thing. When he sees that you belong to this roommate type, he will feel much more at ease. Moreover, the moon water bottle can't be touched casually. They hate physical contact very much, especially for unfamiliar people. Touching is hard for them and they will give up.

Moon Pisces is very soft by nature and likes to protect others, not to be protected! And a little controlling. Everyone knows that Pisces is actually a control freak, so when the moon is in Pisces, it will feel that it is a control freak and has a strong desire to control. So if you are a weak person, if you let them protect you and seem to obey their control, they will think you are very good and obedient and will take care of you.