Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Good words, sentences and paragraphs describing summer.

Good words, sentences and paragraphs describing summer.

1. Walking in, summer is more than just a sight, and the feeling of eyes can't fill the longing heart. In summer, the sun is scorching, and the world is exposed to all kinds of smells, which come from leaves, water and soil, and are also mixed with the smell of fire. The same is true in these smells in summer. Summer may be a season of troubles in some people's eyes, but it represents the process in my eyes. Spring is the season when everything revives, and it symbolizes the beginning. Autumn is the harvest season. Do you want to spend this summer while you are enjoying the harvest? I found that summer is actually the most beautiful season.

The weather in summer is always changeable. However, I saw dark clouds gathering, and suddenly there was a thunder from heaven and earth, just like the bell of evening prayer, which was rapid and sudden. With the rainstorm, the universe was turned upside down. The river swells and thousands of streams flow, generating countless springs. It seems that the sadness and misfortune of the world will be swept together and poured into the sea. The water of Jiao Ran is flying on the roof of the mountain, and all the mud and dust are washed away by the rainstorm! Summer is a big bath for all things. The sky was washed like a mirror, and the sun, the moon and the stars shone with crystal light. The mountains have been washed and the trees are greener. Raindrops and tears, in order to wash away dust and dirt, welcome a quiet and colorful life.

In summer, the sun is scorching the earth, and the weeds on the roadside are almost burnt. The heat wave in the air makes people breathless. Without a trace of wind, the willows on the river bank drooped their heads, and the canna on the roadside almost withered, but the lovely three-color flowers stood upright, with slender waist branches and bright flowers, which were really early-blooming cranberries-outshine others!

In summer, beautiful birds fly in the blue sky. In the park in summer, the trees are lush; On the lawn in summer, there are green grass, flowers and wild flowers. A big tree is like a big umbrella. Occasionally, I will see adults playing chess and chatting in the shade, and children playing hide-and-seek under the tree.

Summer can test a person's perseverance best. Because of the sultry weather, there is a lot of irritability. Weak-willed people easily give way to boredom, laziness, wandering and burnout in summer; However, a strong-willed person who cherishes summer and cherishes summer time will make you live longer. Sail a boat full of life in the hot summer, win the gift of the elderly in time through tempering, so that every moment of life is not wasted.

6. Hot summer is a good time for swimming. Swimming rings bloom on the swimming pool like flowers. Children are like lively and lovely ducklings, swimming around freely. Children's shouts, laughter and slapstick surrounded the whole swimming pool, rippling with joy. Adults are also attracted, jumping into the water like children and playing naively. This must be a happy summer.

7. Some people say that heat and irritability are the main colors of summer, some people say that life in summer is a dull ink painting, and others say that summer is the most difficult trek in the four seasons, sweating and breathing again and again. And I said that summer is the tail of spring, which extends our attachment and pursuit of spring. Why don't you like wheatgrass? Xia Mu is cute.

8. It's sunny in summer. When there are no clouds in Wan Li, the sun smiles brightly, and when the clouds hold hands, the sun keeps a straight face; When the white clouds became mountains, the sun changed its face again. There are many symphonies in summer. The cicada in the tree is the lead singer, the bee picking pollen is the backup singer, and the light of the sun is the colorful lamp.

9. Summer is a hot season. The sun hangs in the blue sky like a fireball, and the clouds seem to have been melted by the sun and disappeared without a trace. Cicada chirps "knowing-"in the tree, sometimes with a deep and slow voice, like telling an old story; Sometimes it is high and fast, as if playing a beautiful tune. The birds in the forest are resting lazily in the trees, as if dreaming of a "bumper harvest".

10 When we felt the most sultry, suddenly a gust of wind came. I felt suddenly cold, and the leaves rustled as if smiling. At this time, many insects also came out. Some of them danced and some sang, breaking the silence. Occasionally, there are dogs barking and car horns in the distance, and then everything is silent again.

1 1 Summer is a colorful season. Even if the vitality of spring is full of hope; Even if the fruits of autumn make people happy; It's not just white clothes in winter that encourage people to save energy. But what I like is summer, because summer is colorful and interesting. Every scenery in summer is so unique, vivid and interesting that people can't help but like it!

12, in this hot summer, I like to run on the court with my companions. No matter how hot the sun is, no matter how much I sweat, I only know how to run with the ball, bypass one opponent after another and shoot the ball into the opponent's goal. Football has been my life, because summer is burning my passion.

13, rainy in summer. Dark clouds came, showers fell, and everything was terrible and greener. The most beautiful thing is that the sunshine is always after the wind and rain, the sky is like a wash, and the color is practiced in the sky. The blue sky assigns white clouds to bend over and touch the green hills, and the white clouds turn around the green hills, holding hands between heaven and earth. The colors change from shallow to deep, and the ethereal artistic conception, beauty and beauty crochet the vitality of summer. Green mountains and green waters, clear water and blue sky, everything is lush. When I am in full of green now, whenever the heat wave strikes, whenever the leaves are swaying and the branches are swaying, whenever the sun is shaded and the grass is flourishing, how I wish I could not stop the footsteps of the years.

14, summer is a beautiful season. The gentle moonlight is all over the earth, and everything is like a layer of silver gauze. There was a rustling sound in the bamboo forest in the distance, insects chirped from time to time in the grass, and frogs croaked from time to time by the pond. Some people talk about the past and now, some people sing in a low voice, and laughter is floating in the yard. All this is integrated into this beautiful summer night.

15. Isn't this sunny night a good time to see the constellations? At the request of my little cousin and me, my mother took us to Seoul Park. Under the breeze, the flowers put away their petals and fell asleep in a daze. The cricket under the flower is having a concert and singing loudly.

16, walked into the garden, where the flowers were colorful, purple, red and yellow. But the most beautiful is the lotus in the pool. Its flowers are pink, emitting a faint fragrance, attracting many dragonflies, and the green lotus leaves stand in the water like umbrellas. In the vegetable garden, purple eggplant is shining, slender cucumber is covered with green coat, and fat wax gourd is like a little doll.

17, the summer morning is like a gentle and beautiful girl, the wind gently caresses the children's faces, and the small trees play beautiful music. On weekdays, the noisy roar of electric fans and air conditioners disappeared. What I saw was the children striding out of the house and striding to school with their schoolbags on their backs. Birds are chirping as if to say goodbye to the children. ...

18, summer nights are always full of charming colors, a little deep but romantic. The clouds in the sky are colorful and beautiful under the mapping of the sunset glow. A bright moon hangs as high as a silver mirror, reflecting the brightness of water. In the chirping of frogs and insects, the stars blinked naughtily and enjoyed the shadows dancing happily. At this time, the cool breeze gently dispelled the troubles and worries of the day.

19, early summer night, I don't know who knocked over the black ink bottle in the sky again, and the brand-new white drawing paper was dyed black during the day. Soon the whole sky was infiltrated by black, and then the stars dotted the night sky, which was particularly bright.

20. The lotus has blossomed a lot, some have already unfolded two or three petals, and some petals have almost all unfolded, revealing a delicate lotus. Lotus is like a graceful girl standing on the lotus leaf, which is like a cloud, and like a fairy who just came down from the sky. I don't like to show off my lotus leaf, like a big green disc. Suddenly a frog jumped on the lotus leaf and scared me. Splash water dripped on the lotus leaf and flew around the lake.

2 1, the sun gradually changed from bright red to orange. At dusk in the afternoon, people become tired and the sun gradually sets. It is no longer so warm, not too hot, or not hot at all, but its light is still there. Xia Guang is reflected on the lake, and the lake is surging with the water waves. Xia Guang reflected on the lake kept moving from side to side, burning an unstable flame like a fire.

22. The sun cleared and a dazzling sun rose slowly. A new scene has appeared between heaven and earth. Colorful umbrellas are flowing everywhere in the street, and beautiful umbrellas are slowly spread out in a hot summer. Under the sun umbrella, there is endless beauty flowing, which is some red, blue and white skirts fluttering in the wind.

23. In the afternoon, the sky is blue and gray, and the violent sun bakes the ground hot; A south wind blew and rolled up a heat wave. Cicada "knows" and "knows" in the tree, and its voice is low and slow, as if telling an ancient legend. The old people sat in the shade, patiently shaking their fans, cursing the heat and talking happily about how the weather is conducive to rice hulling. Those birds in the tree, resting lazily in the tree, rely on their own "harvest" dream.

24. The green in summer splashes ink between heaven and earth, and colorful pictures are painted under the blue sky and white clouds. What catches your eye is either dark green or green, which is completely out of the foundation of goose yellow. It is so lush, no longer shallow and immature, showing the level of life incisively and vividly.

25. Summer evening is yellow and beautiful gold. The sun shines obliquely on the river, and the river seems to be covered with a layer of broken gold, shining with beautiful light. On the beach, sand has become a golden toy in children's hearts. The sun suddenly turned into a sunset, hiding behind white clouds. The cloud suddenly seems to be covered with a yellow coat, and it gradually disappears.

26. I often stand on the narrow balcony and listen to the wind singing in the dim morning light. The morning wind is as cool as mint and as transparent as glass. The wind blew from all directions, taking away the water vapor on the railing, and large and small water droplets began to escape and evaporate. Sunlight presents colorful luster under the refraction of water droplets, like beautiful brocade. All the leaves were covered with a thin layer of light fog, and the crystal dew on the leaves moved slowly under the wind, washing away the excess dust, and the dark green veins were now clearly visible.

27. In the evening, the sun still refuses to hang on the horizon. The setting sun shines brightly on the river, just like a broken mirror, which makes your eyes shine from time to time. The river began to liven up. Adults and children swim or play in groups, and the slightly warm river washes away people's fatigue and heat all day. There were bursts of happy laughter in the river.

28. The quiet stone road echoed with the hurried footsteps of pedestrians, mixed with the splashing sound like cracks, empty and abrupt; The sound of birds flapping their wings came from under the eaves, and the rotating wind disturbed the sleeping leaves, which swayed and rustled; Bicycle bells spread from one end of the path to the other, as long as Scottish bagpipes; Occasionally, the pure timbre of the piano falls and the melody flows, rendering those years without ups and downs.