Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Leo's exclusive name in ancient times

Leo's exclusive name in ancient times

Leo's exclusive name in ancient times

Leo's exclusive name in ancient times, we all yearn for returning to ancient life and envy the names of those girls in ancient times. Many people will have their own names. Let's take a look at the relevant information of the exclusive name of ancient Leo with you.

The exclusive name of Leo in ancient times was 1 Leo.

The exclusive ancient name of Leo is "Yunran". Leo people are warm and sunny and loyal to their friends. The name Yunran shows that Leo people are really pure white and clean.

Ancient proper names of other constellations


The only ancient name of Pisces is "Dai Yu". Pisces people have no opinions and prefer to listen to others' opinions. Pisces is also a sentimental person, and at the same time, it is more emotional. Dai Yu, a hazy and poetic name, is just right for Pisces.


Libra's exclusive ancient name is "Clouds and Smoke". Most people in Libra are beautiful. They are the constellations with the largest number of women among the twelve constellations. Libra people are very literary, giving people the feeling of a literary teenager. The name Yunyan is very artistic, especially suitable for Libra people.


Sagittarius's exclusive ancient name is "Zhiyue". Sagittarius people are smart, agile and humorous. They are friendly to others and are naturally optimistic constellations. Longing for a free life, Zhiyue, well, the name stands for radiant.

Cancer constellation

The exclusive ancient name of Cancer is "Recalling Autumn". Cancer people especially like nostalgia, and they are very sad about autumn, which makes people feel particularly depressed. Cancer people are prone to tears, and the tears are low. A piece of music can make her cry. The name Qiu Yi is very suitable for cancer people.

Aries constellation

The ancient name of Aries is "Ruo Ling". Aries people belong to a more straightforward personality. They are warm and brave, have a sense of spirituality, are very fresh and natural, and it makes people feel so quiet with them.


Scorpio's proper ancient name is "Yue Ying". Scorpio people are indifferent to you and belong to the iceberg beauty type. Scorpio people are not good at words and have always been quiet people, which makes people feel particularly mysterious. Yue Ying, this name is especially suitable for a mysterious person like Scorpio.


Gemini's exclusive ancient body is called "condensate smoke". Gemini is full of wisdom and is an elusive constellation. Gemini's personality is changeable and his mood changes quickly. His eloquence is first-class, and his reaction ability is particularly strong.

Taurus constellation

The exclusive ancient name of Taurus is Wan Ting. Taurus people are not good at words and always give people a gentle feeling. They have the demeanor of a good family. Wan Ting, this name is a good interpretation of the calm and virtuous Taurus.

Aquarius constellation

The ancient name of Aquarius is "Mo Qian". Aquarius people have a lot of personality, go their own way, have their own opinions, and have their own ideas about everything. Aquarius people have high emotional intelligence and IQ. The name Mo Qian is very meaningful, symbolizing a beautiful meaning.

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

The exclusive ancient name of Capricorn is "Ruijie". Capricorn people give people a sense of intelligence and wit. They are constellations full of wisdom. They are patient and persistent in everything they do, and they are also a constellation with a sense of responsibility. Ruijie has a sense of intelligence.


Virgo's exclusive ancient name is "Manny". Virgo people pursue perfection, which is a difficult constellation. They are graceful and particularly feminine. But they need constant encouragement to make progress, and Virgo is relatively inferior.

Leo's ancient exclusive name, the ancient exclusive name of the twelve constellations, Leo's poetic and picturesque, Pisces does not eat human fireworks!

Aries: ice

Aries people are very motivated, and they must work hard to finish what they want to do, and can't let others despise themselves behind their backs. The ancient name of Aries is ice.

Taurus: Bichun

Taurus people are very entrepreneurial and have very original opinions in this respect, and will not change their minds because of a word from others. The exclusive ancient name of Taurus is Bichun.

Gemini: Reading.

Gemini people are restless and make others feel unreliable, so sometimes they feel bad, but they are actually very smart. Gemini's exclusive ancient name is Nianwen.

Cancer: Man

Cancer people are very gentle, no matter they are not hostile to anyone, they are wholeheartedly good for each other, so the relationship is also very good. The only ancient name of Cancer is Man 'an.

Leo: Pei Bai

Leo is overbearing, but indifferent to fame and fortune. Although he likes to show off, he doesn't care much about money. The exclusive ancient name of Leo is Pei Bai.

Virgo: Snow Jane

Virgos are very smart and perfectionists. They want to do everything perfectly. Virgo's exclusive ancient name is Xue Zhen.

Libra: rocky mountain

Libra people are very kind and excellent in all aspects, and they can hide their small emotions when they treat people they don't like. The ancient name of Libra is Shishan.

Scorpio: Southern Night

Scorpio people are very cunning. When you meet people you don't like, they will be obvious and their tone of voice will be very different. Scorpio's exclusive ancient name is night south.

Sagittarius: half bud

Sagittarius people are very adventurous. It seems that only adventure can bring them different happiness, which is very exciting and challenging. Sagittarius's exclusive ancient name is Half Thunder.

Capricorn: Jinghe River

Capricorn people are very old-fashioned, everything will follow the rules and will not be cheated for personal gain. They are a person with a special sense of justice and are selfless. The exclusive ancient name of Capricorn is Jinghe.

Aquarius: Ying 'an

Aquarius people prefer innovation, because they don't like popular things, so there are always some strange ideas with great brains. The exclusive ancient name of Aquarius is Ying 'an.

Pisces: Cold Soul

Pisces people prefer fantasy, but sometimes they are extreme and want to imitate stories made up in fairy tales. The unique ancient name of Pisces is Ling Han.

The exclusive name of Leo in ancient times is the exclusive ancient name of the twelve constellations. Leo is elegant and Aquarius is beautiful!

Aries: Yaxin

Aries is born with a very good personality. No matter when they laugh, it is also a happy fruit in everyone's heart. The exclusive ancient name of Aries is Yaxin.

Taurus: Sirui

Taurus people are particularly stubborn. They will strive to achieve their goals and will never change their minds at any time. The exclusive ancient name of Taurus is Sirui.

Gemini: Tan Ya

Gemini's changeable personality makes them very thoughtful, and it is easy to solve things, so don't worry. The exclusive ancient name of Gemini is Tanya.

Cancer: Xi Qing

Cancer has special family care. No matter what happens, they put their family first and will not leave alone. The unique ancient name of cancer is Xi Qing.

Leo: Yaxin

No matter what happens, Leo will solve it in a high-profile way. They especially like to attract attention and become the focus of everyone's attention. The exclusive ancient name of Leo is Yaxin.

Virgo: Han Qing

Virgo's picky personality will never change. No matter what you do, you are picky and don't consider other people's feelings. Virgo's exclusive ancient name is Han Qing.

Libra: Han Xi

Libra always maintains a fair attitude, and their style of doing things is the same. They don't like being forced by anyone. The ancient name of Libra is Han Xi.

Scorpio: Yan Qing

Scorpio's fiery heart will not be easily displayed to outsiders, and they will treat those who they really regard as friends with enthusiasm. The exclusive ancient name of Scorpio is Yan Qing.

Sagittarius: Speech

No matter where Sagittarius goes, there will be many friends willing to be with them. They are warm and generous and don't like beating around the bush. Sagittarius's exclusive archaic name is a word.

Capricorn: ink feather

Capricorn gives people a feeling of maturity and stability. They are very friendly to people, and friends around them are very willing to help them whenever they encounter anything. Capricorn's exclusive ancient name is Magic Domain.

Aquarius: Ying Ning

Aquarius's thinking mode is particularly active. They can come up with any ideas and often do some strange behaviors. The exclusive ancient name of Aquarius is Ying Ning, which is simple and beautiful.

Pisces: Ruoxin

Pisces people are very kind. Their hearts are fragile. Don't hurt them easily. They are sad and break your heart. The unique ancient name of Pisces is Ruoxin.