Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - How do the twelve constellations avoid the failure of Tanabata confession?

How do the twelve constellations avoid the failure of Tanabata confession?

Lead: The annual Qixi Valentine's Day is coming. In this rapidly developing century, China people will celebrate the traditional Valentine's Day on Qixi in addition to Valentine's Day in February 14. It's a day when the cowherd can weave a girl, and it's also a boring day for couples to get together, and it's also a good time to express their love. However, in such a day, the success rate of confession will still be very low. So, how can we make the success rate of confession rise? Let's take a look at how the twelve constellations of Qixi avoid confession failure!

How do the twelve constellations avoid the failure of Tanabata confession? Aries: Don't accidentally swear just because you are in a good mood.

Aries people are cheerful and straightforward, and they will never be easily silent because of shyness when interacting with the opposite sex. This is their advantage. Unfortunately, because of this, sometimes Aries will feel confident when chatting with the right person, and make the mistake of "joy begets sorrow"-joking too much, saying something shallow, saying something that offends the other person without knowing it, and so on. Often the other person's face has changed and he hasn't realized what's going on!

Taurus: If you have something to say, just hanging your emotions on your face without giving reasons will make the other person hate.

Contrary to Aries, Taurus people like to keep their thoughts in their hearts and don't confide them easily, so as not to be misunderstood by each other. It stands to reason that such caution should not bring any trouble, but the problem is that there are not many Taurus with deep talent. When they hide their language, they can't hide their true views on expressions. The result is often that they say "OK" on their lips, but their faces are uncertain. There are many such contradictory expressions, and the consequences can be imagined.

Gemini: It's good to be good at providing topics in chat, but please don't change the topic so quickly!

Gemini is very popular, because she likes new things, so she can always find different chat topics for the interviewees to choose from. Chatting with them usually doesn't lead to silence, but one thing is that when Gemini chooses a chat topic, they tend to pay more attention to their own interests than the other person's-if they feel that there is nothing to talk about, even if the other person is still lacking, they will switch the topic to another direction. But if this happens too often, won't it make the other person feel very disappointed and resent your ignorance?

Cancer: Don't talk too much about your family, it will make the other person feel that you are not mature enough.

Cancer people are gentle and calm, and will not easily change their behavior because of each other's performance. This steady attitude can often give the other party a reassuring and reliable impression, but sometimes it will make people feel that there is a persistent subjective will hidden under their gentle words and deeds, which is not easy to change. At this time, you should pay special attention and don't leave a bad impression on the other party inadvertently. Cancer's most common mistake is to talk too much about their housework in front of outsiders. After listening to this topic too much, the other party will think that you have not been weaned from the arms of your family, and then lose trust in you!

Leo: Being too strong can easily make the other person feel that you are too controlling. It's a good idea to keep quiet properly.

Leo people are more independent, willing to make decisions for others, and willing to be the object of others' dependence. This kind of personality makes them very popular in front of familiar friends, but if the object of contact is the right person who has not yet made a clear mind, we should pay attention to convergence of this powerful gas field in ourselves. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you may be judged as "arrogant", "superior" and "overbearing" by the other party. If you are also afraid of being labeled with this negative label, then keep silent at an appropriate time!

Virgo: You can have your own opinions and dissatisfaction with the outside world, but don't let the other person notice too much.

Perhaps because of caution, perhaps because of thinking, Virgo always has a faint sense of exclusion from the outside world anyway. For unfamiliar people, this aura can be misunderstood as "unfriendly" or even "arrogant". Of course, after getting along for a long time, many people will find that they are just used to looking around critically, but the question is, what we are discussing today is how to avoid being "rejected" by the right person, isn't it? So just to be on the safe side, don't show your side before you confess successfully!

Libra: It's good to be considerate, pay attention to moderation in everything, and don't let the other person think you are a lover.

Libra people are very good at taking care of others, because as a leader in the social field, it is a necessary skill to be sensitive to other people's preferences and needs and meet them in time. This ability gives them a great advantage in the psychological war of love. However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. If the right person is cautious, they may think that such a Libra must be an old hand in love, and then lower their evaluation. So when Libra is being nice, don't forget to pay more attention to discretion!

Scorpio: When the two sides are unfamiliar, try to restrain your resistance to other people's inquiries.

Even if the other person is a close friend, Scorpio people don't like to show their inner feelings completely. If the other party pushes too hard, they may regard this inquiry as a threat to privacy, so they will take a sharp and indifferent attitude to resist. But when you get along with the people you like, sometimes the topic of chatting will go too far and make them feel "threatened". At this time, Scorpio will unconsciously show a strong resistance to the aura, and the result is to surprise the other party and wonder "Is the history of TA very complicated ..." and so on.

Sagittarius: Don't talk too much … Don't talk too much … Don't talk too much …

Sagittarius people are very friendly to others, and their performance is usually an "unconditional acceptance" and they have strong endurance. In other words, no matter who you are, they will always get along with you with the familiarity of an old friend. This behavior sounds pleasing at first sight, but don't forget that the shooter's personality is quite extroverted! So many people will have a headache for Sagittarius's talkativeness, and think that when they talk a lot, their desire to express themselves is really maddening-as Sagittarius, you should know what to pay attention to when dating, right?

Capricorn: If you don't know what to do to become a person with high emotional intelligence, then remember to "listen more and comment less".

Capricorn people are more stable, and they are usually skeptical or even negative about things that are not pragmatic enough. Therefore, they are often considered to be the least romantic group. And this kind of evaluation can easily affect their success rate in pursuing love. Although a leopard cannot change his spots, fortunately, there is a remedy: instead of making a general response such as summarizing the other party's speech, it is better to nod and smile to show that you are listening and encourage the other party to continue. This will at least leave the impression of "trusted confidante" on the right person!

Aquarius: Don't always try to tell each other what is right, or you will be considered too preaching.

Aquarius people are really smart. They are good at analyzing the development trend of things through limited information and making corresponding judgments and decisions. Sometimes Aquarius will share his experiences in these aspects with friends, but in the early stage of sexual intercourse, this kind of behavior can easily have the opposite effect: when the relationship between the two sides is not close enough, the other party sometimes feels that this rash suggestion is too abrupt, and even feels that his dignity has been offended.

Pisces: Don't talk too much about your past experiences. A sad attitude will only make others revolve around you.

For Pisces, the sharing of experiences is an important link in trying to enhance mutual understanding and deepen the fetters, but not all members of the opposite sex can accept this way of communication. In particular, if Pisces does not pay attention to controlling the emotional state of its narrative and adopts an overly excited narrative tone, the listener will feel that it will bring bad influence when accepting your emotional garbage. Therefore, it is suggested that when dating the right person, Pisces should carefully choose whether to start a topic related to past emotional experience according to the other person's tolerance. If you don't pay attention to this, your pursuit of love may be very difficult.