Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 12 star female will lose to which constellation male?

12 star female will lose to which constellation male?

12 star female will lose to which constellation male?

Constellations are very useful in our daily life, and people's fortune is closely related to constellations. This feeling is always a hidden corner in my heart. The explanation of the constellation is that man is the crystallization of wisdom. One article can understand which constellation 12 star girl will lose to, and all kinds of constellations.

12 star girl will lose to which constellation? 1 Aries female-lost to Scorpio male

Aries's character is to challenge and surrender.

Scorpio men look very difficult, all a little mysterious and charming. Aries women will try their best to please each other after they like each other. At this time, Scorpio man will push his luck. Moreover, Scorpio also likes people to worship him, so this Aries woman actually won his favor and will be eaten to death by Scorpio.

If Scorpio man is tired one day, then this Aries woman will usually die inexplicably, leaving both people and money empty.

Taurus female-defeated by Gemini male

In fact, Taurus and Gemini are completely different in logic.

Gemini thinks, "I'm making friends with you!" " But Taurus thinks, "You are discharging with me, and I am beginning to like you!" " This is terrible. Everyone's logic is different and their cognition is different. This Taurus girl began to be dull, full of investment and enthusiasm.

But Taurus is strong, she can command Gemini, but Gemini is slippery and he can disappear, so Taurus can't take him. Finally, she dragged her feet and was used by Gemini for a long time, with nothing.

Twin children-defeated by cancer man

Cancer man is hard to be controlled by others. Unfortunately, both children like to control others.

Gemini may pretend to be cute and don't care, but in any case, it can't penetrate the iron wall of Cancer Man, because Cancer Man is more calm than Gemini, Gemini will be itchy and angry, but there is nothing he can do.

Cancer woman-defeated by Aquarius man

Cancer women can't tell whether Aquarius man is sincere or false, but he has always been a gentleman and is very kind to girls. This is not an over-enthusiastic way, but the cancer has slowly melted.

If Aquarius is just for fun, then the cancer girl has fallen, and it is too late. You will fail at this time.

Lion girl-defeated by virgin man

In fact, virgins can still catch girls' hearts. He can speak nice words, not sweet words. At least he knows how to flatter and tell jokes to girls. He'd love to.

Moreover, he takes the route of pure love, and a certain part will hit the lion girl's heart. The lion girl has a very simple part and will be willing to believe in this pure love. If she trusts the wrong person, then she is finished, because some virgins are really playboy.

Virgin girl-defeated by shooter man

Virgo has a serious side; Shooter can relax girls, and if shooter wants to take a serious route, he can talk a lot. They are very sophisticated.

But Sagittarius is also slippery, so you will never know, won't you? Do you want it? Love or not? At this time, the virgin's power comes out and the shooter disappears.

Libra woman-defeated by Capricorn man

Capricorn is a gentleman at first, and Libra feels comfortable with each other, like friends.

Slowly, the arrogance of Libra women or the temper of little girls will come out, or the difficult side will come out, and Capricorn will take the route that doesn't care about you. The two are cold to cold and hard to hard. Let's compare it.

And Libra likes boys to show her interesting and delicious food and go everywhere, but after Capricorn men are together, they watch TV at home every day, and Libra will go crazy in the future.

Scorpio woman-defeated by Taurus man

The progress of each other is different. Although Taurus appreciates you, likes you, is physically in tune with you, and fully shows high interest in you, Scorpio will believe that this is love, think that this relationship can prove the relationship between two people, and then begin to want to restrain each other.

At this time, the uncontrollable side of Taurus will come out, which will make Scorpio feel very sad and untrustworthy, and then the side that wants to control will come out, forming a vicious circle. Shooter girl-defeated by lion man

The lion man is sincere at first, but sometimes he will have a hard time with himself, suddenly lose confidence, and suddenly cool down on this relationship and will disappear. Many Sagittarius women collapsed when they came here. I don't understand why they tried their best, but what they got in the end was the disappearance of each other.

Capricorn woman-defeated by Aries man

In fact, Aries men are usually handsome and talented, which are irresistible to Capricorn.

But the terrible thing is that Aries men have a very good relationship with the opposite sex and will never get old, which will make Capricorn feel insecure. Aries man is ambiguous, which makes Capricorn feel more realistic. "Please give me the correct answer. What are your plans? " ! "

Aquarius woman-defeated by Pisces man

Aquarius is actually a bit cheap himself.

It's strange that she would ask for an independent personality, but she doesn't mind giving it. It shows that Pisces likes this kind of girl very much, that is, "why doesn't he take advantage of it?" If you want to give it, then you can give it and don't ask me. That's the best. My money is mine! " See if this Pisces boyfriend has a conscience.

Aquarius is usually the stubborn one. Once the relationship is settled, he won't think too much, but Pisces man shouldn't say his rhetoric. He is sincere and plays well, but some are really playing and some are really good.

Pisces woman-defeated by Libra man

Libra man is out of control. Pisces tries his best to control Libra man, but in the end it doesn't work.

Because Libra doesn't like being controlled by others, he would rather you just say, don't detour, because the more you detour, the faster he flashes. So this set doesn't work for Libra men, and Pisces women will lose.

12 star girl will lose to which constellation? Aries: I can't handle Scorpio.

Aries is cheerful and energetic, likes challenges and wants to subdue people.

Scorpio is mysterious and charming, and it is easy to get rid of the simple Aries. Aries women will try their best to please each other after they like each other. At this time, Scorpio man will push his luck. Gradually eat the little white sheep to death.

If Scorpio man is tired one day, then this Aries woman will usually die inexplicably, leaving both people and money empty.

Taurus? I can't handle Gemini

Taurus and Gemini are far apart in logical thinking.

Gemini thinks, "I'm making friends with you!" " But Taurus is imagining "you are discharging with me, I am beginning to like you!" " This is terrible. Everyone's logic is different and their cognition is different. This Taurus girl began to be dull, full of investment and enthusiasm.

But Taurus is very strong, she will command Gemini, but Gemini is very slippery, but it is easy to exploit loopholes, and he easily disappears, so Taurus can't take him. In the end, she dragged her feet and was used by Gemini for a long time, with nothing.

Gemini: I can't handle Cancer Man.

Cancer man seems easy-going, but he has his own ideas and doesn't want to be controlled by others. It's a pity that both his children like to control others.

Twins may pretend to be cute and don't care, but in any case, they can't penetrate the iron wall of the cancer man, because the cancer man is more calm than the twins, and the twins will itch with anger, but there is nothing they can do.

Cancer: Can't handle Aquarius Man.

Aquarius men are always gentlemen and treat girls well. This is not an overly enthusiastic way. The cancer girl has slowly melted, but it is really unclear whether she is sincere or hypocritical.

If Aquarius is just for fun, Cancer can only be a victim of love.

Leo: You can't handle a virgin.

The virgin male is logical and meticulous, and can quite capture the hearts of girls. At first, virgins will say a lot of nice words to make the lion girl happy, and the lion girl is a typical one who only likes to listen to good words and doesn't listen to half a bad word. However, as we get along longer and longer, the vicious tongue and high demands of the virgin man are gradually reflected, and the lion woman will begin to be unbearable and helpless to the virgin man.

Virgo: I can't handle the shooter.

Virgo is serious about love, but Sagittarius always takes a cynical attitude. In the face of virgin's feelings, they either delay to answer directly, or cleverly dodge left and right. When the virgin wants to force questions, the shooter may have disappeared. In the face of this unstoppable lover, the virgin really can't do anything.

Libra: You can't handle Capricorn.

Capricorn is a gentleman at first, and Libra also feels comfortable to get along with, like friends.

Slowly Libra's arrogance or little girl's temper came out, and Capricorn began to be cold-treated. Both of them are cold to cold, hard to hard, and everyone is having a hard time.

And Libra likes boys to show her interesting and delicious food and go everywhere, but Capricorn men are too lazy to have fun dating after they get Libra. There is nothing better than sleeping in at home.

Scorpio: You can't handle Taurus.

Although Taurus appreciates you, likes you, is physically in tune with you, and fully shows high interest in you, Scorpio will believe that this is love, and then will begin to want to control each other.

At this time, the uncontrollable side of Taurus will come out, which will make Scorpio feel very sad and untrustworthy, and then the side that wants to control will come out, forming a vicious circle.

Sagittarius: You can't handle Lion Man.

The lion man is sincere at first, but sometimes he will have a hard time with himself, suddenly lose confidence, and suddenly cool down on this relationship and will disappear. Many Sagittarius women collapsed when they came here. I don't understand why they tried their best, but what they got in the end was the disappearance of each other.

Capricorn: You can't handle Aries.

In fact, Aries male is very particular about appearance and temperament. He is usually handsome and talented, which makes Capricorn irresistible.

But the terrible thing is that Aries men have a very good relationship with the opposite sex and will never get old, which will make Capricorn feel insecure. Aries man is ambiguous, which makes Capricorn feel more realistic. "Please give me the correct answer. What are your plans? " ! "

Aquarius: You can't handle Pisces.

Aquarius women are really mean to love and demand their own independent personality, but they don't mind dedication. Pisces men with weak sense of responsibility have reason to be shameless and heartless. It's just that Aquarius doesn't care about gains and losses, and Pisces can perform again. It's tiring to praise him every day for not giving.

Pisces: You can't handle Libra.

Libra man, a social expert, can't stand the control, but Pisces tries every means to control Libra man, and it doesn't work in the end.

Because Libra doesn't like being controlled by others, he would rather you just say, don't detour, because the more you detour, the faster he flashes. So this set doesn't work for Libra men, and Pisces women will lose.