Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Libra's sign of infatuation with you

Libra's sign of infatuation with you

How to read the signal that Libra has a crush on you? They always like to chat with you and go out to play. If a group of people go out to play, he always likes to chat with you, which shows that he is a little interested in you. They don't talk about love, they don't talk about love It is said that Libra likes to play ambiguous, in fact, it just likes to play ambiguous with people who have a good impression on themselves. They don't like people who have no feelings, so they will pay attention to what they say and be afraid that others will pester them. In the ambiguous stage, they are measuring whether they can communicate, and they are passive. If you go further and take the initiative, it may become.

What is the expression of Libra boys secretly liking girls? I am a Libra, too.

Well, the landlord's performance is obviously not "safe" and he is very hurt.

Libra always likes secret love, even if it is popular, it will not let go in front of the person you like!

If Libra has a crush, he will. . .

1, chat with the person you like, try to keep the tone of your friends, and don't want you to find out.

To show that I don't care, I will avoid your eyes and don't look directly at you when I talk to you.

Pretending that I don't care about chatting with you is actually to get close to you.

Libra decided to secretly love, which is really hard to find from the language.

But in front of friends, he will talk about you from time to time, and only people around him can feel it.

If you really want to know, you can ask his friends who they like to talk about recently.

If you really like her, you can hint, but don't put pressure on her, or she will resent it and alienate you in the future. Freedom is very important for Libra!

Finally, I want to say that Libra really has the potential to be an underground party!

Is it difficult for boys of different constellations to send out secret love signals of different frequencies? Don't trust these foreigners' things, we will instinctively catch these signals.

Libra boys, secretly love a person's performance? Libra is an artistic constellation. Generally like a person, will tell him in her own way. Generally, it will be more direct, but what you said here is directly packaged in some way, which may be a hint, so pay attention.

When you send her a text message, she won't reply to you quickly, but she will deliberately keep your appetite.

When you call her, she never answers your phone quickly, but makes you impatient.

She never takes the initiative to ask you out, but she will inadvertently send a text message to test you.

She will be indifferent to seeing you close to other girls, but at the same time, she will let you taste your own medicine.

She will always catch any news about you, but she won't let you see anything strange.

She will remember what you said word for word, and maybe you will have forgotten it by then.

She will keep appearing on QQ, but she never takes the initiative to say hello. In fact, she is just waiting for your appearance.

She will often mention you in front of her friends and tell you your strengths, but never let you know.

She will stare at your photo or name in the dead of night and be in a daze, but when she wakes up the next day, she will still proudly raise her beautiful head and turn a blind eye to you.

Libra women are beautiful and affectionate, but her balance between reason and sensibility is also quite torturous. The most interesting thing is that you often see her playing debate games with herself. I hope you don't join her debate. Although you would like to express your opinion, after trying, you will understand that you can't interrupt or argue with her. She will never have a problem with you because you didn't hit her or you are not manly, but if you are not very good-looking or not very good-looking and have no temperament, then she may try to stay away from you. The ruler of Libra is Venus, which is related to love and beauty, and the patron saint is Aphrodite, the Greek god of love. Her aesthetic view is naturally absolutely strong! Libra women spend a long time weighing the pros and cons of things. If you don't know, you should remember from now on: the symbol of this constellation is a "scale", which is easy to swing from side to side. You should be familiar with her balance movements!

Libra women like the feeling of love very much. Whether before marriage or after marriage, she will want to be affectionate with her children. If not, she will use her imagination. Don't get me wrong, she is definitely a very loyal woman, she is just imagining things! Therefore, if you are a person who has no interest in life, then you should either give her room for spiritual thinking, or don't find a Libra and break her heart. Finally, there is another problem, that is, Libra will spend money on both men and women, but women are probably more obvious. When you encounter this problem, think about it: she is a Libra who has an extreme need for love and beauty, and most of these needs may be for you (in order to present the perfect side to you), then you may not think that her habit of spending money at will makes you unbearable.

Libra boys have been testing whether I like him or not, mainly whether you like him or not. Give him a little response if you like him, and ignore him if you don't like him.

Libra boys always provoke you. Do they have a crush on you? If a Libra boy likes you, he will often deliberately tell you a lot about himself, his strengths and weaknesses, hoping that you can know yourself better and integrate into your life circle. Libra is actually very satisfied. You only need to care about it once in a while, and he will be very happy and even moved. If you can remember his hobbies, he will be more moved by you.

This is also quite obvious. It is said that Libra's mind is hard to guess. In fact, you just need to see who he mentions the most every day. They like to talk about the people they like. Of course, he loves face so much that you won't see him. But the words have been exposed.

If a Libra boy always likes to look at you, he will go against you. Does he like you? No, he treats you like a buddy. ..

But this emotion will not escalate into a lover relationship. If you want him to be afraid to talk to you or ignore you, it's a secret crush on you ~

Men in Tian Ping like your performance 1. He smiles when he sees you-I think this is the first condition of liking. Even if you hide it, you can't hide the joy when you see the person you like. But the scale is too kind. This is just their outermost layer.

2. Always be by your side-if you like someone, you always want to be by his side, but Libra is shy and won't be stupid enough to sit next to the person you like (when you don't express your love), especially if someone asks him or her to sit next to you, and she or he will never sit, which is even more interesting! ! ~ ~ (but only if you get along) But at least, he (she) will often appear in front of you, and your favorite performance depends on the third point.

3. eye contact-although I can't sit next to you, your eyes are recognized by friends in the bar. Please don't be shy, just look at the scales with a very honest smile (remember to repeat this action many times). If the other person looks at you during eye contact, his eyes smile but immediately turn away, and then he becomes very happy and suddenly talks more (although he no longer looks at you, he can definitely sweep your corner).

It means that the other party is for you to see.

4. Physical contact-this is really different. No matter how ambiguous the scale is, it is impossible to have physical contact with ordinary friends or people you don't like. If you are often close to her or his side, and sometimes accidentally touch sensitive parts of your body (carelessly, but don't be abnormal), it proves that your relationship is already very good. Tian Ping men can fight with women who have a good relationship, but they won't take the initiative to lean on them. There will definitely be room, but they can have physical contact with the people they like:

5. Sudden silence, awkward atmosphere-people in balance are very afraid of silence. Generally speaking, a good friend will not be silent. If he (she) and other members of the opposite sex are never silent, but are silent with your friends, or don't know what to say to each other, you will like it if you look at her (him) and give him a smile. what did you say ? "He (she) will answer," Well, you don't understand, or just say it once, even if you can't hear it. "Hee hee, patient people will be confused when they meet love. Who can repeat it? ~~

6. I won't ask you for your phone number-hehe, but I always play with your mobile phone. In fact, she (he) just wants to know if you have written down his phone number, or if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and give a hint: you haven't asked my phone number yet. At this time, you must hit the snake stick, introduce your mobile phone immediately, then look at his mobile phone, and then see if the other party will take your mobile phone. . . . . (Generally, the other party will take the initiative to ask ~ ~ As long as you follow this door, he (she) will enter)

7. Try asking yourself if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend all day. As usual, ask, "Who sent this thing?" "Beauty has an appointment this weekend, right?" If you often ask this question, you like you. I want to know if there is anyone you like and if there is a chance. )

8. Agree to your unreasonable demands-such unreasonable demands appear in relationships between men and women. For example, if you want his personal or beloved things, he (she) will give them to you; You don't mean to ask him or her anything meaningful. She or she remembers it and tries to do it. She (he) will also tell you about your progress (value you and like you). She or he verbally refused to sing and other stupid things, and finally lost to you. . . . If you ask him (her) to help you with your homework, write and take things, he (she) will certainly do it (although he (she) will complain verbally, the action is completed). Hehe, congratulations ~ ~

9. Tell you a bad opinion of someone, or show your true self-Tian Ping is a perfect person. In the eyes of ordinary people, she is good-natured and peaceful, but she (he) seldom hears negative comments about people. If your he (she) complains to you about who is bad or upset, or loses a little temper, hehe, she (he) takes you to heart, and only people who trust will say what is in their hearts ~ ~ (remember, don't leave these words out)

10. Care about your difficulties and I will tell you everything-the balance is the wind. He (she) generally won't tell others his (her) whereabouts unless he (she) asks you for leave ~~ However, if the other party inadvertently reveals where he (she) is going to play and who he (she) is with, he (she) will invite you to go with him (her). . . . Tell you, I just like you and let you know her or him ~ ~

1 1. Want to know your friends, this is a man's day ... >>

12 constellation has a crush on you. What are their performances? -Give up your job

Love is always bold and straightforward. If you like someone, you may say it right away, but if you want to know.

Whether she really falls in love with you depends on whether she will give up her job for you, if

Really like you, she can give up her present good job for you and wander with you.


-I've always cared about you

Girls are people who can give each other a sense of security, but

Only for the person you like, you will be willing to give selflessly. If cancer women like you, they will care about everything about you, such as have you eaten? How's your job? How is your family recently? It means that cancer likes you, even if you hurt cancer women, they will.

. This is the cancer of the family.

During the performance.

-Always talking about it.

Libra has a wide range of communication, and they want their other half to integrate into their social circle.

When some girls like someone, whether with friends or colleagues, they will mention this person. Explain that Libra girls like this boy best. and

Girls like to ask boys some questions, but it is often a temptation. Talking about the person you like is a sign that Libra likes someone.

-I'll tell you my secret.

Some girls always make people want to protect her, but Capricorn girls are always unacceptable. Besides, they don't want to tell their friends anything. If Capricorn girls are willing to tell you from the heart and share happiness with you, they will also share pain with you, indicating that Capricorn girls like you. Tell the secret of your heart to the person you like. Here it is.

Like a person's performance.

-Send something of value.

Like a person is not easily expressed, so if you want to test the mind of Taurus girls, it depends on whether Taurus gave you expensive gifts and is willing to spend money for you. because

Money itself is very important. If she is willing to buy you an expensive gift, it means that she must like you. If you can send back some gifts, then you and

Our love will definitely have a positive result.

Bold impulse

What happens if some people like someone?

Some girls look careless, but in fact, this is just their bold appearance and delicate heart. If they like a person, Leo is very bold, not just direct expression. Even if the distance between you is no matter how far, the lion girl may come to see you, saying that she is here to see her friends. In fact, she already likes you in her heart This is a brave lion.

The performance of.

-Talk to you about the future

I don't like a person easily, and I often don't know how to express it when I like a person, then

What's it like to like someone? if

If students like you, they will talk to you about the future, such as what kind of life they want to live in the future, what plans they have for the future, and what expectations they have for life and love. Unconsciously, I also planned the future between you. So ...

Need guidance.

-Like playing tricks on you.

All say

Girls are smart, but not necessarily in love.

If girls like you, then they especially like to play tricks on you, because they want to attract your attention with this. And I especially like being with him. One moment I was nice to you, and the next I was calm.

. Playing tricks on people you like is a sign that Aquarius girls like someone.

-lose yourself and have no principles.

Is a fickle person, so

Your feelings will also make you

. But I'm telling you,

If they really like someone, they will lose themselves and become particularly unprincipled. It can even be said that

It's all zero. You can see whether Gemini girls will stand in your position through one thing, so you can guess Gemini's mind.


Girls like a person, it is really invisible. Hidden deep, let you

. But if you inadvertently remind me

A shortcoming or deficiency,

Not only won't be angry, but also really corrected afterwards, which can be seen.

I have a crush on you and like you. Change for the person you like, this is it.

A girl likes a person's performance

-Will respect your ideas

Is a person who likes freedom and doesn't like being controlled, if

If you like someone, then Sagittarius girls will make some changes for the person they like. You can let Sagittarius go to a place she doesn't like and see how she chooses. If you agree to go with you ... >>

What does it mean for a Libra boy to reply to a professed girl and say that he likes it? This person should always have a crush on you, but you only regard him as your best friend. He's always watching you. He is afraid to confess directly and hurt your friendship. Simple teasing should be regarded as true feelings.