Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - How is the weather forecast predicted?

How is the weather forecast predicted?

Weather forecast is the weather data calculated by computer according to the recent atmospheric change law data.

Weather forecast is weather forecast, which is the data to predict the future weather through various numerical changes. Due to unpredictability, "weather forecast" does have certain regional differences, and inaccuracy is inevitable.

The traditional weather forecast is to predict the weather through weather maps (ground weather maps and high-altitude weather maps), but due to imperfect equipment, it is inevitable to encounter forecast errors; But after the development of science and technology, it is different, especially the development of high technology such as weather radar, meteorological satellite and meteorological observation balloon, which makes the current weather forecast more accurate.

Development Trend of Weather Forecast in China

While China is actively developing meteorological technology, the weather forecast is gradually changing from the traditional "weather map forecast method" to the "numerical weather forecast method". Domestic automatic weather stations, weather radar detection networks and meteorological satellites have built nationwide meteorological detection systems, ensuring that weather forecasts can be broadcast in time.