Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What psychological analysis does the man of the zodiac think after cheating?

What psychological analysis does the man of the zodiac think after cheating?

The true love worth guarding is that we can promote each other and become better people instead of becoming sloppy and decadent together. If the other half can't grow up, then you should seriously think about whether the other half is worth your effort. Zodiac men have different ideas after cheating. Let's see what they are thinking after the affair. Aries male: excuse yourself. Aries men will not feel embarrassed for the first time after cheating, but will start to find ways to excuse themselves, find various excuses to comfort themselves, and want to prove to themselves that this is reasonable. Taurus male: It's a big deal to break up. Taurus men are a little male chauvinist when they are in love, and they especially want their other half to listen to themselves. Taurus men don't feel sorry for their other half after cheating. Their first thought is to break up with the other half if it's a big deal. Gemini: Nothing matters. It doesn't matter if Gemini men cheat. They don't take the initiative to apologize to their partner, and they don't even know how to repent. They will find a chance to cheat again. Even if they were caught cheating, they still looked indifferent. Cancer man: The surface is calm. In the face of love, cancer men are still more responsible. If they know that they have cheated and done something sorry to their other half, they will be calm on the surface, but they will be very flustered and feel that they have made a big taboo. Lion man: trying to make up for lion man's greater masculinity. They are also serious about their lovers. If they cheat, they will try to make up for their other half, beg the other half to forgive themselves, and promise the other half that they will never make such a mistake again. Virgin man: Look for various reasons. The first reaction of a virgin man after cheating is that he can't let his other half know about it. In order to avoid being discovered by his other half, virgins will find various reasons to excuse themselves and even mobilize friends around them to help them lie. Libra man: It's no big deal. Although Libra men dress themselves up beautifully every day, in fact Libra men have no sense of responsibility at all. Even after cheating, they don't think they did something wrong for the first time. On the contrary, they think cheating is no big deal. Scorpio man: I feel guilty. People say that Scorpio is particularly cruel and does things without mercy. But in fact, Scorpio men are more reliable when they are in love. If they accidentally cheat, they will feel very guilty and feel sorry for their other half. Sagittarius man: a Sagittarius man who is calm on the surface, flustered inside and advocates freedom will be very flustered when deceiving himself, but he will try his best to control his panic and pretend to be calm on the surface as if nothing had happened. Capricorn man: Regret Capricorn man's first thought after cheating is regret. They will feel that they are particularly unmanly and will cheat. In addition, Capricorn men will try their best to be nice to the other half, trying to reduce their guilt in this way. Aquarius man: Aquarius men will be particularly flustered and don't know what to do after realizing that they are cheating. They want to show this to the other half, but they are afraid that the other half will break up with themselves because of this. Pisces man: Comfort yourself Pisces man is very self-centered. They are more concerned about their own ideas, and even seldom consider their partners' ideas. After the derailment, their first reaction was not to feel sorry, but to try their best to comfort themselves and excuse themselves.