Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Twelve constellations crossing to heaven _ What is the identity of twelve constellations crossing to ancient times?

Twelve constellations crossing to heaven _ What is the identity of twelve constellations crossing to ancient times?

What's the legend about the zodiac?

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

Legend one

Capricorn, also called Capricorn, is rigorous and introverted, just like its name. In Greek mythology, he was in charge of Zeus's cattle and sheep, and they all called him Paine.

Paine is so ugly that he can almost be described as ferocious. There are two horns on the head, but the part of the lower body that should be the foot is the sheep's hoof. This ugly appearance made the faun Paine very embarrassed.

Inferiority, can't sing with God, can't woo charming fairies. Ah! Who can understand that there is a warm heart under the ugly appearance? Day and night, he can only express his heart by blowing Xiao.


One day, the gods got together to drink and laugh loudly. Zeus, the god, knew that Paine had played a good shaw, so he asked him to play the god.

When the beautiful rustling sound streamed in the forest and Yuan Ye, and the ghosts and gods sang in ecstasy, at the other end of the forest, a multi-eyed animal was screaming and screaming.

Here comes the sea. The fairies turned pale and threw down their harps, turning them into butterflies. And the gods, regardless of the wine filled in their hands, turned into a bird and flapped their wings and left.

Some jumped into the river and became tail fish, while others simply turned into light smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Pans, the god of agriculture and animal husbandry, watched the gods flee, but still hesitated, "What should he become to escape?" Finally, he decided to become a goat and jump into a stream. deal with

Why, the stream he chose was too shallow to accommodate his huge body, so the lower body became a fishtail, while the upper body was still a goat's head.

The fish tail in the lower part symbolizes Capricorn's shyness.

Legend 2

Paine, the son of Hermes, is one of the demigods. Although demigods are not as good as gods, they are still far superior to humans. Paine, the god of agriculture and animal husbandry, is ugly, even his own mother. He has goat's ears and horns on his head, and his upper body.

He has a hairy human figure, but his lower body is in the posture of a goat. He likes music best and often plays the flute himself.

Once, when the gods held a banquet by the Nile, a monster suddenly appeared. The gods were frightened to disgrace and fled into the river in various forms. Parn also quickly jumped into the water to take refuge, but due to excessive

Panic, you can't completely become a fish ... this is the origin of Capricorn.

There was a fairy named ea in Babylon, which is said to be "an antelope in the deep sea", which is quite consistent with the image of Capricorn's fishtail sheep and is also called "Capricorn".

Aquarius constellation

Legend one

In Troy, there lived a handsome prince. His handsome appearance is not comparable to all the beautiful women in Liancheng. One day, the gods will hold a banquet, but a girl who pours wine for Zeus is injured, so no one can do the work instead of her. So Zeus was very upset and didn't know what to do. Seeing that Zeus was so depressed, the gods wanted to help find someone to replace him, but Zeus was not very satisfied with the girl he introduced. One day, Apollo came to Troy and saw the handsome prince and ladies playing together. He thought there was such a handsome prince on the earth, so Apollo returned to the world of God and reported everything he saw in Troy to Zeus. Zeus felt incredible and wanted to see the Prince of Troy with his own eyes. Zeus saw the Prince of Troy and missed him every day, so an evil idea was brewing in Zeus' heart.

Zeus came to Troy again. When Prince Troy acted alone, Zeus became an eagle. After the prince noticed it, he grabbed the prince and returned to the divine world. Prince Troy came to the celestial world, and Zeus asked him to pour wine for Zeus instead of the injured girl, but the prince had no choice but to stay in the celestial world. The prince misses his hometown and family very much. At the same time, the king of Troy missed the prince very much. I wonder where he has gone. Zeus was ashamed and couldn't bear the prince to lose weight day by day, so he had a dream for the king and told him about the prince's situation in the divine world. In order to comfort the king, I gave him some horses as comfort. Zeus also asked the prince to go back to Troy to see the king, and then came back to pour wine for Zeus. From then on, Prince Troy became a water bottle in the sky, responsible for pouring wine for Zeus. Whenever you look up at the starry sky at night, do you see a shining Aquarius star pouring wine for you?

Legend 2

Prince Ganyedes of Troy is a golden boy. One day, when he was herding sheep, he was suddenly caught by an eagle transferred to Olympus by Zeus, who took the place of Princess Sybil, who married Hera chris, and was responsible for pouring wine for Zeus. In ancient Rome, the position of the sun in the first month of this constellation was rainy season, so it was named Aquarius, also known as Aquarius.

Legend 3

Nipper's son, Farex, was sentenced to death for raping Arthas. Before the execution, Jin Ram held him and his sister Heller together in time. Unfortunately, my sister was dizzy and fell off the back of the sheep. Felices was rescued safely. He offered this ram as a sacrifice to Zeus, who turned its image into a constellation in the sky. Later, Jason told a wonderful adventure story in order to take away the wool of Golden Sheep. Aries is also called Aries.


Legend one

Venus, the beautiful goddess, took her beloved son little love god Cupid to a luxurious banquet. In this banquet, all the participants are gods, which can be called "God's feast". Divines are more gorgeous than each other, and no one wants to be surpassed by others: as for the male gods, they are all in groups of three or five, talking with glasses in their hands. And naughty friends, can't help it, playing hide and seek.

When the whole party gradually reached its climax and everyone was intoxicated by delicious food and fragrant drunkenness, an unexpected guest suddenly came and ruined the atmosphere of the whole party. This uninvited guest has a very ferocious appearance and an evil heart. The purpose of his appearance at the party was to destroy it. Obviously, he achieved this goal. He reached out and knocked over the table of cancer food and threw the potted plants into the pool. His terrible expression frightened everyone present. Everyone began to run around, and the original beautiful banquet turned into such panic, screams and children's cries. At this moment, Venus suddenly found Cupid missing. She looked around nervously, regardless of the presence of unexpected guests. Venus searched every corner of the party and finally found Cupid, who was shivering under the piano. Venus couldn't help hugging Cupid in her arms. In order to prevent Cupid from being separated from her again, Venus thought of a way to tie two people's feet together with a rope and then turn them into two fish. In this way, she managed to escape from this terrible party.

Legend 2

Venus, the god of love and beauty in ancient Roman mythology, and her son little love god Cupid were attacked by monsters by the river. Mother and son quickly jumped into the river and turned into two fish and ran away. Probably afraid that mother and son will be separated, there is a belt between the two fish, which together form Pisces. The ruler of Pisces is Neptune, the brother of Zeus in Greek mythology.

Legend 3

Venus and Jupiter were once chased by the giant Di Feng. They all jumped into the Euphrates River and fled like fish. Mineave (another name for Athena) turned fish into stars in the sky to commemorate this event. Another legend says that one day, when the gods saw the fine weather, they held a banquet by the river. Music-loving gods happily sang and played musical instruments, and the atmosphere was quite warm. Suddenly there was a scream. This is Fan Jie, a monster with a hundred snakes and big wings. The gods looked pale and fled everywhere. Zeus became a bird, Apollo became a crow, Hera became a cowherd, julius became a goat, and all the gods fled like animals. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and her son, Giroz, the god of love, turned into fish and fled into the Euphrates River. At that time, they decided to tie their tails together with ribbons and never separate, thus successfully escaping from the monster. In this way, mother and son ascended to heaven with their tails connected and never separated. This is the origin of Pisces.

Aries constellation

Legend one

In an ancient and distant country, the king and queen divorced because of their incompatible personalities and married another woman. Unfortunately, the new queen was born jealous and couldn't stand the king's love for a pair of children left by his ex-wife, so an evil plot gradually formed in her mind. Spring has come, it is the season of sowing and farming. The new queen will send the fried wheat to unsuspecting farmers all over the country. Of course, no matter how watered and fertilized, mature wheat can't germinate. The farmer who was kept in the dark was very confused. At this time, the new queen spread rumors about wheat, claiming that wheat could not germinate because the country was cursed, and all the cursed people were because of the evil thoughts of the prince and princess, which caused the wrath of heaven and led to the punishment of the gods for the country. Hearing this, the simple-minded farmer, oh, my God! Oh, come on!

Because of the evil prince and princess, the whole country will fall into the abyss of poverty and hunger. What a terrible thing! Soon, men, women and children all over the country unanimously demanded that the king must execute the prince and princess, so that the country could untie the curse, calm the wrath of heaven, reap the fruits of the people's hard work and restore the country's former stability and prosperity. Although the king was reluctant, in order to calm the public's anger, he had to reluctantly agree to people's demands and prepare to execute the princess and prince in order to gain the people's trust. The news reached the birth mother of the prince and princess. Of course, she was surprised and scared. She quickly turned to Zeus for help. Zeus certainly knew that the queen had made the ghost, so he promised to help. On the day of execution, a ram with long golden hair suddenly appeared in the sky and rescued the prince and his brother and sister. On the way across the sea, the ram accidentally let his sister fall into the sea and died. Later, in order to reward this brave but careless ram, Zeus hung it high in the sky, which is today's Aries.

Legend 2

Legend has it that Charillat ousted Queen Nephilei and married Ina. Ina abused his ex-wife's children, regarded them as eyesores, and determined to get rid of them quickly. After learning about this, Neferire borrowed a pair of golden and white sheep from the gods to save the two brothers and sisters from their sufferings. But in the process of escape, my sister was scared by the sound of the waves and accidentally fell into the sea and drowned. Finally, Aries was put in the sky by Zeus, the god of the universe, because of his kindness to save people, and became Aries.

Legend 3

Nipper's son, Farex, was sentenced to death for raping Arthas. Before the execution, Jin Ram held him and his sister Heller together in time. Unfortunately, my sister was dizzy and fell off the back of the sheep. Felices was rescued safely. He offered this ram as a sacrifice to Zeus, who turned its image into a constellation in the sky. Later, Jason told a wonderful adventure story in order to take away the wool of Golden Sheep. Aries is also called Aries.

Taurus constellation

Legend one

One day, Zeus, the god of heaven, wandered in a certain country and suddenly saw that the princess in this country was very beautiful, which made Zeus unconsciously take a fancy to the god. After returning to heaven, he still remembers this beautiful princess. In the country where the princess belongs, there is a large beautiful pasture where countless cows graze and play. The princess often comes to this pasture to play with these lovely cows. On a sunny morning, the princess appeared on the pasture as usual. While she was having fun with the cows, she suddenly found a singing cow among the cows. Its singing is very pleasant, like nature, attracting the princess to come to him unconsciously. The princess fell in love with the cow as soon as she saw it.

Because he not only sings perfectly, but also looks equally good. Just as the princess slowly leaned against the cow and sang with him, the cow suddenly picked up the princess and flew into the sky. After a long flight, the cow finally stopped in a beautiful land, and then became a person to express his love to the princess. It turns out that this cow is the incarnation of Zeus. Because I couldn't help thinking about the princess day and night, I decided to confess to her. The beautiful princess accepted Zeus' love and they returned to heaven to live together. Zeus named this land after the princess Europa to commemorate the land of confession. That land is on today's European continent. The mythical story of Taurus is the love story depicted by the first of the twelve constellations, which breaks the false impression that Taurus lacks romance.

Legend 2

Legend has it that Phoenician daughter Europa was swimming by the sea and was seen by Zeus, the romantic god. Zeus turned into a big white cow and walked towards her. Europa rode on the back of an ox and played. Zeus took her to Crete, and they lived a happy life. Later, the cow was put in the sky by Zeus and became Taurus.

Legend 3

Legend has it that Zeus, the god of gods famous for his romantic style, took a fancy to Europa (which later became Europe). In order to avoid Hera's eyes, he turned himself into a bull and carried Europa to fulfill his wish. Afterwards, Zeus changed back to his original shape and put his avatar Daniel in the sky, becoming one of the constellations.


Legend one

Princess Rita gave birth to many lovely children, including two brothers. They are not only very close, but also almost identical in appearance. It's easy to think they are twins. In fact, among the two brothers, the elder brother is the son of Princess Lida and Zeus, and the younger brother is born to King basta. They are half-brothers, the elder brother is "God" and has eternal life, and the younger brother is. One day, Greece was attacked by a huge wild boar, and the princes called many warriors to chase the wild boar. When the wild boar was successfully solved, the warriors forged hatred with each other because of their struggle for merit.

In a busy market, warriors who look at each other unpleasantly meet unexpectedly, and of course there is a quarrel. In the quarrel, someone started fighting, so the scene got out of control, and many people were injured or even killed in this fight. Unfortunately, the younger brothers of the two princes also died in this chaos. My brother, who has been very good with this brother, can't accept the news of his death. He kept crying with his body in his arms, hoping that his brother would come back to life and let them enjoy the happy days of brotherhood together. So, my brother returned to heaven and asked his father Zeus to save his brother. But Zeus told him that his brother was just an ordinary man and had already died. If he really wants to revive his brother, he must give him the rest of his life. My affectionate brother, of course, agreed immediately without hesitation. From then on, the two brothers can live happily together again.

Legend 2

According to legend, the twin brothers Caster and Bolu Duke are brave and good at fighting. My brother became an equestrian expert, and my brother was good at archery and boxing, and his reputation was far-reaching. The two men fought side by side in many wars and risked their lives. In a battle, my brother was injured and died. My brother was heartbroken and begged Zeus to redeem his brother with his life. Zeus was deeply moved and placed them in the sky, becoming a Gemini and never parting. From dusk to night in winter, you can see it at the zenith.

Legend 3

Farex is in Egypt, and its name is Gemini, which is named after castor and hecules, the two brightest stars in this constellation. These two stars have two other names, namely Hercules and Apollo, Tritto Remus and Iasian. The Egyptian concept of Gemini is a young child, not a common adult image.

Cancer constellation

Legend one

The sensitive and affectionate cancer is a symbol of motherhood, with her arms around her chest, showing the mother's nature of protecting her children. However, in another symbolic sense, the baby in the arms represents the helpless and fragile self, and the surrounding arms illustrate the strong self-protection significance of Cancer. A story in Greek mythology emphasizes the unique aggressiveness of Cancer. This must start with Heuli, the son of Zeus and mortal life, and Sheila tried to kill him again and again: he was also the greatest hero in Greece and the strongest man in the world. There is nothing he can't do. Even the gods conquered the giant Terran with his help. Of course, He Wuli also made great contributions.

One day, he came to the Kingdom of Messini and was about to receive a hero's welcome. However, the king was instructed by Sheila to give him a difficult problem-it was very difficult to kill hydra living in the swamp, because every time a head was cut off, countless heads would be born immediately. He Wuli thought of a way-burning the snakehead with fire, thus easily solving eight snakehead. Seeing only one left, Sheila flew into a rage in the sky. "Did you fail again this time?" She is unwilling! So a huge crab was called from the sea to hinder He Wuli. The crab stretched out a pair of powerful crabs to hold He Wuli's feet, but everyone knew that He Wuli was the strongest person in the world! The cancer finally died under his brute force. Sheila failed again, but she felt sorry for the desperate sacrifice of cancer. In order to appreciate the loyal mission of Cancer, even if it didn't succeed, Sheila put it in the sky and became a Cancer.

Legend 2

Hercules is a hero in Greek legend. He was ordered to get rid of Xu Dela, the hydra that harms people and animals. In the fierce battle, there was a crab in Xu Dela. Hercules smashed the crab shell with a big stick and died. Hera, the queen of God, hates heroes very much and regards Cancer in the sky as a constellation. On nights in February and March, you can see Cancer in the southern sky.

Legend 3

The legend that cancer was first born in Babylon. In Egypt, the symbol of this constellation is two turtles, sometimes called "water constellation" and sometimes called allul (an unknown aquatic creature). It can be seen that this constellation is closely related to water, but the detailed legend has been lost.

Le Signe du Lion

Legend one

In the face of the challenger, the king's demeanor is straightforward and single-handedly, which is a symbol of Leo. It is said that the origin of Leo is related to He Wuli.

Hurley is the illegitimate son of Zeus and mortals. He was born with unparalleled divine power, so Sheila was jealous. When He Wuli was a baby, he put two giant snakes in the cradle, hoping to kill He Wuli. Unexpectedly, He Wuli killed them with a smile and was regarded as "the greatest hero of mankind" since childhood.

Sheila certainly won't give up killing He Wuli because of one failure. She deliberately drove He Wuli crazy and hit his wife. He Wuli was very sorry and sad after waking up. She decided to wash away her sins by abstinence. He came to Messina and asked the king to send him a task. Who knows that the king got instructions from Sheila, so he gave him twelve arduous tasks, which must be completed within twelve days, one of which was to kill a man-eating lion.

This lion usually lives in the forest. He Wuli went into the forest to look for him, but the forest was silent. All the animals, birds, deer and squirrels were eaten by lions. When he was tired, he Wuli began to doze off. Just then, the giant lion came out with his head held high from a cave with two holes. He Wuli opened her eyes and looked, oh, my God! A man-eating lion is five times as big as an ordinary lion, and its body is covered with animal blood, which adds a bit of horror. He Wuli shot him with an arrow first, and then hit him with a wooden stick. It's no use. This giant lion is invulnerable. In the end, He Wuli had to fight hand-to-hand with the lion. The process was very tragic, but in the end he strangled the lion with brute force.

Although the man-eating lion died, Sheila threw the man-eating lion into the air to commemorate his courage in fighting with He Wuli and became a Leo.

Legend 2

Legend has it that Hercules was the illegitimate child of Zeus. When he was born, he was cursed by the jealous Queen Hera, so he had to face twelve arduous and dangerous tests in his life. The first is to fight the invincible and powerful lion. After several struggles, the fearless Hercules finally killed the lion. So Zeus lifted the lion to the sky to show off Hercules' achievements. People can see it in the southern sky in late April.

Legend 3

Legend has it that the symbol associated with this constellation is a lion in the Nimia Valley in Greece, which was killed by Heracles in a battle.


Legend one

Demeter, the god of agriculture in charge of the grain of the earth and the mother of the Greek earth, has a beautiful only daughter, Posephna, who is the glorious goddess of spring. As long as she is light-footed, all the places will be full of beautiful flowers. One day, she and her companions were picking flowers on the grass in the valley. Suddenly, she saw a silver daffodil with its fragrance in the air. Posephine thought, "It is more beautiful than all my flowers!" " "The beauty was radiant, so she secretly left her companion and reached for the flowers. Suddenly, a hole was opened in the ground, and a carriage was pulled out of the ground by two dark horses. It turned out to be Wang Haidi of the underworld. He loves Posephona, the most beautiful spring god, and sets a trick to take her away. Poseidon's cry for help echoed between the valley and the sea, and of course, it reached his mother Demeter's ear. She was very sad! She left the grain to be harvested and flew over Qian Shan to find her daughter.

Without Mother Earth, seeds will no longer germinate, fertile land will not produce a pile of wheat ears, and human beings will starve to death. Zeus saw this situation and had to order Pluto to release Posephone. Pluto had to obey Zeus, but he secretly gave Posephona a fruit. How did Posephina know that once she ate the fruit, she would not be able to live on the earth and was doomed to return to the dark and stinking hell? Zeus had no choice but to say, "You only spend a quarter of the year with Posephina". From then on, as long as the earth is covered with frost and nothing grows, people will know that it is because Insephine has gone to hell again. Virgo symbolizes the beauty and purity of Posephine, the god of spring, and the wheat raised by her mother has become something she holds in her hand. Even so, she is no longer the carefree girl playing on the grass. Although she will come back to life every spring, she is still glamorous and moving, but the stench and terrible smell of hell will always follow her.

Legend 2

It is said that estelle is the daughter of Zeus and the goddess of justice. At that time, the world was in chaos and evil deeds were rampant. The immortals hated the world and stayed away from it. However, estelle is still holding a glimmer of hope and running around, but there is still no progress. I had to leave this world with regret and ascend to become a virgin constellation. In the evening of May and June, in the southern sky, you can see that she is still looking down at the world affectionately.

Legend 3

According to Roman mythology, Virgo, also known as astraea, is the daughter of Jupiter and Venus, the goddess of justice. At the end of the golden age, human beings offended her, so she returned to heaven in a rage.

balance rest

Legend one

In ancient times, both human beings and gods lived on the ground and lived a peaceful and happy life together. However, human beings are getting smarter and smarter. They not only learned to build houses and pave roads, but also learned bad habits such as intrigue and bullying, which made many immortals unbearable and made human beings live only in heaven. But among the gods, there is a goddess who represents justice. She is not discouraged by human nature, and still lives with human beings. However, mankind is getting worse and worse, with wars and killing each other. In the end, even the goddess of justice couldn't stand it anymore and resolutely moved back to heaven to live, but this doesn't mean that she has completely despaired of mankind. She still believes that human beings will realize one day and return to the kind and pure nature of the past.

The goddess of justice who returned to heaven met Poseidon by chance one day. Poseidon laughed at her foolish trust in human beings, and they immediately had a heated argument. In the debate, the goddess of justice thought that Poseidon had insulted her and had to apologize to him, but Poseidon didn't think so. It is said that the two men were deadlocked and sued Zeus. This situation embarrassed Zeus, because the goddess was his daughter and Poseidon was his brother, so it was impossible to take sides. Just when Zeus was very worried about this, the queen made a suggestion in time, asking Poseidon to compete with the goddess of justice, and whoever lost would apologize to the other side. The venue of the competition is located in Paradise Square, starting from Poseidon. Poseidon waved his stick at the wall, and beautiful water immediately flowed out of the crack. Then the goddess of justice turned into a tree with a reddish-brown trunk, green leaves and golden olives. Most importantly, anyone who looks at this tree will feel love and peace. At the end of the game, Haisai was persuaded to give up. In order to commemorate this result, Zeus threw the balance he carried with him into the sky and became the present Libra.

Legend 2

In Greek mythology, the balance of good and evil in the hands of a priestess flew to the sky. Around 2000 BC, this constellation was related to the trial of Babylonian religion dominating life and death, and the scales were used to measure the good and evil of the soul.

Legend 3

Legend has it that Libra was born when the balance of good and evil in the hands of a priestess in Greek mythology flew into the sky, so it is also called Libra. Around 2000 BC, this constellation was related to the life and death trial of Babylonian religious priests, and the scales were used to measure the good and evil of the soul.


Legend one

The son of Apollo, the sun god, was born beautiful and sexy, so he felt conceited. His attitude is always arrogant and rude, and his strong personality often makes him unintentionally offend many people. One day, a man told Bayton, "You are not the son of the sun god!" " "After laughing, he walked away. How can the strong Baiteng swallow this tone? So he asked his mother, "am I the son of Apollo?" However, no matter how repeatedly his mother assured him that he was indeed born by Apollo, Bayton still didn't believe his mother, so he said, "The man who made fun of you is Zeus' son. If you still don't believe it, ask Apollo himself! "Apollo listened to his son's question and said with a smile," Don't listen to their nonsense, of course you are my son! " "

Bayton still insists on not believing. In fact, of course he knows that the sun god never lies, but he has another purpose-driving his father's solar car to prove that he is the son of Apollo. "How can this work?" Apollo was frightened. The sun is the master of all things. If you are not careful, it will cause great disaster, but you can't beat Byeton. While Apollo was explaining how to drive a solar-powered car on a certain track, Bayton jumped on the car and galloped away at will. Of course, the result was tragic. People, animals and plants on the ground are either dying of heat or freezing to death, which also delays the time and makes it dark and full of complaints. In order to stop Bayeton, the gods released a scorpion from Sheila and bit Bayeton's ankle. Zeus hit Bayeton with terrible lightning, only to see him fall to the ground with a scream and die. Peace has been restored to the world. In memory of scorpions killed by lightning, this constellation was named "Scorpio".

Legend 2

Zhu Na ordered Scorpio to climb out of the dark underground and attack Orion (Diana's favorite hunter, who later became Orion). On another occasion, Scorpio attacked felton, who was driving a carriage of the Sun God, with poison gas, giving Cupid a chance to shoot lightning to destroy a moving solar car.


Legend one

On the remote ancient Greek prairie, there was a group of people who were half-man, half-beast and fierce by nature. "Half man and half beast" represents the contradiction between rationality and irrationality, human nature and animal nature, and is called "Sagittarius". The only exception in Sagittarius-Chilon. Although Chilon is also a member of Sagittarius, he is kind in nature and is famous for his frankness in treating his friends, so Chilon is highly respected in the clan. One day, Hercules, the greatest hero of Greece, came to visit his friend, the super Hercules who strangled the giant snake himself in his childhood. When he heard that Sagittarius is also a nation good at brewing, he thought of alcohol and forced his friends, whether it was Sagittarius' common property or not. Otherwise, he will be killed. Everyone knows that Qiu Li is the strongest man in the world, and even Apollo, the sun god, wants him to score three points. In desperation, the centaur had to obey orders.

When He Qiuli was intoxicated with the fragrance and sweetness of wine, the aroma of wine had permeated the whole tribe. Everyone sternly reprimanded He Qiuli, who was furious and took a bow to kill the troops. Sagittarius fled to the home of Chilon, the most respected person. At this moment, Chilon heard the cry for help outside, and he didn't even think about it. He opened the door and went straight out, just then. Zeus heard the screams of Sagittarius, so he lifted Chilon's body with both hands and threw it into the sky. Chilon instantly turned into several shining stars, just like Sagittarius. Since then, in memory of Chilon, this constellation has been called Sagittarius, also known as Sagittarius.

Legend 2

Sagittarius is half man and half horse, with animal faces and human faces. He is a famous prophet, doctor and scholar. He was a supporter of the famous Greek heroes Jason, Achilles and Aeneas. Legend has it that he is the son of Corolla and Phila and the father of Zeus. After he was frightened, he turned himself into a horse, and his mother Philella couldn't stand her son's strange appearance, so she became a bodhi tree.