Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 12 constellation who can guess people's minds? Do you know that?/You know what?

12 constellation who can guess people's minds? Do you know that?/You know what?

Let's reveal the secret for you. First place: Scorpio is the most intuitive constellation. So maybe Cancer and Pisces will be a little unconvinced. After all, we are all water signs. Why can Scorpio take the lead? Scorpio won the first place because this constellation understood some distorted ideas that many people couldn't think of. The most common example is watching suspense movies. Scorpio itself likes watching suspense movies and guessing the ending of suspense movies. Nine times out of ten, they will only guess. This is their own keenness-not to be confused by a person's appearance. Warm-hearted cancer, it is easy to refuse their own judgment because others are good, while Pisces, who is too compassionate, thinks others are good when they show weakness. People in the other two constellations do have strong intuition, but they are often blinded by their own subjectivity, but they are not as good as Scorpio in using intuition. But Scorpio's intuition often causes unnecessary friction, because this constellation is too easy to doubt others, especially those who are kind and weak. You can never tell whether Scorpio likes you or hates you, because they don't show any clues at all, and most of them look at you coldly and faintly. Being too suspicious of others is what the saying goes. Cao Cao is the representative of this. He killed the imperial doctor because he suspected Hua Tuo, and finally he had a headache for life. Second place: Pisces Pisces is obviously also a very intuitive constellation, although they often deny themselves. Pisces is easy to suffer in its early years. People in this sign usually don't like to be angry. They always keep silent, even if they are wronged, they will hide and be sad. This kind of person is what we now commonly call a little pain, and endures everything. Because of these humiliating experiences, Pisces people can often see through other people's secrets. Let's assume a scene where the boss severely reprimanded a colleague, but the colleague was so angry that he didn't say a word. Most people will think that colleagues are just unconvinced at this time, but Pisces will think that colleagues must be hiding something, so they will be scolded in vain. Pisces is a natural sign of sympathy for the weak. In the above scenario, perhaps most people will look on coldly, and some people may even think that their colleagues have done something wrong and should be scolded, but only Pisces will be the first to stand on the scolded side and better perceive each other's helplessness and grievances. This kind of sympathy will not only create a Pisces, but also destroy a Pisces. There are many Pisces people who clearly know that they are wrong in love, but because every time they mention breaking up, the other party is very painful and has never had the heart to break up, thus dragging themselves into a painful situation.