Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What is the best way to catch wild carp?

What is the best way to catch wild carp?

Question 1: What is the best bait for catching wild carp?

9 18: 50% for the big field battle, 30% for the three-in-one carp, 0/0% for the fast-break No.2 Jianghu, 5% for the barren food and 5% for the unparalleled food, and the ratio of mixed bait and water is 1:0.9, so the biting rate is high where the carp density can be used! At least there will be no air force in low-density places. This is the formula I have used for fishing carp for many years. ..

Question 2: How to catch wild carp Carp is a kind of bottom fish, which belongs to omnivorous fish and eats both meat and vegetables. The author's experience, fishing carp, has the following points, need to pay attention to: 1, season: late spring to Mid-Autumn Festival is the best. 2. Fishing point: In the deep water area, there are stones, bricks, mud bottoms and grass at the bottom of the water, which are all good fishing points, under small bridges and around wooden stakes. The feeding platform of a fish pond is often a good fishing spot. Slow running water = reflux is better. 3. Stargazing: The stars of carp are obvious and generally broken in groups. Move slowly. 4, bait: carp foraging, mainly by touch, followed by vision and smell. Both meat and vegetables are acceptable. Red earthworms and red worms are its favorites. Shrimp is often a good bait to store enough protein for wintering in late autumn. Vegetarian food is pasta (preferably 70% fine corn flour +30% white flour mixed with water and vitamin B 12, then steamed in a pan and rubbed by hand), sweet potato, fresh corn and distiller's grains are all good bait. With different waters, different regions, different seasons, different hobbies. Fishing in a fish pond, using the synthetic bait fed to the fish there, rubbing it evenly with the pasta prepared by yourself after the blisters are dispersed, is often the best bait. In addition, bubble gum is also a good bait. You'd better use bad food when fishing for sea poles. Baits include wheat bran, millet soaked in wine, synthetic granular bait and fresh water cow dung. It is also effective to fry broad beans, peanuts and soybeans respectively and grind them into powder, and add water and mix well as bait. Here, the effect of buffalo dung as bait is very remarkable, and even the waters where buffaloes have just bathed are good fishing nests for carp to gather. 5, fishing tackle: carp is heavy and good at swimming, so the fishing rod for carp is generally more than 5 meters, flexible and strong. . In order to facilitate the fish to walk, and to prevent the sound frequency emitted by the hard lever from being too high and easily disturbing the fish, it is better to adjust the lever in the middle instead of choosing the hard lever. Hook depends on personal habits. Generally, you can choose Yi Shi NI 514-516; Maru Sleeve 713-7 15, or HHH hooks with15, 16 and 17 hooks. The fishing line can be 3-5 transparent lines. 6, fishing skills: (1) Look at the drift: the carp first arches and then swallows, while the fish floats gently and then slowly sinks into the water, commonly known as "black drift." It is generally most suitable to lift the pole when sinking. (2) Lifting the rod: generally, shake the fishing rod first to make the hook hook the fish mouth, and then there are three possibilities: First, the rod can't be lifted, which seems to hook the stone below, and the fish is generally larger. Commonly known as "piling", there is no need to worry at this time, lengthen the fishing line and wait for its action. Second, as soon as the fish are caught, they swim rapidly, with great tension, and even run around. At this time, there is no need to rush. We should tighten the fishing line, follow the direction of swimming, control it and guide it consciously. Third, when lifting the pole, the fish jumped out of the water (generally 500- 1000 grams of fish) and then fished into the water. Control quickly after entering the water, and then guide patiently. (3) Fishing: This is the key link to ensure that fish can be caught smoothly. You must relax and firmly control the initiative. If the line is too tight, it may break the rod; if it is too loose, it will lose control and the fish will run away. In addition to keeping a calm mind, you should not be impatient or take a surprise. You should be good at using four links to compensate (or adjust) your strength. First, the line is important but not dead. Give the fish when it swims, and pull it back when it comes back. Use the contraction of the line to compensate the tension of the fish. The second is to use the flexibility and elasticity of the fishing rod to compensate with the pulling force of the fish. The third is to use wrist strength and the height of the pole to compensate. However, it must be noted that the upper part of the pole must not be too low to form a tug-of-war with the fish. The fourth is to compensate with the movement of the legs. If necessary, lead the fish along the coast until they are tired and weak. At the same time, after controlling the fish, you should use your legs to step back and let the fish get close to the shore, which is convenient for fishing. (4) Copy fishing: Although copy fishing is the last link, it is easier to master after the fish is tired, but some people just fall short in this link. To copy fish, it is generally best to put the copy net under the water and wait. When the fish comes to the shore and meets the head, it is safer to copy it. If the fish is too long and the diameter of the net is too small, you can wait until the fish is completely tired, copy the head and tail with two nets and pull it ashore at the same time. By the way, when fishing with a net, the handle of the net should be pulled backward, not hard, so as not to cause the handle to break. The main points of fishing carp with sea pole are similar to those with hand pole, because the reel is easy to be retracted and mastered, so I won't go into details here.

Question 3: What is the best way to catch carp? Fish have different feeding habits, so the bait should be targeted, that is, what bait is often used to catch what fish. Crucian carp: It's an omnivorous fish. Commonly used baits include earthworm, maggot, breadworm, gluten, rice grains, dried bean curd, shrimp, silkworm chrysalis, red worm and tender corn kernels. You can also add a small amount of flour to the raw bean powder, mix well with boiling water, and pinch it when fishing.

Carp: mixed dough of corn flour, glutinous rice flour (4: 6, with proper sesame powder spice), sweet potato (steamed for seven minutes and cut into granules), mixed dough of corn flour and cooked sweet potato, rice grains, tender corn, late grass, diced meat, earthworm, cockroach, ground silkworm, snail meat, etc. In addition, beating an egg, adding proper amount of flour, dropping a few drops of sesame oil and sprinkling a little cotton fiber into a ball are also excellent bait for fishing carp. Put this dough in a plastic bag when you go out and use it with fishing. If you can't use it all at once, you can put it in the refrigerator for later use.

Grass carp and herring: grasshopper, mantis, oil gourd, bean worm, silkworm chrysalis, earthworm, shrimp, late grass, maggot, algae, grass, onion, reed, vegetable leaf, pumpkin flowers and dough.

Catfish: earthworm, snail meat, clam meat, shrimp, dough.

White minnows: earthworms, rice grains, maggots, flies, breadworms.

Snakehead: frog, loach, earthworm, shrimp.

Turtle: pig liver, chicken and duck viscera, earthworm, frog.

Mandarin fish: (Mandarin fish) small live fish, rice shrimp, earthworms.

Snapper: earthworms, grasshoppers, algae, shrimps, flour balls, rice grains and sweet potatoes.

Question 4: What bait is good for fishing wild carp in summer? Just say summer. The bait for fishing during the day and at night should be different. The temperature is high during the day, so it should be based on fragrance. Fishing at night, the fishy smell should be the main thing. Moreover, if the carp is farmed, or the fish caught is a fish pond that has been farmed and is now abandoned, no matter what commercial bait is used, more than 30% of granular feed powder should be used. If it is a wild carp in a river or reservoir, the general bait must be alcohol-flavored bait, or sake koji can be added to the homemade bait, but the standard is bouquet, but it must not be pungent. It is well known that the sense of smell of fish is 500 times that of us. The best alcohol bait is to add distiller's grains to the bait, and you will know the effect if you try it. ) Ha ha, you can't keep your mouth shut when you talk about fishing, and you talk so much nonsense. Let's answer your question first. I recommend a broad-spectrum bait for you. I think you are familiar with it. Tianlan crucian carp is pure in taste and in good condition, and there is residue on the hook. But I don't think the effect of using it alone is particularly ideal. My use method is: granular feed powder (the bottom nest granular feed is enough), one-third corn flour, one-third blue crucian carp (one-fourth blue crucian carp fishing is enough), one tablespoon of secondary powder, that is, white flour, one tablespoon of soy milk powder and half a tablespoon of sugar that we eat. This recipe of mine is not a secret recipe, but you will know the effect if you try it. This formula is effective not only for carp fishing, but also for grass carp fishing. Hehe, don't say it again. What was the last sentence? Fish is the last word! Try it sometime. Look at the drift here.

Question 5: What hook is the best for carp fishing?

Ni (grass carp, carp)

Brand: "Hayabusa" is the first choice, followed by "Dijia" competitive hook made of high-carbon special steel (the above two kinds have superior strength, acid and alkali corrosion resistance and good wear resistance), and finally "Gama Katz" made in Japan (the hook strip is thin, the fish can be lifted instantly, and the hooking performance is outstanding). Generally, 3#, 4# and 5# hooks can take care of fish from half a catty to about 5 jins.

Sleeve hook (crucian carp)

Brand: The first choice is "oc" made in Ona, Japan (called oc and oh according to different steels, OC is light in weight and easy to be inhaled by crucian carp, but not as sharp as oh), followed by "Big Needle" (the best one is marked, the hook tip is grooved and sharp, and the steel fire is extremely suitable for polyculture and slightly expensive), followed by "White Elephant" and "Fa". Hooks 2#, 3# and 4# are generally used.

New Guandong (universal but without barb)

Brand: Japanese nail art is rich in soil and fat, followed by OC (soft hook) and Gamma (brittle hook). Generally use 0.5#, 1#, 2# and 3# hooks.

Question 6: I really don't want to tell you how to fish wild carp, because I like fishing carp very much, especially the unruly and slippery carp. They are cautious and suspicious by nature, just like their wives! It's really a science for you to solve it. I can only tell you a little. I hope you can give an example and draw inferences. Arrive at the fishing ground at five o'clock in the afternoon, lay the nest and lay the fishing tackle. Never go fishing at once. All you can do is keep the fishing ground very quiet. You must hide as much as possible. Wait,,,,,, my heart will wait forever,,,, and a bubble will come out of the nest. Don't be impatient, just like a beautiful woman lying in your bed, your heart itches again, your saliva is DC again, your eyes are dull again, and you can't help it! When a large number of bubbles emerge from the nest, accompanied by mud and branches, you can slowly extend the fishing rod and put it down right above the growing bubbles. When the buoy moves slightly, your heart must not beat too fast. It may be tempting you, just like a woman flirting with a man. Put it down on her mouth, it may be repeated several times, and the street lamp buoy moves down slightly. To ensure that the hook penetrates the hard part of the carp's lips, if a fish is caught at this time, the big carp will sprint as hard as a female, and first rush out of a few tens of meters in a straight line. The time needed is the moment you lift the pole. Maybe you haven't reacted yet. Since you are walking the fish, if you widen it from left to right, it should be at least about ten pounds. Good luck. I won't talk about other issues, such as fishing groups, fishing lines and hooks. I'm sure you understand.

Question 7: What is the best gluten bait 16 for carp fishing? It is a traditional bait with a long history in China. The material is only white flour. Knead white flour into dough with light salt water and leave it for 2-3 hours. Cover with a damp cloth or basin to prevent drying. Then put it into water and knead, stretch, knead and kick repeatedly to remove starch, leaving gluten. It has excellent toughness, is not easy to dissolve and disperse in water and has a long effective time. When in use, pull a small piece and put a single hook. String hooks and grape hooks are ok.

If the bait ball is wet after being hooked, it is better to dip a layer of milk powder or cheese H powder spice on the surface of the bait ball. In this way, when fishing at a fixed point with a hand pole, spices are constantly sprinkled on the bottom of the water, and a bait nest will naturally form under the hook, and the fishing effect will be better.

17 sweet potato block bait sweet potato, local famous sweet potato, sweet potato. It is also a good bait for catching carp. Practice: steam or cook the sweet potato until it is 70-80% cooked, cut it into 8- 15 square or diamond blocks, and hang a single hook. Carp and grass carp like it.

Sweet potato blocks are insoluble in water, unbreakable, water-resistant and anti-foaming. However, it smells bad in water. So a layer of delicious food was wrapped outside the bait hook for hanging sweet potato pieces, and the bait hook was wrapped tightly. After the bait is hooked into the water, the bad food quickly scatters to the bottom of the water, giving off fragrance and playing the role of luring fish into the nest. Fish smell sweet potatoes, see them fast, swallow them and take the bait. After repeated fishing, the fishing spots were fed into rich bait nests.

18 corn bait This is an economical, convenient and practical bait that northern fishermen generally like to use every summer when corn is ripe in Qiu Lai.

Choose fresh corn kernels with milk slurry beside them to hang the single hook. Each hook 1-2 capsules. Carp, grass and crucian carp all like to eat. Corn kernels can be eaten raw or cooked. You can also peel off the skin of cooked corn kernels, or cut them into "crosses" (raw corn kernels can also be cut) to let the fragrance of corn overflow, which can improve the effect of attracting fish.

When people catch carp, corn kernels are not the only main bait, but are usually mixed or used alternately with flour bait. For example, the 1-2 hook is used to hang corn kernels in a string hook or a grape hook. Before going to bed late at night, camping and temporary night fishing often change all the hooks into more than one. Because its blisters don't dissolve, small fish can't chew them off, while big fish will swallow the bait, and the hook will have a bell to tell them that they can't escape if they want to. So every autumn fishing, almost everyone should have corn kernels.

19 bread bait: Crush bread without stuffing, add a small amount of rice soup as adhesive, and knead vigorously until it sticks to a dough, which is as hard as a cake. Not only single hooks can be installed, but also groups of hooks can be installed. The inherent sweetness of bread is very suitable for carp, and bream, grass and crucian carp also like to eat it.

Bread bait is best used on the same day, and the kneaded bread dough will become soft overnight. However, it can still be hardened and reused by adding dry powder, but the smell is slightly reduced. If there is no rice soup, a small amount of white flour can be boiled into a paste with boiling water as an adhesive. You can also take bread to the fishing ground to rub it. The practice is: peel off the crust of the bread, rub it hard with clear water, rub it repeatedly with water, and knead it into a sticky dough for later use. This method is easy to dissolve in water and needs to change the bait frequently.

The main components of No.20 mixed fermentation bait: corn flour 30%, rice flour 30%, bean cake powder or soybean powder 20%, white flour 10%. Accessories: add 0/00g of koji/kloc-and 30g of yellow rice wine to each kilogram of main ingredients.

Mix all the main ingredients except white flour, add a spoon and stir-fry with low fire, then add white flour and mix well, then add warm water and stir until it becomes a ball. Then steam in the drawer, cook for 10 minutes, and put the drawer into the basin. It is estimated that the temperature will drop to about 30 degrees, then add Qu liquor and yellow wine, mix well, and put them into wide-mouth containers or plastic bags for sealing. Leave it at room temperature for 5- 10 days (the higher the temperature, the faster the fermentation and the less time), and open the container to smell the rich fragrance, sweetness and slightly sour taste, and you can succeed. Put it in the shade and seal it for later use. Single hook or combined hook can be installed.

After the bait is fermented, it often becomes thin and soft. To this end, first of all, try to add less water and make it harder. Secondly, if it is thin and soft, dry powder can be added to adjust it to be soft and hard, which is suitable for repeated use. If it is too thin and soft, you can mix fresh dough as bait.

2 1 sticky shrimp paste bait material: corn flour, river shrimp. The quantity and proportion are not limited.

Practice and usage: steam corn flour into steamed bread. The head, shell and skin of fresh shrimp are removed, and the meat is mashed into a paste. When in use, break a small piece of steamed bread, mix with shrimp sauce and knead until the viscosity and hardness are moderate. Single hook and group hook are very effective for carp fishing.

No.22 tofu powder bait is packed with tofu powder, each bag is generally 500 grams, which is available in the northern grocery store. The powder is very delicate, so there is no need to add any seasoning. As long as it is mixed with cold water to form a ball, it will become more sticky. Used for single hook, string hook and grape hook.

The inherent beany smell of tofu powder ...

Question 8: How does Taiwan Province catch the habits of wild carp (1)?

Carp has strong tolerance to temperature and hypoxia. Although carp does not have a high appetite in winter like crucian carp, it can still be caught in low water temperature season. In hot summer, even if the water temperature is as high as 30 degrees, carp can still survive well, and the suitable water temperature for carp survival is between 15 ~ 25 degrees. Carp has a strong tolerance to hypoxia and can survive even in a slightly polluted environment.

Carp is active by nature and likes weak light. When the temperature is right and the dissolved oxygen in the water is sufficient, they often drift with the tide, chase and play, and sometimes jump out of the water. Carp is bold and alert. The big carp weighing more than ten kilograms dare to look for food in the water dozens of centimeters deep on the shore without interference, but they are very sensitive. With their excellent hearing, they will flee to deep water at the slightest sign of trouble.

Carp has a wide range of diets. Whether it is fish and shrimp, screws, terrestrial earthworms, insects and other animal bait in the water, or humus, sweet potatoes, grains and other plant bait in the water, they will become their foraging targets. According to the physiological needs of different growth and development stages, wild carp prefer animal bait in the juvenile stage, and plant bait is more popular after adult fish. Carp, as a kind of artificial fish species that can be popularized in a large area, will have obvious partial eclipse under the condition of artificial culture or in the waters of large-scale artificial culture cages. In the north, because the cultured carp are fed with granular feed containing a large amount of fish bone powder, when fishing in artificial breeding waters or waters with large-scale artificial breeding cages, the ingredients of the basic bait must be granular feed containing fish or fishy bait close to the taste of granular feed. The feeding habits of carp have different trends in different seasons. Generally speaking, in winter, early spring, late autumn and other low water temperature seasons, the tendency of eating animal bait is obvious, while in summer high temperature season, the tendency of eating five-grain vegetarian food is obvious.

Carp has no stomach sac and short intestine. This special physiological structure determines that carp has fast digestion, strong metabolic ability and obvious habit of eating less and eating more. In natural waters, wild carp are almost constantly looking for food, and rarely stay in one place for a long time because of lack of food. The physiological structure of carp with long upper lip and short lower lip shows that carp mainly get food from the bottom. When they eat, they arch their lips over the underwater sediments to find food hidden under the sediments. When carp arch over the sediment, there will be blisters (also known as fish stars) of different sizes in the water, which makes it easy for us to find traces of carp in the water. Although carp is greedy, its cunning nature makes it repeatedly try to treat rare synthetic bait, except for the food it is used to. For the food it doesn't eat often, it rarely goes forward to swallow, but repeatedly touches and tries with its body and tail fin. Therefore, when fishing carp, you must be patient and accurately grasp which action is the real entrance signal.

Carp grows rapidly, and 1 year can grow to about 1 kg under artificial breeding conditions. It is not surprising to meet carp weighing more than 10 in natural waters. Carp can reach sexual maturity at a certain age,

The breeding season is from April to June every year. During the breeding season, male carp chase female carp all day, and sometimes even swim near the shore regardless of danger. At this time, even the best food can't arouse the interest of carp, so it's not easy to catch carp in the breeding season. Fortunately, different carp breed at different times, so there will be no phenomenon that none can be caught in the breeding season. After laying eggs, carp eat a lot, and after the breeding period, it enters the golden season of carp fishing.

(B) the choice of carp fishing spots

1. During the day, you should choose to get off the hook at steep river banks, soil ridges and places where there are obstacles such as stumps and piers 4 meters away from the shore. The depth of the fishing spot is 2 to 4 meters. When the light is strong, it is best to choose a cool place as the fishing point.

2. The waters with yellow water quality and low transparency, as well as the waters where fish stars often appear, should be the key plugging areas. When the dissolved oxygen in the water is sufficient and the carp is active, the fishing point can be roughly determined according to the position of the carp.

3. The water inlet is rich in dissolved oxygen and food. As long as the water depth is more than 2 meters, it can usually be used as the key area for plugging. Especially in the rainy season, a large number of plants and other organic matter flow into the water inlet. In the backwater formed by the water flow near the water inlet, the water flow is slow and a large amount of organic matter is deposited, which can attract a large number of carp to feed.

4. There are a lot of organic deposits in the waters where people live on the shore or near livestock farms, near the docks of rivers and lakes, and in places where people often wash rice and wash clothes, which provide rich food for carp. & gt

Question 9: How to catch wild carp in the reservoir? Choose the fishing position according to the weather (the habit of carp and the choice of fishing position of carp). Generally, carp are afraid of light, and places with weak light are often where they live and swim. They often swim in slow-flowing waters. The upper position is that there is a plant shadow on the water surface, and the water level is about1.8m. Carp is very cunning, timid, alert and alert, and is cautious in action and eating, and does not bite easily. To catch carp, we must first find the trace of carp. Carp's favorite water temperature is between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius. When the water temperature is higher than 10℃, they start to eat, and when it is lower than 5℃, they basically stop eating. Fishing positions in dry spring mainly depend on fish stars and obstacles, that is to say, nests are made next to fish stars and obstacles. In natural environment, drought is deep water at night and shallow water at noon. The water depth at both ends of the fish pond is similar, the difference is the fish layer, that is, it is at the bottom in the morning and evening, and there may be fish floating up at noon. Carp likes to dig mud for food, thus producing bubbles with uniform and dense size. Dozens of them rise at the same time and often move, one after another, spherical and often accompanied by sewage rising. When you find the carp star, you will find out where the carp is. Carps during mating don't bite. This period of time is about 50-60 days, that is, May and June in late spring and early summer. From the beginning of July, it is the golden season for carp fishing. "Hot weather, fish eat more" almost swallowed the bait.

After nesting, you should walk less, and the disturbed big carp generally won't come back. This must be noted. According to carp's foraging habit (the characteristics of carp's life habit), the fishing method of "waiting for the rabbit" (bottom fishing) should be adopted. After choosing a fishing position, you should stick to it and wait patiently. Practice has proved that changing the bait too frequently and raising it by mistake will inevitably interfere with the swallowing of carp and lose the chance of taking the bait.


One of the quadruplets

Fishing for big carp will blunt the float. The main line 1.5, the sub-line 1.2, and the bid above No.4, it is recommended to adjust eight to catch two in field battle, four to catch two in billiards battle or three to catch one, hook Yi Shi No.4 or No.5, Izu No.6 or No.7, and New Kanto 0.5 or 0.8. Don't be too hard on the pole.


Fish feed

After choosing a nest, it is very important to make bait for the nest when fishing carp in spring. If you don't lure carp into the nest, all your efforts will be in vain Use bait for digging holes in spring, and the taste must be strong. Wine and rice are very important for carp fishing in spring. In spring, wine and rice are indispensable for nesting bait, and carp likes fragrance and sweetness, so a proper amount of sweet things should be added to nesting bait.

Carp are interested in bait with larger particles at the bottom of the water, so it is not necessary to deliberately pursue atomization when fishing carp. After the bait enters the water for three or four minutes, it will become a loose state like rotten vegetables or a state like cotton wool, and such a state hook is buried inside. Carps often suck bait hooks into their mouths after seeing them, and the hook rate is high.

There are many baits for carp fishing in spring, but meat bait is the main bait. Such as maggots, earthworms, red worms, nematodes, river shrimps, breadworms and corn worms, are all good bait for catching carp in spring. A few more maggots are strung on each hook, and sometimes 10 maggots are strung on the hook to catch big carp. In order to keep my sister alive, I need to pass through the back of my sister, that is, there is a protrusion on the thicker side, so there is a small piece on the hook, so my sister is still moving on the hook, and the ability to attract fish is super strong! Due to the lack of oxygen in summer, the main bait for carp fishing is vegetarian bait, but the opposite is true in early spring.

Corn kernels fermented by distiller's grains are also a specialty, and big carp can often be obtained. Carp fishing is generally one meat and one vegetable, one live bait and one food, and the hook rate is very high. Usually after catching a few tails, you stop biting. You have to renew your nest and wait for it to swim back before you can catch it again.

Question 10: What kind of bait is better for catching wild carp? Is Taiwan Province fishing traditional fishing or commercial bait?

Carp is omnivorous, eating at the bottom, and most of its lips are arched at the bottom. It has thick lips and likes to eat all kinds of animals and plants, but it is suspicious and cunning by nature, and likes to smell, smell, taste, spit and contain, and finally swallow it. . .

Carp mouth likes sweet, fishy, garlic, wine (fermented flavor) and other flavors of bait. . .

In natural waters, diced sweet potatoes, diced potatoes, chaff balls, corn kernels and earthworms are preferred. . .

In artificial waters, it is best to lure fish with Tang Yuan granules and the above nest materials, and fish with commercial bait or earthworm. . .

Grass carp likes to eat grass-many kinds of plants, such as sweet and tender roots and grass seeds. . .

Use special bait such as "Qianhucao". Before using the bait, slightly moisten it with water, stir it quickly and knead it into a ball.

When fishing, first put the earthworm or gluten on the hook and pinch the bait such as "Qianhu grass" on the outside.

Pinch duck eggs when making nests and thumb joints when fishing. . .