Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Which constellation represents war and peace _ which constellation represents war and peace?

Which constellation represents war and peace _ which constellation represents war and peace?

What are the leading stars of the twelve constellations?

Mars is the main constellation of Aries and a red planet in the solar system. So in astrology, Mars represents combat power and competitiveness. Mars in this picture represents a person's mobility and good temper. Mars represents strength and fighting, so it represents positive and fierce nature. People with strong personalities on Mars are active, brave and decisive. They are an action-oriented person with a bad temper. Everything they do is to strike first, but it is easy to make people feel reckless. Mars can show the direction of a person's efforts and the place where he is actively involved, which is related to a person's desire to win and can show the degree of impatience. In addition, Mars also represents a person's desire, and it can be seen that a person's desire is vented. The basic meaning of Mars archives: fighting, positivity and competition. Representative figures: soldiers, technicians and athletes. Body organ: head. Psychological level: active place. Dominant constellation: Dominates Aries and the first house (life house). Venus is the dominant constellation of Taurus and Libra, and it is a harmonious and stable beautiful star in the solar system. Therefore, in astrology, Venus represents interpersonal relationships, personal values and things related to beauty. Venus in this chart represents a person's preferences, aesthetic concepts, interpersonal relationships and money concepts. Venus represents balance and harmony. People with strong Venus character pay more attention to the harmony between people, think for others, and don't like to argue with others, but sometimes they will stand on the side of the weak for balance. Venus also represents a person's aesthetic and personal values, so it is related to emotional preferences and money concepts. Venus represents the ability to appreciate art and your favorite music, and also shows a person's degree of enjoyment and luxury. The basic meaning of Venus archives: harmony, emotion and money view. Representative figures: lover, partner and young woman. Body organs: throat, kidneys and waist. Psychological level: aesthetic values. Dominant constellations: Dominant Taurus and the second house (financial house), Libra and the seventh house (husband and wife house). Mercury is the main constellation of Gemini and Virgo and the fastest planet in the solar system. Therefore, in astrology, mercury represents the rapid operation of the mind. In this chart, Mercury represents a person's thinking operation and communication. Mercury represents learning and communication. Mercury's strong personality is full of curiosity about new things, so in order to pursue the breadth of knowledge, they constantly learn and accept new knowledge. They learn things quickly, but they usually have little patience, so it is not easy to study deeply. When they feel that they have not learned enough, they will start to get nervous. So mercury can also represent a person's nerve sensitivity. Mercury represents a person's thinking and communication, which is related to witty reaction and information exchange. Mercury also dominates trading behavior, which is related to contract negotiation, so it represents cunning deception. The basic meaning of Mercury archives: learning, thinking and communication. Representatives: brothers, classmates, salesmen. Body organs: hands and lungs. Psychological level: thinking and mental operation. Dominant constellations: Dominate Gemini and the third house (brother house), Virgo and the sixth house (servant house). Moon-the dominant constellation of Cancer, the moon is the satellite of the earth, which is closest to the earth and runs fastest. In astrology, the moon represents emotional reactions and living habits. The position of the moon in this chart represents one's inner feelings and worries. The moon represents mother and motherhood. People with strong moon personality usually take care of and care about others, so they are very popular with women and children. The moon is a reflection of a person's negative personality, such as his inner feelings, which are usually influenced by his mother and his childhood living environment. Similarly, the boy's sun also represents an important woman in his life. The moon is related to memory and history, representing imitation ability. In addition, the ups and downs of the moon also symbolize the changeable characteristics, so the moon represents variability. The basic meaning of the moon file: tenderness, care and imitation. Representative figures: mother, women and children, mother. Body organs: stomach and chest. Psychological level: inner feelings. Dominant constellation: Dominates Cancer and the fourth house (Tianzhai Palace). Sun-Leo's dominant constellation, the sun is the center of the solar system and the source of light and heat, so in astrology, the sun represents vitality and creativity. The position of the sun in this chart represents a person's external performance and important place. The sun is the most important ecliptic star. The sun represents the emperor or ruler and is the central authority. Sun's strong personality usually has the demeanor of a king, leadership and appreciation by officers. The position of the sun usually represents a person's positive personality, such as the influence brought by his father and the personality inherited from his father. The girl's sun can better represent the important man in her life. The sun is related to children and dominates our education for children, and our creativity is the product of our brains, just like our children, so the sun also represents creativity. The basic meaning of sunshine file: cheerful, enthusiastic and creative. Representative figures: father, celebrity, children. Body organs: cardiovascular system. Psychological level: external performance and self-esteem. Dominant constellation: Dominant Leo and the fifth house (daughter's house). Pluto-Scorpio's dominant constellation is in the solar system, and Pluto is the farthest planet from the sun. In astrology, Pluto represents darkness and mystery. Pluto in this chart represents a place that one absolutely values and reconsiders, and also represents one's favorite thing. Pluto was discovered in 1930, when atomic division, fascism and Stalinism, the rise of great powers, international terrorism and organized crime were discovered. So Pluto represents destruction and darkness, the mysterious power of the dark world, and the characteristics of destruction and reconstruction. Bruto's personality is extreme, and he often has the mentality of "life is worse than death". He requires absolute control over things, strong insight and observation, being able to see the crux of the problem at a glance, knowing the spiritual power hidden in the dark world, being brave in challenging difficulties and being good at strategizing, but he can survive in a corner despite failures and setbacks. Pluto is related to death, so it represents the death and destruction of people, things and things, and also represents hiding and disappearing. It is the thing that a person cares about most and doesn't want to touch most. Pluto represents sex and violent crimes, so we can see a person's attitude towards sex and a person's tendency to commit crimes or violence, and it also represents a fanaticism about money and power. Pluto stands for regenerative ability, which shows how quickly a person can recover from illness. Pluto is related to reconnaissance, so it represents a person's insight and represents the military police in his career. In addition, Pluto represents mysterious things, so it is related to numerology metaphysics. The basic meaning of Pluto archives: extreme, destruction, regeneration and insight. Representative figures: military police, mafia and insurance practitioners. Body organs: urinary system, gonads. Psychological level: what you care about. Dominant constellation: Dominates Scorpio and the eighth house (Ji 'e Palace). Jupiter is the main constellation of Sagittarius and the largest planet in the solar system. So in astrology, Jupiter represents expansion and luck. Jupiter in this chart represents a person's lucky point and is a place where he feels confident. Jupiter symbolizes luck and is a free star, so it represents a place where people will continue to expand. Jupiter has a strong personality, full of self-confidence, kindness and generosity, likes nature and travel, likes to contact languages and cultures of different places, speaks openly and philosophically, and can be described as "reading thousands of books and taking the Wan Li road"; However, the things we should pay attention to are ignored because we are too confident, leaving a pile of mess for others to clean up, while we go far away and escape everything with actions, making others feel irresponsible. Jupiter represents professionalism and profound knowledge, so you can see a person's education level. Jupiter represents nature, long-distance transportation and exploration, so it also represents a person's travel situation. Jupiter usually represents a place where one is confident, but it also represents a place where one is most likely to neglect. Jupiter is related to reasoning, so Jupiter also represents law, culture, history, philosophy and other things. The basic meaning of Jupiter's little file: luck, inflation and self-confidence. Representative figures: professors, philosophers and travelers. Body organs: liver, thighs. Psychological level: a place of self-confidence. Dominant constellation: Dominant Sagittarius and the ninth house (relocation house). Before Uranus was discovered, astronomers and astrologers always thought Saturn was the outermost planet. So in astrology, Saturn represents restriction and order. Saturn in this chart represents a person's greatest difficulty and pressure, but it also represents a person's greatest achievement in breaking through the bottleneck. Saturn symbolizes difficulties and obstacles, so the position of Saturn is full of depression. Saturn's strong personality is gloomy and introverted, cautious and prudent. It is his advantage to obey the rules and not go beyond the routine. But it is not a good thing to suppress yourself too much and let yourself think about everything in the worst way, and to have a negative outlook on life. Behind Saturn's difficulties is a responsibility. When you are willing to shoulder this burden and learn to grow, what Saturn represents will become your greatest achievement, and maybe nothing will be difficult for you. So Saturn symbolizes diligence and labor, and represents a person's endurance. Saturn is associated with cautious defense. Like a castle with a solid wall, Saturn accepts restrictions and grows from difficulties, so it looks serious, inflexible, often lonely and ambitious. Saturn is related to architecture, so Saturn represents a person's organizational ability. The basic meaning of Saturn's archives: seriousness, pressure and responsibility. Representative figures: old people, civil servants and architects. Body organs: knees, bones and skin. Psychological level: the biggest difficulty. Dominant constellation: Dominant Capricorn and the tenth house (career house). Uranus is the main constellation of Aquarius, located in the solar system. Uranus' axis of rotation is tilted more than 90 degrees (98 degrees), and it runs sideways around the ecliptic, so Uranus is a strange planet. In astrology, Uranus represents transcending tradition and reforming ideas. Uranus in this chart represents the power of one's reform and symbolizes one's search for different places. Uranus is the first star found outside Saturn. Uranus was discovered in 178 1 year, which coincided with the American Revolution (178 1), the French Revolution (1789) and the prosperity of science and technology, resulting in the industrial revolution. Therefore, Uranus represents separatism and the development of science and technology, and attaches importance to the space of individual independence. Uranus, with a strong personality, has a unique style, is fashionable and avant-garde, and ignores other people's strange eyes. He often makes amazing moves and has a humanitarian spirit, and often engages in charitable activities for the masses. However, he attaches great importance to the distinction between people and me, dislikes privilege and class, likes innovation and reform, and has a strong logical concept, so most of them have made great achievements in scientific and technological research. The scientific essence of Uranus represents electrical research, astronomy and astrology. Uranus is related to reform, showing a person's innovative and flexible direction, and also showing a person's unique characteristics. In addition, Uranus is related to the community and the masses, representing a person's social activities. The basic significance of Uranus archives: reform, innovation and humanitarianism. Representative figures: friends, scientists and innovators. Body organs: legs, veins and circulatory system. Psychological level: the direction of innovation. Dominant constellation: Dominant Aquarius and the eleventh house (Fude Palace). Neptune is the main constellation of Pisces and a vague planet in the solar system. In astrology, Neptune represents dreams and imagination. Neptune in this chart represents a place where a person is drowned and symbolizes unrequited loneliness. Neptune was discovered in 1846, when anesthesia was used in medicine, and people's curiosity about spiritual experience and superconsciousness began to sprout. At the same time, Darwin's theory of evolution (1846), * * * declaration (1848) and the rise of socialism are all related to the collective characteristics of non-individuals. Therefore, Neptune represents the mind, which is super-conscious, often beyond people's normal experience and often makes people feel unreal. Neptune has a strong personality, strong sensibility and rich imagination, and can understand things that ordinary people can't understand. Therefore, they usually like art very much and get spiritual liberation from it. However, the utopian nature often makes people feel unrealistic and has no goal for the future. They are too self-indulgent, self-deceiving and even self-sacrificing, which will make people feel promiscuous, ambiguous and chaotic. Neptune represents the sea, which is boundless, so Neptune represents a person's tolerance. Neptune symbolizes the duality of beauty and spirituality, and represents things related to art and religion. Therefore, Neptune has a religious personality, representing compassion and representing a person's adaptation to the environment. The basic meaning of Neptune's little file: casual, romantic and spiritual. Representative figures: monks, artists and nurses. Body organs: feet, nervous system. Psychological level: drowning location. Dominant constellation: Dominates Pisces and the twelfth house (the house of looks).