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I seem to know you. What sign are you in?

Ask you what constellation and how to answer it.

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Ask you what constellation and how to answer it.

Ask you what constellation and how to answer it. Many people will pay attention to the constellation in our life, especially girls know a lot about constellations. Constellations are related to many aspects of us. The following understanding asks you what constellation and how to answer it.

Ask you what constellation, how to answer 1.

1, female: "What sign are you?" Man: "It's tailor-made for you." Or a man: "Guess what constellation I am?" Woman: "Leo?" Man: "No, I made it for you."

2. "Do you know where the coldest place in the world is?" "Antarctic? Or the North Pole? " "No, there is no room for you."

3. M: Can you guess what constellation I am? W: I don't know. Man: I will do anything for you.

Can you guess my horoscope? Woman: Aries? M: No, it's tailored for you.

5. M: Your eyes are so beautiful that I can see what constellation you are. W: What constellation? Male: Andromeda.

What constellation routine do you answer?

First, Leo's sultry routine:

1, M: I have a good eye for people. Woman: Really? Then see what kind of person I am. Man: You are the one I love.

2.m: Teach you how to live happily every day. W: Why? First of all, it must be me.

You are perfect except for one shortcoming. W: What shortcomings? Man: I'm missing.

Second, Capricorn tantalizing routine:

1, female: Do you miss me? Do you want me to miss you?

2. Female: I have a boyfriend. Man: I won't rob your boyfriend.

3. Woman: Are you poor enough to chase me? Man: That's why I have to work hard to make money before I can go whoring.

Third, Scorpio sultry routine:

1, m: God is so cruel to me. Woman: Huh? Man: Let me meet you today.

M: I will come true one day. W: What do you do? Man: You can kiss your life as soon as you turn over.

3. "I can stay up with you and advise you to go to bed early." "But the best state is that we sleep together."

Fourth, Gemini sultry routine:

1, Man: You are a little different today. Woman: What? M: The eye makeup on the left side is a little crooked.

2. M: Seeing your circle of friends is not quite what I expected. W: What's the difference? Man: I thought it was a quiet beauty, who knows. . . Woman: What? Man: Who knew this was a joke? Woman: Haha, you caught me.

3. "Give me a fulcrum." "Shake your heart."

Five, Aries sultry routine:

1.M: I'm looking at my childhood photos. W: Let them have a look. M: Sexy photos. Woman: Haha, so cute. M: I is cuter when I grow up (shy expression). Woman: Haha

2. "Your lips are cracked." "Well, I didn't bring my lip balm today." "I have it in my mouth, whatever!"

3. "The way you smile." "It's like a ripe watermelon cracking."

What kind of love story are you?

1, Aries

Aries is a capital rectal baby, with a pure smile every day, and nothing to worry about. For such a naive baby, you can talk to him about routines! Please teach him how to write two words first!

2. Sagittarius

As long as the shooter hears the routine, he will have a headache He will never understand why life is so complicated, nor can he open his heart and communicate with his sincere heart. Routine or something, please go away!


Aquarius should not be good at showing its advantages and covering up its shortcomings! Moreover, the water bottle is a person who has been bitten by a snake for three years and is afraid of the well rope. As long as you are beaten once, Aquarius can learn how to protect itself. Be careful which time he will hit you with an alien method!

4. Capricorn Palace. Compare CAPRICORNUS

Read sage books with one heart and two ears every day and don't listen to things outside the window. I always take an automatic blocking attitude towards external news, especially routine, which is meaningless. Capricorn gives you a contemptuous look. You know it yourself.

5. Taurus

Taurus has 10000 words in his heart, but he can't say a word in his mouth, and he is sweating! Alas, I feel sorry for our Taurus baby.


Gemini's brain works faster than Martha's If you approach Gemini with a purpose, Gemini always feels strange! I will not give my heart easily! Plus Gemini doesn't speak seriously, it's easy for you to take lies seriously and turn you into an army!

7. Cancer constellation

Cancer's intuition definitely has the ability to see through people's hearts! Don't try easily. It is very, very difficult to gain the complete trust of Cancer. Cancer wraps all the little secrets under its solid shell, so it's not so easy for you to set a routine!

8. Leo

Lions have great enthusiasm for routines. After all, fooling others is one of the pleasures of lion's life. Lions will never let go of everything around them that is related to routines. Be sure to receive it in your own small treasure library!

9. Maiden's Palace

Black Virgo can circle the earth three times every day, and those ideas are accepted by Virgo rudely, so Virgo becomes the king with routines!

10, Libra

There are few routines these days, so how dare you go out and say hello to others, especially the social butterfly Libra. Without a few routines, Libra is out of date!

1 1, Scorpio

Scorpio, unless you can make Scorpio fall in love with you first, but Scorpio wants to fall in love with you, you must be honest with each other. If you do it again and again, Scorpio's intuition and logic can easily find your flaws, and you will never get Scorpio's trust in the future!

Gemini 12

It is simply a postdoctoral fellow in the routine world! You must be 200% careful when you talk to Gemini, because you never know when he will fix you up.

What constellation are you? Reply.

1, I made it with your heart.

2. You don't care what constellation I am, I love you forever.

3. It is said that Libra is very careful, so I should be Libra.

Haha, my cowherd, you are a weaver girl, and we are made for each other.

You asked me before I remembered that it was made with our previous love.

Ask you what constellation and how to answer 2

W: What sign are you?

At this time, many boys may say that it is tailor-made for you. That's too greasy. What constellation does the girl ask you? Actually, she just wants to know if you two constellations are suitable. She might match it in private. The point here is that you don't know what constellation a girl is, so you just say it, and then many girls especially believe in constellations, so I'll say more here.

Man: My sun is Leo, rising is Cancer, and Venus is Capricorn.

Give her all three constellations directly. What should girls do if they say no here? )

Woman: I'm a Leo. It doesn't seem to suit you.

M: I'm not finished yet. I'm Libra, I'm Gemini, I'm a virgin ...

Woman: You seem to know a lot about constellations!

M: I did a little research. Send me your birthday, and I'll see if we can hit it off (the fortune teller goes online directly, and it's up to us to decide whether it's ok or not, depending on the acting skills)

After reading the above example, do the friends know how to say "what is your reply to pick up girls?" Therefore, the premise is to have an understanding of constellation knowledge. You know, constellations are complicated. From different angles, everyone has different constellations. When you throw out these knowledge points, you can also use your charm to conquer girls.

Three skills of talking about constellations:

1, the girl asked: What constellation are you?

You have to say: guess?

Then no matter what constellation she guesses you are, you say: I made it for you.

You can also chat like this and say to the girl: I know what constellation you are.

She won't believe it. Tell me, and then say: You are tailor-made for me.

2. The girl asked: What sign are you in?

You can name a constellation first, such as Sagittarius.

Girls will be happy to say that you guessed wrong.

You say at once: Haha, never mind, I still have a chance of 1 1.

She is sure to be laughed at by you.

Or let the girls guess your horoscope. As long as they guess wrong, we can also say: You still have a chance 1 1, and the girls will be teased.

If you want to learn to chat with reverse thinking, you will be distinguished from ordinary boys immediately.

3. Let the girls say their horoscope first.

For example: I am Aries, and then find out what constellation Aries best matches.

Then tell her: So we are a match made in heaven, and we can close the distance quickly.

If the girl says you lied afterwards, we can explain it this way, because I like you too much and am afraid of losing you, so I told a white lie.

It doesn't matter whether you can guess correctly, because in the process of guessing constellations, you have a good interaction with girls and are in a good mood, and it is enough to chat happily with you.

Ask you what constellation and how to answer 3

HR asked, "What sign are you in?" Don't argue. What is a reasonable answer?

When interviewing job seekers, HR likes to examine whether job seekers' multi-faceted and multi-dimensional abilities match their jobs. In this process, various methods will be used.

Today I will show you when HR asks, "What is your constellation?" ? Because the general reply I get is that job seekers hate this question, and I always feel that HR seems unprofessional and personal privacy, but it can't break out based on interview occasions. Take a good look at this question today, so that job seekers can deeply understand why HR asks and look down.

First of all, the responsibility of HR is to recruit suitable people for the company. There are various post settings, and the responsibilities and assessment of the post also depend on the post. Therefore, when interviewing job seekers, HR will also select people according to their positions. This is the foundation. After all, if an inappropriate person is put in the post, problems and things that affect the work process will happen with great probability. This is also to avoid this kind of thing.

Secondly, HR will use various means to examine job seekers in the interview. Generally speaking, either ask some questions for job seekers to make some comments, or go through the work in their resumes. Through these methods, the situation of job seekers will be basically understood, and even it can be clear whether job seekers are suitable for the positions they apply for.

Finally, the constellation, in fact, everyone will have it. The premise of HR asking the constellation is that HR must know something about the constellation. Although this practice is not very scientific, we can learn some information about job seekers from the side. For example, the concept of money, career, family, emotional intelligence and adversity quotient. These are very important assessment indicators of HR for job seekers.

In order to recruit the right person for the company, HR needs to know more knowledge outside the workplace. I believe many job seekers also have some basic knowledge of horoscopes. At least when chatting with friends and family, I can tell some characteristics of my horoscope. This is also a kind of ability that many people use in making friends in reality.

So, how to answer this question reasonably after knowing that HR is not prying into the privacy of job seekers?

First of all, everyone is born with his own constellation, because the constellation is based on his birthday in the solar calendar. Secondly, there will be a rising constellation, and the combination of the two can accurately know their own characteristics. So when HR asks this question, don't refute it. Tell HR directly. After all, your resume will also include the date of birth. The sharp-eyed HR doesn't wait for you to say that you may already know your horoscope. I ask you to check it.

So here, I think job seekers should tell HR what sign they are when they encounter this problem. This is one of them. Second, don't wait for HR to continue asking questions after answering, but tell HR something about constellations. Of course, it goes without saying. Now consulting is so developed that there are many tools to obtain information. According to your own horoscope.

What constellation has what characteristics, both bad and good. Tell both of them to HR, of course, you must combine the good aspects with the position you are applying for. At least you can strengthen your advantages and instill your ability into HR to be competent for this position. After that, you must be the first choice when HR selects people. So I think, when HR asks a job seeker what constellation he is, just answer truthfully, and never contradict him.