Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Seven secret weapons of Aquarius?

Seven secret weapons of Aquarius?

One of the seven weapons of Aquarius.


Fatality: 5

Defense: 9

Mana: Bottle acting +2

Applicable object: everyone

Additional effect: None

Smile is perhaps the most beautiful expression of human beings, and it can express Qian Qian's feelings without pale language. Aquarius is good at hiding sadness and murder with a smile.

If you have an Aquarius friend around you, you will be surprised why he/she smiles every day and never sees what or who he/she is sad about. Yes, we are happy every day, because we are so fragile that we have to use a smiling face mask to hide our anxiety. We are afraid of being hurt and being seen through by others.

In fact, we can smile at anyone, but the meaning of a smile is very complicated.

To friends, family and lovers. Our smile will be mixed with rich feelings, and the smile is full of beautiful words such as satisfaction, love and friendliness. We will inspire our friends, warm our families and touch our loved ones with smiles.

To the enemy. Smile can only appear in front of you as a weapon. That kind of smile will make people tremble with cold, which is mixed with contempt and contempt, and there are hidden dangers. This kind of smile is actually hard to see, because we are really easy to contact and have few real enemies.

To those who betray us. We will still smile brightly, representing generosity and chic. But if you are a person who has walked into the bottom of the bottle, you will feel a little sad and helpless. Because the door of the bottle has been opened for you, you saw the most beautiful scenery when you walked in, but you never cherished it. The door is closed and will never be opened again, and the bottom of the bottle has endured a touch of pain.

One of the seven weapons of Aquarius.


Fatality: 6

Defense: 8

Mana: Reason of Aquarius +3

Applicable objects: strangers and people who have hurt bottles.

Additional effect: absolute zero

Have you all seen Saint saint seiya? Remember Ka Miao, the gold saint guarding Aquarius Palace? Wearing the golden holy clothes, the trick used is "Liana's forgiveness" that can freeze everything, which may be the true portrayal of Aquarius.

Yes, bottles are very slow-heating people. People who see the bottle for the first time always feel that the bottle is cold, with a simple smile on their faces, but never take the initiative to approach it. At this time, the bottle's indifference is only for self-protection, and the bottle doesn't like to let others into its own world. After a long time, you will find that the bottle is actually very talkative. A clever mind can always bring whimsy and bring some accidents to an ordinary life. Over time, you and Aquarius become friends, and Aquarius will repay your friends with sincerity. If one day, you accidentally step on the minefield of the bottle, the bottle will explode instantly. From then on, I continued to wear the mask of indifference, which is completely different from the original indifference. This cold will frostbite you and the bottle itself. The bottle will isolate you with all its senses and treat you as a stranger. Even if it hurts again, it will try its best to hide it. Finally, whether the relationship between two people can be restored depends on the extent to which you hurt the bottle. There are some things that the bottle can never bear, betrayal, betrayal If you do these things and save it, then you will see an iceberg that cannot be melted, and you will be permanently sealed in the ice coffin at the bottom of the bottle. But who knows, that iceberg was built by the sad tears of the bottle.

One of the seven weapons of Aquarius:


Lethality: 10

Defense: 0

Mana value: sincerity of bottle +5

Applicable object: people who love and care about bottles.

Additional effect: earth-shattering, making people cry.

Tears in a bottle are as rare as diamonds, and rareness is more precious. If your he/she is a bottle, if you have seen his/her tears. Well, you are lucky because he/she loves you so much. How can a stubborn bottle easily give up? That kind of tears is despair and helplessness. Only when your heart is broken can you see the tears in the bottle. Because of the stubbornness of the bottle, we will only cry alone in the dead of night and don't want others to see our fragile heart. The bleak moonlight and the safe nest create the best environment for the bottle to cry. And if the bottle cries in front of you, it will be the last time the bottle cries. This is the last blow to give up everything. At that time, the bottle will have no defense ability, exposing the truest side to the moment of lightning, just like a flash in the pan, and any minor injury will give the bottle a fatal blow. There are only two ways for people who have seen a bottle of tears. First, I was completely moved by the sincere bottle. The other is to lose the bottle forever. The bottle will disappear from your world forever and walk out of your life silently with a broken heart. Cherish it! Water bottle tears.


Fatality: 9

Defense: 9

Magic Value: Aquarius Love +5

Applicable object: enemies or people who have hurt bottles.

Bonus effect: the used object will feel as if it is against half the world.

Friends can also be weapons? ! Joke! Yes, how can a proud bottle use a friend as a weapon? However, the friends of the bottles are indeed the most powerful weapons of the bottles. Aquarius's circle of friends is really wide to outsiders, and there are countless friends of various religions. Go out with different friends every day. Today, I still have dinner at the boss and vice president of Jin Dingxuan * * and * * companies, full of foreign words, chatting about my life ideal, career and life. Maybe tomorrow, I'll run to a roadside stall and hang out with gangsters. I swear a lot. When I see unhappy people or things, I will appear in front of passers-by as a rogue. Proud Aquarius never asks friends for help, but Aquarius will talk to friends. Aquarius likes to share his happiness and troubles with friends. Because the bottle is sincere and generous to others, it is basically beneficial to most friends. Maybe it's just an unintentional sentence from the bottle, and those friends will go all out to help. Therefore, the friend of the bottle is the most precious property of the bottle and the sharpest weapon of the bottle. Advise the guys who plot against the bottle not to hurt the bottle easily. Maybe you can beat a bottle easily. But you must first consider whether you can really handle the bottle friend. If not, please get out in time. Aquarius disdains revenge, at least you can get away with it. Otherwise, let's try.

One of the seven weapons of Aquarius.

———————— Change

Fatality: 6

Defense: 9

Magic value: the charm of the bottle+1 wisdom+1

Applicable object: everyone

Additional effect: always difficult to understand.

Have you ever seen a bottle that stays the same? The answer is yes, of course it is no, the bottle belongs to the wind sign, the wind comes and goes freely, the wind respects itself, and the wind direction is unpredictable. In short, there is unpredictable wind in the bottle. Bottles change because we need fresh blood, we need to seek excitement in life, we need to explore, but more importantly, we need enough security. This bottle breaks too easily. It must be fragile. Only in constant change can we always take the initiative. In real life, bottles often enrich their lives with changes. We keep changing jobs, styles and ideas. This change is involuntary. The original intention of the bottle is often to protect itself, but it often hurts people around it. Because many people can't adapt to the instantaneous change of the bottle, they will mistakenly think that the bottle is a playboy and a snob. However, this is really wrong. Our playboy stems from our curiosity about the opposite sex. We will only be with the people we really love, and even if we are distracted for a moment, we will wake up immediately. Our snobbery is a complete fallacy. How can lazy bottles go back for fame and fortune? Only when our dignity is violated will we try our best to respond to our dignity. People who love bottles don't want to control us. We are the wind, the free wind and the unpredictable wind. If you can't catch the wind, please don't speculate on us. Maybe you think you already know us well, but at this moment, we have changed our direction and speed. No one can understand us because we don't understand ourselves. Why change? In order not to get hurt? For poor dignity? For real life? The answer is uncertain. But people who can change us must be very important to us. If you believe in the bottle, it's next to it and follow us. Eventually, you will find out. When the weather is hot, we will bring you a little coolness. When your sky is gloomy, we will blow away the haze that we can't leave for a long time. When you are in trouble, a strong tornado will chop down thorns for you.

The ultimate weapon among the seven weapons of Aquarius:

————————— Leave.


Defensive ability:-

Magic Value: Concentrate the essence of the other six weapons.

Applicable object: people who give up bottles.

Additional effect: lose the bottle forever.

Leaving is not so much a weapon as a move. It's the last resort after despair and helplessness. Bottles will never use this weapon easily, and its lethality is so great that it will bring permanent damage to users (bottles), just like the "Seven Injuries Boxing". If you want to hurt others, you should hurt yourself first. Before choosing to leave, the bottle will definitely have a fierce psychological struggle. Once you choose to leave. The fickle bottle will smile coldly and say goodbye to you with an absolutely logical lie. Turning around, the bottle will secretly shed crystal tears. After the bottle leaves, the bottle's "friends" will come one after another to fulfill the promise made by the bottle to you or get justice for the bottle. And the bottle after "leaving" is still chic, maybe you will get news about the bottle from others. However, the bottle can't come back. It is broken. The broken bottle will dissolve itself, then be recast and reborn in front of all beings in a new shape.