Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Write the following ancient poems

Write the following ancient poems

Qiang village three

Du Fu

original text

The sky is red and the clouds are west, and the ground is flat at the foot of the sun.

Chai Men's birds are noisy, and thousands of miles away.

My wife blames me, and I'm still crying.

The chaos of the world is drifting, and it is accidental to survive.

Neighbors are all over the wall, sighing.

Midnight is more like a candle, relatively dreamy.

When you are old and forced to drag out an ignoble existence, it is not so fun to return to China.

Joule never leaves her knees, afraid that I will go back.

Looking back, I like to chase the cold, so I walk around the trees by the pool.

The north wind is strong, and things are fried.

Thanks to the bumper harvest, I feel uncomfortable in bed.

It's enough to think about it now, and use it to comfort dying people.

The chickens are crowing and the guests are beating.

Drive the chicken to the tree, and only then can you hear the sound of chopping wood.

Four or five elders asked me about my long trip.

Every hand is lifted, and mud and sand are falling.

Bitter, "the wine tastes weak, and the millet field is not cultivated."

The soldiers didn't stop, and the children started the crusade. "

Please sing an old song for your father and feel sorry for your hardships.

Song Yangtian sighed and wept everywhere.

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In the second year of Zhide (757), when Du Fu picked up the remains for Zuo, the house stopped. He wrote a letter to rescue Su Zong, angered Su Zong, and was released to visit his family in Qiang Village, Yinzhou (now south of Fuxian County, Shaanxi Province). Three Songs of Qiang Village was written by me when I returned to China this time. Three poems have been handed down one after another, forming a set of "trilogy" of returning home.

The first one is about the mixed feelings of sadness and joy when the family first got home.

The first four sentences describe the situation of arriving at Qiang village at sunset. The sunset is greeted by red clouds all over the sky, like a heavy cliff. This is? The rotten scenery will arouse the cordial memories of repeat customers and make them excited. "Sunfoot" refers to a light beam that shines through a cloud gap, like the foot of the sun. The phrase "the ground under the sun" is not only integrated into spoken English, but also quite anthropomorphic. It seems that the sun is eager to step into the ground and have a rest after a day's work. At this time, the poet happened to end his long journey and returned home. "Whitehead picks up the remains and walks home", long-distance running, looking forward to going home early to rest. The opening was full of excitement about going home. "Chai Men birdsong" is a distinctive rural night scene. At the same time, the noise of birds usurped the role of master, reflecting the desolation of villages in those years. There is a feeling of sadness in the scenery. The sentence "a thousand miles home" is very plain, but it is extremely unusual. There is a sense of relief, and it is secretly mixed with the uneasiness of "now, near my village, I met someone."

The last eight sentences were written with mixed feelings of sadness and joy when I first met my family and neighbors. There is no tedious narration here, but it is simply reproduced with three pictures. The first is to meet your wife and children. At first glance, it seems that you should be happy rather than surprised. However, in those war-torn years, people's lives were at stake, and the sudden appearance of relatives really made his wife dare not believe, dare not admit, and even became dumbfounded ("all my fault"), until she was "stunned" and "be in heaven, sobbing" ("West Great Hangsuo"). This abnormal modality and twists and turns reflect the shadow of that extraordinary era. After writing the meeting, the poet sighed with emotion: "It was an accident that the world was in a state of chaos and survived." Here, the word "accident" contains extremely rich content and infinite emotion. Isn't it a coincidence that Du Fu went from falling into the hands of the rebels to escaping from them, from offending Su Zong to returning to China this time? What's strange about the wife? It means "self-pity after returning" and depicts the psychological desire of people who are in pain for the rest of their lives.

Followed by nearby onlookers. The news spread like wildfire, attracting many neighbors. In ancient times, the walls in the countryside were very short, so neighbors could lean against the wall. These neighbors, on the one hand, are bystanders, so they just watch from a distance and can't bear to disturb the happy and sad moment of this family; On the other hand, they are not indifferent to watch, but everyone has entered the role, "sigh", is it envy? Sad? Or bring back your own pain? Just a few words, how full of human feelings, how subtle.

The third scene is the scene where the family sits opposite each other at midnight. It's late at night, and the initial excitement should be over, but Du Fu's family is still immersed in the excitement. "You should sleep with a candle and watch the guests return home happily for a long time." (Lu You's Notes on the Old Learning Hall, Volume 6) This picture becomes the end of the first chapter.

The second song is about the contradictory and depressed mood after returning to China.

Write the first eight sentences about boredom and unhappiness. Du Fu's order to go home this time is actually tantamount to exile. For ordinary people, "lucky to survive" is a blessing in misfortune; For poets whose worries are related to the world, it is a great misfortune of luck. After settling down, he immediately developed a sense of responsibility, feeling that maintaining a small family in such difficult times is tantamount to drag out an ignoble existence. But all this is necessary. Even children realize this lack of fun: "Joule never leaves her knees, but she is afraid that I will go back", and "I didn't mean to go home early, so I comforted her around my knees, but I was afraid that I would go back." (Jin Shengtan) For this poet who is still childlike and seems to want to forget his hunger and thirst, nothing can show his melancholy and unhappiness better than this detail.

So he recalled the past in June and July last year in the "pool tree" to enjoy the cool. At that time, I had high hopes for Su Zong, who acceded to the throne of Lingwu, and I was somewhat "happy" to make a pilgrimage to serve the country. Who knows that after a year, I was so disappointed that I couldn't help worrying about it, with mixed feelings and suffering. The description of "the north wind rustling" is suddenly inserted into the narrative lyric, which greatly adds a sad and miserable atmosphere.

The last four sentences say that the autumn harvest is over. Although the new wine has not been brewed, it can wait for the day, and it seems that you can feel it bubbling out of the rotten bed. "Come here" and "Do yourself no good" are all words of expectation. Speaking of wine is because of sorrow, which profoundly shows the poet's contradictory and depressed psychology-in fact, he is "the meaning of drunkenness is not in wine."

The third is about a neighbor's visit.

The first four sentences arranged an interesting overture: at the moment when the guests arrived, there was a cockfight in the yard and the chickens screamed. When the owner drove the chickens to the courtyard tree where they lived (the ancient method of raising chickens in the Yellow River valley), when the yard was quiet, he heard the sound of guests knocking at the firewood door. This kind of opening is not only the fun of rural life, but also the joy of uninvited guests.

The four or five people who came were all elders, and none of them were younger. This is a sentimental remark about the elders in the following article. These old people all came with wine, and the color of the wine was different, and each expressed the wishes of a family. At such a difficult time, it is commendable to pay so much attention to the love ceremony, which shows that the simple folk customs have not been completely annihilated by the war. Then four sentences tell current events in the casual tone of their parents: from pouring wine to calling it "weak wine", from weak wine to destroying production, and then lead to "children explore the East before the war is over." The difficulties of the times are self-evident and thought-provoking.

Finally write the host's reply. He was so excited by the kindness of his elders that he couldn't help singing to express his gratitude. In addition, saying "shame" secretly takes care of the meaning of "being forced to drag out an ignoble existence in old age". If the mood of the whole group of poems in the second poem is a little low, then it is revived by the speeches of the elders here. So, he thanked the composer for writing this song, and he forced himself to smile and could not help sighing. Although the content of the song is not described in detail, it can be seen from the sentence "No pains, no pains" and the "four tears" effect caused by the song that it contains emotional contents such as gratitude to the elders, anxiety about current events and perception of life experiences. Unknown writing allows readers to ponder the atmosphere and artistic conception of the poem and supplement it with association, which can enrich the connotation of the poem. When I cried at the end of the song, the words were so painful that the readers repeated the words and hid their feelings.

The Anshi Rebellion brought great suffering to the people of the Tang Dynasty. The phenomenon of "children's eastward expedition" and "no one plows millet fields" is all over the rural areas of the northern country, not just Qiang villages. "Three Poems of Qiang Village" passed through a corner of the northern countryside, reflecting the social reality at that time and the poet's feelings of worrying about the country, which is of high typical significance.

Each chapter of this group of poems can be independent, but they are interrelated to form a complete whole. The first poem is about meeting family, which is the beginning of a series of poems. Of the three poems, this chapter is the only one that begins with preaching the law. The second song tells the story of returning home, which is a continuation of the sentence "wife"; When it comes to "drag out an ignoble existence", it means "bitterness, shame and affection". The third song is about communication with neighbors, which is a continuation of the sentence "neighbors"; When writing wine, it means "consider it now"; In the end, it boils down to worrying about the country and the people, and thinking about chaos in times of trouble has become the knot of poetry. Such a group of poems is usually called "couplet style". The poet chose three representative life segments from the event of returning home to describe it. Not only do each chapter concentrate on pen and ink, but also use the natural pause between chapters to create the effect of opening and closing the curtain, giving readers room for imagination and association, so the poem is not long and can be subtle and profound.

Three Poems of Qiang Village is good at sketching. Although it is based on a temporary experience, the scene is real and not exaggerated. Because they can grasp the typical life scenes and psychological activities of the characters, poems are expressive and mostly tolerant of people. Write scenes such as "Birds crow in Chai Men", "Neighbors are all over the wall" and "Chickens crow", and "describe the villagers and see the situation" (Shen Hanguang). People who write "My wife complains that I'm here, and I'm still crying" and "Holding a candle at night is more like a dream" are extremely clumsy. The latter couplet was repeatedly used by later poets and poets. Such as muscovite Shu's "suddenly looking for you is like a dream, choking in my throat and asking how old we are"; Yan "has left a silver funeral tonight, and I still fear that meeting each other is a dream"; Chen Shidao's "knowing that it is not a dream, but suddenly my heart is unstable" and so on. Another example is "Joule never leaves her knee, but she is afraid that I will go back", and her young son leans against others, which is vivid. As the predecessors commented: "Every word, the lungs and intestines are carved out, and talents are at a loss; And tactfully, at present, if ordinary people want to do what they want to do "(see Du Shi Jing Quan quoted from Wang). This description of "doing what ordinary people want to do" and finally "talented people don't know what to do" fully reflects the author's sketching skills. In a word, these poems occupy an important position in Du Fu's poems because of their simple language, concise poetic style, harmonious phonology and rich lyrical atmosphere.


Du Fu

Flowers are close to tall buildings and far away from my hometown. I am very sad. There are disasters everywhere in this country, so I climbed up to see them.

The spring scenery of Jinjiang flooded in, and the clouds on the mountain, ancient, varied and changeable.

The imperial court, like the North Star, will not change in the end, and the Western Hills of Kohl will not invade Tibet.

However, in the twilight, I felt sorry for the sorrow of a long-lost emperor. I sang the songs that his prime minister sang when he was not unfamiliar on the mountain.


Going upstairs to look at the spring and seeing flowers and wanderers is getting more and more sad; It is difficult for Wanfang to be full of worries. I'm here to board the plane. The spring scenery of Jinjiang comes from the edge of heaven and earth; Clouds in Lei Yu have been unpredictable since ancient times. The court of Datang is really as unshakable as Polaris; Tubo Yidimo came to harass the futile invasion again. It's a pity that Liu was so stupid that he set up a temple to worship; At dusk, I want to learn to sing like Fu Liang and chat like Kongming.


This is a poem with a sense of time and concern for things. The author wrote about going upstairs to see the boundless spring scenery, and he couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of the once-in-a-lifetime and changeable situation. Then I think the imperial court is as unshakable as the Arctic constellation. Even if Tubo invades, it is difficult to change people's orthodoxy. Finally, it reveals the ambition of imitating Zhuge Liang to assist the court, which is full of the spirit of clarifying the world. The whole poem is lyrical on the spot, describing the impression of climbing the building, pitching and overlooking the mountains and rivers, all from the perspective of space. The word "near" in the first sentence and the word "dusk" in the last sentence play a prominent role in the conception of poetry. "Flowers near tall buildings" is a close-up view, while "Jinjiang", "Lei Yu" and "Houzhu Temple" are prospects. Sunset points out that the poet has been wandering for a long time. This technique of giving consideration to time and space enhances the three-dimensional sense of poetic artistic conception and broadens the realm of poetry's broadness and boldness. Poetry has always been highly praised by poets for its rigorous meter and neat antithesis. Shen Deqian believes that "the beauty of heaven and the cage of the universe are the highest of Du Fu's poems."

Song of Running Horse River Farewell to Feng, General of the Western Expedition

Don't you see the snowy seaside, where sand flies from the desert into the sky and turns yellow?

On the night of the ninth month, there was a cold wind blowing in the wheel tower and the valley, and the valley was full of broken boulders like pecking rice, which went down and forward with the wind.

Despite the dust, the Tatar horse fat, the west of the Jinshan Mountain, and the gathering of smoke and dust, Oh, general of China's army, start your campaign! .

Wear your armor all night and let your soldiers March with rumbling weapons! And the sharp tip of the wind cuts his face like a knife.

The sweat of snow evaporates on horseback, freezing the pattern of five-flowered coins, your challenge from the camp, and the ink bottle from the ice.

It has cooled the heart of the barbarian leader, and you will no longer need a real battle! And military adviser Simon attended the ceremony.


1, Jinshan: Altai Mountain.

2. Han family: this refers to the Tang Dynasty through the Han Dynasty.

3, even money: the markings on the horse.

4. Ba: (Xi)


Cen Can's frontier fortress is poetic, fresh and elegant, or magnificent. This poem is magnificent.

At first, I tried my best to render the environment bad and the wind and sand covered the sky. And write, Ma Zhuang and other Huns invaded, and General Feng was fearless and ready for battle. Finally, write that the enemy is afraid and hopes to return home in triumph.

Although the poem describes the battle, it mainly describes the cold, suggesting the great achievements of fighting in the snow. The statement is heroic, like the wind, real and moving. The whole poem uses rhyme, three turns, rapid and powerful rhythm, vigorous and unique.

I left and moved to Languan to show my nephew Xiang.

A letter in the sky, eight thousand in Chaoyang Road at night.

This is a sage's strategy to eliminate evil, dare to cherish old age?

Where is the home of Yunheng Qinling? Snow blocked the blue horse!

Knowing that you have come all the way should be intentional, which will make me feel embarrassed by the river.

(rhyming translation)

A memorial was read to our emperor in the morning.

Demote me to the morning sun eight thousand miles away at night.

It was originally intended to eliminate political abuses for the emperor.

How dare you regret thinking about yourself when you are old?

It is difficult for horses to fly when low clouds cross the Qinling Mountains.

You have to have a plan to know that you have come all the way.

So that my bones can be buried beside the miasma-filled Han River.

"Since the chaos in Henan, brothers separated, all in one place. Because of the feeling of full moon and talking about books, I sent Brother Fuliang, Brother Yuqian, Brother Wujiang and Brother Xia Yi. "

Author: Bai Juyi

The family business is in a year of disaster, and the brothers are scattered.

After the war, the countryside was deserted and the flesh and blood fled to a foreign land.

The injured shadow is like a lonely wild goose, wandering like a broken-rooted autumn canopy.

* * * Looking at the bright moon and crying, for the heart, five places, all sick and willing.


1. World industry: industry passed down from generation to generation.

2, travel: still drifting.

3, sparse: cold.

4. Fighting: These are two kinds of weapons, which refer to war here.

5. Root: Yu Brothers.

Rhyme translation:

The world is difficult, the war is chaotic, and the family business is empty;

Brothers fled and lived in different places, each in the west and each in the east.

After the war, it was deserted everywhere, and the countryside was deserted;

The flesh and blood are separated and wandering, and the two places are separated.

Lonely geese are thousands of miles apart and inseparable;

Brothers with the same roots go with the wind, just like the canopy in autumn.

The ends of the earth * * * see the bright moon, all tears;

Homesickness tonight, you and I are United, and the five places are the same.

Batavia on Yanmenguan Line

Li he

Enemy soldiers rolled in like dark clouds in an attempt to tear down the city wall; Our army was ready, and the sun shone on the armor, glittering with gold.

In autumn, the loud bugle sounded; The soldier's blood became dark in the night.

The red flag rolled half, and the reinforcements rushed to Xiao; The night frost is heavy and the drums are gloomy.

I want to report to you on the golden platform, and I want to take Yulong to your death.

"Yan Men Tai Shou Hang" is an old topic in Yuefu. In the era when Li He lived, rebellion broke out one after another and wars continued. For example, in the fourth year of Yuan Dynasty and the fourth year of Shi Zai (809), Wang Chengzong's rebels attacked Yizhou and Dingzhou, and the patriotic general Li led his troops to rescue them. In the ninth year of Yuanhe, he took the lead, broke through the tight encirclement, attacked Wu Yuanji rebels, killed the enemy and fled.

It is speculated from some legends and data records about the poem "Wild Goose Gate Taishouxing" that it may be a war to pacify the rebellion in the buffer region.

The whole poem consists of eight sentences, and the first four sentences are about the scene before sunset. The first sentence not only talks about scenery, but also about things, which successfully exaggerates the tense atmosphere and critical situation in Enemy at the Gates. The word "dark clouds crush the city to destroy" vividly reveals the number and fierceness of the enemy, the disparity in strength between the warring parties and the difficult situation of the defenders. The defenders in the city are compared with the enemy outside the city. Suddenly, the situation changed, and a ray of sunshine penetrated through the clouds and reflected on the armor of the soldiers guarding the city, only to see glittering and dazzling. At the moment, they are preparing to fight. Here, daylight is used to show the camp and morale of the defenders, and the scene is very wonderful. It is said that Wang Anshi once criticized this sentence, saying, "When dark clouds overwhelm the city, is there still light in the sun?" Yang Shen claimed that he had indeed seen such a scene, accusing Wang Anshi of saying, "Song Lao's headscarf doesn't know poetry." In fact, the truth of art and the truth of life cannot be equated. When the enemy besieged the city, there may not be dark clouds. When the defenders are in array, it is not necessarily the sun that shines and cheers. Dark clouds and sunshine in poetry are the means for poets to create environment and create meaning. The third sentence and the fourth sentence describe the gloomy and miserable battlefield atmosphere from the auditory and visual aspects respectively. It's already late autumn, and all the trees are crumbling. In the dead silence, the horn sounded. Obviously, a thrilling battle is going on. The Sound of Horn Everywhere outlines the scale of this war. With the advantage of numbers, the enemy clamored for progress and pressed forward step by step. The defender didn't get cold feet because of his weakness. Encouraged by the sound of the trumpet, their morale was high and they fought back hard. The fighting lasted from day to dusk. The poet did not directly describe the fierce scene of the wheel-staggered and hand-to-hand combat, but only made a rough but expressive description of the scene on the battlefield after the withdrawal of the two sides: the battle lasted from day to night, the sunset glow reflected the battlefield, and large rouge-like red blood condensed on the earth through the night fog. This gloomy and dignified atmosphere reflects the tragic scene of the battle site, suggesting that both the offensive and defensive sides have a large number of casualties, and the soldiers guarding the city are still at a disadvantage, which has made necessary preparations for the next friendly rescue.

The last four sentences are about the activities of the rescue forces. "Half-rolled red flag is near Yishui" and "half-rolled" have extremely rich meanings. March in the dark and stop it in order to "surprise and attack it unprepared"; "Facing the Yi River" not only indicates the location of the battle, but also implies that the soldiers have such a heroic pride as "the wind blows and the water cools, and the strong men are gone forever". Then describe the bitter battle scene: as soon as the rescue troops approached the enemy camp, they beat gongs and drums and cheered and went into battle. But the night is so cold and frosty that even the drums can't move. Faced with many difficulties, the soldiers were not discouraged. "I want to report to you on the golden platform, and I want to take Yulong to your death." Huang Jintai was built in southeast Xiao during the Warring States Period. It is said that he once put a lot of gold on the stage, saying that he would not hesitate to spend a lot of money to attract scholars from all over the world. The poet quoted this story to express the soldiers' determination to serve the court.

Generally speaking, it is not appropriate to write tragic and tragic battle scenes with performances? Colorful words, and almost every sentence of Li He's poems has bright colors, such as gold, rouge and purple, which are not only bright, but also? Brilliant, they are intertwined with black, autumn colors, jade white and so on, forming a colorful picture. A poet, like a talented painter, is especially good at coloring, expressing things with color and touching people with color, not just sketching out the outline. When he writes poetry, he seldom uses the technique of drawing lines, and always paints things with various novel and heavy colors with the help of imagination, which effectively shows their multi-level nature. Sometimes, in order to make the picture more vivid, he also mixed some things with different or even contradictory nature, making them parallel and dislocated, forming a strong contrast. For example, the dark clouds over the city symbolize the arrogance of the enemy, and the brilliance of the sun shows the heroic attitude of the soldiers guarding the city. The contrast between the two is bright, the color is bright, and the love and hate are clear. Li He's poems are not only wonderful, but also appropriate. Strangeness and appropriateness are the basic characteristics of his poetry creation. This poem, with? Colorful mottled colors depict tragic and tragic battle scenes, which can be described as bizarre; However, this colorful and peculiar picture accurately shows the frontier fortress scenery and the rapidly changing war situation at a specific time and place, which is very appropriate. Only its strangeness makes it more novel; Only when it is appropriate can it feel true; Strange and just right, thus forming a muddy and emotional artistic conception. This is Li He's unique skill in writing poems, which is both valuable and valuable to him.

Bu operator

Send Bao Haoran to East Zhejiang


It's the eye, the mountain is the eyebrow peak. Where are you going? In the place where the eyebrows shine, spring will send you home and then send you home. If you go to the south, you can catch up with spring, and you must keep the scenery of spring.

This is a farewell letter. The last film focuses on people. Compare water and mountains with eyes and eyebrows. The word "eyebrow eye" has two meanings, that is, to write about the beauty of Jiangnan water town, and at the same time to write about the people he wants to see, pun intended, and the interpretation is flawless. You can see the skill.

The next film focuses on the season. And this season is just with the feeling of going home. In late spring, people return to spring. The "spring" in the last two sentences refers not only to the season, but also to the personnel. Live up to the beautiful spring and live with it. The so-called "spring" in personnel is the "spring" in family life. Pun intended, clever and playful.

This word is lively, clever and thought-provoking. A few wisecracks are novel but not vulgar, elegant but not ridiculous.

Xia Wanchun in Another Cloud

Three years as an anti-Qing soldier, defeated and imprisoned.

Mountains and rivers have endless tears. Who says heaven and earth are wide?

I already know the way to another spring, and I am really worried when I think of saying goodbye to my hometown.

On the day when the ghost man and soul are waiting to return, the spirit wants to see their homeland.


1. Yun Jian: Place name, the ancient name of the author's hometown Songjiang.

2. Xia Wanchun, a patriotic writer in the late Ming Dynasty.

3.(jρ) Traveler: A person who wanders outside. This refers to the author's three-year anti-Qing life.

4. Nanguan: Captured prisoner. At this time, the author has been arrested by Qing soldiers.

5. Lu Quan: Underground, underworld.

6. Spirit: a resolute soul.

7. Spiritual flag: refers to the military flag; Space: horizon.


This poem was written by the author when he was arrested in 1647. Later, he was taken to Nanjing and died heroically because he refused to be lured by the Qing government. At this time he was only 16 years old. As a tragic and generous poem, this poem expresses the poet's deep attachment to the motherland, relatives, home and free life, and expresses the poet's grief and unyielding fighting spirit. The tone of the whole poem is generous and tragic, forceful and intriguing.

[Introduction by the author]

Nanming poet, anti-Qing general. Formerly known as Fu, the word is ancient, and the number is small and hidden, and it is called Lingshou (or). Songjiang Huating (now Songjiang, Shanghai) was born. Xia Wanchun wrote nearly 1000 poems. Up to now, there are more than 310 poems with more than 40 words. Strong patriotic thought, passionate patriotic enthusiasm, fiery fighting atmosphere, touching romance and gorgeous rhetoric are the main characteristics of his poems. He inherited the patriotic traditions of Qu Yuan, Du Fu, Lu You, Xin Qiji and Wen Tianxiang, and became one of the outstanding patriotic poets in the motherland.