Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Ask for all kinds of ghost stories, anecdotes and jokes, not limited to ~ ~, hearsay books, or your own creation, and it is best not to give points ~ ~! ! ! ! !

Ask for all kinds of ghost stories, anecdotes and jokes, not limited to ~ ~, hearsay books, or your own creation, and it is best not to give points ~ ~! ! ! ! !

spook house

I still remember that a house where I once lived was haunted.

I have three brothers and sisters, except the youngest is only four years old. The rest have to work in the fields with their parents before dawn and can't go home until dark. So Dai Yue wears stars just to make a living. He comes back every day and his bones are falling apart. He just wants to fall asleep on the kang, and he doesn't even have the strength to eat.

We only live in two rooms. This is an old house. We have only moved here for half a month. My parents live in the small kang in the back, and the four of us live in the big kang in the outhouse. There is a door next to the kang, which contains sundries, only separated by a curtain. The youngest sister sleeps on the kang and I sleep on the kang. I don't know when I started to have trouble sleeping at night. I often feel cold in the middle of the night. Even in early autumn, it is extremely cold in the middle of the night. Then I woke up in a nightclub, and so did my other brothers and sisters. A few days later, I was sleeping in the middle of the night when I suddenly heard someone laughing, laughing? Who laughs at midnight? I turned to look at my brothers and sisters. They all slept soundly. Listen carefully. Nobody laughed. However, just before I went to sleep, I heard a few laughter, which made me cold to the bone and laughter was close at hand! Thinking of this, I suddenly felt my whole body stand upright, and the cold wind began to blow from behind, as if there were ice behind me. I turned my head slowly and bit by bit to see where the laughter came from, but when I turned my head completely, I only felt something stuck in my throat, and my heart seemed to stop beating at once, because I saw two women standing outside the curtain, leaning against the wall. A pale face looked at me and smiled. One of them is wearing pink forged embroidered shoes, and the other is wearing pink forged trousers. They all wear the same clothes, wide-sleeved small coats, big peony flowers embroidered on their chests, red beads tassels on their chests, and polished hair with a hostess inserted behind them. I suddenly realized that maybe it was just a dream, so I rubbed my eyes with my hand and watched it again. I'm still here, secretly pinching my arm, still there, still there! No, it's not a dream! My scalp jumped up with a scream of "Ah-",and my siblings were awakened. Mom and dad heard the noise and ran out with a small oil lamp. There was nothing. When I said I saw it, they didn't believe anyone. They just said it was a dream, muttered a few words and went back to sleep.

I'm so scared. Where can I sleep? Lying in bed, with a quilt on his head, his eyes closed tightly, he dared not move, and he dared not stick his head out until dawn.

The next night, I was so tired that I forgot. When I was sleeping soundly, I heard a few giggles. When it was cold behind me, people were already awake, but I closed my eyes and dared not move. Laughter is behind me. I know it was those two women. I can't turn around and pretend to sleep with my eyes closed, but I can't sleep because I'm afraid. The more I can't sleep, the more scared I am. I can only hide my head in the quilt and reach out.

If you can't sleep well at night, you will have no strength to work during the day. When resting, I will doze off against the tree, delay my work and be scolded by my parents. In the evening, I came back with a basket of grass on my back, and my parents had already gone back. I can only walk alone on the country road. The moon is big and bright, and I carry things all the way to speed up my steps. Just when I looked down unintentionally, I suddenly found two shadows following me at my feet! Turn around and look back. There's nothing. Look, it's one. After a few steps, I bowed my head. God, it's still two shadows. I screamed and ran, calling my parents as I ran-bow down, the shadow runs as fast as me! My parents ran out of the door when they heard this. I greeted them and hugged their arms, shaking badly all over. I said I had two shadows, and they looked at where they were. I looked down and saw only my own shadow. Mom said I was presbyopia, raised her hand and hit me, calling me fussy. I swear, I'm not presbyopic, but they don't believe me. In order not to be defeated, they had to back down. I don't know why I am always so unlucky and always see those things.

After dinner, dad said that they left the next day and let us stay at home and watch the door. Finally, we can have a day off from work. We agreed very simply. I am used to holding my sister's hand to sleep at night, so I am not so scared.

Faint, I feel a cold air coming on me. I am not awake in my dream, but I feel that the cold air is getting closer and closer. Suddenly, a cool hand touched my face and touched it from right to left. I cried as loudly as I could. When I opened my eyes, a woman was withdrawing her hand with that smirk on her face. My sister-in-law woke up and asked me what was wrong. I pointed to the curtain and closed my eyes and said there was a ghost. They also screamed with fear. I don't know if they were scared by me or saw it. Mom and dad came out with a lamp and asked angrily, what's the matter? I said that a hand touched me, or those two female ghosts. My parents asked me to sleep with them, and I didn't hear laughter until dawn.

They left and locked the gate. We cook and eat, and we just want to wash the dishes. My sister gave a cry and pointed to the closed outer door, turning pale. We followed her hand, and at the crack of the door, there was a picture whiter than paper, and even some blue faces were sticking to the crack of the door and looking in with one eye. We all saw it, shouted and rushed back to the back room to block the door, jumped on the kang, pulled open the quilt, and several people got into the group together, shivering and just crying.

After a while, the second sister gently pulled open the corner of the quilt and looked out, saying that nothing had happened and she might have left. No one dares to get out of bed and watch. He was stuffy in the quilt for a while. Only then did he carefully look out through the door. No, he opened the door and looked out. There is nothing left. We are just relieved. Suddenly, the youngest sister cried and followed her eyes. The white face appeared outside the door again. Looking through the crack of the door, we rushed back to the back room as quickly as possible and plugged in the door again.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly I heard a knock at the door outside. Our calm heart suddenly broke out and jumped wildly. At the same time, I screamed loudly but heard my parents knocking at the door. They're back! We quickly opened the quilt and rushed out. They are outside the door. Open the door and they will scold you. When I entered the room, suddenly I saw the white face again. It stood by the pit in the kitchen. We turned and ran back, shouting that it was coming. When mom saw this, she knew that we must not be lying. She was swinging around the room with a broom. We leaned out and it disappeared, but after a while, it poked its head out from behind the door curtain in the utility room. From one to two, it was dark, and I didn't see it again. Because of the fear of this day, I would rather work in the fields.

I always sleep with my parents at night. I am fascinated by the four scenic spots, and I am glad that my sister is close to me.

During the day, the youngest sister was locked at home as usual. Only a wooden bowl was left on a small cupboard, and a small stool was placed in front of it.

Speaking of this sister, she is really smart, eloquent and not afraid of people. She can sing as soon as she meets, and she dances when she is told, with a sweet mouth. At that time, all the village teams going to the countryside were delivering meals, and whoever sent them was in charge. Whenever they come, my little sister always talks to them and sings to them. She has a beautiful voice, and one of the lesbians likes her very much. Mother was cooking, but she stood aside and didn't serve. Nobody advised her to move chopsticks. She didn't eat until the team finished eating. She knew about human accidents at an early age. How could she not be liked?

Once, I was working in the field, and my mother asked me to come back early to cook. I heard that the room was very lively as soon as I entered the hospital. It seemed that many people were joking, and then I looked at the door. Obviously, it is locked. I took two or three steps to open the door. As soon as I entered the room, the sound disappeared. At the same time, I just feel goose bumps all over. Miss Jie's face is still a look of wanting more after just laughing. I asked who she was talking to, but she didn't answer me, just saying that they wouldn't let me talk.

Day after day, such things happen one after another. Many times, on the way home, I could hear her talking to the people in the house through the courtyard door. I always feel terrible. I told my mother several times to persuade her to send my little sister to someone else's house, but my mother didn't want to owe her a favor, so she just locked her in the house. But, I know, this is not normal.

"Big sister!" My little sister called me and I came in from the outside. At first glance, she looks sallow, just like everyone else. "What's the matter?" "I'm hungry and want to eat cakes (dialect, steamed bread, and then corn flour)." It's about four or five in the afternoon, and dinner will be ready soon. I wanted her to put up with it again, but she said something puzzling but worrying, "It's too late. Let me have a bite. I'm leaving." What, she's too late? What, she's leaving? How can a four-year-old child say such a thing? I don't know how to answer her. I just said, "well, I'll make a fire for you to keep warm. They are all frozen hard. " She shook her head and said, "No, I'll just put it on the kang for a while." So I smashed a small piece with the back of my knife and handed it to her. She covered the quilt, put the cake in her hand and put it in the quilt. If she melts it a little, she will chew it a little. Before she finished eating a small piece of cake, she said, "Sister, can you call mom in? I want to see her. " When she spoke, her expression was as sad as when she said goodbye, and tears swirled in her eyes. I hurried out to call my mother, who was outside grinding. When she heard my words, she said without looking back, "Can't you see I'm busy?" So many mouths to eat, why not help to see? I'm not dying. "I went back to the house and told her that her mother was busy and would come in soon. But she begged me to let my mother in, see her again and hug her again. I can only go out again. " Mom, come in. My sister seems to be dying. "With these words, she stopped her work impatiently and entered the house swearing. As soon as I entered the room, my little sister threw herself into her arms, tears streaming down her face, without saying a word. She just hugged her tightly as if to leave this life. Mother also saw that she was not good, so she asked me to call my neighbor to find my father.

I called my neighbor's eldest brother through the wall and asked him to call my father and doctor quickly.

After a while, the doctor came, and dad asked the second sister to go to the backyard to find her uncle. Uncle is a hero in our family. He knows martial arts and has been walking in rivers and lakes for many years.

Before he came, the doctor just said that my little sister had typhoid fever and it would be fine to get an injection, so he took out the needle and gave her an injection. Mother wanted to put her on the kang, but she just hugged her neck and wouldn't let go. His face is getting worse. My uncle got up as soon as the back door rang. When he lifted the curtain, his brow wrinkled tightly. His loud voice and thunderous words made everyone more afraid. He told me to make a fire as soon as possible and let the mother hold the baby tight. Strange things have come out. I struck a whole box of matches two by two, and none of them could strike. People in the team also rushed to call her name around her. She just smiled and said to them, "I'm leaving, and I'll sing you another song." After singing her favorite song with her crisp and immature voice, everyone's eyes were red, and she just sang two sentences. Suddenly, her eyes opened wide, and she tried desperately to breathe with her mouth open, but she just made a noise and turned her head back. I rushed to her and shouted her name. My uncle was in a hurry, so he scratched after grabbing the match, and it was still the same. Little sister's head almost turned to her back. How can she endure such pain? At the last second, she took a deep breath, turned her head, leaned softly on her mother's shoulder, closed her eyes, and the life-saving fire in her uncle's hand was lit.

Everyone cried, and her mother hugged her and wouldn't let anyone move, saying that she was just asleep and would wake up soon.

Uncle jumped on the stove, pulled up the cauldron on the stove, turned it over and buckled it on the ground. I clearly saw a row of small footprints on the thick kitchen ash at the bottom of the pot. Uncle said it was the child's soul coming down the chimney.

In this way, the little sister died.

I can't hear her singing at home anymore, and I can't hear her calling me big sister anymore. Every time I look at the bowl on her wooden cabinet, I can't help crying. I just blame myself. She said why not make a fire and heat her cold cake when she is hungry. Maybe she wouldn't have died.

The rule in the village is that children cannot be buried when they are dead. There is a hillside at the head of the village. All the dead children were thrown on the slope with a roll of broken mats. Within an hour, they will be taken away by wolves and crows. The sooner you finish eating, the better, which means you can be reborn as soon as possible.

As a result, my sister was smashed into a mat, and my uncle and my father sent her away together.

I sent it in the afternoon and didn't see it until evening. My sister is not damaged at all. She felt warm and showed no signs of stiffness. It's like falling asleep, but the mat is open. Dad tied the mat again and went home with his uncle. Speaking of which, everyone feels pitiful.

When I went to see it the next day, it was still intact, but my face facing the sky turned to the direction of home, and the mat was still open. Dad, tie it again.

Just after twelve o'clock in the evening, because no one could sleep, I turned off the light and my father just smoked a stuffy cigarette. At this time, the whole family heard a burst of footsteps, and the sound was fine, so you knew it was my little sister. As soon as we appeared, mother told us not to make noise. We all lay on the kang, afraid to make any noise, and listened carefully. From far to near, the sound enters the hospital and then enters the room. The sound passed through the back door, but we could see nothing. Then we heard the movement of the small bench, and finally the small spoon. "When she finished eating, the footsteps left by the original road disappeared in the silent night.

When I turned around, my mother's face was full of tears. For three days in a row, my mother always went to see her during the day. Every time I go, I say that she is fine, her body is still soft, her face is red, and she is very simple. It's not like death at all. It's like sleeping. I've always wanted to bring her back. Maybe she can survive. She came down in tears. When I went to see her again, my mother felt scared from a distance, and her back was cold, not for anything else, but I could see that the mat was open from a distance, and my head turned to the direction of home, so my mother dared not go any further. Just sitting far away crying. I think it's been five or six days. The other dead children have already eaten up, and she is still fine. Why is it not terrible? During the day, my uncle came. After hearing these things, I decided to cremate my sister, otherwise I was afraid of hurting other children in my family. I circled the door with ashes. The next day, I went with my father and my brother. My mother was afraid to go, just watching from a distance. My father built a woodpile, my uncle put my sister on it and lit it. My sister's body was burnt by the fire. She immediately jumped up, sat down, turned over and tossed over and over again, making her tremble all over.

It's over, my sister has completely turned to dust and doesn't exist. At night, I never heard her footsteps again. At that time, we all lost something.

On the morning of the seventh day, a nine-year-old boy from another family died.

This seems to be a rule. In the village, every time a girl dies, a boy dies, and vice versa, adults and old people alike.

The little boy's family is so miserable that he can't even put on his clothes and shoes. In winter, his feet are red and purple with pain. His mother gave him a pair of soles, one helped, the other didn't, but the child died.

The boy's mother stood outside the door with unfinished shoes all day, shouting the child's name, calling him back and telling him to put on his shoes, but where can she call back Aiko? Only those painful voices are crying. commemorate

When my sister died, my parents resolutely moved away. The brigade found us another house, and the family whose son died also moved. The empty house was demolished, renovated, and a primary school was built, and an old man was found to watch the door. The old man lives in the house where we used to live. Every morning, he wakes up in the yard. Three days later, he was covered with hemp thread to make soles. There is a family whose old lady can collect soles, rub twine and buy them to make money. Suddenly, a small basket of twine disappeared. His home is four or five miles away from the primary school. How can those wires fly by themselves?

Then the brigade decided to tear down the house and rebuild it. After digging it out, I found two coffins underground, and there were two bones in the coffins. Every skeleton is wearing the same clothes as the two women I saw in the middle of the night. It is said that this house belongs to a rich man, and these two women should be concubines of that rich man. A small pot was also found in the coffin. According to rural customs, anyone who buries a person should put a small pot in the coffin. When people took out the cans, the paper was sealed, but it was buried for many years and melted at the sight of the wind. Everyone found that there was no rice in it, but a toad was added. That thing with red and green eyes jumped out of the jar and ran away. Nobody knows how it got in.

It's just that the neighboring village began to make constant noise, saying that someone saw a child walking on the road in the middle of the night, turned into a giant, turned into a dwarf, and so on. Later, a Taoist priest was invited to drive it away.

Since then, nothing strange has happened in that school.