Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The immortal Douro continent represented by the twelve constellations

The immortal Douro continent represented by the twelve constellations

The immortal Douro continent represented by the twelve constellations

The immortal Douro continent, represented by the twelve constellations, reproduces the brilliant story of Tangmen in Douro continent series. The twelve constellations have different personalities, and many people still don't know much about them. Let's have a look.

The immortal Douro continent represented by the twelve constellations 1 Aries: Tang San

Simple Aries is easy to be shy in the face of the girl you like. Aries friends are generally gentle, they do things in an orderly way, but Aries men are actually very nervous when they really face each other. Tang San, 100 Thousand Douluo, was a disciple outside the Tang Clan in his previous life. He committed the crime of stealing Neizong's martial arts, jumped off a cliff for his own ambition and reincarnated in Douro. The only mainland figure in Aries is Tang San.

Taurus: small dance

Taurus people are actually a little manly and have principles in doing things. They are willing to do anything for the people they like, and Taurus people pay attention to safety. Xiaowu's 96-level melee attack department is a student of Shrek College, a roommate of Tang San, and the head of Notting Junior Soul Teacher College. Taurus's exclusive Douro mainland role is Xiaowu.

Gemini: Dai

Gemini has a dual personality and can switch between the two roles freely. They are very confident in themselves and always like to talk about Kan Kan in front of everyone. Their personality characteristics are very distinct and very clever. Dai's 95-level storm department, Super Douro, the prince of the Star Empire, was the strongest among college students before attending the study with Xiao Wu. The character of Gemini's exclusive Douro mainland is Dai.

Cancer: Ma Hongjun

Weird and interesting is another synonym for cancer, especially the cancer girl is really funny. Cancer man's first impression is extroverted, like talking to others, like contact with others. Ma Hongjun's 93-level storm was named Douluo, known as the "evil fire phoenix", which has the top beast's evil fire phoenix, is a variant of Wu Soul, and has self-defeating influence. Cancer's exclusive mainland character is Ma Hongjun.

Leo: Tang Hao

How unpretentious a person is, it can simply subvert your imagination of them. Lion man loves face very much and has a strong vanity. Their subconscious unpretentious temperament can be described as gifted. The 97-magnitude storm in Tang Hao, one of the three great craftsmen, was once called "the youngest title of Douluo in the world", which was a great shock to the mainland. Leo's exclusive hero is Tang Hao.

Virgo: Blue Silver Emperor (A Yin)

Virgo is also very demanding of herself, and has her own learning methods and subjective consciousness. They pursue perfection, and there is no way to accommodate a little flaw and shortcoming in their eyes. Ayin became human in the mature period of100000 years. Later, she was forced to commit suicide by Wu Huntang and sacrificed to protect her father. Virgo's exclusive mainland role is the Blue Silver Emperor.

Libra: Ning Rongrong

Libra always gives people a sense of fairness and justice. They will never look at a person with colored glasses again. No matter whether you have money or not, they will treat you equally, but everyone can obviously feel the happiness and relaxation in their unfairness. Ning Rongrong's 94-level auxiliary department, named Dou Luo, is the only daughter of the original patriarch Ning of Liuli Sect of Qibao, and also the new patriarch after Liuli Sect changed its name. Libra's exclusive mainland figure is Ning Rongrong.

Scorpio: Bibidon

Scorpio will exude colorful charm, and he will satisfy all girls' fantasies about love. They are full of mystery and people around them hardly know what they are thinking. They were born with such charm. Bi Bidong is the twin of the witch soul, the first villain, and the first person in history to restrain the soul from swallowing. He is currently the Pope of the Witch Soul Hall and the founder of the Witch Soul Empire. Scorpio's exclusive Douro mainland figure is Bibidon.

Sagittarius: Zhu Zhuqing

This passionate Sagittarius is generous and careless, and it is great that Sagittarius is not serious. When they like you, seize it early, or they will pass you by soon. Zhu Zhuqing's 93-level sensitive attack system is named Douluo, which is hot, extremely fast and extremely destructive. Sagittarius's exclusive figure in Douro is Zhu Zhuqing.

Capricorn: Erlong Liu.

Capricorn's immorality when alone can really be described as man show. They care about the people they like, although they don't know how to express their emotions and feelings. Former Dean of Lanba College 8 1 Storm Department Contra, with an unusually tough personality. He used to be a bloodbath in the forest of ghosts and beasts, and he was also one of the people feared by the seven monsters. Capricorn's exclusive Douro mainland figure is Erlong Liu.

Aquarius: Thousands of snows.

Aquarius is really cute, smart and manly, and can control various styles. For Aquarius like ghost horses and elves, they will never know what euphemism is and what avoidance is. 100 angel god Qian Ceng is a young master of the Soul Hall, and he realized his right feelings in the process of becoming a god. The exclusive character of Aquarius is money.

Pisces: Posey

Pisces also has a dual personality. Getting along with them sometimes makes you feel that you are getting along with two people, who are full of hopes and fantasies about life, especially their own love life. The 99-magnitude storm in poseci is the peerless Douro (demigod), the great sacrifice of Poseidon Island, and one of the three Douro peaks. Pisces exclusive Douro mainland figure is poseci.

Twelve constellations and two Aries represent the immortal Douluo, and the mainland corresponds to the god of food. Aries is naturally active, has the characteristics of quick response, gentle personality and good sense of smell, can recognize the smell of food and has strong hands-on ability, so the god of food is the best choice for Aries. It is better to believe that Aries people will be food gods.

Taurus gives people the impression that he is a stable warrior, and there is also a crazy side in his stability, such as the destroyer. Taurus people pursue strength and conform to the characteristics of the destroyer. Everyone in Taurus is a very good destroyer.

Gemini corresponds to the god of darkness, a god hidden in darkness, with dual personality and more tolerance for loneliness. It's a killer in the dark. Gemini, as the master of darkness, is free to go in and out of darkness, and Pisces can give full play to this feature.

Cancer corresponds to the kind-hearted king of God, a person of the level of king of God. Cancer people are relatively weak and fragile inside. Because they are very kind and have the power that others dream of, they really won't show themselves. One is a loving and kind person. So cancer is the embodiment of the kind king of God.

Leo corresponds to the king of Baal. Leo people are all excellent. At any time, they keep a fiery heart, persist in the pursuit of things and are full of enthusiasm for others. The same is true of the corresponding evil king, who is powerful and has a certain charm. Leo conforms to the king of Baal.

Virgo corresponds to the god of emotion. Generally speaking, Virgo people are pursuing perfection and their thoughts are very changeable. Although they don't say anything, they are already directing a TV series in their hearts. And the corresponding god of emotions, every emotion is a kind of life, different thoughts, which is the representative of Virgo.

Libra corresponds to the God of Life, and likes simplicity and nature, so does the corresponding God of Life. The god of life represents the source of life and has a broad ability to accommodate things, which is very consistent with Libra people. I believe that Libra people are excellent goddesses of life.

Scorpio is the god of destruction. Scorpio is persistent. Whether for your own pursuit or belief, doing things is contradictory. Scorpio people also have such personality characteristics, but Scorpio is kind in nature, that is, they don't think so much about things, and I believe it will improve in the future.

Sagittarius corresponds to Vulcan. Sagittarius gives people the feeling that it is very divine, cheerful, strong personality and stubborn pursuit of things. The position of Vulcan coincides with Sagittarius. Give a person a mysterious and strong breath. Vulcan is the first-class god in the divine world.

Capricorn corresponds to the God of Phoenix, and has strong self-control and can deal with certain illusions. The God of Phoenix is a powerful god in itself. As the second-level peak god in the divine world, he is very strong and suitable for Capricorn people.

Aquarius corresponds to Poseidon, a changeable, independent and stubborn Poseidon, who has strong control over Poseidon, that is to say, Aquarius is very capable of controlling his emotions and coping with different situations, which is in line with Poseidon's god and has the ability to own the sea.

Pisces corresponds to Shura God, and Shura God gives people the feeling of being very serious, selfless and possessing extremely powerful power, which is the characteristic of Shura God. Pisces people are also like this, with strong hearts and ruthless surfaces.

The immortal Douro continent represented by the twelve constellations is matched with the twelve martial spirits of the twelve constellations, and the last one is the first below the god level.

The first is Aries. In the twelve constellations, Aries represents infancy, and the representative part is the head. It is impulsive, confident, enthusiastic and full of energy. Douluo continent, Aries with bloodthirsty Douluo Yuntianheng soul bloodthirsty tomahawk. The soul of the bloodthirsty tomahawk is very fierce and overbearing, and its explosive power is extremely strong. Even if it is a tentative attack, opponents at the same level will be tired of coping.

The second is Taurus. In the twelve constellations, Aries represents childhood, and the representative parts are neck and throat. She is stubborn and patient. Therefore, the soul of Taurus is the soul of Azure Bull and Python, and it is the top variety of beast soul. The bull's head is a snake, which has strong attack and defense. If you practice hard enough the day after tomorrow, you are likely to evolve into a martial spirit like Jackie Chan.

The third is Gemini. In the twelve constellations, Aries represents childhood, and its representative parts are arms, palms, shoulders and lungs. Gemini friends have a curious heart, changeable temperament and like to make friends. The matching witch soul is the body witch soul, that is, the poison fairy, and the witch soul is its own body. It can be said that Bihuo's spirit-eyed witch soul is abnormal, and it can play a powerful role in actual combat.

The fourth is cancer. In the twelve constellations, Aries represents the life stage of adolescence, representing the chest, stomach, uterus and digestive system, and has a gentle and kind personality. Its supporting soul is the sacred angel soul of Yuan En Ye Hui. Compared with fallen angels, this soul has pure power, can purify all evil spirits, and is one of the best in physical strength and spirit.

The fifth is Leo. In the twelve constellations, Aries represents youth, and the representative parts are the spine and heart. It is generous but conceited. The Wu Soul matched with this constellation is the second storming team in the legend of the Dragon King, and the Wu Soul of the spirit of war King and the Ghost Crazy Lion is immune to it. Ghost crazy lion witch soul can not only compete with white tiger witch soul in strength, but also unload the enemy's power attack.

The sixth is Virgo. In the twelve constellations, Aries represents youth, and the representative parts are the small intestine and abdomen. Virgos are representatives of perfectionism. They are serious and picky. The matching soul is Ma Hongjun's evil fire phoenix soul, which belongs to the mutant soul. As long as the soul master practices hard, he will evolve many times and eventually become a fire phoenix soul when he is reborn.

The seventh is Libra. In the twelve constellations, Aries represents adulthood, and the parts represented are the waist and kidneys. Libra people are. Elegant, pursuing peace, not liking war. The matching witch soul is Mo Zihong, the master of spirit of war, the strongest control department of the Zen Temple. The witch soul is a curse and musical instrument, with super control ability.

The eighth is Scorpio. In the twelve constellations, the life stage of Aries is middle age, and the representative parts are reproductive organs and urinary system. Scorpio people love and hate clearly, cold and mysterious. Its matching martial spirit is the martial spirit dragon stick, and its silver-white long stick is coiled with a black dragon, which is the legendary martial spirit of the eternal family. Panlong has a spirit, gathering dragons into sticks!

The ninth is Sagittarius. In the twelve constellations, the life stage of Aries is old age, and the representative parts are thighs and buttocks. Sagittarius people are optimistic and love freedom, but they are easy to be careless. Its matching martial soul is the martial soul of Aorui, the first god of war in Zen Temple. This is a top martial spirit, which is extremely explosive in both temperature and light. When Wu Ri appeared, nine stars joined together!

The tenth is Capricorn. In the twelve constellations, the life stage represented by Aries is death, and the parts represented are hair, skin and bones. Capricorn people are more stable and serious. Its supporting martial soul is the martial soul of Ziyi dust, dust. This is a very mysterious martial spirit, which has hardly appeared in Douro mainland. Therefore, to cultivate this kind of martial spirit, the soul teacher must find a way by himself.

The eleventh place is Aquarius. In the twelve constellations, the life stage represented by Aries is the rebirth period, and the representative parts are the calf and blood circulation. Aquarius people are smart, but they are also rebellious. Its supporting soul is Gu's silver dragon gun. As an artifact, Yinlong Gun Soul is as pure as its owner, cold outside and hot inside, which can absorb life force and increase its owner like Huang Jinlong Gun Soul.

The twelfth is Pisces. In the twelve constellations, Aries represents the life stage of the soul, and the representative parts are the soles of the feet and bare feet. Pisces people generally love fantasy, like being in a daze, and are enterprising. The soul it matches is Poseidon's soul, and Poseidon is a god-given soul that can control the ocean like Neptune. Not only that, but it can also absorb the power of all the soul teachers and animal teachers nearby for its own use. The soul teacher with this soul can be said to be the strongest below the god level.