Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 1990165438+1what constellation was born on October 22nd?

1990165438+1what constellation was born on October 22nd?

Looking at the horoscope depends on the solar calendar of the year you were born. In China, most of what we remember is the lunar calendar. In fact, it is wrong to use the lunar calendar to calculate constellations. Because the constellation comes from the west first, and the west is not like China; They only have a new calendar, not a lunar calendar.

According to the date you gave, you should be Sagittarius. Here are the details of Sagittarius.

Ruler: Jupiter

Zodiac: fire sign

Symbol: arrow

Representative: optimistic and lucky attitude, religious belief. Belong to an organization figure

Sagittarius lover: humorous and unrestrained

Sagittarius personality

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and its patron saint is Zeus, so Sagittarius is optimistic, honest and enthusiastic, and likes challenges, but it is easy to be impetuous and reckless. He is an adventurer in the zodiac and loves traveling and gambling. He is changeable and has the characteristics of double sacrifice. They have the secret of eternal youth-they like to pursue knowledge, keep up with the trend and have a talent for language. Moreover, Sagittarius has a changeable dual personality and has the opportunity to do two completely different jobs at the same time. His versatility may also involve a wide range of work. Weak willpower is also a big disadvantage of Sagittarius. If you indulge in gambling, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Sagittarius legend

On the remote ancient Greek prairie, there was a group of people who were half-man, half-beast and fierce by nature. "Half man and half beast" represents the contradiction between rationality and irrationality, human nature and animal nature, and is Sagittarius.

The only exception in Sagittarius-Chilon. Although Chilon is also a member of Sagittarius, he is famous for his kindness and frankness to his friends, so Chilon is highly respected in the tribe. One day, Hercules, the greatest hero of Greece, came to visit his friend, the super Hercules who strangled the serpent with his hand when he was a child. When he heard that Sagittarius is also a nation that is good at brewing, he thought of alcohol, whether it belongs to Sagittarius or not. Otherwise, he will be killed. Everyone knows that Qiu Li is the strongest man in the world, and even Apollo, the sun god, wants him to score three points. In desperation, the centaur had to obey orders.

When He Qiuli was intoxicated with the fragrance and sweetness of wine, the aroma of wine had permeated the whole tribe. Everyone sternly reprimanded He Qiuli, who was furious and took a bow to kill the troops. Sagittarius fled to the home of Chilon, the most respected person. At this moment, Chilon heard the cry for help outside, and he didn't even think about it. He opened the door and went straight out, just then.

Zeus heard the screams of Sagittarius, so he lifted Chilon's body with both hands and threw it into the sky. Chilon instantly turned into several shining stars, just like Sagittarius. Since then, in memory of Chilon, this constellation has been called Sagittarius, also known as Sagittarius.

Sagittarius origin and constellation introduction

Scientific name: Sagittarius

Center position: right ascension 19, declination -28 degrees. East of Ophiuchus and west of Capricorn. Located in the brightest part of the Milky Way, the center of the Milky Way is in the direction of Sagittarius. The diffuse nebula M8 is visible to the naked eye. There are 20 stars in the constellation brighter than 4.

Sagittarius is the ninth house. The longitude varies from 240 degrees to 270 degrees. The sun comes to this palace around165438+1October 22nd every year. The solar term at that time was light snow.

Sagittarius man

Sagittarius is a Sagittarius. It is really appropriate to describe Sagittarius men with such a pattern. The hand with a bow and arrow always aims at the distance, and then rushes forward like a horse, that is "he".

Sagittarius men have many interests and cover a wide range, but I'm afraid they won't study everything thoroughly. Because of his wide interests, he may meet many people, so he will have many different types of friends. Some friends talk about politics with him, some play ball games with him, and some do business with him. He is very busy, and few Sagittarius men feel idle. Especially when he suddenly becomes interested in a new thing, he may devote himself to it for a long time and forget everything else (including you) for the time being.

When you start dating a Sagittarius man, there will be a honeymoon period-you are the person who interests him the most. Whether you can keep him warm after that depends on your ability, because it is really difficult for Sagittarius men to focus on love for a long time.

He is an absolute optimist. There are countless lofty ideals in his heart, but he often ignores the immediate problems. Therefore, when he accelerated, he accidentally fell into a ditch. It's good for the women around him to remind him of his carelessness occasionally, but if you throw cold water on him when he talks to you about his grand plan, it will really make him hate it. In fact, you really don't have to worry too much about his "safety", because an optimistic Sagittarius man is not easy to be knocked down by some minor setbacks. On the contrary, the lessons of facts will help him grow up and make him be careful next time.

Many Sagittarius men are a little "disbelieving". When you sternly told him what was not feasible, he insisted on trying. I don't know if this has ever happened to you. If so, please don't be cynical when you're down. Be careful, he will become angry from embarrassment! To put it better, you can say, "You did much better than I expected. You are really great! Next time, just change … and make sure it's foolproof. "

He will definitely think you are too interesting and know him too well. Sagittarius men rarely really feel depressed. If this happens unfortunately, of course it's time for you to show it!

Many people say that Sagittarius is philandering, but in fact, I think it should be said that he really likes to associate with many women, and sweet talk is not his way. As I said before, he is easy to meet people, and so are girls. Once he feels that he has something in common with a girl, he will be very happy and sincerely pay his friendship and feelings. In fact, the more mature a Sagittarius man is, the more he wants to find a real soul mate with him. Unfortunately, most of them are not the type of careful observation and slow input, so they are always easy to start and disappointed, so they are easy to end. Sagittarius men rarely give up on purpose.

It's like a cup of tea with many cups. Can you tell which cup is not tea? He is sincere to everyone. If you really want to have him, you have to turn yourself into a super mug and let him pour all the tea in!

First of all, you should listen to him with interest, remind him of some details occasionally, and surprise him with your cleverness.

Secondly, most Sagittarius men are interested in outdoor sports if they can play with him. When he takes you to social occasions, don't put on an old k face.

Third, Sagittarius men love to argue with their friends. You should listen with great interest, and then help him in time to make his theory invincible. More importantly, never restrict his freedom. For most Sagittarius men, freedom is their wealth. Give me liberty or give me death. It is true that he loves you and is willing to stay with you all his life, but he will not give up the right to pursue freedom. A Sagittarius man is by no means a husband who can be tied to his belt. You can't forget this.

Sagittarius men often don't report their whereabouts to you in detail, especially in advance, and they won't ask your permission. If you ask questions, he is likely to object to you.

The more you set him free, the more frank he will be.

Sometimes the frankness of Sagittarius men can be a little unbearable. His honesty sometimes breaks your heart and sometimes embarrasses you. If you want to get along well, you must learn to adapt and appreciate his straightforward personality without beating around the bush.

Of course, you have the freedom to develop your own world. He is usually very busy and has no time to limit you. It's easy to cheat a Sagittarius man, but if he finds out, it will cause irreparable cracks. "Sincerity" is his most important way to get along. He will respect your freedom as much as he respects himself, and you will have a lot of room for developing your career and interests. But I still suggest you try to cooperate with him in many ways, otherwise you don't know when he fell in love with someone else!

Sagittarius lovers speed matching

Sagittarius: Aries

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★★★★★

Love: ★★★★★★★

Marriage: ★★★★★

Goodwill: ★★★★★

Love must read:

Everyone belongs to the fire sign, a very harmonious couple, who often fall in love at first sight and then start to fall in love. And get along, more and more in tune. You are a passionate group, and you will show it in public unscrupulously. Great, everyone else is jealous! In life, everyone is fighting for their own happiness. Everyone gives each other moderate freedom and will not subjectively impose their wishes on their partners. This is a natural couple.

Sagittarius: Taurus

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★★★

Love: ★★★★

Marriage: ★★★

Goodwill: ★★★★

Love must read:

If you choose to be together, first of all, you must know each other very well, because it is very likely that you have changed from friendship to love, and you didn't see clearly whether you wanted it or not before you got together. Taurus, don't think you are happy with Sagittarius. He taught you many interesting things, and that is love.

In essence, you two are diametrically opposed, one is introverted, the other is extroverted, the other is vain, the other is always quiet, Sagittarius doesn't like to stay at home, and Taurus is family first. They are so far apart that everyone will be unhappy only if they force each other to do their own thing. Understand this, do you want to be together again? Have you decided? Don't regret it when you decide, come on!

Sagittarius: Gemini

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★★★

Love: ★★★★

Marriage: ★★★

Goodwill: ★★★★

Love must read:

You are opposite constellations of diagonal 180 degrees, so there are only two possibilities to be together, very extreme good or very extreme bad.

The first problem Gemini and Sagittarius face is that husband and wife spend too little time alone. Everyone is outgoing and has many friends and hobbies. How can they have a chance to enjoy their own world? It's just that Gemini thought Sagittarius people were good at talking, and there was a saying that they were straightforward and didn't bother. They don't do any good, it seems that they are all together, but so is Sagittarius. But after getting along for a long time, the true colors are exposed, and the trouble is coming. In love, it often happens that everyone has another new love, and it is a relationship with more than four corners at any time and place. The advantages at first turned into disadvantages of mutual hatred.

Sexual life is harmonious but not boring. The strangest thing is that if the other party has a one-night stand, they will take the initiative to confess, and their partners will not be upset. Very open-minded, which is strange enough!

Sagittarius: Cancer

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★★

Love: ★★★★

Marriage: ★★★

Goodwill: ★★★★

Love must read:

Why do you fall in love with someone who doesn't go home? Is this a question that Cancer has to ask when it meets Sagittarius?

In principle, you are very different. One likes to stay at home, one never insists, one is sensitive and pessimistic, and the other is careless. Why are you together? At the beginning, Sagittarius was optimistic and had no motivation. Give Cancer a hope! But after getting along, Cancer will find that the shooter can't even give you the basic sense of security that you need most. For Sagittarius, how can he stand this obsession with cancer? Cancer's most important thing is home. For a shooter, home is just a hotel! In the long run, it is easy for you to quarrel all day, and often Sagittarius will ignore everything and go out to find other happiness, and Cancer is the only one who is sad and depressed. In terms of money, Sagittarius can't understand Cancer's character of saving money!

In terms of sex, after the novelty, Sagittarius will think that Cancer is a little routine, which can't completely satisfy his challenge and adventurous spirit, and he will feel bored and develop a relationship with a third party.

Sagittarius: Leo

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★★★★★

Love: ★★★★★★★

Marriage: ★★★★

Goodwill: ★★★★★

Love must read:

Kind of like a couple coming and going. Everyone is a fire sign, mutual enthusiasm can stimulate a strong spark of love, and it is easy for you to fall in love at first sight. But more importantly, how to maintain this relationship forever after the fiery lingering. When dating, of course, everyone is happy and there is no pressure. We are all optimistic people, we all like to play, and we will not deliberately restrict each other's freedom. Sometimes Leo is a little jealous at best, as long as Sagittarius gives in. The problem is that love that is too irresponsible and has a sense of belonging may stay on the surface forever. Once trouble occurs, you may not see your true feelings, especially when you are organizing a family. You can't concentrate, each has its own life circle. As the saying goes, "home is not home" will definitely come true for you two, especially if you have children, unless they have been independent for a long time!

Sex can definitely cooperate with each other. Sometimes Sagittarius likes to go out and attract bees and butterflies. Leo will have some troubles when he knows, but as a result, Leo will forgive him. I'm afraid that one day Sagittarius will find that Leo can't stand this courtesy.

Sagittarius: Virgo

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★★★

Love: ★★★★

Marriage: ★★★★

Goodwill: ★★

Love must read:

Are they an idiot couple? But you can't say that In astrology, you really don't get along, but that doesn't mean you can change without turning.

Usually this relationship will be attracted by Sagittarius's enthusiasm, cheerfulness and humor. Virgo thinks that Sagittarius has a pure heart and doesn't care about anything, but Sagittarius will think that this object is smart and careful, and will remind many things that he usually doesn't pay attention to. In the friend stage, you can be very happy, but when you develop into a very couple, I really want to wish you good luck.

Inherent differences in personality make it difficult for you to really understand each other. Needless to say, the concept of using money is already annoying. Sagittarius is naturally generous and generous, so how can Virgo be looked down upon? This is only part of it. There are many problems in life, such as daily necessities, eating, drinking, and having fun, and quarreling is inevitable.

In terms of sexual life, too, how does Virgo tolerate Sagittarius' carelessness and strong sexual desire?

Sagittarius: Libra

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★★★★★

Love: ★★★★★

Marriage: ★★★★

Goodwill: ★★★★

Love must read:

A happy couple! You hit it off, because we are all interesting and lively constellations. It's definitely someone who you just met and can have sex soon, because you have no self-control, as long as it's fun. You are about to enter the era of cohabitation, but when you get married, you don't really have much enthusiasm, and you don't have any long-term plans and ideas. The mentality of living day by day may be despised by others, but you can really be happy together, and your family will always be friends.

However, as far as family order is concerned, it is a mess. There are always dirty clothes in the room and unwashed dishes in the sink, which is related to your laziness. It's strange that your house is not messy. I hope you don't cut off the electricity all day because you forgot to pay the electricity bill.

Sex is a perfect couple. Everyone provides each other with the stimulation and desire they need, and they will enjoy each other. But in the long run, they may have to change more fancy styles, otherwise their freshness will be reduced and their feelings will be deducted.

Sagittarius: Scorpio

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★

Love: ★★★★

Marriage: ★★★

Goodwill: ★★

Love must read:

I can't figure out how two constellations with such opposite personalities can be together.

The only reason is sexual attraction. If so, it takes effort to get along for a long time. Scorpio's rejection of feelings is tolerable for Sagittarius, who loves freedom. No matter how emotional Scorpio is, it is also afraid and difficult to control the active and extroverted Sagittarius. The more you use high pressure, he will only walk faster. Sagittarius will feel pressure on Scorpio's almost hysterical passion, and you won't understand why he won't say anything. Your straightforward personality can't understand his heart. To organize a family, you might as well hand over the responsibility of financial management to Scorpio. There must always be interests in the front line, right?

In addition to the intense sexual life at first, Sagittarius will resist Scorpio's monopoly and even rebel.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★★★★★

Love: ★★★★★★★

Marriage: ★★★★

Goodwill: ★★★★★

Love must read:

It's rare for you two to talk so freely in love. That's because everyone's thoughts are synchronized, and there will be no situation in which they want to monopolize each other in love. They have the highest degree of freedom, and fundamentally, everyone doesn't want the other party to take care of everyone. Your emotional development will go with the flow, not deliberately pursue it. It will be very relaxed and stress-free, but if you want to maintain it for a long time, you must understand that in fact, the other party is the same as yourself, and they all like excitement and novelty. Their love will soon cool down and find another kind of pleasure. Too free, if you fill different social life every day, the time spent with each other will be relatively reduced, which will cause serious communication obstacles. Before you get married, you must first make a long-term plan and have a sense of responsibility. As for fund management, everyone is vying for profligacy. How can there be so much money for you? !

Sexual life must be a colorful couple. Everyone dares to play and try anything. So happy ~

Sagittarius: Capricorn

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★

Love: ★★★★

Marriage: ★★★★

Goodwill: ★★

Love must read:

There will be many couples who are in conflict, because everyone has different ideas. To maintain a long-term relationship, we must understand each other, learn from each other and learn from each other's strengths.

Love often happens when Sagittarius has difficulties in work or finance and is desperate. He found that the original stable and honest Capricorn can give a lot of spiritual and practical help, so he will accept the Capricorn who has been pursuing him. Influenced by Sagittarius's energetic and optimistic attitude, Capricorn finds that life is not as gloomy as he imagined, and he hopes to pursue happiness and be attracted by Sagittarius. But once we get along, we find that we can't communicate ideologically. How can we live together? ! Unless Sagittarius is stable, Capricorn will be flexible.

Sexual life is also problematic. Sagittarius is very atmospheric and emotional, probably because of Capricorn's sentence: get up early for work tomorrow, otherwise it will be uncomfortable today.

Sagittarius: Aquarius

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★★★

Love: ★★★★★

Marriage: ★★★★

Goodwill: ★★★★

Love must read:

A couple who meet the requirements and have fun! !

Sagittarius's free and independent outlook on life is very similar to Aquarius. Aquarius hates spoony partners, and it just suits you. None of you like the same life, and you have a wide circle of life. If you have to waste time taking care of your partner, you'd rather give him up.

So you are ideal people to live together, because many nights you have no chance to meet each other. He doesn't know where you are going, but you won't mind or worry at all, because you will be the same. When you choose to get married, you should first consider whether you can run a good family, otherwise it is not you who will suffer, but your next generation.

Sex life is also a perfect couple. I really enjoyed the process. I can do it, without any other pressure, purely to satisfy my sexual desire, and I won't be upset because the other person has other sexual relations.

Sagittarius: Pisces

Pairing index

Friendship: ★★★★

Love: ★★★★★

Marriage: ★★★

Goodwill: ★★★★

Love must read:

A couple who get along easily, but it seems that it takes some thought to get along for a long time.

Because Sagittarius is always on the edge of love, never leaving. If it doesn't fit, replace it. In short, Pisces is loved, regardless of long-term problems, and always gets stuck. At the beginning of the relationship, Sagittarius can turn around and pull away from this relationship at any time, but there is no way to deal with the entanglement and sacrificial self-destruction of Pisces. It's just that they put it off again and again, and they can't completely decouple from Pisces when they start another relationship, which makes it difficult to clean up.

Don't rashly organize a family for the sake of temporary chaos. First consider whether there is a future, which is not good for the next generation. Moreover, everyone lacks the concept of financial management and only cares about the present and the future. Therefore, it is also a big problem for you to take care of your family.

Sex is important to both of you. You can win the relationship with your sex life, but in the long run, the future will always be based on communication.

That's all I know. I hope it helps you!