Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The protagonist information in Harry Potter books, not the actors.

The protagonist information in Harry Potter books, not the actors.

1. I want to know the details of the main characters in the book:

Stay overnight (short for remain overnight)

Stay overnight (short for remain overnight)

Ron is the son of writers Weasley and Molly Weasley. He has five older brothers: bill weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley and george weasly, and a younger sister: Ginny Weasley.

Ron's father is an employee of the Muggle Artifact Abuse Bureau of the Ministry of Magic. His salary is not high, so most of Ron's things are second-hand. He is very concerned about this. I will care, too. )

Ron and Harry first met on platform 9 3/4. They sat in the box of the Hogwarts express train together. Ron shows Harry his pet mouse, and Harry and Ron share snacks. ~~

Ron likes to play wizard chess. He is eager to teach Harry how to play. Ron was afraid of spiders since he was a child, because his brothers Fred and George turned the teddy bear in his arms into Okumo. Ron's roommates at Hogwarts are Harry Potter, neville longbottom, Seymour finnigan and dean thomas.

In Harry Potter-The Mysterious Sorcerer's Stone, Ron, who loves chess, proved his superb chess skills. He sacrificed himself (of course, he recovered later) to win the game, which enabled Harry to pass the huge wizard's chessboard guarding the philosopher's stone.

In Harry Potter-The Lost Chamber of Secrets, Ron drives his father's flying car into whomping willow and his wand is broken. The wand will never work properly in the future: first, Draco Malfoy called Hermione a mudblood, and Ron tried to curse him, but the curse bounced back to him, and then when Professor gilderoy lockhart used it to modify Ron and Harry's memory, the spell bounced back to him. Ron also faces his greatest fear, spiders. He and Harry entered the spider community in the forbidden forest.

In Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, Ron's real identity as a rat-colored animal is Peter Petiru (peter pettigrew). Later, Sirius Black gave him an owl as a reward. His sister Ginny named the pig owl, and its original name was "Zhu Weiqiong".

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, he and Harry had a cold war for several weeks because of misunderstanding, but in Harry's second test, Ron got an unexpected harvest.

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, he joined Dumbledore's army (derived from the word "defense alliance", also referred to as DA) and completed his fifth school year.

2. albrecht von roon, a famous Prussian/German strategist, is called the "Big Three" of Germany together with Bismarck and Mao Qi.

Hermione Granger

Biographical notes

Full name: hermione jean granger.

Age: 17

Birthday:1September 1979 19

College: Gryffindor

Nickname: know-it-all (but many students admire her cleverness even more)

Features: Thick and unkempt brown hair can only be controlled by using a lot of speed skating conditioner. She didn't remove her big dice until the fourth grade, but that was after a spell accident.

Descent: Muggle descent

Family: Both parents are Muggle dentists. The focus of debate now is whether she has a sister. JK Rowling said she wanted to write, but she finally gave up. This shows that she really has no sisters. She is the only daughter in the family.

Constellation: Virgo

Hair color: brown

Eye color: brown (chocolate)

Pets: Crooke Mountain (cat, ginger, bowlegged)

Expertise: learning, logical reasoning

Favorite subject: arithmetic divination

The most disgusting subject: divination

The only subject that is not the best: the defense against the dark arts (actually good) divination that needs to be practiced.

First mention: chapter 6 of the philosopher's stone

Summary: 1979, Hermione was born in a very normal muggle family. I believe she had been studying at Muggle School until she received a letter from Hogwarts. Many materials can illustrate this point.

The mainland version is translated as "hermione granger" and the Taiwan Province version is translated as "hermione granger". Because many pirated DVDs sold in Chinese mainland now use Taiwanese versions, they are called "Miaoli", and Granger is her surname.


Hermione granger, the heroine of Harry Potter series, is a good friend of Harry and Ron. Many readers like her confidence and wisdom. High flyers from the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a trio of Harry and Ron. In fact, she is the shadow of J·k· Rowling, the author of Harry Potter.

Hermione granger is a character in the children's fantasy novel Harry Potter by the British writer Joan Catherine Rowling.

Personality analysis (1)

Hermione likes studying very much and sometimes seems to be very independent. Her thirst for knowledge proved useful in many of their adventures. One of her favorite subjects at school is arithmetic divination. Hermione's parents are Muggle dentists, and Hermione's roommates at Hogwarts are parvati and Lavender.

The correct pronunciation of Hermione's name is Her-my-oh-nee, which she expressed in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The correct pronunciation of Hermione's name is the most common problem for readers. So in this book, the author cunningly arranges Hermione to teach Victor krum how to pronounce her name correctly (but without success). Hermione got her name from william shakespeare's book A Winter's Tale. Hermione is also a variant of "Hermes" in Greek mythology.

Harry and Ron didn't like Hermione at first when they were freshmen, and Ron even expressed the hope that he and Hermione wouldn't be sent to the same university. Later, they gradually changed their attitude towards Hermione: she cried in the bathroom and was attacked by a troll on the way. They saved Hermione and then lied to Professor McGonagall to escape punishment. From then on, they became her friends. Hermione and Ron's personalities make them often quarrel. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Hermione helps Harry get through the devil's snare and logical reasoning.

In the second grade, she knew the true meaning of "mudblood". Ron protected her and put a spell on Draco Malfoy after she was insulted. Later, Hermione was petrified while studying the basilisk. She later learned that Harry and Ron saved Ron's sister Ginny Weasley.

In the third grade, Hermione alienated her friends again. At first, she was suspicious of Harry's Christmas present: a firebolt broom, and reported it to Professor McGonagall so that she could confiscate the broom. When Ron accused her cat Crookhill of killing his pet mouse. When her friend alienated Hermione, she helped rubeus hagrid prepare for the trial of Buckbeak the Gryphon, although all these efforts were in vain. Finally, she and Harry help Buckbeak escape. Hermione was teased (especially Slytherin) for her loose hair and omniscient tendency. Malfoy's insult to Hagrid made her slap Malfoy for the first time.

Hermione was disgusted with Professor sibyll trelawney and her divination class. When she was accused of not being suitable for divination, she just said in class that she would stop learning divination and pack up and leave. Although Hermione couldn't finish all the subjects, she still asked for a timer so that she could get back to class at the right time. She and Harry used a timer to save Sirius Black.

When she was in the fourth grade, she noticed the unfair treatment of domestic elves, so she decided to set up the organization "Elf Welfare Promotion Association", which was called "Elf Welfare Association" and "Spitting" for short. Unfortunately, the acronym of this organization means the same as "vomiting" in English. She became the partner of Triwizard Victor krum, which made Ron jealous. She vowed to get back at rita skeeter, a journalist who spread lies about Harry and herself. She later decided that rita skeeter was an illegal animal and set a trap to catch her. This book implies that she has become Ginny's best friend.

Hermione continued to promote the House-elf Welfare Promotion Association. In the fifth grade, she knitted clothes for the house elves, hoping to set them free (as a result, the house elves refused to clean the Gryffindor Tower, so the task was left to Dobby). She knew that rita skeeter was an illegal animaji, and then blackmailed her to write an article stating Voldemort's return. Hermione also had the idea of establishing Dumbledore's army (DA) and was involved in the struggle of the mysterious department of the Ministry of Magic. She was badly hurt.

Hermione took great pains in her studies and homework. She passed the general witchcraft test. Some people think that she is the best student, although in astronomy, an interruption may affect her grades. She may also pass the Super Fatigue Bombing Witchcraft Test (N.E.W.Ts).

Hermione and Ron become the prefects of Gryffindor. Hermione tends to obey the rules, but when necessary (especially with dolores jane umbridge), she will resist, including forming Dumbledore's army.

In the sixth grade, her relationship with Ron Weasley gradually changed from a friend to a lover. Her correspondence with Victor krum made Ron jealous, while Ron's brief love affair with Lavender made Hermione jealous and made him angry with Cormac Maclagan.

Personality analysis (2)

First of all, modern muggles are not as opposed to wizards as they used to be. Although wizards still keep their distance from them and keep secrets strictly, Muggles have gradually become civilized and accepted witchcraft.

Secondly, at first glance, the security measures at Hogwarts are not thorough. After all, Hermione said that she was surprised when she received the letter from Hogwarts, at least she felt suddenly. If such a letter falls into the hands of people who hate magic, the whole magical world is likely to be exposed immediately. From this, we can infer that when Hermione's magical potential was revealed, the Hogwarts representative obviously contacted the Grangers, although Hermione didn't mention it herself.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger are very relieved to let their daughter go to boarding school in the Scottish wilderness. If they hadn't received a letter from Hogwarts, they wouldn't be so relieved. Perhaps they made Hermione fully prepared for studying at Hogwarts, and at the same time gave her daughter a surprise.

When Hermione arrived at Hogwarts, she quickly became the cleverest student in the whole grade. She not only knows the answer to every question, but also remembers the contents of every book she has read, and is willing to tell others her knowledge. Therefore, she won the nickname "Gryffindor know-it-all" shortly after her school career began, and she was famous for raising her hand to answer questions in every class and never taking pains. Professor Snape doesn't like this.

This inadvertently made her reputation among students as thankless as Filch, the administrator. She cares about her reputation and hopes to make more friends, but she can't control her instinct to be a top student. After the spell class, she overheard Ron Weasley's rude comments about her. She was so sad that she hid in the bathroom and cried all day. This is a disaster for her. 199 1 year, Professor Quirrell put Johnson in Hogwarts.

Harry and Ron were forced to break into the girls' bathroom to face the troll in order to save her. They have no choice but to fight it. By chance, they knocked down the troll. On the other hand, Hermione lied to Professor McGonagall, who came at once, and concealed the fact that she had two friends for the first time.

Although she is still the same as before, the sudden change has calmed her down. She is still eager to show her talents, but she resisted the desire to condemn students who violated school rules and used her intelligence to help those students who needed help.

As a result, she finally integrated herself into campus life and gradually became popular. Of course, she is the first in her class. The fact that a Muggle-born wizard is ahead in all aspects annoys many pure-blood lovers such as Draco Malfoy, but by the sixth grade, he gradually realized that this is not something he can do.

By the sixth grade, Hermione had become a mature, friendly, helpful and reasonable girl, although she was still a little bossy and enthusiastic about helping those who didn't want her to help (remember "vomiting"). In the fourth grade, she even attracted the attention of Victor krum, who was much older than her. Krum liked Hermione very much, but their relationship only lasted until krum returned to Rome, Dempster.

Hermione has kept in touch with krum ever since-they became pen pals. What she really likes is Ron Weasley. She is a mature girl and can understand her true feelings. In the third grade, she first noticed that she liked Ron, although Ron hadn't noticed her at that time. In the fourth grade, although Ron was angry, he didn't realize that their relationship was still up in the air. Maybe he is not ready to accept a relationship, so he has been running away. Hermione wants to break the deadlock, but Ron's attitude has always depressed her. "Ron, you are the dullest person I have ever met."

In the sixth year, their relationship made a little progress. At least Ron realized his feelings for Hermione, but he escaped. In fact, when he discovered the relationship between Hermione and krum, his anger and various reactions were very telling. Only when the war broke out inevitably did Ron and Hermione finally know each other's feelings and their relationship could go further.

On the other hand, the relationship between Hermione and Harry has been very stable. Their friendship has been developing steadily after the initial difficulties and obstacles, and Hermione has always been Harry's confidant. Dumbledore even allowed Harry to tell Ron and Hermione about the prophecy and his responsibilities. After the headmaster died, Hermione became one of only three people who knew the complete prophecy.

Perhaps because of Hermione's muggle background, she studies magic as a science rather than an art, which is different from the fact that children born in magical families are surrounded by magical environments. This is reflected in the patron saint's mantra, which calls for recalling a happy past. Although she is knowledgeable and always comes first in exams, Hermione has only mastered the theory after all. She thinks that Harry is more talented than her because Harry is born with magical control, and what she has learned is only the numerical advantage. So in the fifth grade, Hermione hinted that Harry was better than herself and chose him as the leader of their Dumbledore army.

Nevertheless, Hermione is undoubtedly a talented witch, which is also illustrated by her 1 1 owl certificate, of which 10 is "excellent". It's great that she only concentrated on taking 10 courses to reach this level. Although she gave up Muggle studies in the third grade, she passed the exam. In the sixth grade, she took seven courses on salamanders. Although Dumbledore passed away, she will definitely take these exams.

Hermione's pet is a cat named Crookhill, which is only half cat and raccoon-this just reflects her personality. Crook Mountain is very clever and has Gryffindor's courage, as can be seen from the scene where he tries to protect Sirius Black in the screaming hut. Hermione is bound to be involved in the struggle with Voldemort. Her personality and habits will give her an advantage, and she also needs to accumulate more talent and courage. At the end of the sixth grade, Dumbledore's death touched everyone's heart. She (and Ron) promised to help Harry defeat Voldemort instead of going back to school to continue his studies. Harry stopped them, but Hermione is not a girl who can be stopped. It seems that her seventh grade will be spent in dangerous activities instead of studying hard in the classroom as before.

Actor: hermione granger

Name: emma watson.

Translation: emma watson

Birthday: 1990 April 15.

Place of birth: Oxford, England

Masterpiece: Her only screen performance in the Harry Potter series is four Harry Potter movies, but there is no doubt that this is enough to make her popular. This role has been deeply rooted in people's hearts, and some even think that she must have brown hair in real life. But for her, movies are just a part of life. In her spare time, she still sticks to her hobbies, hockey and debate.

In the past four years, Harry Potter has not only made progress in his studies and improved his magical energy, but also made continuous progress in his ideology, morality and civic awareness, and gradually grew into an excellent man. But after all, he is still young and energetic, and he needs to be further improved in controlling emotions and treating people.


Advantages: use spells to save the school; Won many games and won honor for the school.

Since Harry Potter joined Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he has shown considerable collective consciousness, which has been appreciated by the principals and teachers. In the first grade, Harry Potter just learned to ride a broom. He was chosen as the sniper of the college Quidditch. When the team was tied by the other team, Harry bravely chased the "Snitch" who represented 150 points, risked falling to the ground directly, caught the golden fly ball, and helped his team win.

In the second grade, Harry Potter's performance was even more outstanding. Although some students and teachers doubt and reject snake language because they know it, many students are petrified and the school is facing the crisis of closure. Harry and his companions cracked the secret of the chamber of secrets with magic spells and saved the whole school without worrying about the attack of poisonous spiders. In the fourth grade, as the youngest player, Harry successfully completed three competitions and won honors for the school.

environmental consciousness

Advantages: release the python and save the eagle horse.

Insufficient: Many trees are damaged, so we should pay attention to protecting the flowers and plants on campus.

Harry Potter made friends with many different kinds of animals in four years, including pythons, white owls, eagle horses and spiders ... and became the student with the most animal friends at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry Potter had kindly released the Brazilian python in the zoo long before he entered school. After entering the school, I treat every animal friend well, regardless of height, fat or thin, and treat each other sincerely. In the third grade, Harry Potter made the most outstanding contribution to animal protection. His good friend Ma Ying was sentenced to death. Harry Potter risked his life and returned to Ma Ying under the gaze of the Minister of Magic and Chairman Dumbledore. However, in the second grade, Harry Potter once injured whomping willow at the school gate, and the flying car he was driving damaged many tree trunks. I hope I can pay attention to protecting the flowers and plants on campus in the future.


Advantages: Be kind to students who make rumors; Help the headmaster to resume teaching.

As early as the first grade, Harry Potter often visited Professor Hagrid who lived outside the castle and became good friends with him. In the second grade, President Dumbledore and Professor Hagrid were expelled and supervised respectively. Harry still clung to it, relying on his own strength to find out the secret of the Chamber of Secrets, exonerating Professor Hagrid, and restoring the teaching position of President Dumbledore. In the third grade, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger used a "time converter" to turn back time and rescued Sirius Black, the godfather of Harry Potter. In the fourth grade, although he suffered from rumors, Harry Potter was still polite to Rita, the maker of rumors, which was commendable.

gender equality

Advantages: under the influence of Hermione, I respect women very much; Although I can't dance with my sweetheart, I still maintain a good gentleman demeanor.

Harry Potter's consciousness of equality between men and women first comes from the subtle influence of his good friend Hermione. At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hermione gave full play to the self-improvement spirit of "Who says women are inferior to men". She not only achieved excellent academic performance, but also answered the teacher in class. She was witty and brave and became Harry's best helper to overcome many difficulties. In the second grade, she made transformation water to help Harry understand the truth. In the fourth grade, she used a superb magic that neither Harry nor Ron had learned: "going back in time" and successfully rescued the eagle horse and Sirius. Even rogue students came to provoke, and Hermione stepped forward and subdued each other neatly. Such excellent female friends have helped Harry Potter develop a good character of respecting women. In the fourth grade, at the grand Christmas party, although Harry Potter could not dance with his sweetheart Zhang Qiu, he still maintained a good gentleman demeanor.

Curb violence and help the weak.

Advantages: Dare to fight against the dark forces.

Disadvantages: I often break into the restricted area of the school, and my awareness of obeying the law needs to be strengthened.

In the first grade, Harry Potter, who is still wet behind the ears, has dared to fight Voldemort in order to prevent the philosopher's stone from falling into Voldemort's hands. In the second grade, he became braver. He not only went into the secret room to destroy the snake demon, the murderer of "petrified fright", but also launched a life-and-death struggle with Voldemort, a powerful boy, and saved the whole Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which won unanimous praise from the school leaders. By the fourth grade, Voldemort was born again, and the whole magical world was facing great challenges. Young Harry Potter students still play a fine style of daring to fight against the dark forces and fight to the end with enemies many times stronger than themselves.

Harry Potter often intrudes into the forbidden area of the school without authorization, and the discipline needs to be strengthened. But his motives are pure, all in order to eliminate bad elements and protect the school and classmates. The college will not pursue it. I hope that Harry Potter will learn to protect himself in his later study and life, and give full play to his heroic qualities in the new era on the premise of telling the school. In addition, I hope Harry Potter can abide by the classroom discipline and put an end to the behavior of being late for class and deserting.

2. What are Harry's parents like? How powerful is the wizard? They are smart and fair, and Zhan Mu is very talented in Quidditch. Lily has a gift for potions.

Ron's parents seem to be friends with Harry's parents? No, they didn't.

4. Why is Dumbledore the best wizard?

Albus Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore

Full name: Albus? Percival? Woolfrick? Brian? Dumbledore

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

President of the International Federation of Wizards.

Wizengamot is the chief mage of the Wizard High Court.

Sir Merlin, first class)

Photos and profiles have long appeared on chocolate frog cards (this ... makes up the number)

The headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

Is the founder of the order of the phoenix.

1945 beat dark wizard Grindelwald.

Discover the use of 12 dragon blood.

Together with our partner Nicolas Flamel, we have achieved fruitful results in alchemy.

Such as chamber music and bowling.

Appearance: tall and thin, with outstanding wizard temperament.

There are elegant silvery white (auburn when young) long hair and a beard (several feet long, which can be tied into a belt)

The long aquiline nose seems to have been broken several times.

Half-moon glasses

Bright blue eyes, very penetrating (like X-rays).

Fingers are slender, and the fingertips are often put together when talking.

There is a scar on the left knee, which is a complete map of London (! ? )

Write a long and thin circled word.

Favorite Muggle Food: Lemon Ice Cream

Favorite snack: raspberry jam

Sour soda

Toffee finger cake

Hemp chef honey candy

Cockroach pile

Iced lemon juice

Dislike snacks: Bibi multi-flavored beans (I have eaten terrible taste and earwax)

Pet: Fox (with red and gold feathers, extremely loyal, able to carry extremely heavy things, tears have therapeutic effect)

Dress: a robe, a purple cloak mopping the floor, and a pair of high-heeled boots with buttons (chapter 1 in Part I).

Long wool dressing gown and nightcap (Part II, Chapter 10)

A luxurious dark green robe embroidered with many stars and the moon (Chapter 4 12)

Deep blue long-distance running (Chapter 8 of Part V)

Purple robe studded with silver stars (Chapter 1 1 in Part V)

Snow-white pajamas, covered with purple robes inlaid with gold (Chapter 22, Part V)

Black travel cloak and top hat (chapter 3, part 6)

The purple magic robe is dotted with golden stars (Chapter 8 of Part 6)

Exquisite purple Red Velvet suit (Part VI 13)

Office: Located on the eighth floor of Hogwarts, there is a huge stone beast guarding the gate.

Behind this monster is a moving spiral staircase.

At the end of the stairs is a shiny wooden door with a bronze knocker in the shape of a lion's eagle head.

The circular office wall is covered with photos of previous principals.

There are many delicate silverware on the table, with slender legs, spinning and spraying fog.

There is a sorting hat on the shelf behind the desk.

Fox stood on the high gilded perch behind the door.

He has a younger brother named Albuquerque (unknown, only from Moody's mouth that he is a strange man and a member of the Order of the Phoenix).

There is no doubt that Dumbledore is Harry's best friend and teacher.

It is also the most powerful of all wizards that have appeared so far.

He knows everything, and he is the only one the Dark Lord fears.

He is Voldemort's teacher and the first person to meet him.

Rejected his request to teach at Hogwarts.

The attitude towards house elves is very interesting.

The fourth film saw through Crouch Jr.' s imitation of Moody and saved Harry's life.

And tried to warn people of Voldemort's return, which led to differences with the Ministry of Magic.

In the fifth film, he once defeated Fudge, dawlish, Shaq and Umbridge by himself.

And successfully suppressed Voldemort in the final battle.

Saved Harry's life again and told Harry the prophecy.

In the sixth film, he tries to destroy the Horcruxes of the Dark Lord.

First of all, one arm is disabled.

Then I wasted my skills because I drank the potion (although I found it was useless to drink it)

Killed by Snape as Abada at the end of the sixth book. ...

And will not be resurrected in the seventh book.

Lord Voldemort

The main characters in the novel Harry Potter series

Harry Potter's sworn enemy is that he killed Harry's parents.

Chinese translation: Voldemort

English name: Voldemort

Original name: tom marvolo riddle.

Original English name: Tom Marvolo Riddle

Birthday: 65438+February 24th (another way of saying it is 65438+February 3rd1)

Age: 69 years old

The Death Eaters' honorific title for him: The Dark Lord.

College: Slytherin

Features: Voldemort was once a handsome boy with tall black hair. When he failed to attack Harry, he lost his body and was bounced back to himself by his Abada death curse. 14 years later, he finally came back to life through his own design method. But that's not his original body. Now he is thin and pale, his eyes are red, his nose is as flat as a snake, and his nostrils are two slits.

Blood: half-blood (mother: wizard)

Family: Muggle tom riddle's son, his mother is a wizard, and he is a direct blood relative of salazar slytherin. When his father learned that his mother was a witch, he abandoned them. His mother died shortly after giving birth to him. When Tom grew up, he killed all the Riddle families (grandfather, grandmother and father).

First of all, the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.


He was abandoned by his father before he was born. After his mother died, Tom grew up in Muggle Orphanage. We don't know when and when he knew his background, but by the time he entered the third year of Hogwarts, he had become the best student in the school, and his discrimination against wizards other than pure blood was increasingly exposed (he pretended to be pure blood).

He used authority to hide his dirty personality, became the president of the school boys' association, and won at least one outstanding contribution award. Ironically, it was he who opened the chamber of secrets, framed others and won the prize for it.

Until now, Tom is still fascinated by his Slytherin heir, and he has given himself a new name: Voldemort. When he graduated, he didn't go with anyone, but began to travel around the world alone (killing riddles halfway), and he slowly began to fall into the swamp of dark magic.

A few years later, Voldemort returned to the public eye and began his great plan to dominate the wizarding world, which he thought would bring glory to salazar slytherin-clearing the mud seeds in the wizarding world. He gathered a group of followers, called death eaters, and began to control people's hearts.

The order of the Phoenix established a confrontation with him and won. But it was he who led to his failure. He heard a prophecy that a boy would become his sworn enemy, and having greater power than him could completely defeat him. With the help of peter pettigrew, a traitor of the Order of the Phoenix, he found the boy. As we all know, the boy Harry Potter was not killed, but Voldemort bounced back to himself because of his Abada death curse.

Now Voldemort has nothing but spirit. He hid in the forests of Albania for 14 years and lived by being buried in the corpses of other animals. He got the chance to control Professor Quirrell at Hogwarts and wanted to regain his strength. But he failed and had to hide again.

Anyway, he came back to life after all. His old servant Pettigrew found him and gave him his wand. Voldemort returned to England, intending to recover. /kloc-in the summer of 0/995, he was resurrected and his loyal servants were reconvened. The second attack of evil forces on the wizarding world is about to begin.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Voldemort's power reached its peak. He led his army of death eaters to capture the Ministry of Magic and established a puppet regime under his rule. Voldemort hates Muggles so much that under the new regime, he brutally cleansed wizards of non-wizard descent, including half-blood wizards, in order to get rid of wizards of impure descent. And because of the downfall of the Ministry of Magic, rufus scrimgeour, the former Minister of Magic, was killed, and Harry and his friends became the target of public criticism, but Harry still insisted on the task of destroying horcruxes. Finally, because a piece of Voldemort's soul was deposited on Harry, Harry went to the Forbidden Forest and was killed by Voldemort without resistance, but later he came back to life. In the last battle of Hogwarts, just people fought against Voldemort's brutal rule side by side with various magical creatures, and Naniji, the last horcrux in the castle, was captured by Neville.

4. Didn't Voldemort beat Dumbledore? I really couldn't beat him, but I finally let Snape kill him.

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