Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Good words, sentences and paragraphs about hometown

Good words, sentences and paragraphs about hometown

Since it is deep winter; As we approached our hometown, the weather was gloomy again. The cold wind blew into the cabin, and I looked out through the gap in the canopy. There were several desolate villages lying far and near, lifeless.

There is a golden full moon in the dark blue sky. Below is the sandy land by the sea, with endless green watermelons. In the meantime, there was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy with a silver ring around his neck and a steel fork in his hand. He tried his best to stab a horse, but the man wriggled away from his crotch.

It snows in our sand. I swept out a clearing, set up a big bamboo plaque with a short stick, and paved the valley. When the bird came to eat, I just pulled the rope tied to the stick at a distance, and the bird was covered under the bamboo plaque. Everything: rice chicken, horn chicken, big-headed owl and blue back. ...

When I was a child, a Yang Er sister-in-law did sit in the tofu shop across the street. Everyone calls her "Tofu Beauty". But with white powder, my cheekbones are not so high and my lips are not so thin. I sit all day. I have never seen such a compass posture. At that time, people said: Because of Iraq, the business of this tofu shop is very good.

Although I knew it was leap soil at first sight, it was not my memory. His figures have doubled; The previous purple round face has turned gray-yellow, adding deep wrinkles; Like his father, his eyes are swollen all around, which I know. People who farm by the sea blow the sea breeze all day, which is generally the case. He wore a worn felt hat on his head and only a thin cotton-padded coat on his body. Holding a paper bag and a long pipe in my hand is not the red and round hand I remember, but thick, stupid and cracked, like pine bark.

In the gloom, I spread out a green beach by the sea, and a golden full moon hung in the dark blue sky. I thought: Hope is nothing, nothing. It's like a road on the ground; In fact, there is no road on the ground. If there are more people walking, it will become a road.

Good segment

I often think of my hometown. It seems that the fragrant milk tea has drifted to my side and hometown, pursuing my lifelong dream. When I grow up, I am drifting away from my hometown. My hometown's breath and melodious Ma Touqin sound will accompany my feelings all my life.

Everything in my hometown is reflected in my mind. It contains good memories of my childhood and makes me feel the warmth of home. Hometown, you are a bright pearl, which makes me unable to take back my eyes. You told me to keep all the interesting childhood stories intact. You love me and all the people in my hometown, and we will repay you with our own ability.

The air in the mountains is clean. If you walk quietly on the yellow mud road on a sunny morning when the morning dew is gone, the air in Shan Ye will be very fresh, and the smell of soil mixed with the fragrance of small wild flowers will definitely decorate your day beautifully. If rabbits can run freely or pheasants can feed happily at this time, it will be even more exciting. But these don't belong to you. They bring vitality and charm to this wonderful mountain scenery. (This paragraph can be deleted by itself)

Don't say that the country road is long, no matter how long it is, it can't compare with my thoughts; Don't say that the world is far away, no matter how far it is, it is far from my eyes; Don't say the sky is high, no matter how high it is, it can't be higher than I thought. Hometown, you are the eternal root in people's hearts.

Hometown (fault)

Walking in the fields in spring with gentle steps, grabbing a handful of dirt, emitting intoxicating fragrance, catching a butterfly and flying it gently ... Spring in the countryside is always blurred with beauty, and the songs on the land are mixed with the fragrance of wild flowers. Wheat seedlings jointing under the moisture of sweat, with the drizzle from the breeze, played a beautiful but very moving melody.

The sunset in early summer is sprinkled on the river, and the afterglow of the sunset ripples back and forth with the microwave. Several fishing boats wandered on the river, while others rested on the shore, thus forming a beautiful painting. (I changed the last sentence (how many ships ...))

In autumn mornings, the countryside is always shrouded in dense fog. Walking in the dense forest, you can also feel the artistic conception of "sunrise forest blossoms". A rustling autumn wind blew and the trees began to become bare. Picking up a few yellow leaves has given me a deeper understanding of "fallen leaves return to their roots".

A strong country can stand the test of winter. Beautiful snowflakes fall down, putting on a holy coat for the remote village. After several snows, the warm spring is not far away. ...

Ah, hometown! Reading thousands of books can't finish reading your beauty, and walking on the road in Wan Li can't finish thinking about you. Your beauty and kindness have already penetrated into my luggage and accompanied me everywhere.


Eyes full of spring scenery, lakes and mountains, green mountains and green waters, pink and willow green.

Anxious to return's longing for local accent is hard to change when he meets an old friend in a foreign country.

Picturesque, far away from home, dreaming of leaves falling to home, I really want to.

Miss perch-Chunjiang Flower Sea, outstanding people, simple folk customs and beautiful spring scenery.

Green mountains and green waters, peach red and willow green.

Spring flowers are lush and memorable. Sweat is green, fat, red and thin. Fruity and fruity. Attractive fruit, full of fruit. Melon and fruit flavor. The sweet orchard is full of fruits. Fruitful. The red fruit is full of branches and broken wires. Red and green. Good sentence: 1, ah! What a noble idea! What a great soldier! For the love of thousands of people in Qian Qian, they gave their all and defended the sons and daughters of the motherland with their blood and lives. Aren't they our most respected relatives?

Moonlight, like running water, falls quietly on this leaf and flower, and there is a thin layer of blue fog floating in the lotus pond. Leaves and flowers seem to be washed in milk, like veiled dreams.

There is a worn-out floral schoolbag in my desk bucket. Although shabby, it is my boat and my treasure.

The schoolbag is a small boat, which carries me across the sea, across the rapids, across the rapids, drifting and sailing to the other side of victory; The schoolbag is a treasure, which contains my mother's affection and love and gives me the strength to move forward.

It finally took shape: a wide band made a modest cloth pocket, which really looked like a boat with the words "study hard and make progress every day" embroidered on it.

The "height" of ordinary brush is about 6 inches, and this structure is only to meet the writing needs of different styles such as regular script, running script and cursive script.

The pen container is made of Coca-Cola cans, and hundreds of small conch shells stuck on the surface form a strange figure.

There are more than 90,000 books in the library, from students' works to Shakespeare's plays, from simple science books to Einstein's masterpieces.

How many nights, the small desk lamp is on, accompanying me to review my lessons, it knows my troubles and happiness best.

good news

Mountains, mountains, strange mountains, barren hills, slopes, forests

There are many kinds of rocks in Yibiwan Mountain in Qian Shan. Beautiful mountains and clear waters, high mountains and lush trees, valleys and mountains, water and green.

There are beautiful peaks on the summit, and nothing grows. The clouds are rolling and the peaks stand tall. Towering mountains stand in the Qianshan Wanling.

Good sentence

The mountains exposed from the clouds are floating in clusters like islands.

The surrounding mountains are like a colorful cloth.

The mountains and waves are stacked on top of each other.

The mountains are dark and boundless, and the knives and axes are indomitable.

The undulating loess hills are really like the waves of a big flood.

Longshan is like a big grave, standing in the night.

The mountains on both sides of the Xiajiang River go straight up and down, which makes people dizzy.

The deep valley is strangely quiet and cold.

The ravine is full of snow, as high as the back of the mountain, and it has become a flat snow paved square.

At the beginning of the morning, the mountains are like shy girls, looming and the sun is setting.


Long summer from summer to early summer, midsummer, midsummer, summer, summer.

Summer dress, summer night, hot, hot, hot, sultry.

The early summer season approaches the long summer, which is early summer and early summer, and spring goes to summer.

Late spring and early summer, when the order was issued, midsummer happened to be midsummer and summer was over.

This is a hot summer, summer, summer, summer.

Summer, summer, summer, summer, hot summer, hot summer, hot summer, cool summer.

Summer is very hot, summer is very hot, summer is May, yellow and June are June, and June is dog days.

Summer heat is in dog days, summer heat is in dog days, summer heat is in dog days, summer heat is in summer heat.

Late summer is rainy season, rainy season and summer harvest season.

Spring planting and summer harvest, summer sowing and summer harvest, summer harvest in xia yang, hot summer in June.

Summer is hot, summer is cool, sun poison, sun poison, sun heat.

The sun is hot, summer is hot, summer is hot, summer is strong, and summer mountains are blue.

Xia Shu green summer water soup summer moon cicada sings.


In July, the sun hung like a fireball in the blue sky. The cloud seems to have melted by the sun and disappeared without a trace.

Spring goes with the falling flowers, and summer comes with green leaves in the warm wind.

The early summer sun shines through the dense branches and leaves, and the ground is covered with shiny spots the size of copper coins.

The wind blows with a slight warmth, and cuckoos sing from time to time. It is telling us: "Spring is over."

Grass, reeds and red, white and purple wildflowers are steamed by the fiery red sun hanging high in the air, and the air is filled with sweet and intoxicated breath.

In early summer, all kinds of wild flowers are in full bloom, red, purple, pink and yellow, like bright spots embroidered on green carpets; Crowds of bees are busy among the flowers, sucking the stamens and flying around with difficulty.

In midsummer, it is so hot that even dragonflies only dare to fly near the shade, as if they were afraid that the sun would burn their wings.

There is not a cloud in the air, there is not a wind, there is a scorching sun overhead, and all the trees are standing there listlessly and lazily.

In midsummer July, there is not a cloud in the blue sky. The sun is scorching the earth, the water in the river is boiling hot, and the soil in the field is smoking.

Under the scorching sun, on both sides of the road, ripe grains bent down and lowered their heads in the heat. Grasshoppers, like grass leaves, make a weak and noisy sound in wheat fields and rye fields, among the reeds on the shore.

The sun is like a fireball of the boss, the light is burning, the road surface is scorched by the scorching sun, and a pile of white smoke is stepped on.

It's sweltering and there's not a breath of wind. The thick air seems to have solidified.

The whole city is like a burnt-out brick kiln, which makes people breathless. Dogs lie prone on the ground with bright red tongues, and mules and horses have particularly large nostrils.

Flaming parachutes are hanging high in the air, so hot that fish in the river dare not surface and birds dare not fly out of the mountains. Even the dogs in the village just stick out their tongues and gasp endlessly.

That day, it was terribly hot. As soon as the sun came out, the ground was already on fire, and some gray gases, like clouds, like Feiyun, like fog, like fog, floated low in the air, making people feel breathless.

It was a long summer without rain, and the old loach in the field was turned white by the scorching sun. The stream near the village dropped several inches, and the stones above the water suddenly became bigger.

I don't know where the bird went; The vegetation is dejected and despondent, as if dying; Only cicadas keep chirping in the branches; It's really breaking gongs and drums to cheer for the scorching sun!

The willow trees in the street seem to be sick, and the leaves are hanging with dust and rolling on the branches, and the branches are still. There is white light on the road, and the vendors dare not shout. The plexiglass signboard at the door of the store seems to have been sunburned.

good news

Stars, stars, cold stars, lone stars, morning stars, stars, nebulae, stars, silver stars, twinkling meteors.

The Milky Way is dotted with bright stars, which hold the moon and are scattered with few stars.

The stars scattered and sank. When do the stars twinkle? The stars of the river alien cloud and the Hanoi nebula gradually emerged.

The Beidou hangs high and the five stars meet, and the stars arch the moon. The stars are shining, the stars are shining, the stars are shining and the stars are scattered.

Good sentence

Little stars, like pearls, are embedded in the sky and shine.

Naughty little stars draw a golden arc in the blue night sky, like a weaver girl throwing a brocade thread.

On a winter night, a few naked stars are pitifully cold and shivering, and you can almost hear the sound of teeth colliding.

The little star trembled in the cold air, as if shivering with cold.

The stars are full of emotions, like naughty children, staring at the world with childish persistence, as if telling a beautiful and moving myth with bright eyes.

Just like someone holding a candle carefully, the white star appeared in the sky and flickered quietly.

In the deep blue sky, there is a bright and dazzling diamond star-the morning star.

On a beautiful starry night, there is not a cloud in the sky, and the deep blue sky is full of diamond-like stars.

Shining stars, like gems, densely cover the vast and boundless night sky. The Milky Way, from the northwest sky, crossed the sky and inclined to the southeast land.

The stars in summer are as lovely as naughty children.

There are several big and bright stars hanging in the night sky, as if people in the sky were patrolling the vast space with lanterns.

The starry sky is reflected on the rough sea, so it dances up and down with the waves, hiding from time to time.

The first morning star appeared, flashing in the dark blue sky. It is big and bright, unique in the whole vast sky, where it radiates extraordinary brilliance, like a bright lamp hanging in the sky.

In the morning, the snowstorm stopped, but it is still a long time before dawn. A few remnant stars secretly opened their eyes to peep at the snowy world.

Gradually, the remnant star closed her sleepy eyes and retired in the morning sky.

A good meteor draws bright silver lines in the night sky, just like exploring the best future in the world.

There are more stars than ever before. They are big and bright. They don't blink or blink. They are quiet and serene.

What a cool and sunny autumn night it is! The stars are brighter and bigger than ever before ... like dazzling gems in the silver-gray sky, everything on the earth has become so elegant and quiet.

Good words:

Naive, carefree, unrestrained, childish and ridiculous, chest out, belly out, babbling, laughing, laughing, chasing me, chasing me, playing in a mess, thinking that you are holding your breath, screaming, pointing, glib, coquetry, playing dumb and pretending as if nothing had happened. All over the mud, chasing each other, losing his temper, making noise, dancing with knives and making sticks, catching turtles in a jar, being as comfortable as you want, cheering and splashing around.

Good sentences:

I immediately got excited, willy-nilly, took off my shoes, grabbed the lifebuoy from my mother, jumped into the arms of the sea barefoot and cheered.

"plop!" "plop!" Everyone "regardless of their own health" plunged into the clear river. Some of them flopped in the water with their hands and feet, some floated on the water with their bellies down, and some dived into the water like loaches.

The river, which was quiet just now, suddenly became noisy: shouts and laughter came one after another, splashing water, hitting water and splashing water, and you ran after me, which was a mess.