Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - How many constellations are the sky divided into internationally?

How many constellations are the sky divided into internationally?


They are 1. Leo 2. Pisces 3. Gemini 4. Cancer 5. Scorpio 6. Aries 7. Capricorn 8. Longjiu Taurus 10. Aquarius 1 1. Ophiuchus 12. Ophiuchus 18 7. Sagittarius 18. Lubao 19. Andromeda 20. Tail number 2 1. Auriga 22. Eagle 23. Hydra 24. Perseid 25. Cassiopeia 26. Orion 27. Cepheus 28. Tmall 29. Libra 30. 8. Dog sign 39. River constellation 40. Pegasus 4 1. Celestial furnace constellation 42 Backward constellation 43. Canine constellation 44. Peacock constellation 45. Crane constellation 46. Jackal constellation 47. Sextant constellation 48. Rhododendron constellation 49 Indian constellation 50. Antarctic constellation 5 1. Block 6 1. Water bottle 62. A pumping block 63. There are 64 Temple of Heaven. There are 65 little lions. Compass 66. A microscope module 67. Tian Yan block 68. Scorpion 69. 70 Dolphin Building. Crow block 7 1. Canine 72 nd block Swordfish 73. Corona North 74. Instantly.