Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What do you think of Zodiac _ Zodiac?

What do you think of Zodiac _ Zodiac?

What do the first and second houses in the constellation mean?

Congenital zodiac sign

The first house is Aries.

The second house is Taurus.

The third house is Gemini.

The fourth house is Cancer.

The fifth house is Leo.

The sixth house is Virgo.

The seventh house is Libra.

The eighth house is Scorpio.

The ninth house is Sagittarius.

The tenth house is Capricorn.

The eleventh house is Aquarius.

The twelfth house is Pisces.

The twelfth house of the day after tomorrow

The first palace is the life palace, which symbolizes personality, physique, appearance and temperament, giving people the first impression. ...

The starting point of the first house is called Ascending Constellation, which is often your first impression and represents your personal appearance and temperament. The first house is the beginning of life, representing self, self-identity and personal endowment. The first house is Mercury's house of joy.

The second palace is the Treasure Palace, which symbolizes personal resources, financial situation, current assets and real wealth. ...

The second house controls the amount of resources a person has in his life, and how to obtain and control these resources, such as money, current assets, securities and so on. It belongs to the nature of positive wealth and needs to be paid to gain.

The third palace is the Brothers Palace, which symbolizes brothers and sisters, neighbors, transportation, short trips, basic education and information dissemination. ...

The third palace dominates basic education, information dissemination, short-distance travel, transportation and so on. As far as six relatives are concerned, the third house also symbolizes brothers, sisters and neighbors. The third house is the happy house of the moon.

The fourth palace is Tianzhai Palace, which symbolizes family, father, real estate, old age and roots. ...

The starting point of the fourth house is the zenith of the constellation. The fourth house dominates the roots of individuals, representing family, father, family background and future life, while money represents houses and real estate.

The fifth house is a palace for men and women, symbolizing children, love, gambling, speculation, entertainment and creation. ...

The fifth house is related to the nature of the game, symbolizing the love relationship between men and women, stock market speculation, leisure and entertainment, children, and even creativity. The fifth house is Venus' house of joy.

The sixth house is the slave palace, symbolizing work, service, subordinates, health and pets. ...

The sixth house is in charge of work and health, which belongs to the nature of wage labor and is related to physical fatigue, so it symbolizes health and disease. If you are the boss, the sixth house also symbolizes the relationship between the boss and his subordinates. In addition, the sixth house also represents small animals. The sixth house is the happy house of Mars.

The seventh house is the husband and wife palace, symbolizing marriage, spouse, partnership, contract and open enemy. ...

The starting point of the seventh house is called the descending sign, which usually represents the state of spouse and partner. The seventh house is opposite to the first house, representing people other than yourself, such as spouses, partners, open enemies, etc. Because of the characteristics of partnership and alliance, it also represents the contractual relationship.

The eighth house is Ji 'e Palace, which symbolizes others' resources, inheritance, death, insurance and spouse's money. ...

The eighth house symbolizes death and darkness, and the eighth house is the next house of the seventh house, symbolizing other people's money (partial wealth), representing inheritance, insurance, spouse's money and so on.

The ninth palace is the relocation palace, which symbolizes higher education, religion, law, foreign affairs, long-distance travel and philosophy. ...

The ninth palace is a high-level exploration and pursuit, symbolizing religion, philosophy, ideals, higher education, law, foreign affairs, long-distance travel and so on. The ninth house is the happy house of the sun.

The tenth house is Lu Guan Palace, which symbolizes career, social image, reputation, growth, status and mother. ...

The starting point of the tenth house is Zenith. The tenth house dominates career, fame and achievements and belongs to the pursuit of secular goals. Six relatives, on behalf of the mother (father's fourth house spouse's house) or elders.

The eleventh house is the Fude Palace, which symbolizes friends, societies, public welfare, political parties, hopes and ideals. ...

The eleventh house is in charge of organized groups and social activities, symbolizing friends, company numbers, social groups, political parties, government organizations and so on. Because many groups are combined with certain goals, the eleventh house also represents hopes and ideals. The eleventh house is Jupiter's house of joy.

The twelfth palace is a mysterious palace, symbolizing hospitals, prisons, sacrifices, secret places, subconscious, hidden enemies and hidden shields. ...

The twelfth house symbolizes hidden actions or dark places, so it represents hidden shields, secrets, hidden enemies, subconscious, hospitals, prisons and redemption. In addition, the twelfth house also represents dark ghosts and gods. The twelfth house is Saturn's house of joy.