Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Ask for the real name and details of the Harry Potter trio.

Ask for the real name and details of the Harry Potter trio.

Full name: Hermione Jane Granger Age: 17 Birthday:1September 979 19 School: Hogwarts College: Gryffindor Nickname: Know-it-all (but many students admire her cleverness more), Miss with many questions (as Professor dolores umbridge said), Miss Perfect, Miss Serious (in the novel). Hr (mainly a nickname used in post bars and forums) features: only one can improve her thick and unkempt brown hair. She didn't remove her big dice until the fourth grade, but that was after a spell accident. Besides, her eyes are brown. Descent: Muggle family: Both parents are Muggle dentists. The focus of debate now is whether she has a sister. J.K. Rowling said she wanted to write, but she finally gave up. This shows that she really has no sisters. She is the only child in the family. Wand: rattan wood, with dragon heart strings, unknown size constellation: Virgo hair color: brown thick eyes color: brown (amber or chocolate color) Pet: Crook Mountain is a very wonderful animal. It's a big ginger cat with a flat face and a fat tail that blows like a bottle brush. Crook Mountain is partly made up of cats and raccoons, so it is very smart and can identify bad people. The most obvious example is peter pettigrew's attitude towards it when he appeared in the form of a mouse (see Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban for details). Moreover, when Harry and Ron compiled the answers in the divination class, it can be seen from the way it stared at them that it can also identify and not identify cheating (see chapter 14 of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for details). Sirius Black also said, "This cat is not crazy. It is the cleverest cat I have ever seen. " Expertise: study, logical reasoning, arithmetic divination, portable waterproof flame, apparition favorite subjects: arithmetic divination favorite subjects: patron saint of divination: otter (Ms. Rowling's favorite animal is also an otter, from which we can see that Hermione has Rowling's shadow) Bogert (the most fearful thing): Professor McGonagall announced that all her failed exams were not the best subjects: divination that needed to be practiced (actually very good) and divination. ) Name: Ron Weasley Full Name: ronald billius weasley Gender: Boys' Day: 1 March, 9801Hair color: Red School: Hogwarts College: Gryffindor lineage: pure blood wand: elder wand-elder wand used by Charlie, in which unicorn hair can be exposed from the end. In the second Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, whomping willow almost broke it, and later he had to repair it with transparent glue, which led to the magic rebound. New wand-14 inch, willow, unicorn hair. Ron started using this wand in the third Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban. Maroon wand-In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, my wand was taken from Malfoy's house, and it was peter pettigrew's wand. Patron saint: Bogert the hound: Mirror of Eris in Okumo: Ron sees himself as the president and prefect of the Boys' Student Union, captain of Quidditch, holding the College Cup and the Quidditch Cup. Pet: Before the fourth Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, it was a mouse named Scarber (who lived in the Weasleys' home for 12 years, and his real identity was peter pettigrew). At the end of the third movie, Ron gets a new pet owl pig (Zhu Weiqiong) from Sirius. Family members: Father-Osher Weasley's mother-molly weasley's sister-Ginny Weasley's brother-bill weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley and george weasly, among whom Fred and George are twins. Specialty: Wizarding Chess and Quidditch (Goalkeeper) Actor: Rupert Grint first appeared: Chapter 6 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Ron Weasley, translated as Ron Weasley in Chinese mainland, is a character in the children's fantasy novel Harry Potter series by British writer Joanna Katherine Rowling. Ron Billius Weasley, born in March 1980, is one of Harry Potter's close friends, a student of Hogwarts School of Wizardry, and another close friend is hermione granger. The Weasleys are an ancient magical family. Arthur is Ron's father, Molly is Ron's mother, six sons, Charlie, Bill, Percy, Fred, George and Ron, and one daughter, Ginny, all have flaming red hair. Arthur, Molly, Charlie and Bill are all members of the Order of the Phoenix, but Percy became the junior assistant to the Minister of Magic, but because of some contradictions with his family, he was once the most unpopular person in the family. Everyone (except luna lovegood (translated as Taiwan Province Province in brackets, the same below)) called him "Ron" instead of "Ronald". Ron is the youngest son of writers Weasley (Arthur Wesley) and Molly Weasley (Molly Wesley). Ron's father is an employee of the Ministry of Magic who prohibits the abuse of magic. His salary is not high, so most of Ron's things are second-hand, and he is very concerned about it. Fred is a Weasley boy, humorous (even laughing before he died), with Weasley characteristics: red hair, freckles, and George are twin brothers, looking very much like each other. He is one of the Weasley twins with red hair, and he became a part of Hogwarts legend because of his great achievements before graduation. In the memory of Hogwarts employee Filch, these two people seem to be more terrible than the one who can't mention his name. Filch's evaluation of these two men is full of vicious curses and slanders, except for a dementor's kiss. He was very depressed when he mentioned their great deeds before graduation, saying that this was the biggest mistake in his life. Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, disagreed. He thinks it is his honor to have students like the Weasley twins, and he deeply regrets that the Weasley brothers failed to graduate smoothly. "This is a great loss for Hogwarts," he said. Among the students, the Weasley brothers have a very good reputation. In the darkest days of Hogwarts, the invention of the Weasley brothers helped many students get rid of the oppression of Umbridge, an "old bat". Until now, they are still willing to empty their pockets to buy the Weasley brothers' shop in diagon alley. Many students who want to be the king of Hogwarts pranks are guided by the behavior of the Weasleys. According to them, the Weasleys once made Peeves, Hogwarts' most talented prank, obey them. Arthur from the Ministry of Magic. The Weasleys have long been worried about their practical jokes, but since the successful opening of the Weasleys Brothers Magic Shop, the Weasleys have gradually expressed their appreciation for their business talents. "We love our parents very much," the Weasleys said in an interview. "They always understand us, and their tolerant attitude towards us has made us what we are today." At the end of the interview, George suddenly said, "In fact, we miss the days when our mother yelled at us." Fred nodded in agreement. Finally, it is a summary. The Duke of Bees and Joko's joke shop owner tried to get the Ministry of Magic to pass a bill restricting the monopoly of the Weasley Brothers' magic shop, but the Ministry of Magic rejected the appeal on the grounds of insufficient evidence. Is a brave, freedom-loving man, very bold, his twin brother George developed many magic tricks: fat-tongued toffee, fake magic wand, quick-acting truant candy and so on. At Hogwarts, George and I are Gryffindor Quidditch batters. In the sixth grade, the loyal opposition Umbridge finally flew to freedom and opened a joke shop with George. The start-up fund of the joke shop is Harry Potter's bonus in the Triwizard Competition. In the seventh book, he was killed in a battle with death eaters, which made people cry.