Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Who can briefly introduce Chopin?

Who can briefly introduce Chopin?

Frederick francois chopin (French: Frederick Fran? Ois Chopin,1810-1849 65438+10/7), formerly known as Frederic Franciszek Chopin (Polish: Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin, sometimes spelled Szopen), is a Polish composer and pianist.

Chopin's father is French and his mother is Polish. The real date of birth is 18 10 at 6 pm on February 22nd. His mother took March 1 year as Chopin's date of birth, and March 1 year became the official date of birth. I like Polish folk music since I was a child. When I was seven years old, I wrote Polish dance music. At the age of eight, I performed on the stage, and before I was 20, I became famous. Chopin died young at the age of 39 and spent the rest of his life in France. He has created a large number of piano works, such as four ballads, more than ten Polish dance music including Army and Hero, 26 piano preludes including Raindrops, 27 piano etudes including Parting and Revolution, four scherzos, three piano sonatas, at least 32 serenades and 59 Mazzuca. Most of Chopin's life's creations are piano music, and he is known as a "piano poet".

Early life

Chopin 18 10 was born in Glasow, a small town in central Poland. Elazowa Wola near Warsaw, Poland). When he was born, Poland was no longer a unified sovereign state, and was divided between Russia, Prussia and Austria. . Chopin's mother is Polish, and his father nicolas chopin (1771-1844) is a Frenchman of Polish nationality. He originally lived in the vineyard that Lorraine inherited from his father. 1787 moved to Poland and became a Polish citizen. He participated in the Russo-Polish War and 1792. Ciuszko, 1746- 18 17, a Polish people's hero), became a French tutor of an aristocratic family after the second partition of Poland, and met a relative of an employer, namely Chopin's mother Justyna Krzy? Anoska, they got married in 1806, and Chopin's father found a job teaching French in a middle school. Chopin's family moved to Warsaw in 18 10.

Chopin is regarded as a child prodigy in Poland. 18 16 started to learn piano at the age of 6, and my sister and mother taught piano performance. Chopin is a musical genius. He showed amazing musical talent at an early age. He was able to compose music when he was seven years old. His first work, Polish Dance in B Major and G Minor, was written in 18 17, which showed Chopin's extraordinary improvisation ability. He was called "the second Mozart" in Warsaw.

The following year, in 18 18, 8-year-old Chopin played the works of Austrian composer Adal Bert Gerowitz at a charity concert, which was Chopin's first performance on stage and entered the salon of Polish aristocrats.

From 1822, Chopin studied music theory and composition from Joseph Elsner (1769- 1854), and a year later he publicly played the German composer Ferdinand Rees (1784- 1838). 1826 After graduating from middle school, Chopin continued to study piano playing and composition with Joseph Elsne in the Conservatory of Music. Chopin is a diligent composer. His second work, Variations for Piano and Orchestra in B Major (Là ci darem la mano, op.2, 1827), is from Mozart's opera Don Deiberson Geovanni, which caused a sensation in Germany a few years later. 183 1 year, robert schumann, as a music critic, wrote "Gentlemen, take off your hat to the genius" in the most important music newspaper in Leipzig in the19th century, and gave a very high praise to Chopin's works.

By the time he was nineteen, he had composed two piano concertos. From 1829 to 183 1 year, Chopin held many concerts in Warsaw, Vienna and Paris, and his performances were highly praised by professional newspapers. "Soft performance, indescribable fluency, can arouse the deepest feelings of the perfect interpretation." [2], he is "one of the brightest meteors on the music horizon" [3]. 1829, Chopin fell in love with konstanz Gladcov ska, a female student of the Conservatory of Music, but this unrequited love ended in vain. Chopin was unable to return to China because of 1830 uprising against the partition of Poland by foreign forces. Chopin's father also suggested that Chopin stay abroad temporarily. 183 1 year, Chopin finally reluctantly left his hometown of Poland and moved to Paris, France, where he began to make a living by playing, teaching and composing.

Life in Paris

Chopin soon fell in love with the city after moving to Paris. The architecture of Paris and the atmosphere of big cities deeply attracted Chopin. In a letter sent back to Poland, he wrote that Paris is "the most beautiful city in the world". In Paris, he first studied piano with his idol, French-German pianist and composer Friedrich Karl Bourayne (1785- 1849). However, he felt that the course lasted less than a month due to the limitation of teaching methods. Chopin attended a concert in Paris to earn living expenses. Chopin was not famous at first, and his income was only enough to make ends meet. Later, an influential patron took Chopin to a reception of the Rothschild family of bankers. Chopin's piano performance touched the guests and won a large number of piano students in a blink of an eye, most of whom were female students. Chopin has had a steady income since 1833, and he has no worries about the economy through concerts, composition and piano lessons. Chopin even had a private carriage and entourage, and his clothes were made of high-grade materials. In contrast, other musicians, such as Richard Wagner and Peter ilych Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky, still need to count on their sponsors in the19th century.

Chopin visited many places during his stay in Paris. 1834, he and Schiller visited the Rhine Music Festival in Aachen. Chopin, Schiller and Mendelssohn met at the music festival and went to Dü sseldorf, koblenz and Cologne together. They appreciate each other's musical talents and learn from each other's musical skills.

Chopin has many friends, including poets Miao Sai, Balzac, Heine and Adam Mickiewicz, painter Delacroix, musician Liszt, Ferdinand Shearer and female writer george sand. Chopin first met George Thornton, dressed in men's clothes and smoking a cigarette, at Liszt's house, and fell in love with her at first sight.

The relationship with George Thornton

George sand 1837 Chopin was caught in a life crisis because of his unfortunate love affair with Maria Wozka, who was 18 years old. Just then, he met George Thornton, who was six years older than him, which made him regain his spiritual confidence.

The first time Chopin saw george sand, he felt that she was completely different from Maria Wozka. Maria Wozska is a typical lady, but the poet George Sander looks very proud and shy. However, the love between Chopin and george sand is legendary. On the one hand, george sand is a passionate woman pursued by many young talents. On the other hand, George Thornton later destroyed most of the letters sent to her, making it impossible to determine the true relationship between Chopin and her.

1838165438+10 In October, George Sander and her two children, Maurice and Solange, moved to the town of Fadmosa in Mallorca, Spain. Morris suffers from rheumatism. According to the doctor's advice, george sand hoped that the Spanish climate would help improve Morris's health. Chopin also moved to Mallorca. Chopin suffered from tuberculosis all his life, and he hoped that the warm climate would alleviate his pain. However, contrary to expectations, Morris's condition improved obviously, while Chopin's tuberculosis developed into pneumonia because of poor room conditions and bad weather. After 98 days, Chopin and George Thornton left Mallorca. Although the journey was short, Chopin and george sand left a deep impression on them. George sand recorded this experience in her novel Winter in Mallorca.

Chopin spent his summers from 1839 to 1843 in his hometown of George Thornton. These are some quiet days. Chopin wrote many works, including the famous Polish dance music Hero.

The love affair between Chopin and george sand ended on 1847, and neither of them broke up publicly. At that time, george sand's daughter Solange fell in love with the poor sculptor Auguste Clay Singh, which triggered a family conflict in george sand. George sand has become very belligerent. When Chopin learned of the secret engagement between Solange and Auguste Klesinger, he not only did not object, but also showed his approval, which made Jeangeorges Sang very angry.