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Tang Zhaozong constellation _ Who is Tang Zhaozong?

What is the time, background, development and significance of eunuch?

[Edit this paragraph] eunuch profile

1. eunuch (Juan guān)- noun explanation

Eunuch, an official who lost sexual ability after castration in ancient China, was dedicated to emperors, monarchs and their families.

2. Eunuch-another name

"Guan", the name of the constellation, has four stars in the west of the throne, because it is the name of a person close to the emperor. Also known as eunuch, eunuch (Emperor Elector), eunuch, official, middle official, inner official, inner minister, inner servant, inner supervisor and eunuch.

3. Eunuchs of past dynasties

Eunuch was originally an official name. When Tang Gaozong was in power, the palace province was changed to the middle imperial mansion, and the eunuch was the eunuch, with less supervision. Later eunuchs were also called eunuchs. There are many officials in the governor and Yuan government who are the main officials, and there are big supervisors in Sui and Tang dynasties. "Big" or "too" has nothing to do with officials. There were twelve prisons in the Ming Dynasty, and the chief officials were all eunuchs, and there were no eunuchs below the chief officials. In the early Qing Dynasty, eunuchs were imposed on all eunuchs, and eunuchs were synonymous with eunuchs. Eunuchs were born in poverty, captured sinners as slaves, or were abducted and sold. After entering the palace, most of them were in a slave position, and only a few of them stood on the side of the emperor, trusted by him, and were in power for a while, such as Zhao Gao of the Qin Dynasty and ten constant attendants of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At the end of the Tang dynasty, eunuchs seized military power and made Cao abolish it. In view of the precedent, Ming Taizu put an iron sign in the palace: "The minister of the interior shall not interfere in political affairs, and offenders will be beheaded." But the impact is not great. After the mid-Ming dynasty, restoration and hegemony occurred from time to time. Strict was forbidden in the early Qing Dynasty, but under the feudal dynasty system, the "official disaster" could not be eradicated, and it revived in the late Qing Dynasty. Not all eunuchs in pre-Qin and Western Han Dynasties in China were eunuchs; Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, eunuchs have been called "eunuchs", only after Sui and Tang Dynasties, and the more advanced internal supervisors are called "eunuchs". Tang Gaozong changed the palace province to the imperial palace, and took eunuchs as eunuchs, with less supervision. Later eunuchs were also called eunuchs. In the Ming Dynasty, eunuchs became more and more powerful, so people called all eunuchs "eunuchs" and eunuchs were also called eunuchs. Yes

[Edit this paragraph] The origin of eunuchs

1. Eunuchs in the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties

According to records, not all eunuchs in the pre-Qin and Western Han Dynasties in China were eunuchs; Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, eunuchs have been used. This is because there are many women in the palace, from the empress dowager, imperial concubine, empress dowager, concubines to maids. If waiters are allowed in and out, it is inevitable that the palace curtains will be messy. Therefore, other adult men are not allowed to work in the palace.

2. Eunuchs in Tang Dynasty

Originated in ancient Egypt. Castration, which originated from sacrificial ceremony, is one of the oldest folk customs and has been forgotten. There was a Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Tang Dynasty, and its chief was an inspector and a small inspector. According to Guan Bai, the history of Liao Dynasty, the title of "supervisor" of southern officials in Liao Dynasty was called "eunuch", but specifically, it was only called supervisor, such as the supervisor of a teacher. In the Yuan Dynasty, there were many eunuchs in Taifu and other prisons (such as Wenyi Prison, Dian Mu Prison, palace examination Prison and Taifu Prison). ).

3. Eunuchs in Ming Dynasty

There were no such officials in the prisons of the Ming Dynasty, but in the twenty-four yamen led by eunuchs, there were eunuchs with handprints who served the emperor and his family in the court. After the middle of the Ming Dynasty, eunuchs expanded their power and had the power to send envoys, supervise troops, guard and spy on subjects.

4. Eunuchs in Qing Dynasty

In the Qing Dynasty, eunuchs became eunuchs' proper names, and eunuchs were in charge as leaders and belonged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

[Edit this paragraph] The source of eunuchs

First of all, criminals or prisoners in the war were forcibly castrated.

Second, all the places were presented as tributes to the imperial court.

The third one is from the palace.

During the Warring States, Qin and Western Han Dynasties, there was no record of eunuchs in the palace, but there were some people in the palace at the end of the later Han Dynasty. Fourth, because of personal gains and losses, anger and self-restraint.

[edit this paragraph] eunuch palace criminal law

Historical records are different. According to the "Examination of Male Eunuchs' Torture", there are four castration methods: cutting off all the penis and testicles; Only cut the testicles; Crushing testicles; Cut the vas deferens. The book "The Secret of the Last Eunuch" also introduces the "tying rope method", that is, tying the child from the root of the testis with hemp rope. As time goes by, the genitals lose their function and gradually become necrotic. Another way is to give the child an anesthetic, and then use a needle to prick the testicles constantly, so that the testicles gradually lose their function. After castration, you must live in a secret room and take shelter from the wind for a hundred days. When the wind blows, you die. There is no cure. Also choose those who are not children, and the strong are more dangerous to be palace. After the palace, that is, the female jaw is bald and the mustache is not born, like a woman.

[edit this paragraph] court eunuch

Eunuchs appeared in China very early. According to the available data, it is speculated that eunuchs may have existed as early as the court in Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. However, it is difficult to verify how many eunuchs there are. The eunuch system originated in the pre-Qin period. After the establishment of the Qin and Han empires, a set of eunuch system adapted to the quasi-residence autocratic system was established. Eunuchs are recorded in The Book of Songs, Zhou Li and Li Ji. Most of the Zhou Dynasty and vassal states set eunuchs. Lao Ai, the eunuch of the State of Qin, won the favor of the Empress Dowager, and was so powerful that he was named as a long letter Hou. Eunuchs are generally held by people with humble status. Its source is either filled by criminals sentenced to imprisonment or selected from the children of the people. After Qin and Han Dynasties, the eunuch system became more detailed. As a special political force, eunuchs had a great influence on the political situation of many dynasties. After Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, eunuchs were under the jurisdiction of Shaofu. In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu, occasionally used literati to serve eunuchs in view of the lessons of Qin's death. After Yuan Di, eunuch power recovered. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, eunuchs were regular attendants of the squire emperor. They delivered imperial edicts, took charge of documents and influenced what the emperor saw and heard. At that time, consorts were powerful, and emperors often used eunuchs to contain consorts, which often led to the dictatorship of eunuch groups. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, eunuchs were managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ye Ting Bureau, the Palace Office, the Xiguan Bureau, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In charge of palace books, doormen, illness and funeral, warehouse confession and other affairs. The formal address of directors is Mu or Cheng. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, there were strict restrictions on eunuchs. The highest rank of eunuchs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was third class, and the number was also limited. After Taizong's death, the system was gradually relaxed. During the reign of Emperor Zhongzong, the total number of eunuchs increased to 3,000, and as many as 1000 people were sealed as seven or more. During the reign of Xuanzong, there were many eunuchs, only four or five products, and there were more than 1000 people. Many people have conferred the title of left (right) supervisor general with regulations. After the Anshi Rebellion, the eunuch power expanded, and some even became princes, ranking third. Some eunuchs also got their hands on military power. During the period of Su Zong, a military attache was appointed, and the official in charge of eunuchs was appointed as the highest military post to supervise the generals. Since the Dezong dynasty, eunuchs have mastered the military power of the imperial army such as Shence Army and Tianwei Army. Eunuchs hold important positions in the army, such as the deputy commander of the imperial army and the middle imperial army. Because the military and political power is controlled by the eunuch group, not only the civil and military officials are subordinate to it, but even the abolition of the emperor is decided by them. Of the nine emperors who ascended the throne from Xianzong to Zhaozong, seven were supported by eunuchs and two were killed by eunuchs. Eunuch's autocracy became a serious problem in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. The Song Dynasty also set up an internal affairs office, which was run by eunuchs. However, the phenomenon of eunuchs interfering in politics in Song Dynasty was not as serious as that of consorts. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, had strict management over eunuchs, stipulated that eunuchs could not read, lowered their rank, prohibited them from holding civil and military titles such as foreign minister, and hung iron plates on the palace door as a warning not to interfere in politics. Since Yongle dynasty, eunuchs have been gradually reused. Eunuchs close to the emperor were often sent to patrol the sea and served as prison officers. In the 18th year of Yongle (1420), the East Factory was set up, run by eunuchs, engaged in espionage activities, and reported everything directly to the emperor. When Xuanzong proclaimed himself emperor, he changed the ancestral system that eunuchs could not read books and set up an inner library in the palace. The official taught the little eunuch to read. In the 13th year of Chenghua (1477), a west factory was set up outside the east factory, with eunuchs as the magistrate, and the spy rule was strengthened. In addition, the official positions of eunuchs have been expanded, and there are 12 inspectors in the court, including Li Si, Neiguan, Imperial, Division and Imperial Horse. There are four divisions, such as salary, bell and drum, treasure money and mixed hall, and eight bureaus, such as silver workers, which are collectively called twenty-four yamen, each with a full-time handprint eunuch. The number of eunuchs soared, reaching tens of thousands by the end of the Ming Dynasty. During the Yingzong period, Wang Zhen, the eunuch in power, netted some bureaucratic partisans and formed a eunuch party, which initiated the eunuch dictatorship in the Ming Dynasty. Since then, eunuchs have been troubled. Wang Zhi in Chenghua, Liu Jin in Wuzong and Wei Zhongxian in Xizong. In the ruling and opposition, they are all powerful officials. They were overbearing, excluded dissidents, raided and blackmailed, and were repeatedly imprisoned, which aggravated the political corruption in the Ming Dynasty and brought endless disasters to the people. In view of the serious harm caused by eunuchs in Ming Dynasty, the rulers of Qing Dynasty took some restrictive measures. In the early Qing dynasty, eunuchs were under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and were specifically managed by the respect room. The pilgrimage room, also known as the palace supervision room, has two positions: general manager and deputy general manager. When Kangxi was in charge of eunuchs, it was five products, and it was changed to four products when Yongzheng was in charge. The "Twenty-four Yamen" in Ming Dynasty was designated as "Thirteen Yamen", and the number was greatly reduced. There were more than 1000 eunuchs in Shunzhi, which increased to 3,000 in Qianlong period until the end of Qing Dynasty. The rise and fall of eunuchs is decided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If a eunuch breaks the law, the Ministry of Internal Affairs can take it first and then beat it. In particular, it is forbidden to interfere in politics. The emperor shunzhi imitated Zhu Yuanzhang's old system and erected a cast iron monument in the Jiaotai Hall, expressly stipulating that all illegal acts would be executed in that year. These measures have been well implemented. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, although the eunuchs favored by Empress Dowager Cixi, such as An Dehai and Li, were repeatedly banned, courtiers looked askance, but there was no phenomenon of eunuch autocracy in Han, Tang and Ming Dynasties. The Revolution of 1911 overthrew the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty and ended the eunuch system in feudal society that lasted for thousands of years.

[edit this paragraph] eunuch's marriage and family

Eunuchs are physically forbidden to get married, so there is no explicit prohibition on eunuchs from getting married in past dynasties. However, it is not uncommon for eunuchs to get married in history books, and most of them are in a relationship of "anti-food" and "vegetable households" with maids. According to "Autumn Lantern Record", "It is an old habit in the palace to match the prison and the maid-in-waiting, which is called food ... even if compared with each other, it is no different from the folk couples." The Eastern Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty were the three most harmful generations of eunuchs. According to historical data, the earliest record of eunuchs getting married was the Eastern Han Dynasty. Eunuchs in the Eastern Han Dynasty were arrogant and took more wives. By the Ming Dynasty, this abnormal sexual relationship was made public and legalized. In the early Ming Dynasty, Ming Taizu banned eunuchs from getting married, and offenders would skin them. However, when Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty began to favor eunuchs, the Taizu ban was gradually abolished. Wei Zhongxian, the great eunuch in Ming Dynasty, and Mingxi lived in Zhu Youxiao's wet nurse's room. However, Wei Chao, the eunuch, was the first to eat. After Wei Zhongxian entered the palace, he tried every means to please the guest room, so he fought with him and shocked Zong. After consulting the guest room, Wei Zhongxian and the guest room were married by the emperor. In the Tang Dynasty, especially in the late Tang Dynasty, eunuchs gained great power because of the arrogance of the court. They not only married openly, but also promoted the wife party, and even the emperor came forward to marry eunuchs.

Representatives of eunuchs in the history of China

1. The first eunuch prime minister-Gao

Refers to the descendants of Zhao's noble horse, which was swept into Qin in spring and destroyed. Father and son were castrated one after another, and young Zhao Gao suffered from human sufferings. After he entered the palace, he secretly took revenge, and Hu Hai, the son of Hou Shao, won the appreciation of Qin Shihuang. In 2 10, Qin Shihuang died in a sand dune. Zhao Gao conspired to drag Reese into the water and cross the sea with clever words, forcing Fu Su, the son of Jiao Zhao, to imprison General Meng Tian and successfully helping Hu Hai usurp the throne. Later, he was promoted to corps commander and took charge of Chaogang. Then Zhao Gao gave full play to his ferocious means, killed dissidents and beheaded his ally Reese. He called a deer a horse, played with Qin Ershi, and finally staged a coup to force him to kill II. The first emperor of the ages, Qin Shihuang, is in the spirit of heaven. How could he understand that the iron-clad Daqin Jiangshan was destroyed by a eunuch Zhao Gaozhi?

2. Money-gathering and power-playing in Zhang Rang's Han Palace in the Eastern Han Dynasty

The Dark Age of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the eunuch group headed by him dominated the Chaogang and the world. Zhang Rang was born in Yingzhou (now Yuzhou, Henan). From a handyman eunuch in the palace, he gradually climbed to the middle of the eunuch leader. He urged Liu Lingdi Liu Hong, a bad emperor, to set up a "four-garden selling office" to openly sell officials to collect money. In addition, a "naked swimming hall" was set up in the West Park of the Han Palace, which was specially designed for the spiritual emperor to enjoy and make him laugh. He "overstepped the imperial system" and built his own manor higher than the palace, but he was afraid that the Emperor Ling would find out that he had tried his best to deceive the Emperor Ling by saying that "the son of heaven can't climb the mountain, and it will be miserable if he climbs it". The bad king was convinced and always called Zhang Rang his father. A bad king and a traitor are birds of a feather. Zhang Rang led ten regular attendants, turned black and white except dissidents, and fabricated charges to kill courtiers, which eventually aroused the dissatisfaction of the consorts group headed by He Jin. Zhang Rang took the lead again, killing the blade by inducements, which led to the rebellion of the Guards in Shi Jing, and thousands of eunuchs in the palace. Zhang Rang also went to the dead end and joined the Yellow River.

3. The eunuch strategist-Don Gao Lishi

Gao Lishi, the tomb of Gao Lishi, and Gao Lishi were once eunuchs in power and one of the most powerful eunuchs in the Tang Dynasty. From a wandering teenager who was castrated and entered the palace to serve the female emperor Wu Zetian, she witnessed all kinds of sinister and cruel things in the deep palace and gradually understood a set of unique skills. In the "Dragon Revolution", he improvised, chose the main task, took refuge in Li Longji and brought down his master Wu Zetian. Later, he gave advice to help kill Princess Heping and eventually became Tang's most loyal confidant. However, Gao Lishi, as one of the outstanding eunuchs in China, made a lot of efforts and provided many good strategies in the process of creating the "Kaiyuan Prosperity" in the Tang Dynasty. Gao Lishi's most wonderful performance on the historical stage is that he single-handedly facilitated the epic marriage between Yang Yuhuan and Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. It was he who made Yang Guifei, and he hanged Yang Guifei in Maweipo. Success is great, so is failure. It's really a beautiful woman who smiles like a flower and charms the ages. There is no hate in the world.

3. Don Lee Guo Fu, a master of castration and power.

In the film and television, Li presented a coup d' é tat from Xia Dynasty to Qing Dynasty for 5,000 years to the Prince. There are thousands of eunuchs in the palaces of past dynasties, not to mention good or bad, loyal and treacherous officials. Not many people can leave their mark on the history of China. Only eunuch prime ministers like Li, Zhao Gao and him never appeared again. "Every country is fierce and has an extraordinary black mind, and Li is one of the masters. Flattery, flattery, he will if he doesn't learn. Sex, he can do anything. He never relents in killing his own kind and others. From princes and prime ministers to queens and emperors, they can become wands in their hands when they are useful, and start chopping when they are useless. Li Yisheng was busy all his life, seeking power, seizing political power and possessing the wealth of the city and the country. Finally beheaded and dumped in the wilderness.

4. The prison army committed an anti-state crime-Guan.

Tong Guan, a young man, entered the palace neatly and fell at the door of the great eunuch Li Xian. He is a clever man, who knows kung fu and flatters. After Hui Zong ascended the throne, he was like a duck to water. He tried his best to please this romantic son of heaven by offering antiques, calligraphy and painting. Since then, he has risen to the top. He teamed up with Cai Jing to crowd out courtiers. Men (that is, Cai Jing) and women (that is, Tong Guan) colluded with each other internally and externally, monopolized the military and political power in the Northern Song Dynasty, and drove all the officials in the ruling and opposition parties out of the door, so that the child eunuch became the "child king". Tong Guan has been in charge of military power for twenty years. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the national strength gradually weakened after repeated wars and defeats with Liao and Jin. But he kept the military power forever, which shows that he has a high means of protecting power and position.

5. From castration to wealth-Wang Ming Zhen

Wang Zhenben is a frustrated scholar. He found a shortcut to act on behalf of heaven and enrich the world from countless examples of eunuchs' prosperity and power in the world in history, and gained the spiritual strength of self-castration. So, like a gambler, he gambled on his body and personality, paving the way for his successful career at the expense of self-castration. He ignored traditional ideas and social discussions and excluded the minister of auxiliary government; Stealing and destroying Zhu Yuanzhang's ironclad proof that eunuchs were forbidden to interfere in politics, which made eunuchs openly step onto the political stage; After monopolizing power, he collected money crazily, intervened in finance under the banner of imperial power, accepted bribes, and put the idea of getting rich on monks and nuns; Dismantling and killing Liu Qiu by destroying his political enemies is the most appalling tragedy in the Ming Yingzong era. The chaos of Wang Zhen's special system led to the capture of Yingzong and sent him to a dead end. Killed by guard general Fan Zhong, his soul returned to the grave.

6. Liu Mingjin, the first "founding emperor" of the Eight Tigers

Liu Jin (red eunuch face) is the protagonist in Famen Temple. Liu Jin was one of the most famous eunuchs in the history of the Ming Dynasty, and was called "Emperor Li". When the teenager entered the palace, he learned a kung fu with his easy-to-use mind, and was appreciated and recommended by the great eunuch Li Guang, who served Prince Zhu Houzun in the East Palace. He devoted himself to pleasing the prince and soon became his confidant. After the Prince succeeded to the throne, Liu Jin was promoted again and again, and soon became the eunuch of Li Si, representing the emperor. He coaxed the insatiable Ming Wuzong into the leopard room, compiled a list of "traitors" and wiped out 56 honest courtiers. All the decisions of the imperial court were monopolized and became the nameless "Emperor Liu". He also relies on the East-West Factory and the Royal Guards to make everyone feel insecure. He also changed the dynasty system and took the opportunity to take bribes. Courtiers followed suit, greed was everywhere, and the Ming Dynasty was declining.

7. Zhongxian County, Wei Ming, the first owl in the sea of smoke.

Wei Zhongxian, a mighty county, was originally a city god villain, illiterate, but good at flattery. Soon after he entered the palace, he was promoted by eunuch Wang An, who was closely related to Emperor Wanli, and his status and power were increasing day by day. After Zhu Youxiao ascended the throne, Ming Xizong and Ke began to take power and interfere in politics. He turned defeat into victory over Wang An, drove away Wei Chaochen, killed him with a stick, unjustly imprisoned him in Daxing, killed the Party and planted henchmen privately, calling himself "nine years old", which was the highest peak for eunuchs to monopolize the whole country. He not only offered an aphrodisiac to encourage the emperor to escape, but also took his wife and concubine, robbed all the women in the world and killed many unfortunate women. After Emperor Chongzhen succeeded to the throne, Wei Zhongxian was dismissed.

8. Rely on one's work and be arrogant-Celebrate An Dehai.

An Dehai, 10 years old, entered the palace as a eunuch. Because of his dexterity and good eyes, he won the favor of his master and called him "Xiao Anzi". 186 1 year, he met an opportunity and made it to heaven. That year, when Emperor Xianfeng died, he issued a secret edict and was succeeded by his only son, Zai Chun. Eight ministers, including Su Shun, were regents, and they ordered Nora to be relieved of her power. An Dehai leaked the testamentary edict to Nora. After Xianfeng's death, as the envoy of Nalashi and Prince Gong, he ran between Jehol and Beijing, which made his coup successful. Xiao Anzi worked hard, and Empress Dowager Cixi promoted him to be the eunuch in charge of power. After An Dehai became the confidant of Cixi, she took advantage of her arrogance, intervened in state affairs, suppressed Prince Gong, provoked the Empress Dowager and made many enemies. He went crazy, went to Jinan and was beheaded.

9. The first eunuch of the Qing Dynasty-Li

Li (now a native of Li Jiacun, Zangtun Township, Dacheng County, Hebei Province) went out of the palace from the sixth year of Xianfeng (1856) to the thirty-fourth year of Guangxu (1908) and spent fifty-two years in the Qing Dynasty. She is the favorite eunuch of Empress Dowager Cixi, and also a great eunuch with the highest taste, the greatest power, the greatest wealth and the longest service in the Qing Dynasty. His cruelty to his master and slave and his peers reached the peak. He is not afraid, ignores the princes, and regards military affairs ministers as leisure. North Korean officials and governors of other provinces flatter them and snore. All the important affairs of the national government and the Qing court were listened to and participated in.

10. An accomplished eunuch

Cai Lun invented papermaking. Cai Lun and Yongping entered the palace as eunuchs in the last years (75). He has successively served as Xiaohuangmen, Zhong Servant, Shang Fangling and Changle Servant. In the first year of Yuan Dynasty (1 14), Andi named it Longtinghou (the fief was in Puzhen, Long Ting, Yang County, Shaanxi Province), with 300 food cities. Cai Lun is honest and prudent, and cares about national interests. He once "severely punished several offenders" and changed the situation. Diligent and studious, concentrate on things. Queen Dou's sword and other items were also designed and supervised by her. "It is the law of later generations." In the 4th year of Yongyuan (1992), Cai Lun took advantage of being an official and often visited rural workshops. When he saw the silkworm woman reeling, there was still a layer of short hair on the bamboo pole, which could be used to write, thus being inspired. He collects raw materials such as bark, waste hemp, rags and old fishing nets. In the first year of Yuan Xing (105), he wrote the paper-making process and method as a memorial, and reported it to Han and Emperor together with plant fiber paper, which was greatly praised by him, and Cai Lun's paper-making technology soon spread. People call this kind of paper "Cai Hou Paper", and all over the country "do whatever it takes". Cai Lun's invention became one of four great inventions of ancient china and made great contributions to human civilization. Among the 100 celebrities who influenced the course of human history, American Mack hart ranked Cai Lun seventh. The opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games showed the papermaking invented by Cai Lun. Zheng He made seven voyages to the West.

1 1. The only eunuch in the history of China who was chased as the emperor.

-Cao Teng, Cao Cao's grandfather, served in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and entered the palace since childhood. Later, she married Wu, a woman, and adopted the Cao family boy as her son, namely Cao Song, Cao Cao's father. After Cao Rui acceded to the throne, his great-grandfather Cao Teng was the high emperor and his wife Wu Weigao was the queen, and this title remained until the Western Jin and Wei Dynasties. Cao Teng also became one of the five people (Cao Teng, Cao Song, Cao Cao, Wei Wu, Cao Pi, Wei Ming and Cao Rui) who held the title of emperor during the Cao Wei period. None of Cao Rui's successors can enjoy the title because of Sima's monopoly. In the history of China, only one eunuch was awarded the title of Emperor of the Orthodox Dynasty.