Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Knowledge of the universe

Knowledge of the universe

The universe is neither good nor evil to us, but indifferent.

2. Where did the Big Bang start?

An obvious answer is: from the center of the universe. But this is the wrong answer. Every galaxy is moving away from us at the same speed, which may indicate that our galaxy is at the center of the universe. But this phenomenon is the same everywhere in the universe. This is because the Big Bang didn't start from the center, but happened everywhere at the same time, including our galaxy.

Jupiter doesn't go around the sun.

Yes, what you learned at school is wrong. When two objects are attracted to each other, they will rotate around their center or center of mass. For other planets, their mass is too small to revolve around a point near the center of the sun. On the other hand, Jupiter is very big, very big. Its common center of mass with the sun is just above the surface of the sun, and both rotate around this center of mass.

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the common center of mass of Jupiter and the sun. As shown in the picture, the common center of mass of the sun and Jupiter is roughly on the surface of the sun.

What is the most powerful substance in the universe? Star? Supernova? Or a black hole? None of them can compete with Yao's variant. Yao variable star is a supermassive black hole, which exists in the radioactive accretion disk of active galaxies. It emits radioactive jets from both ends in our direction at nearly the speed of light.

Fig. 2 schematic diagram of Yao variant

5. The largest structure ever discovered in space: BOSS Great Wall (where BOSS is the abbreviation of baryon oscillation spectrum survey), which consists of at least 830 independent galaxies and spans about one billion light years.

Figure 3BOSS great wall concept map

6. A star contains another star, which is the Thorne-Zutkov Celestial Body (TZO).

We don't know how the Thorne-Zutkov Celestial Body (TZO) was formed, but it is generally believed that a small neutron star was swallowed up by a red Supergiant star. This small neutron star spiraled into the red Supergiant star and settled in its core.

Figure 4TZO concept map shows that there is a neutron star in the red giant.

7. At the center of the Milky Way is a huge fountain that ejects antimatter.

Figure 5 Milky Way galaxy

8. Dragonfly 44 galaxy: the dark binary star of the Milky Way.

This strange galaxy is exactly the same size as the Milky Way, and 99% is made up of dark matter.

Fig. 6 Conceptual diagram of Dragonfly 44 galaxy

9. Why are black holes called "singularities"?

Mathematical singularity refers to a point with infinite value, and a black hole is a point with infinite gravity and density.

Figure 7 The design of the movie "Interstellar Black Hole" is very similar to the black hole picture taken.

10. In the event horizon of a black hole, time and space have undergone fundamental changes.

A black hole is an object with extremely high density. Because of its density, it has incredibly strong gravity. Its gravity is so strong that it can't escape even at the speed of light. This unreturnable entry point is called the horizon of the black hole.

1 1. The dwarf planet Ceres contains a lot of water.

Ceres is the largest celestial body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. There is ice water under its crust, accounting for about 30% of its mass.

Figure 8 Ceres

12. The largest reservoir in the universe floats around the black hole.

A huge water vapor reservoir containing 140 trillion times of water in the earth's ocean is rotating around a quasar powered by a black hole.

13. Gamma laser is the deadliest thing in the universe. They can explode hundreds of trillions of times the energy of nuclear weapons every second and exist longer than the universe.

Fig. 9 schematic diagram of gamma laser

14.33 light years away, there is an exoplanet completely covered by burning ice made of methane (the ice is hotter than our sun! )

Astronauts say that space smells like hot metal, welding smoke and grilled steak.

Figure 10, Universe

16. There is a large alcohol cloud with a diameter of more than 46300000000 kilometers in the universe, which can make 400 trillion pints of beer. This huge alcohol cloud is 10,000 light years away. (Too bad)

17. The earth will also become a black hole. It can be achieved by compressing the earth to the size of a marble, and then the earth will collapse on its own.

18. Do you know? Most of your body is made of stardust. 90% of human body weight is made up of stardust, because all elements except hydrogen and helium are formed by stars.

19. Astronomers estimate that about 275 million new stars are born every day.

20. It takes 225 million years for the solar system to orbit the Milky Way. The last time the earth was in its present position, dinosaurs had just begun to roam the earth.

2 1. Some animals can freeze into solid in winter and remain completely healthy, and then thaw in spring, which is why scientists still believe that life comes from outer space.

Mount Olympus (a huge shield volcano) on Mars is almost three times as high as Mount Everest, which is 27 kilometers high. The bottom of Mount Olympus is 55 kilometers wide.

23. If you look out from a black hole, you will see your head and the whole universe from a small sky.

24. The center of the Milky Way smells like rum and tastes like raspberries.

25. Because of the earthquake in Japan in 20 1 1 year, one day on the earth was shortened by 1.8 microseconds.

Nearly 400 years ago, Galileo was the first person to observe space with a telescope.

27. There is no sound in space.

When the water on the earth boils, thousands of small bubbles will be produced. If water boils in space, it will produce a huge, undulating bubble, which is due to the lack of buoyancy and convection.

Figure 1 1, Earth

Just as there is no gravity in space, there is no convection in space. Therefore, the skin will not get hot, and the cool body will sweat, but the sweat will not evaporate or drip, but will accumulate.

You'll never reach the edge of the universe. If you travel outward in a straight line, you will return to the original point. (Because this is an infinite loop)

3 1. About 75% of the matter in the universe disappears in the form of dark matter. According to scientists, dark matter cannot be measured.

32. The glue that "sticks" the universe together is dark matter. Although it is impossible to measure, scientists believe that there will be a way to measure it.

Cosmic rays are high-energy particles that flow through our solar system from outer space, but no one knows their origin.

34. Our solar system, including the sun, planets, satellites and billions of asteroids and comets, is less than one trillion in the universe.

35. The edge of our solar system is not Pluto, but Oort Cloud in theory.

3.62 trillion miles is the average distance between stars.

37. A neutron star has a dense core. If you take a spoonful of matter from its core, it will weigh 200 billion pounds! !

38.2.7 Kelvin temperature is the temperature of cosmic microwave background radiation, and the whole universe is in this radiation.

39.R 136a 1 is the brightest and largest star known. 8.7 million times brighter than the sun. It exists in large magellanic cloud. R 136a 1 is located in the condensed cluster inside the galaxy nebula, and how far and how big it is, it can be shown in this galaxy.

40. The oldest known star is13.2 billion years old, and it is a red giant with the number 1523-090 1.

According to scientists' estimates, there are about 20 trillion galaxies in our universe.

42. The diameter of the universe is about 65.438+050 billion light years.

There is no center in the universe, because every galaxy is moving away from each other.

44. The universe was very hot when it was young, but now it is getting colder and colder.

Astronauts say that the dust on the moon smells like gunpowder and is extremely soft.

46. Do you know? The star you see in the sky may be dead. Because they are billions of light years away, their light will take billions of years to reach the earth, which means that the light we are seeing now came from billions of years ago, so they may be dead now.

47. The most complex object in the universe is the human brain, which contains 10 billion neurons and 40 million connections.

48. The universe originated from a big bang 654.38+03.7 billion years ago.