Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 12 reasons why constellation women don't want to have their first child.

12 reasons why constellation women don't want to have their first child.

Nowadays, more and more people don't want to have children. The more educated the area, the higher the desire not to have children. Because the more rapid the development of science and technology economy, the higher the education level, and the pressure of education, employment, car loan and mortgage is increasing. Innocent children are lovely, but the cost of raising a child is a bottomless pit. In addition to buying diapers and food for children, there are also expenses for children's illness, education expenses, training courses, etc., which are all very large expenses. Without a stable source of income, it is impossible to raise a child, let alone have a second child.

If the child is innocent and lovely, simple and kind, he can at least give himself a comfort and be willing to spend money. But if the child is naughty Xiong Haizi, it is almost a heart that wants to die. In addition, if you don't have children, then at least the pressure of life will not be so great. But after giving birth to a child, the quality of life was greatly reduced. Without a certain degree of consciousness and sufficient financial support, I dare not take risks. Of course, this phenomenon is also good. After all, once you consciously choose to have children, you are a responsible parent.

Paging: the reason why Aries women don't want to have their first child.

The reason why Aries girls don't even want their first child is mostly because they don't want to make their financial situation better or get by before liberation overnight because of the birth of the child. If having children will make their lives worse or make them feel bad, then they don't want to do it.

They are the type who pursue freedom, like adventure and excitement, and also like to challenge their own limits, but they are unwilling to try such things as "having children". For them, if they don't know the result, they will be eager to try; Instead, they will avoid it.

Pagination: the reason why Taurus doesn't want to have the first child.

For cows with strong money and material desires, they don't even want to have their first child, mostly because the house price is too expensive and they don't want to have one at all. They themselves are based on a stable economic foundation and adequate material security as the source of protection, and they dare not consider the cost of their children after paying off their mortgage.

In addition, they even have to examine each other's family background and economic situation, and then decide whether to marry each other after a good analysis, so as to avoid great economic pressure after marriage. If they don't reach the ideal economic level, then they will postpone having children again and again.

Paging: the reason why two children don't want to have their first child.

Gemini girls are lively and outgoing, positive and cheerful, with strong curiosity and exploration psychology. They don't like the unchanging environment and atmosphere, like a life full of changes and surprises, like to try all kinds of things and feel different lifestyles.

They pursue freedom and like to do whatever they want, so they don't like being bound by anyone or anything. For such Gemini girls, most of the reasons why they don't even want their first child are that they don't want to be held back by their children, and they don't want to make the journey at their feet slow or heavy because of the existence of their children.

Paging: the reason why cancer women don't want to have their first child.

For the cancer who have been longing for a warm family, the reason why they dare not have their first child is because they dare not get married. Although they are eager to be loved and loved, they are particularly prone to paranoia because of their sensitive and suspicious personality and lack of sense of security and belonging.

They are afraid to give their hearts to others and bear the failure of marriage. In addition, they have a slight inferiority complex and always have no self-confidence, so they are extremely worried that they can't train their children into excellent people on their own. Because of this, they are afraid of having their first child.

Paging: the reason why Leo girls don't want to have their first child.

Leo girls are confident and have strong self-esteem. They like to be praised, worshipped and expected, but they don't like to be criticized, which is especially good for their face. In addition, the most unbearable thing for them is that they will break away from the thinking mode of their peers because of having children, lack topics to communicate with their peers, and worry that they will become the "yellow-faced woman" they don't want to be the most.

Coupled with mortgage and social expenses, they will return to before liberation every month, let alone have children. The reason why they don't even want their first child is because of all kinds of worries and worries, as well as uncertainty about the future and self-distrust.

Pagination: the reason why Virgo girls don't want to have their first child.

Virgo girls don't even want to have their first child, because what they consider is whether they can give their children a bright future and a good environment. At the same time, they are also worried about the current educational environment, especially the high tuition fees and the scarcity of degrees.

Because they are calm and rational and strive for perfection in everything, they tend to pursue perfectionism and are also super rational and pragmatic realists. If the problems they are worried about are not properly solved, they will not put the issue of having children on the agenda.

Pagination: the reason why Libra women don't want to have their first child.

The reason why Libra girls don't even want their first child is not only that having a child will make their figure out of shape and make their appearance ugly, but also that the cost of having a child is too high. They are the type who attach great importance to their external image, like dressing up and buying all kinds of beautiful clothes or jewelry.

Besides, they especially want to live a relaxed life. Giving birth to a child not only costs a lot of money, but also takes a lot of time and energy. I really don't want to end my free life and jump into a pit where I can't get out. Whether you choose single or dink, it will be easier than raising children.

Paging: Why Scorpio doesn't want to have her first child.

Scorpio girls have strong ambition, desire and dedication, and want to make a career with their own hands. Therefore, they always keep a low profile in the workplace, and will show their abilities at an appropriate time, so that superior leaders can notice that their strength is being reused.

For such scorpions, the reason why they don't even want their first child is because they are afraid that the process of pregnancy and childbirth will make them lose all kinds of opportunities to climb a higher position, and they are also worried that they will be asked to resign in disguise, or they will be discriminated against by people in the unit. In addition, pregnancy tests always ask for leave, which makes you feel guilty.

Pagination: the reason why Sagittarius women don't want to have their first child.

Sagittarius girls don't even want their first child because they haven't met anyone who can make them consciously be mothers, or who can reassure them and entrust their future to each other. It is also because they think that after giving birth, the time will be reduced and they can't go out to play as they please.

This is very difficult for them who like to travel everywhere and yearn for travel life. They don't want to go out to play and always worry about their children, and they don't want to delay their work because of their children. In their view, it is too inconvenient to have children, so they don't want to have children.

Pagination: the reason why Capricorn women don't want to have their first child.

Capricorn girls are calm, rational, calm and introverted, and always do things after careful consideration. They realize their life value through work and labor, so they attach great importance to their work. The reason why they are afraid of having their first child is because they are afraid that if they have children, they will be fired or they will not get better job opportunities.

They are also worried that their jobs will be easily replaced by others. They dare not imagine what to do when this happens. It's like being deprived of the opportunity to realize the value of life. So they dare not gamble, dare not challenge, and can only remain barren as always.

Paging: Why Aquarius women don't want their first child.

The reason why Aquarius girls don't even want their first child is easy to understand, that is, they don't want to feel free because of the existence of their children. They are positive and cheerful, advocating and pursuing absolute spiritual freedom, and like to live as they please. A bottle that has always been independent, self-conscious and independent, does not want to follow the crowd.

Of course, they don't want to copy the lifestyle that most people choose. For bottles, they don't like being bound by children in life, and they don't want to be bound by traditional ideological and moral concepts. In addition, they think that their consumption situation simply can't afford the cost of raising children.

Paging: the reason why Pisces women don't want to have their first child.

Pisces girls are gentle, considerate and considerate. They especially like beautiful and romantic things and have a strong imagination. But they often have no confidence in themselves. They are always afraid that they can't educate their children well and that they can't set a good example for each other.

They are always worried that they can't provide their children with a better learning environment or the funds to learn all kinds of arts. In addition, they will feel that their awareness of having children is not high enough and they are full of uncertainty about the future, so they dare not have their first child.