Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - According to the analysis of the constellation diagram, the sun is in Cancer, the moon is in Libra, Mercury is in Cancer, Venus is in Gemini, Mars is in Cancer, Jupiter is in Aries, Saturn is in Sagit

According to the analysis of the constellation diagram, the sun is in Cancer, the moon is in Libra, Mercury is in Cancer, Venus is in Gemini, Mars is in Cancer, Jupiter is in Aries, Saturn is in Sagit

According to the analysis of the constellation diagram, the sun is in Cancer, the moon is in Libra, Mercury is in Cancer, Venus is in Gemini, Mars is in Cancer, Jupiter is in Aries, Saturn is in Sagittarius, and heaven. The sun sets in Cancer.

The sun is in Cancer-a model companion who pays attention to family.

Personality characteristics:

Delicate, considerate, sensitive and weak.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Careful, good at housekeeping, filial piety, and attach importance to family.

2. Feelings are delicate and changeable, escaping from reality.

The sun represents self, external image, external and life energy. People with the sun in Cancer are good at housekeeping, thoughtful and maternal. You attach importance to your family and are quite filial, which is very suitable for marriage. But there is also a tendency of uncertainty and escapism.

As a member of the water sign, people with the sun in Cancer are very delicate and sensitive emotionally, and their emotions are also changeable. In the fatalistic conflict between reason and sensibility, the perceptual side always wins again and again in the hearts of crabs. Under the protection of the moon, crabs are more maternal. You are good at housekeeping and thoughtful; And the ups and downs of the moon also reflect your uncertain emotional state. Crab people attach importance to family and are willing to engage in various family activities; You always put the harmony and perfection of your family first. Therefore, cancer people are very filial, which can be said to be a model of brothers, friends and brothers in the twelve constellations.

The sun is in Cancer. You are good at protecting yourself and don't want to face the reality like an ostrich. As long as you encounter setbacks, or even just think that you have been hurt emotionally, you will immediately show strong defense and arm yourself. In fact, this kind of armed is just a way for the crab people to hide their inner vulnerability. Your hearts are very sensitive and afraid of failure, so you often use escape to protect yourself; This is the biggest weakness of Cancer's personality. Your personality of the crab family is complex and not easy to understand; Often one minute I am happy, and the next minute I suddenly fall into a state of melancholy.

The moon falls in Libra.

The moon is in Libra-a master of communication with both strength and appearance.

Personality characteristics:

Sensitive, elegant, harmonious, considerate and fickle.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. I really need compliments from others to identify myself, and I also know the art of getting along with others.

2. It is easy to feel depressed because of disharmony in interpersonal relationships, very sensitive to other people's minds, and easy to change their mood because of external influences.

People with the moon in Libra are elegant and sensitive. You need a harmonious and stable environment to stabilize your mood, otherwise you will easily fall into a state of anxiety and anger. Libra Moon is often loved by everyone in public, because you are always so polite and affable, and you know exactly when to say something to whom. Because you have such a high perception of other people's attitudes, Libra can often calm everyone's anxiety quickly. Of course, you also have the ability to make everyone feel the same way about one thing or one person.

People with the moon in Libra are very familiar with the art of getting along with others. At the same time, you also need to get recognition and praise from others. In addition, you are very sensitive to others and know how to gain their love and trust, so you are a very attractive group in the group.

People with the moon in this position are easily unhappy because of personnel disputes and group disharmony, especially when their ideas are not supported by peer groups, which will make people with the moon in Libra fall into an anxious emotional state. However, even if the Libra family is unhappy in their hearts, they rarely show it in front of others. Often, only the closest people can see your emotional reaction.

To sum up, people with the moon in Libra tend to show rationality, gentleness, courtesy and care for others, but this feature is not so much an essential expression from the heart as an effort to gain recognition from others. Therefore, people with the moon in Libra are very easily influenced by others, and it is easy for you to change your original ideas and opinions in order to gain the approval of most people.

Mercury falls in Cancer.

Mercury, in Cancer Palace, is the patron saint of the family where sensibility trumps rationality.

Personality characteristics:

Sensibility, sensibility, sensitivity and openness.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Has a strong memory, can learn new knowledge unconsciously, and is easily driven by emotions.

Everything is family-oriented, often acting as the patron saint of the family, and caring too much about the opinions of friends, so it is quite sensitive.

Mercury in Cancer is easily determined by emotions, so your thoughts are often subjective or even strongly biased. Moreover, your inner desires will also affect your perspective on things, making it difficult for you to be objective. It is easy to be led by desire, which can be said to be the biggest drawback of Mercury Cancer's thinking. You must be careful to avoid this situation to reduce the chance of making mistakes.

Because Mercury Cancer people attach great importance to the thoughts of family and friends, they are most susceptible to these two factors in your thinking process. Although Mercury Cancer has a strong memory and a smart mind, it is always driven by sensibility when making decisions, and reason and intelligence are often useless. You are very concerned about the opinions of your friends and family. Once you disagree with them, you will often give up your original decision to accommodate others.

Cancer mercury people tend to attach importance to feelings, and they will have a strong protective attitude towards what you put into feelings. Your sense of security can be said to be built by these things, such as your family, your relatives and friends, your job, which can provide a stable life motivation for Mercury Cancer. Therefore, once these decisions are involved, you will consider them very carefully, and even conflict with others in order to maintain your own stability.

Venus falls in Gemini

Venus is located in Gemini-a fickle lover.

Personality characteristics:

Changeable, like the new and hate the old, free and popular.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Emotionally like the new and hate the old, and appear calm in the face of marriage.

2. Good interpersonal relationship, like art and cultural activities.

People with Venus in Gemini tend to love the new and hate the old emotionally. Your changeable nature inevitably makes you appear rash and disloyal in love. People with Venus in this position are cautious about marriage and have good interpersonal relationships.

Venus is in charge of emotional expression, love relationship and aesthetics. People with Venus in Gemini yearn for a colorful love life. In a stable love relationship, you and Venus are definitely fidgeting in Gemini. Your natural reaction to love freedom and to pursue new things is disloyal and reckless in a relationship. You are good at playing love games and often "have two feet on both sides"; For marriage, you stay away from it.

Venus is located in Gemini, and you are willing to pursue a colorful social life; You are witty and have a good sense of humor, which enables you to maintain good relations between relatives and friends. You are elegant in temperament, generous in speech and always smiling; The conversation is full of charm. People with Venus in Gemini like artistic activities and do well in writing and poetry.

Mars falls in Cancer.

Mars is located in Cancer-the best companion for fidgety.

Personality characteristics:

Emotional, irritable, family-oriented.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Emotions are delicate and sensitive, sometimes too emotional.

2. Longing for a harmonious family life, family always comes first.

People with Mars in Cancer are emotionally sensitive; You are irritable, complex and changeable, and often cause physical and mental discomfort. You always put your family first, and you also put most of your energy into the maintenance of your family. Is a good companion of the family.

Mars represents the expression of energy, will, explosiveness and vitality. People with Mars in Cancer are emotional, attach importance to family, and tend to be too emotional and emotional. You are sensitive and irritable; Emotion is difficult to control, which often has a negative impact on the spirit and physiology.

People in this position on Mars value their families and are eager to have their own families. You like to organize and maintain your own home. The kind of person who often knocks about at home and does everything by himself is a typical person with Mars in Cancer. You won't be stingy to pay for repairs; This enthusiasm actually comes from your strong desire to protect your home. In addition, people with Mars in Cancer have extraordinary memories; A casual joke played by others is often intentional and can be remembered for a long time; This often causes friction between friends.

Jupiter is in Aries.

Jupiter is in Aries-the leader of spiritual revolution

Personality characteristics:

Pioneer, avant-garde, arrogant, reckless

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Forward-looking, overconfidence leads to failure.

2. Dare to create a new situation and act without thinking deeply.

Jupiter in Aries has a forward-looking vision and pioneering spirit, which makes you easy to walk in the forefront of the times and have avant-garde ideas. So Jupiter and Aries are very receptive to new things and new ideas. You are like a sponge, always facing the world with curiosity.

Jupiter appears in Aries with pioneering courage and vision. Your vigorous activity gives you the charm of a leader, and you can call on a group of people with lofty ideals to create a new situation together. But the positive attitudes of Jupiter and Aries sometimes make you act thoughtlessly, or you are too complacent to accept other people's suggestions. This shortcoming is the biggest reason for the failure of Jupiter and Aries, because you tend to go too far and screw things up, and excessive self-confidence will make people unhappy, even if you watch you go in the direction of failure, you will not make a sound reminder.

Jupiter's attitude towards the reform of Aries is very positive, and his creativity on the spiritual level is very strong. Although your new field in philosophy, education or religion may be very controversial and not easily accepted by the public, your actions can inspire others and catalyze the evolution of the whole society.

Saturn is in Sagittarius.

Saturn is in Sagittarius-a wise spiritual leader.

Personality characteristics:

Wisdom, morality, rebellion, repression

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Live according to social morality and become the most serious defender of morality.

2. Strong willpower, can carry out their own beliefs and attach importance to reputation, so it is difficult to accept criticism from others.

Saturn's Sagittarius people are full of yearning and enthusiasm for philosophy, education and other work, so they can become very excellent educators or occupy a place in the religious and philosophical circles. You have rigorous and meticulous ideas and concepts to support your activities in this area, and because justice is the principle of doing things, it is very convincing to everyone.

You want to have an authoritative position in academia or religious circles, but because you value the importance of reputation to you too much, you can't accept outside criticism, not only will you fight back vigorously, but you will probably remember these critics for a long time.

Saturn's Sagittarius people don't pay much attention to real returns. On the contrary, the outside world's affirmation and praise of your efforts can be a comfort after your efforts. This is why Saturn Sagittarius will react violently when criticized by the outside world-honor is more important to you than generous financial returns.

Uranus is in Sagittarius

Uranus is located in Sagittarius-a new idea about religious and educational affairs.

Personality characteristics:

Good travel, exotic, confident.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Have new ideas about religious and educational affairs, and like to travel.

2. Loving foreign cultures and people is an era of religious and educational reform.

Uranus orbits the ecliptic once every 84 years; Therefore, every person born in a specific seven years will have Uranus in the same house. Therefore, Uranus dominates the thoughts and concepts of a generation, rather than having any significant influence on individuals.

Uranus Sagittarius people have new ideas about religion and education. You love traveling and have a special fate with people, things and things in other countries. This era represents new changes in religion and education.

Uranus symbolizes reform, innovation and humanitarianism, and also dominates the fate of a generation. Uranus Sagittarius people have new ideas about mysticism, religion and education, and you are also interested in reform and further study.

People with Uranus in this position like to travel, have a special affection and fate for foreign cultures, and often have the opportunity to contact foreigners or foreign religious philosophy. You are confident and always have your own set of views on things, but sometimes you seem too arbitrary and sometimes you disagree with others. The movement of Uranus here also implies the emergence of some new ideas in religion and education.

The influence of Uranus on the personal level needs to refer to the position of the zodiac the day after tomorrow and make a cross-reference judgment.

Neptune is in Capricorn.

Neptune is located in Capricorn-an era of great changes.

Personality characteristics:

Conflict, change, the law of life

Describe you in two sentences!

1. represents an era of conflict.

2. Traditional conservative ideas

Neptune orbits the ecliptic once every 164 years; Therefore, people born every fourteen years will have Neptune in the same house. Therefore, Neptune dominates the thoughts and concepts of a generation, rather than having any significant influence on individuals.

Neptune represents the subconscious, the hint of dreams and the power of the soul to rise or fall. Neptune's movement to Capricorn implies an era of constant running-in and conflict between ideal and reality, which leads to drastic changes and inevitable chaos in politics, economy and society during this period.

Neptune in Capricorn is more traditional and conservative; Your life is very regular and your style is quite formal. Such people are calm and low-key, and sometimes they are too smart and daunting.

Neptune's influence on the personal level needs to refer to its position in the twelfth house of the day after tomorrow and make a cross-reference judgment.

The rising constellation falls in Capricorn.

The rising constellation is in Capricorn-the practitioner who realizes his dream step by step.

Personality characteristics:

Simple, conservative, serious and earnest

Describe you in two sentences!

1. gives a serious and melancholy impression.

2. Work hard in exchange for substantial benefits and pay attention to order.

Capricorn's rising constellation always gives people the impression of tradition, discipline and diligence. In fact, these qualities only help you achieve your preset goals step by step. Capricorn ascending people are inherently insecure. You are deeply afraid that you will be replaced one day. Only power and a stable material environment can bring you a sense of security.

Everyone who rises in Capricorn has an upright side, and the shy and conservative temperament is an attractive place. In fact, your hearts are very sensitive and romantic, and you have a beautiful vision for the future, and you will try your best to realize this wish. In the eyes of the boss, you are the most diligent subordinate with a serious work attitude. In fact, you have your own preset goals, motivation and unshakable position in your career, so when the opportunity comes, you will not hesitate to climb up, even if you step on others' shoulders, as long as there is no risk, you will definitely do it without hesitation.

You tend to state your ideas in a very organized way, so you are suitable for diplomacy or coordination. You are very dependent on your family and feelings, and hoping to bring a good living environment to your family is one of the main reasons for your efforts. Your relationship with family, friends and relatives is very deep and lasting, and you are easily bound by emotions when dealing with family or affection.