Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What are the chances of Taurus and Capricorn being together?

What are the chances of Taurus and Capricorn being together?

Firm and reliable, these shining advantages surround Taurus and Capricorn goats with a sense of security of earth color. Life in Taurus and Capricorn is not both taupe and black. But in their private light, you will find it difficult to find optimistic colors, such as yellow or red. When the two animals meet in the zoo, the earth will reverberate with the tremor of fate. Who knows what kind of success Taurus and goat will achieve by wearing halter tops together? They know.

They don't know where he (or she) is going. Taurus and goat are both modest and reserved. Both of them regard temperance as an internal alarm or insurance system to warn themselves to get rid of the wayward feelings that will lead them to realize their ambitions. Oh, this doesn't mean that they are dull, boring and diligent people without a sense of humor and imagination. As for Capricorn, almost all goats have some kind of creative or artistic genius. Many of them apply something absently in their work like professionals, and some of them really become successful painters or writers (Capricorn novelists have two jobs). As for Taurus, although their minds are filled with all the common sense of life, their souls are full of music. Many Taurus are famous singers, musicians or composers. Others just play the piano at home, hum harmonies or play the piano. Almost every one of them, knowing that no one can hear, will sing in the light rain. In a humorous way, Taurus is an original comedian. They are always surrounded by laughter. In the living room or at work, ordinary Taurus men or women will unconsciously play the role of comedy monologue without encouragement from others.

Capricorn goats also have an obvious and bizarre sense of humor. Their keen observation of life comedy is humorous and interesting. Although they usually frown when they speak, it only makes them more ridiculous. When something really interests them, they can make up funny and grotesque humorous stories, which will make professional comedians sigh, so you see, the combination of Taurus and goat can be warm, pleasant, stable, long-lasting and unbreakable.

They were born in a negative underground palace and did not provide them with fertile ground for frivolous reproduction. Goats and Taurus are interesting, but they don't mess around. When they joke, they don't lose their dignity at all. In a good disco bar, you can't find a few crazy dancers belonging to these two constellations. They spend more time sitting at home watching movies in other people's national parks, thus spending a beautiful and quiet night.

Because goats and Taurus belong to the 5-9 Heavenly Palace, you should be able to find like-minded grasslands in places with affairs, children, religion, tourism, education and entertainment industries. From there, they can work together in Qi Xin and finally achieve brilliant achievements (if their sun and moon coincide); Or nothing (if the sun and the moon in their chart collide with each other). However, even in the latter case, they can always overcome the difficulties on May 9th. It is difficult for any two people affected by the Japanese palace to be angry or antagonistic for a long time. The road to reconciliation is always spacious, and it is always not difficult to find it as long as they are willing.

These two Japanese people are particularly reluctant to touch drugs. Most Taurus don't really need this extra pleasure, because their senses are in complete harmony with their surroundings. Taurus can smell a sweet bean or zinnia for hours and imagine their shape, color and fragrance-until an angry Feng Ye stung them. As for the typical Capricorn, they don't want to indulge in illegal activities, nor are they the kind of people who delay or hinder their ambitious mountaineering road-or create scandals under the guidance of Saturn.

After all, goats should be fully accepted and respected by their friends, relatives, neighbors and society. When scientists not only study test tubes, but also seriously study astrology, they will find that Taurus and goat account for a surprisingly small proportion in drug and alcohol recovery treatment centers compared with people in other Japanese palaces, with occasional exceptions, but very few.

Goats and Taurus love precious stones and metals as much as Leo. Firelion likes to wear it, the brighter the better. Taurus likes to dig it out of the ground. When they dig holes to find turquoise, gold, silver and diamonds, they will experience the joy of treasure hunting. Capricorn people like to immerse themselves in practical works of art, and their secret artistic pursuits are often satisfied when polishing brass utensils. However, the ultimate goal of Taurus and goat is to make conceited lions or lionesses buy their things, and then they can make money.

Capricorn will be an adult at about two or three years old, and Taurus will decide his future business field at this age. So when they work together, age is not important. Their goal is the same. Taurus and goat both know the road conditions outside, and what bothers them is their inner world. Their hearts are full of feelings that they don't want to show. They all deeply need love and appreciation, but he or she won't ask others for it. Therefore, like two mountains, they stand side by side, eager for human care or friendship, but stubbornly resist other people's proposals for friendship or open love confession.

Children see and frankly express the games that their elders have forgotten in adulthood. Because Taurus and goat's childhood is so short (they mature at the age of two or three), they may have missed many games in their life journey. How do they make up for their lost childhood? Taurus can easily say to the goat, "Let's swim across the river naked, and whoever falls behind is a coward!" " "Goats can also say to Taurus," Let's set off firecrackers in the garbage! ""When they get there, they can climb to the apple tree to play games, smell sweet peas and zinnia, and swing on old tires. At that time, they were all carefree.

Taurus (female)-Capricorn (male)

Have you ever noticed people's events in so hard to forget, and then tried to pretend that what they forgot is not important? Taurus ladies rarely make such excuses. She seldom forgets things. Everything is very important to her. Every Taurus has an excellent memory.

Of course, she won't forget the exact date and time when she met Capricorn. When he was born, the moon and lucky star were in the land palace or the water palace, especially if her moon and lucky star were in the same house. The fifth to ninth houses of Taurus and goat have been extremely harmonious. Coupled with the consistency of the above-mentioned stars, almost everyone can immediately realize that life with them in the future must be happy. It's like losing countless money in gambling and winning a huge sum of money unexpectedly with the last twenty cents. This money is especially precious to Taurus and goat, because they seldom take part in gambling.

Because people in the underground palace rarely talk about their private lives (Taurus and goat were born in the underground palace), many people think that the terrible experience of couples with intertwined fates will only happen to those who are affected by fire, gas and water at birth. Actually, it's not. This fate arrangement also appears between Taurus and goat (Virgo also has Virgo), which makes them feel deeply trembling like anyone who realizes that their meeting is fate and cannot be changed.

It is never easy to convince a couple in the underground palace that their love-and anything else-is predestined. Taurus, like goats, always believes that they can really hear, see, smell and feel things. However, the two stars who want to participate in the influence will not stop working hard until they complete their mission.

Imagine you are on Venus (the ruler of Taurus)-or living on Saturn (the ruler of Capricorn), overlooking the natural and mysterious process between Taurus and goat, just like the process between all lovers affected by the 5-9 house, their love looks as smooth as velvet without obstacles. But this is not necessarily the case. Due to the * * * vibration of the Sun Palace constellation, the blessing of the house on May 5-9 will only make the relationship between two people bear more tension and pressure than most people. In other words, the tension between them can be eliminated more easily with less cost, their accidental injury to each other is not as serious as others, and their reconciliation is more frequent and effective than others. They are jointly responsible for the problems that arise. Once they seriously entrust themselves to each other, it will never be easy to separate them forever.

Taurus and goat care about the same thing-security, emotional security and economic security. They all have a necessary quality in any interpersonal relationship-patience. The virtue of patience almost always endows people with three qualities-singleness, trust and loyalty. These three wands can turn accidental infatuation into deeper and more lasting love.

Another factor that poets and visionaries think is essential for lasting love is emotion. At first glance, Taurus doesn't seem to be an emotional person, but there is a look of satisfaction with the man she chose in her eyes, which obviously shows her strong attachment to her family, her existing material conditions, her past love letters and her children and her husband. She will stubbornly oppose any major change, even if she seems to agree. She can't easily adapt to small changes in personal habits. Because in addition to the emotional attachment to everything that exists, what is the desire to change? Therefore, her disapproval of change means that she is still obsessed with everything she has. This is the foundation of feelings.

Yes, she is emotional and soft-hearted, but her will is by no means weak. She knows what she needs and will pursue it in her bold way (although it seems to be unhurried and unhurried). Taurus ladies are particularly good at waiting, and will not pick when the conditions are not mature. Capricorn man especially appreciates this, which is reflected in female sexual desire-passivity-which is an elusive mystery of his obedience to male dominance. This will always make the goats with a little chauvinism feel happy and cheerful. Therefore, when he sees that he has become a conqueror of masculinity because of her gentle and elegant behavior, he may notice her calm mind. Not to mention her deep, rich and musical voice and her attractive figure curve, which form beautiful arcs in all suitable places, especially suitable for hugs. Besides, this lady will always be an excellent cook and have an excellent sense of humor.

Sometimes this pair looks so similar that you can't tell the difference between them. But astrologers have ways to tell the difference, and here is one of them. Taurus girls rarely use their carefully preserved vitality to win everyone's applause or someone's approval. When she has made up her mind about something, all she needs is to leave her alone and change because others disagree. When you tell a typical Taurus lady that people are whispering or that someone doesn't like her, she just shrugs and says, "Really? They have nothing to do but interfere in my life? Don't they have their own lives? They must be very depressed and lonely. " Then she will do what she is doing and be satisfied with her self-esteem.

Capricorn men, on the other hand, are very concerned about public applause and private approval. What he wants in his mind is to reach the top of the goal, realize his dream, and then turn to a favorable position, stay away from the noisy crowd, and not be bothered and hurt by the childish actions around him. The calmer the goat's surface, the stronger the desire to get to that position first. If you tell him that someone disapproves of him, he may shrug his shoulders like a Taurus lady and even mumble the same words "I don't care at all" in reply. But in private, he would frown and say the same thing: "I don't care at all" as an answer. But in private, he will frown, and may even have toothache or stomachache. His kneecaps will rattle several times a week, or he will have a nervous disorder. He will try to put forward the opinions of people who disagree with him. Respect and praise from colleagues, friends, relatives and neighbors are very important to goats. Taurus also attaches great importance to other people's praise, but unlike Capricorn husband, she will not be defeated if she occasionally hears criticism or opposition. She may guess his secret, but usually she is very kind and sophisticated and won't let him know that she can understand the pain he feels when he is not fully appreciated by others. There are many emotions and words silently exchanged between men and women, and these words can only be heard by their hearts.

In their sexual relationship, she may sometimes subconsciously adopt an inconspicuous attitude to express her gift to him. Ms. Taurus is more fully prepared for the sexual behavior of marriage than ordinary goats, because her highly developed hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch have increased her ability to express her love subtly with her body. She is also better at expressing her love with affectionate words and actions than he is (although she will go too far). Therefore, there will be times, especially at the beginning, when she shows her excellent ability of pure love and makes the goat feel that she is an incompetent lover. He uses his body to express his love strongly and directly, and his sexual desire is rapid and unrestrained, with few soft ingredients. He likes passion, and his muscles are all melodramatic. And although he is not lacking in tenderness, he often makes her feel this way. However, tenderness can be taught, especially when it already exists, but it is still a treasure worth exploring persistently. If she guides him with her patience and gentleness, he will be eager to learn how to meet all her equally strong needs through the harmony of sexual life. Goats never find it easy to express their strongest wishes. When Ms. Taurus does things according to her instinct, it can help him to liberate his feelings that he is ashamed to feel and eager to release.

Capricorn (male or female) has an unfortunate quirk of many people who are subject to Saturn. It is because of their premature failure in love that they have a tendency to hope that love is a sad thing. Because Capricorn man's physiological desire is as strong as any man's, he will separate sex from love-satisfying the physiological impulse and avoiding love being hurt. Because Ms. Taurus is bound by Venus, it is her responsibility to teach shy, interesting and affectionate goats an eternal truth: if they want to fully meet their needs, sex and love are inseparable. Sex without love makes the body feel cold, and love without sex makes the soul feel empty.

There is often a Capricorn man who looks completely made of underground materials-selfish, calm, practical and ambitious. There is often a Taurus, who seems to be made entirely of underground materials-common sense, stubbornness, ambition and old habits. But in both cases, they keep a certain distance from love, which is exactly the way they like.

Why don't they show their minds separately or sell them to the highest bidder? Because this man and woman cherish their hearts very much, they can't throw them into the auction table of love at will. But when Taurus gently touches the goat's hand and gazes into his eyes affectionately and quietly, he will willingly give her his heart. Similarly, when a Taurus girl discovers that the goat has guessed her deepest secret (as deep as he)-she is also a romantic visionary-she will also give her heart to him.

At this time, Taurus and goat who are reading this chapter have learned not to despise fate, because it is an invisible and invisible force. Refusing your own guidance will lead you astray somewhere on the road of fate, which happens too often in the pursuit of happiness by men and women who stick to dogma in the Land Palace.