Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - All information about huskies, including intelligence, habits, personality, various physical characteristics, how to train, food, etc.

All information about huskies, including intelligence, habits, personality, various physical characteristics, how to train, food, etc.

Husky, also known as Siberian sled dog, is a medium-sized working dog with light footsteps and beautiful movements. Compact body, thick fur, upright ears and brush-like tail show the genetic characteristics of the northern region. Among the medium and large dog breeds, husky is a particularly active, stubborn and independent temper, probably because it comes from Siberian wolf, and it is the closest dog breed to wolf gene in the current dog breeds. It has been growing alone in Siberia for centuries. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was brought to America by fur traders. In a blink of an eye, this dog has become a world-famous champion dog in sleigh racing. Nowadays, this kind of dog is loved by people because of its excellent companion dog.

Husky (Siberian sled dog) is a dog breed raised by Inut Chokezhi, a nomadic people in eastern Siberia. It has always acted as a sleigh puller, reindeer guide and guard. Besides, I can work in the harsh environment of Siberia. Huskies (Siberian sled dogs) have been growing alone in Siberia for centuries. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was brought to America by fur traders. In a blink of an eye, this dog has become a world-famous champion dog in sleigh racing. Nowadays, this kind of dog is loved by people because of its excellent companion dog.

Siberian sled dog is a medium-sized working dog with light footsteps and beautiful movements. Compact body, thick fur, upright ears and brush-like tail show the genetic characteristics of the northern region. Gait is very characteristic: smooth and effortless. His earliest role was pulling carts, and he was still good at this job. He can drag a light load for a long distance at a medium speed. His body proportion and figure reflect the most basic balance of strength, speed and endurance. Men are muscular, but the outline is not rough; Women are full of feminine beauty, but not weak. Under normal circumstances, a Siberian sled dog with strong muscles and good development can't drag overweight things.

Siberian husky is a medium-sized working dog with light footsteps and graceful movements. This kind of dog has a compact body structure, good coat, upright ears and a brush-like tail, all of which show its northern flavor. Its gait is characterized by stability and ease. This kind of dog can carry out its function by putting on a rope, and can transport light items at a proper speed over a long distance. Its body proportion and figure reflect its balance in strength, speed and endurance. Male Siberian huskies are hard but not rough; Women are more flexible, but not physically weak. Under the right conditions, its muscles are strong and developed, and Siberian huskies will not be overweight.

Important proportion:

Viewed from the side, the length from the shoulder top to the hip back top is slightly greater than the height from the ground to the top of the withers. The distance from the tip of the nose to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the occipital bone.

Behavioral temperament:

Siberian huskies are friendly and gentle, but alert and enthusiastic. He doesn't have the main qualities of a guard dog, he doesn't doubt strangers excessively, and he doesn't attack other dogs. Adult dogs will appear a little reserved and noble. Its intelligence, meekness and enthusiasm make it a happy companion dog and a diligent working dog.

Skull part:

Skull: medium size, commensurate with the proportion of the body; The top is slightly rounded, tapering from the widest part to the eyes.

Stop: The outline is obvious.

Nose: gray with black, brown or black; Copper strip is dark reddish brown; Pure white dogs may be flesh-colored. A "snow nose" with pink stripes is also acceptable.

Muzzle: medium length and width, tapering towards the nose, and the top is not pointed or square. The bridge of the nose is straight from the stop to the top.

Lips: Natural and compact color.

Teeth/Jaws: Closed and clamped.

Eyes: almond-shaped, moderately spaced and slightly inclined. The color is brown or blue; One of them (color) or variegated color is acceptable.

Expression: Kind, friendly, curious, even a little naughty.

Ears: medium size, triangular, higher than the head, in a proper position. The ears are thick and hairy, slightly round behind the ears, standing firmly, slightly round at the tip of the ears, and straight up.

Neck: medium length, arched, proudly lifted when standing. When you trot, your neck will stretch forward and your head will lift slightly forward.


Back: straight and strong, with a flat top line from withers to hips. The length is moderate, and the depth direction is not slack or short.

Waist: tight and inclined, narrower than chest, slightly folded upward.

Hip: tilt at a certain angle to the spine, but not too steep to prevent the hind legs from rushing forward.

Chest: deep and strong, but not very wide. The deepest part is just behind the elbow and flush with it. The ribs expand well from the spine, but both sides are flat, thus making the movement free.

Tail: a fox-shaped tail with a good coat, just below the height of the topline. When a dog concentrates, it usually lifts its back and bends into a sickle. When lifted, the tail will not curl to any side of the body, nor will it fold down on the back. It's normal to drag your tail at rest. The tail hair is of medium length, and the top, sides and lower parts are basically equal in length, which looks like a round brush.

Forequarters: When standing from the front, the distance between the legs is appropriate, parallel and straight. Good bone mass but not heavy. The leg length from elbow to ground is slightly longer than the distance from elbow to the top of withers. The wolf's paw on the front foot should be removed. The scapula naturally leans backward. The upper arm is slightly inclined from shoulder to elbow, not perpendicular to the ground. Muscles and ligaments are well developed, and the shoulders are firmly connected with the chest. Elbows should be close to the body, and should not be turned inside out or inside out. The epiphyseal joint should be strong but elastic. Seen from the side, the glue bone is slightly inclined.

Hindquarters: When standing from the back, the hind legs are properly separated and parallel. Wolf claws must be pulled out. The upper thighs are muscular and strong. The rear knee joint should bend naturally. The shape of the hock joint is obvious, close to the ground.

Feet: oval, but not long. The claws are medium-sized and compact, and the hair between the toes and the foot pads is good. The foot pad is thick and thick, so the dog will not turn inward or outward when standing naturally.


The typical gait of Siberian huskies is smooth and relaxed. Its footsteps are brisk, and it will trot at a proper speed when it is displayed, thus showing the natural extension of the forequarters and the powerful drive of the hindquarters. When walking, looking back from the front, we can find that it is not a straight line, but with the gradual increase of speed, the legs will gradually move inward, and finally the foot pad will step on the straight line below the center in the depth direction of the body. Like the aggregation of foot pads, the front and rear legs are lifted forward, and the elbows and rear knees are not everted or everted. Each hind leg and front leg move in the same line on the same side. When a dog walks, its topline is stable and flat.

Coating characteristics:

Siberian huskies have two layers of fur, which is moderate in length and beautiful, but it will not affect the dog's beauty for too long. The lower coat is soft and thick, long enough to support the upper coat. The outer protective hair is straight and smooth, not rough or erect. One thing to note is that it is normal to lose coat during molting season. In order to make its appearance neat, the soft hair between its beard and toes and around its feet can be washed. Cleaning other parts of the coat is not allowed.

Otherwise, you will be severely punished.

Color: All colors from black to pure white are available. The head usually has stripes of different colors, including striking stripes that many other breeds have never seen before.

Size and weight:

Height to withers:

Male: 2 1-235 inches (535-60 cm)

Female: 20-22 inches (505-56 cm)


Male; 45-60 lbs (205-28 kg)

Female: 35-50 lbs (155-23 kg)

Weight is directly proportional to height. The above dimensions are the maximum height and weight. If the skeleton (height) or weight exceeds, points will be deducted.


The most important characteristics of Siberian huskies are medium-sized, well-proportioned, free and brisk, unique coat, pleasing head and ears, straight tail and graceful posture. If the bone mass or weight exceeds the standard, the gait is clumsy and cringe, and the coat is long and thick, it will be punished. Siberian huskies, as transport dogs, will not appear bulky or rough, nor will they appear weak as short-distance racing dogs. Both male and female Siberian huskies show strong endurance in appearance. In addition to the defects mentioned above, Siberian huskies cannot have structural defects common to other dog breeds, although they are not specifically mentioned here.

Defect: Any deviation from the above points is regarded as defect, and the degree of defect is strictly proportional to its grade.

Skull: Stupid or heavy, with too obvious outline.

Stop: insufficient

Mouth: the nose and mouth are too long or too rough; Too short or too long

Teeth/jaw: except scissors bite.

Eyes: oblique position; Be too close

Neck: too short or too thick; Mechanism

Backward: weak or inclined backward; Arch upward; Tilt of topline

Chest: too wide, barrel chest; The ribs are too flat or too weak.

Tail: the tail is tightly rolled; Feather Position too high or too low

Shoulder: straight; loose

Precursors: weak glue bone and heavy bone; The front is too narrow or too wide; cubitus valgus

Feet: toes are soft or open; Paws are too big or too heavy; Paws are too small and weak; Toe valgus or varus

Gait/action: short, striding, jumping, clumsy or swaying; Cross or cross?

Hair: long, thick and fluffy; The texture is too coarse or too fine; An impermissible repair was made.

Eliminate defects:

The male dog is over 23.5 inches (60 cm) and the female dog is over 22 inches (56 cm).

Note: Male dogs should have two obviously normal testicles completely located in the scrotum at birth.

The first trick: observation

Netizen's trick:

1, be sure to buy it in a regular place, so as to ensure the dog's health. It would be better if we could go directly to the kennel.

2. Make a sound where the dog's eyes can't see to see if it can attract the dog's attention, so as to judge whether the dog's hearing is faulty.

3. Take something to attract the dog's attention, and you can judge that there is something wrong with the dog's vision.

4. If you have the conditions, you can see the dog's poop in person. If there are no conditions, you can observe the dog's ass to see if the surroundings are clean and have diarrhea symptoms, so that you can judge the dog's basic health problems.

5. Huskies will have "three fires" on their heads, mainly because the rules are irregular, as long as they are not beautiful.

Four indicators of health:

1, keep your eyes open.

2. Be positive.

Step 3 keep your ears clean

4, there is no stool residue in the anus, or diarrhea.

The second measure: see the profiteers clearly.

If you see it right and the puppy is in good condition, it's time to start asking the store for the price. You can consider the difference between the conditions offered by the store and your budget. If it's similar, don't consider it. Just take the puppy home and love it! If there is a big difference, we should deeply understand why the price difference is so big. The following husky experts have concluded that there may be a price gap:

First, when the store raises the price for the following reasons, it is recommended to change to another store to buy, because the following reasons are all bluff!

1, the headdress of husky puppies-some will say that headdress is expensive because it has three fires, and some have two fires, which is very beautiful ... no matter what headdress, it cannot constitute a reason for higher price. The choice of headdress is purely related to personal preference!

2. Husky's eye color-Husky's eyes are blue and brown, and there is also a blue and brown eye color. No matter what color, it depends on personal preference and has nothing to do with price!

3. Husky's coat color-Husky's coat color range is very large, including white, red, gray, brown ... to black, and even a color block pattern like a cow. These are all allowed by husky standards. What color to choose is purely personal preference and has nothing to do with the price. There is no such thing as rarity!

Second, the following reasons may affect the price, but they are not absolute:

1. The dog's father or bitch, or father and bitch are imported huskies. These data can be learned from genealogy books. Taiwan Province Province applied for KCC genealogy, the United States imported AKC genealogy, and Japan imported JKC genealogy. If the genealogy shows the login numbers of the dog's father and bitch, there are also JKC and KCC numbers, which means his father.

2. The dog's father or bitch, or both are husky dogs registered as champions. Look at the dog's father or bitch. The word "ch" is in front of the dog's name, which means that the dog's father or bitch (or both) is a champion dog, so it is usually more expensive, because the owner has spent more effort to take care of and compete ~

3, the same puppy, the qualification is definitely poor, and so is the offspring of the champion dog. The price depends on the posture and skeleton, but this part is too general, so you can only buy and compare it with friends who know huskies better.

The third measure: pay more attention to your eyes.

1, it is best to see the puppy's parents on the spot.

2. It is best to take the puppy's pedigree book on the spot and check whether the puppy's pedigree is really as good as N said by the store. Please bring KCC's genealogy. At present, only the genealogy of KCC in Taiwan Province Province is recognized internationally!

3. If there is no genealogy book on site and the store hasn't done it yet, please compare the genealogy book of the puppy's parents with the store, or ask the store to provide the champion registration certificate of the puppy's parents. If you don't see these, please don't presume to believe in the champion lineage,,, the store said.

If you choose a male dog, please check whether there are two testicles in the oocysts of the puppy before taking it home. A normal puppy can touch it for more than a month. If you don't touch it for more than three months, the chance of testicles falling off is very small. If the puppy has cryptorchidism or single testicle, this is a major defect. If you don't have to breed, it doesn't matter whether you have testicles or not. You can negotiate with the store to get the dog.

5. Long-haired husky-this is also a husky with major defects ~ Don't think things are rare and expensive, just pay for them happily ~ If you like this kind of husky very much, you can bargain with the store on the grounds that this kind of dog is not up to standard, but this kind of husky is not suitable for breeding. I want to tell you that the store that keeps this long-haired husky is not an orthodox keeper ~

If you are interested in the competition, please learn more about husky standards and postures. Don't blindly believe that the big one is good, and the thick skeleton is good. Every dog has its own standards. Too little Otawa is not good. The only way to buy a puppy is to listen, see, ask, compare and know more. I hope everyone can find their ideal husky.

Different types of husky feeding methods

Breeding male dog

Husky dogs with good development, strong physique and strong sexual desire can get more and better offspring. Therefore, when feeding male dogs, the protein of animals should be higher than that of ordinary dogs, and they should be strong, neither too fat nor too thin. It is best to keep it alone and keep regular exercise. Exercise in the stadium or outdoors 2-3 times a day for half an hour each time. During the breeding season, male dogs should be circled with estrus-free females to stimulate male dogs' sexual desire. At the same time, foods containing protein and high vitamins, such as lean meat, boiled eggs and milk, should be added to the food. In addition to feeding in the morning and evening as usual, add a meal in the middle.

Lactating bitch

Husky bitch should clean the delivery room in time after delivery, remove dirt and stillbirth, and wash and wipe the bitch's vulva, tail and breast with warm water and soap. At this time, strangers should not approach, so as not to stimulate emotions, cause panic or even bite people. Within two or three days after the bitch gives birth, the feeding amount should be appropriately reduced, gradually increased after four days, and returned to normal in a week or so. Bitches secrete enough milk every day during lactation, so they should gradually increase their food intake and feeding times and strengthen their nutrition. Feed it 3-4 times a day and prepare enough water to drink at any time. In terms of nutritional components, in addition to properly increasing protein and vegetables, broth or milk should also be properly added. Some bitches, especially primiparous bitches, are short of milk, so you can try feeding dogs with brown sugar water or glucose water to supplement vitamin C.

A puppy before weaning

After the husky puppies are born, they should be observed several times a day to prevent the bitch from crushing the puppies. The newborn puppy is deaf and has closed eyes. Puppies are usually born on the 9th to13rd day.

Open your eyes. On 13- 17, you can hear the sound. Husky puppies should take special care of individual weak dogs before they open their eyes. When the bitch is breastfeeding, the weak puppy should be placed at the nipple of the nipple, and attention should be paid to the inspection. If the puppy climbs onto the delivery bed, it should be returned immediately. Listening takes effect one week after birth. The puppy can walk gradually about 2 1 day after birth, and it should be prevented from running out of the delivery room. After 25 days of birth, the puppy has a particularly strong appetite, and breast milk can no longer meet its needs. Need to supplement a small amount of milk, rice soup or some gruel, and feed a small amount of cod liver oil, fish meal and bone meal. Puppies began to expel ascaris with drugs when they were three weeks old, and then repeated it every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks, and checked the eggs in feces again when they were six months old. One and a half months after the puppy is born, it should gradually change to mainly eat food. Feeding should be added 3-4 times a day to meet the needs of puppy growth and development. The puppy is weaned for 50-60 days.

Weaned puppy

The feeding management of weaned husky puppies is extremely important. The nursing stage from weaning to 6 months old is the key to cultivate a good dog. The most difficult time for puppy feeding and management is one month after weaning. During this period, there were many diseases and high mortality, mainly due to improper feeding management, which reduced the growth and disease resistance of puppies. Protein should be in the diet of weaned puppies. Avoid overeating when feeding, and it is advisable to eat less and eat more meals. Puppies of 2-3 months should be fed 4-5 times a day, and only 80% puppies are required to eat each time. Take good care of the puppy when eating, and avoid weak dogs eating food and strong dogs overeating.

Old dog

Older huskies are more afraid of cold and heat. So when the weather is cold, don't let it stay in the open air for too long, let it have a warm and dry nest, and let it stay outside in the cool and ventilated place in summer. Most old dogs will get fat and stupid because of reduced activity. Therefore, we should pay attention to controlling food intake and feeding more foods containing vitamins. Old dogs have poor eyesight and hearing, and are slow to respond. Dog owners had better direct them by touching or gesturing, and don't yell at them or force them to play with children and puppies.