Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - My sun is rising in balance, Aries, Venus is a virgin, the moon is a lion, and Mars is Aries. Who will explain it to me?

My sun is rising in balance, Aries, Venus is a virgin, the moon is a lion, and Mars is Aries. Who will explain it to me?

Sun-our essential feature, the goal of creating the world internally and realizing ourselves externally.

In the natural change law of heaven and earth, the sun has the greatest influence on human beings. The sun is a star that shines continuously every day, every hour and every year. Extending to everyone's life chart represents the life goal that you must live your life well. We must constantly strive to stimulate our potential and creativity in the face of various challenges, and then constantly cultivate our unique abilities, and finally succeed in our own fields and show our outstanding charm.

Therefore, the sun is undoubtedly the most important star in each of us, and it gives us the biggest topic in life: how can we show our unique and attractive self?

When the sun passes through a zodiac in about 30 days and is in different positions of the zodiac, it will produce all kinds of ever-changing personality characteristics, which is one of your own personality. Identifying the sun sign is quite simple, just know your date of birth.

The sun is in Libra (sunset)

You know the magic of compromise, so you can become a diplomat. You like beauty and elegance and don't like getting your hands dirty, so you often avoid jobs that will get your hands dirty. You are charming and sociable, and you are the best in a partnership. You are easy to get married early, like social life, have noble manners and like to entertain guests. Peace and harmony are very important to you, and it is likely that you will encounter a lot of trouble to reach this level.

The rising constellation refers to the constellation that rose on the eastern horizon when you and I were born.

This "rising constellation" can be regarded as your soul orientation and the rudder of your life. Because before going out of society and self, a person only has personality, temper and so on, and there is no "positioning", but once he gradually goes out of society and self, the characteristics of the rising constellation will gradually become fully apparent. Therefore, when you are young, the position of the soul is not important, and it is not easy to be clearly distinguished, but its power will gradually increase after you are 40 years old, firmly locking the general direction of life for you!

Theoretically, different rising constellations will give you different shapes, but in our birthday chart, after the ten planets play with each other, the pressure angle and harmony angle will distort our original basic model at will!

What is Ascending Constellation (ASC)?

At birth, the first rising constellation on the eastern horizon is the rising constellation. Because of this, the position of the first house on the birth chart must be in the rising constellation.

Ascending constellation-your personality mask

The rising constellation is our external performance, and you are perceived by the outside world. So the way you express yourself can also be known from the rising constellation.

Usually, a person's sun and rising constellation are different, which is why we call the rising constellation our "personality mask". Most of the time, our sun is hidden behind the rising constellation.

In the 24 hours of a day, the twelve constellations rise from the ground level in turn, so we can know that the replacement time of each rising constellation is about two hours. Besides, your sun sign is a sign that rises at sunrise on the day you were born. In other words, only those born at sunrise are the lucky ones with the same sun sign and rising sign, and their external manifestations are consistent with their internal essence.

The rising constellation will affect a person to hold a certain idea and think about how to behave in order to be accepted by others. Because the rising sign is also the first house of everyone's life, which means our childhood environment, we can know that the rising sign (that is, self-expectation) was affirmed and encouraged by our parents when we were young.

The rising constellation reveals not only our speech and behavior patterns, but also our clothes, hairstyles, appearances and so on.

Aries rising

The first impression of this rising constellation is like a lone ranger who comes and goes freely. Aries always shows a warm, energetic and creative look in front of people, but she is used to hiding her weaknesses and being nervous in front of others. She is like a soldier, asking herself not to show cowardice in front of the enemy. How to become a brave person, take off this tenacious mask in time and become a true self is the focus of Aries' efforts in this life.

(1) The way to make Venus virgins hate you

When you meet a Venus virgin

I want to end this relationship for some reason.

You can try the following methods.

If you don't want to end this relationship,

What does it say below?

Is something you should avoid.

Venus virgins hate it the most.

Someone is playing tricks on him.

Venus Virgo is a picky constellation.

However, this does not mean that Venus virgins like to be picky.

In fact, the cleanliness of Venus virgins

I hate being dirty.

Even if it's really dirty.

You don't have to tell him.

Although Venus Virgo won't be angry at the moment.

But I will definitely remember that annoying feeling in my heart.

So if you want Venus virgins to hate you,

Try to find fault with him.

The second thing Venus virgins hate is

Someone destroyed his sense of honor.

If you have seen Venus Virgo's (1)~(6)

And I once wrote an article called Virgo's sense of honor.

You will know.

Venus virgins also value their glory.

It's just that the honor of being a virgin on Venus is inexplicable.

Venus virgins can easily feel disrespected.

And it is worth noting that

Venus virgins care about this standard and condition.

Much higher than most people think.

In other words, Venus virgins actually need VIP treatment.

If you give him ordinary preferential treatment,

This is not enough for a Venus virgin.

So you have to make Venus virgins hate you.

It is to give him a certain sense of humiliation in material and reality.

Venus Virgo, the third hate.

Is that your impurity is publicly told.

So Venus virgins are in some state.

I hate letting you know your friends, too.

Especially when you know more bad things.

The more worried and fearful Venus virgins are.

If you just put his bad things

Say it publicly.

I think Venus virgins will probably hate you for life.

The fourth Venus Virgo will hate being dominated and commanded.

In fact, Venus virgins have the ability to do many things by themselves.

But Venus virgins hate the feeling of slavery.

So if you want Venus virgins to hate you,

You can order him to do things.

Remember, when he's finished,

Never say thank you.

This will make Venus virgins' nasty teeth itch.

Over time, Venus virgins themselves will feel unworthy.

The fifth way to annoy Venus virgins

Is the loss of money.

The calculation of Venus virgins in the sense of money

Very subtle and haggle over every ounce.

Venus Virgo doesn't seem to care how much it costs to buy you something.

But in fact, Venus virgins will calculate very carefully.

How much did I give you?

What did you give me?

Usually Venus virgins care about how much each other gives.

Because that would be a situation where only I am waiting for you.

Don't you think you're waiting for me

Venus virgins will hate this feeling.

As time goes on, you will find that

Venus virgins are also beginning to be stingy.

This is because in his abacus.

It's not cost-effective at first

Then, when he needs to pay for his bag,

There will be a trace of unhappiness on the face.

(2) How to make Venus virgins like you?

Venus virgins like romance.

And the romantic power of Pisces in the palace.

Once transferred to Virgo,

This will give them the ability to embody romance.

But this is because Venus Virgo has always been

All belong to people who actively do romantic things.

Venus virgins pay attention to subtle things.

I hope the other person can feel it.

Therefore, from this perspective,

There are two ways to please Venus virgins.

The first method is

Romance of Venus Virgin

Give high rewards and responses.

Notice, I'm talking about rewards.

Because general praise and good words are absolutely not enough.

The second way is

Venus virgins also want someone to be romantic with them.

So you can not only respond to his romance.

You can also do romantic things to him.

Venus Virgo will be very happy.

Continue from the above point of view.

You can be like him.

Show your concern in a small place.

Unless you have a reason why he hates it.

Otherwise, generally speaking, Venus virgins can feel it.

Here are a few examples.

These examples are what Venus virgins will do to others themselves.

So if you do it to him in reverse,

Naturally, it will also have a certain effect.

For example, you can send him a book.

Note that this must be meaningful.

Then you can put what you want him to pay attention to in the book

Stick a small note on it.

It says what you want to say to him.

Pay attention to show common concern when the relationship is not up.

Don't be too direct

Compared with direct expression

Venus virgins prefer to feel ambiguous about everything.

The second way to make Venus virgins like it

Is to thoroughly understand his hints.

Because for Venus virgins,

What you ask for is not the best.

But Venus virgins will have their own needs.

So Venus virgins are in this state.

Will use a more roundabout way.

At least speak for yourself.

Some people can quickly understand what they want.

If you can quickly understand what he wants.

Even before the virgin Venus proposed it herself.

Give him what he wants.

Venus virgins will be very happy.

The third way to make Venus virgins like it

Is to have the evidence ready at any time

Venus Virgo is a sign that likes evidence.

Whether they find out whether you love him or not.

Venus virgins depend on the form of evidence.

Therefore, you must prepare a lot of evidence.

Of course, this way to please Venus virgins.

In fact, it looks very vague.

I can't give any examples here.

Because to do this,


Not in some way.

Because virgins looking for Venus are everywhere.

Of course, this is also a very difficult method.

It may be a sentence

Or a photo.

Can make Venus virgins think

Are you sincere or heartless to me?

So as the love object of a Venus virgin.

The evidence must be ready at all times.

(3) Save the lovelorn.

Generally speaking, Venus is a virgin unless he has a new love.

Otherwise, lovelorn love is easy to recover.

Because Venus virgins are influenced by Pisces.

A high proportion of Venus virgins are ambiguous and disjointed.

Usually as long as it doesn't hurt his self-esteem.

Venus virgins recover easily.

As long as you are willing to be romantic with him

Give him the feeling he wants.

Everything is easy to solve.

Even if it's a date before an affair.

Venus virgins may still forgive you.

(Of course, this will make him need a lot of protection. )

If Venus is Virgo today,

I separated from you because of a new object.

It will be very difficult to recover.

Because the past objects were chosen by Venus virgins.

When a new person falls in love,

Usually there is not so much to be picky about.

There's a lot of evidence you don't like.

On the other hand, you don't like less evidence.

Everyone knows which side Venus virgins will choose.

(If possible, Venus virgins may choose both.

Especially when both sides are still trying to please themselves)

The sun affects the exterior and interior of human personality, just like under the sun, there are shadows in addition to the entities we see; The sun sign is an entity that others can see, and the rising sign is that shadow. But this entity was formed because of the moon constellation.

The moon constellation will not affect the expression of external personality, but will affect the formation of personality; If the sun represents the true self, the moon symbolizes the feelings and consciousness around the self. Compared with the fiery sun, the moon is feminine, which strongly affects a person's potential characteristics. It has been ignored in the deep heart, but it always controls all behaviors and some unspeakable practical features.

Although the moon constellation exists in the subconscious, it will show up in a period of time, that is, in childhood and primary school. A bit like the role of tentacles, this kind of tentacles of life, in childhood and adolescence, stretch out to feel life, not hidden; When you respond to life, you put it aside for others to see. If you encounter injury in the process of perception, your personality will be affected. You can detect the injury from the perspective of the sun and the moon, as well as the rising constellation and the moon. Of course, other stars also have influences on the moon, but the most important ones are the sun and the rising constellation.

The moon also dominates the relationship between the individual and the mother. Mother is the first person to take care of us, and the relationship between the baby and mother will directly affect the personal communication mode with the lover in the future. For a woman, the moon is the role she will play after becoming a wife, and she will see the influence of her mother. The moon sign is especially important for men. The moon represents the mother's characteristics and what her ideal wife looks like; It will also affect the relationship with women, determine their personality tendency and affect their life.

The change of the position of the moon affects an individual's adaptability to the environment or his acceptance of novelty.

The quality of interpersonal relationship, whether it is popular and appreciated, and the intuition of external things; In addition, the situation in which men get along with girls around them in life is dominated by the moon constellation.

You can learn about your family life style and emotional model from the moon constellation, and then master your emotional world.

How does the moon affect us?

How does the moon affect our mental state and psychological state? As far as we know, the moon is related to tides, and the circulation of the body and the flow of blood seem to be related to the moon. Similarly, the chemicals related to the spirit in our body are also influenced by the moon. Astronauts used to walk on the surface of the moon, and scientists are also understanding the structure, organization and age of the moon through analysis.

This asteroid orbits the earth once a month, but it is a death star. There are no creatures on it. The moon itself cannot produce light and heat, but it reflects sunlight. Because of this, the moon embodies a spiritual level that we can't know, hidden behind our consciousness. At the same time, the moon has injected vitality into our lives with a password that only the body can understand.

In astrology, the moon rules our emotions, habits, interests, emotions and behavior patterns. Compared with the eternity represented by the sun, it is the source of bright things in life, while the moon is related to night, night lighting and mother. Because of its rapid movement, the moon also reflects the rapid changes of things, living habits, personal privacy, and a person's emotional response to things. Sometimes we feel inexplicable happiness or sadness. Like soap bubbles, it rises from the bottom of my heart but will soon disappear. This is also an emotional reaction caused by the moon. The moon also reflects our eating habits and a person's attitude towards lovers.

The Moon's Representation in the Twelve Constellations

The moon moves quickly around the zodiac, and it stays in each constellation for about 265,438+0/4 days. The moon's short stay in each constellation still makes people's behavior patterns react, which is influenced by the moon and its constellation, showing the characteristics of that constellation's reaction to things. Similarly, when other planets are close to the moon, or the moon is particularly close to some important positions on the birthday map, it will also bring "changes". Surprisingly,

The moon is in Leo.

Driven by this moon constellation, many changes are exaggerated and unimaginable. When the moon is in Leo, people seem to be reborn, sometimes acting like a child, enthusiastic, interesting and energetic, and need others' attention very much. Leo people are funny and easy to immerse themselves in their own world. Sometimes the entertainment part will go far beyond other things in life. When the moon passes through Leo, entertainment places, cafes, theaters, dances and noisy cocktail parties will be as attractive as festivals. When entertaining good friends, Leo's moon is often very well prepared and generous, which makes people feel very happy, as if immersed in a very gorgeous environment. When the moon passes through Leo, it often makes people full of energy and life full of fun. Even better, it often brings some good luck and chances of winning. However, the performance of Leo Moon is usually direct, intense and strong, and sometimes even overbearing and dictatorial. I hope that others can act in the way he wants, and even hope that others will please him. When he is not noticed, it often causes an emotional rebound. It seems that the only thing that can appease him is to pay more attention to him. Leo is often immersed in other people's pursuit, kissing and his own romance, and sometimes he can't help showing off these things to others. It is very special that when the moon passes through Leo, people are full of warmth and happiness in spirit, which is very suitable for pursuing love.

Mars falls in Aries

Aries is an energetic and energetic constellation. When Mars falls in Aries, its mobility will increase. Enhance the independence and leadership of Mars Aries, and have the ability to take charge of the overall situation. Once you have a chance to perform, you can seize it quickly. In order to achieve your goal, even if you risk your life. However, due to strong action, people often do something wrong on impulse, and planning needs to be strengthened, otherwise it will be hard to avoid thankless.

In the solar system, the orbit of Mars is outside the Earth, close to the Earth and visible to the naked eye in the clear night sky. In astrology, Mars represents physical strength and energy, and dominates personal ambition, work attitude, sexual desire, sports advantage and violent tendency. The positive performance of Mars is positive, brave and enthusiastic, while the negative performance is grumpy, cruel and aggressive. Mars is the main star of Aries and Scorpio, both of which have obvious characteristics of Mars. A man's Mars represents his way of showing enthusiasm for the opposite sex, and a woman's Mars represents what kind of man she will be tempted by.

The intensity of human lust is different, and the intensity of sexual desire can be roughly estimated according to the position of Mars. From the constellation point of view, Mars Taurus has the strongest sexual desire, and Mars Aries is the most impulsive and anxious, and comes and goes in a hurry. Mars Gemini is willing but unable. Mars lion, Scorpio and Capricorn are second only to Mars Taurus, and the rest are in the middle. Judging from your house, Mars is the strongest in the eighth house, and the fifth and first houses are gradually strengthening.

The stronger the lust, the greater the motivation to break through morality. Once sexual energy cannot be released normally, it can easily turn into malice and violence. Mars' constellation can reveal how people behave when they are impulsive. This is a chapter that must be read before breaking up with someone. Don't think Pisces people are gentle and weak. In case he has a Mars in Taurus, which is not in good phase with other planets, tell him to pay attention when breaking up, which may lead to volcanic eruption. According to the information in Han Lianglu's All the Astrology of Human Destiny, Chen Jingyi, a constellation expert in Taiwan Province Province, was caught by the Sun Pisces. What is more terrible than love killing is genocide. The great dictator Hitler is also a Taurus of Mars (Figure 5-5-2), and his Mars and Saturn are in a 90-degree phase. Parents, for such children, should pay special attention to the way he releases anger, guide them well and use their talents and abilities to benefit mankind. Never accumulate children's hatred by beating them up. Children's violent behavior is first learned from parents or caregivers. Most murderers were abused by their parents or caregivers in their childhood.

It takes nearly two years for Mars to complete the ecliptic, and it stays in each constellation for nearly two months on average.

At the time of writing this book, Mars is in the closest position to the Earth in 60,000 years, which means that people are more easily carried away by anger than before. I hope that each of us can use wisdom and tolerance to eliminate the war disaster that Mars may bring to the earth.

1. Mars is in Aries

Mars Aries, you are enterprising, energetic, explosive and have a strong desire to attack, and you can do well in competitive events. You are easily aroused in bed, full of primitive impulses. If no other star in the astrolabe shows the opposite influence, you will lack endurance. The violent tendency of Mars in this position is very obvious, and emotions can easily get out of control in an instant. This is especially important when the moon and Mars form a negative angle of 45 degrees, 90 degrees or 180 degrees. If it is out of phase with Saturn, Uranus or Pluto, it is likely to produce cruel behavior. Fortunately, your anger will burn up soon, so just avoid your anger and you will be fine. You are prone to head injuries or burns, fever and inflammation.