Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Who is more suitable as a boyfriend, Cancer or Aquarius?

Who is more suitable as a boyfriend, Cancer or Aquarius?

Aquarius is the kind of straight man, and students' logical thinking is from their own point of view. Cancer man is the kind of person who can make girls happy. Everyone knows what girls want. Next, let's take a look at Xiaobian. Who is the most suitable boyfriend, Cancer or Aquarius?

1. Various concerns about the other half

Cancer man is the kind of person who cares about his girlfriend in various ways when she is uncomfortable. It is completely uncomfortable for the other party, but it is your own heart that hurts. Cancer man hates not calling a doctor right away. Aquarius men are the kind that no matter what symptoms his girlfriend complains about with them, they all say the same thing: drink more hot water and feel nothing at all.

2. When the other person is angry, he will take the initiative to apologize.

It is common for lovers to quarrel, but Cancer's boyfriend and girlfriend do unpleasant things and soon calm down. Then, whether it is their own fault or not, apologize before speaking. Aquarius men are all too straight boys and will feel that they are not wrong, so they apologize this time, so that the other party will not bully themselves more in the future.

3. Always praise each other.

Cancer man's mouth is very sweet. When he saw his girlfriend dressed beautifully, he couldn't help praising her. Found each other really like a fairy today. When other boys see it, it will inevitably attract them to leave. An Aquarius man will say sourly to his girlfriend, who must you show your beauty and seduce?

4. SMS reply in time

When his girlfriend sends a message to himself, no matter how busy he is at work, the cancer man will learn to let go of what he is doing first, and then send the message back to the girl. Because we know each other, if we don't get a reply, we will be very anxious. Aquarius men usually take a look at the information and then put their mobile phones aside silently because they feel that the other person is bored and unwilling to pay attention.

5. Remember every anniversary.

Cancer man can remember every memorial day. On this day, Cancer Men will prepare a gift in advance, and then give each other a big surprise early in the morning, telling each other that they are very happy together. Aquarius man can't remember this day. Sometimes his girlfriend asks you if you know what day it is, and they even say I don't know it to his face.