Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 12 What are the Spring Festival blind date guides for constellation men?

12 What are the Spring Festival blind date guides for constellation men?

Aries man: avoid saying anything rash.

Aries men are always careless. This personality does play an important role in the personal charm of Aries, but in some cases, this personality trait will actually help them-this is the case when dating. Aries's straightforward personality is fully revealed, and many jokes go too far. Aries thinks this is a way to mobilize the atmosphere, but I didn't expect it to be disgusted by the other side. Remind Aries that it is best not to talk nonsense.

Taurus male: If you want to talk in advance.

Taurus male personality is relatively dull, not good at expression. If this personality trait is directly brought to the blind date, it is easy to leave the impression that "this person is a boring gourd" to the blind date. In view of this, it is best for Taurus to decide on one or several topics before going to the appointment, even if it is forced, so as to avoid embarrassment when chatting. In addition, this way of speaking can also deepen our understanding of each other from the side to see if they are in tune.

Gemini man: less expression, more listening.

Unlike Taurus, Gemini loves and is good at expressing. Even with strangers, Gemini men can talk about high! However, if this habit is brought to a blind date, it may be a disadvantage! When Gemini chatters, he may be reluctant (he is not interested in your topic because he has no chance to express himself). If he doesn't notice it in time and be a listener, he may be directly crossed by the other party!

Cancer man: Try to be friendly.

Cancer man has some sensitive nerves in his heart. No matter who it is, the slightest touch will make them feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, sensitivity helps cancer men to observe their words and make favorable judgments and decisions, but excessive sensitivity will affect the popularity of cancer men. If the other party accidentally steps on the sensitive point of the cancer man during blind date, remind the cancer man to be generous and don't let the unpleasant emotions show on his face immediately, so as not to scare the other party.