Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Is the constellation pseudoscience?

Is the constellation pseudoscience?

Zhuge Liang watches the sky at night: Constellation theory is a complete pseudoscience. Linking everything in fate with the constellation is basically the same as the small advertisement of "curing all diseases". I believe I will be fooled.

More strictly speaking, it is superstition. It is superstitious because it tries to explain the complex world with simplistic theories.

Constellation theory holds that a person's personality and destiny are related to the date of birth. What is more problematic is that this division is only divided into twelve parts. In other words, it wants to simply divide people into twelve categories according to time, and the reason for these divisions is only the date of birth.

The position of celestial bodies in the night sky constitutes a so-called constellation, which can only be seen on the earth, but in another reference system, another image will be seen. But it can be explained according to cosmology, physics and so on, and it is not unpredictable. It's just that some people seize some urgent needs of people, invent some connections to explain people's fate, and try to explain everything in people's fate. This is pseudoscience, and there has never been a unified theory that can explain everything.

Even the light and shade of celestial bodies are used to explain people's fate. Now we know that the brightness of celestial bodies is related to the earth's atmosphere, while stars are stable for a certain period of time and emit the same light intensity. In ancient times, people also admired unexplained natural phenomena, and there were all kinds of "gods", so there were things that used astronomical phenomena to show people's destiny.

Everyone has their own needs, and sometimes when the needs are urgent, they will "rush to see a doctor". It is not worth trusting the advice of professionals, but pinning their hopes on the illusory so-called fate. What about life? It will only be more complicated, but some people simply attribute their fate and personality to the date of birth and constellation. How ridiculous!

The "accuracy" of astrology is actually an illusion caused by various cognitive errors that human beings are born with. It's just that some astrologers are very clear about "deceiving others" and some astrologers are "deceiving themselves" to make the fake become true, that's all.