Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The most classic 30 sentences in Gu Long's novels. Beauty and wine are rivers and lakes.

The most classic 30 sentences in Gu Long's novels. Beauty and wine are rivers and lakes.

Gu Long's words: "If a person indulges in wine, something will make him sad. A sad person must be an affectionate person."


Gu Long can always write loneliness into his bone marrow.

The swordsman beauty in his works is as lonely as snow. But there is a detached peace.

Xia Chuan River Map of Gulongqun? -? Gu long qun Xia zhuan

He didn't want teddy boy to think about it any more, so he suddenly looked up and smiled. Look, the plum blossoms on this tree are in bloom.

? Teddy boy: Yes.

Li Xunhuan said, do you know how many flowers are in bloom?

Teddy boy: Seventeen flowers.

Li Xunhuan's heart sank and his smile froze.

Because he counted the clubs. He knows how lonely a plum blossom is.

Sentimental swordsman's ruthless sword

He has tasted the pain of life. But anyway, I am still alive, I am still young, the world is so big, and there are places I can go everywhere. "

Chivalrous love

There is no one with eyes in the Jianghu who doesn't want to see Jiang Feng's peerless elegance and Yan Nantian's peerless magic. Just because we all know that no girl in the world can resist Jiang Feng's smile, and no hero can resist Yan Nantian's gentle sword.

Two beautiful women

Scarecrow Jimmy Lin? -? scarecrow

Shen Lang's face flashed his dim, lazy and elusive smile. He smiled faintly: "No matter who they are, sometimes they will fail. As long as they don't be too proud when they win, even if they fail once, it's nothing ... "

Wulin waishi

You can't die. I can't die. Feng Siniang can't die. Shen Bijun can't die. However, in Qian Qian for thousands of years, there are thousands of people in Qian Qian. Who can really not die? Who can?


Although the light of a meteor is short-lived, what star in the sky can be more brilliant than it? When a meteor appears, even the eternal constellation can't take away its light. Butterfly's life is fragile, even more fragile than bright flowers. But it always lives in spring. It is beautiful, it is free, it can fly. Its life is short but fragrant.

the killer clans

Xiao Li Fei Dao Tan? -? Family heirloom? Original soundtrack of TV series

"Why use such a cruel weapon?" "Because I don't want to be forced to leave the person I love." "I see what you mean." "Do you really understand?" You use parting hook just to get together. "'yes. "Parting dim ecstasy only don't and have.

Detach the hook.

The rain is cold and thin. Long and thin rain, floating on the plane tree in the yard, wrapped around the plane leaves and the sadness in people's hearts.

A person living in the world and doing what he really wants to do should be very satisfied.

Seven killers

These things happened in a few months, but they didn't come to light until more than a decade ago, only later someone forgot. People and things in Wulin are constantly pushing each other, and no one can ever push each other, just as no one can fully understand the mystery of heaven and earth since ancient times.

Lost soul

In an ancient and mysterious legend, it is said that whenever the moon rises, there will always be some elves appearing with the moonlight, such as flowers and trees, jade spirits, and even underground ghosts and ghost foxes will come out to worship the full moon and absorb its essence. Sometimes they even incarnate as human beings, appearing in different faces and doing unexpected things. These things are sometimes surprising, sometimes touching, sometimes frightening, sometimes joyful, and sometimes unimaginable. They can save a person from the abyss or push a person down from the mountain. They can make you get all the glory and wealth in the world, and they can also make you lose everything. Although no one has seen their true colors, no one can deny their existence.

Full moon machete

It smells so good. Jiang Qian? -? Water Marriage —— The New Rhyme of Guzheng

People who live in rivers and lakes are like leaves in the wind and duckweeds in the water. Although they have no roots, they do.

Hot-blooded and loyal Although they often live in misery, they don't complain. Because so are they.

Have a colorful life.

Death Deul

The cold wind is like a knife, taking the earth as the chopping block and all beings as fish. Snow in Wan Li turns the sky into a melting pot and everything into silver.

But there are too many troubles in the world, isn't it because you laugh too little? Laughter is like perfume, which not only makes you fragrant, but also makes others happy. If you can make others laugh, what's the harm of doing stupid things?

Sentimental swordsman's ruthless sword

Where is the bright moon? As long as the heart is immortal, the bright moon is in the heart.

Tian ya Ming yue Dao

Transfer to Nicky Wu? -? Full record of Mandarin audio and video in 2003

The moonlight is picturesque. The desolate mountain road is completely deserted. Everything is quiet, as if there is only a full moon and a barren hill left in this world, and nothing else. The mountain wind blows slowly and quietly. ...


If a woman pretends in front of you, it means that she likes you very much.

big shot

She will cry for love and also for hate.

Legend of Chu Liuxiang

Laugh at the status quo, Adam Cheng? -? natural instinct

Maybe she has always loved him, but she doesn't care because he loves him too much.

It's strange that women know everything they shouldn't know, but they don't know what they should know.

Meteor butterfly sword.

A woman with a sweet smile will never have too bad luck in the future.

big shot

If there is anything worse than meeting a bitch, it is meeting two bitches.

Legend of Chu Liuxiang: The Legend of Bats.

Women's tears are more terrible than hidden weapons's.

No matter how good it is to hide weapons, at least you can hide them.

Women can't even hide their tears.

No matter how big hidden weapons is, he can only punch a few holes in you at most.

Women's tears will break your heart.

The Legend of Peach Blossom in Chu Liuxiang

If you want to live happily, you should never expect a woman to tell you the truth.

If you are a smart person, never expose a woman's lies to her face in the future, because even if you do.

She will also have a good explanation; Even if you don't believe her explanation, she will never admit herself.


Sentimental swordsman's ruthless sword

Love is like a shooting star. Yang Ziqiong? -? Nine Kings of Rolling Stones? Sing twelve plays in unison for the New Year.

Men all think that women are weak, and they all think that they can dominate the fate of women, but they don't know how old they are.

Most men's fate is in the hands of women.

They can make your life as happy as heaven, and they can also make your life as hard as the region.

Meteor butterfly sword.

If you are a man, you'd better know one thing:

If another man praises you in front of you, he will either admire you or he will

You are considered a worthless idiot and usually have other purposes.

But if he praises you behind your back, he really praises you.

Women are different.

If you are a woman, you'd better understand one thing:

If another woman praises you in front of you or behind your back, it's usually just

There is a feeling that she looks down on you at all.

If she scolds you behind your back, you should be happy.

big shot

When the sunset is at its best, it is always close to dusk.

If a person is full of inferiority, he will often become the proudest person.

Heroes do not cry.

Legend of Liu Xiaofeng, Twin Heroes? -? Legend of Lu Xiaofeng? Film soundtrack (theatrical version)

The most beautiful time for a woman is when she can't help laughing even if she wants to pull her face.

? Koichiro

Everyone will inevitably do a few stupid things in this life. If everyone only does smart things, life will become more boring.

? Sentimental swordsman's ruthless sword

There are two kinds of people in this world. One kind of people's purpose in life is not to exist, but to burn, while the other kind of people always watch others burn and let others' light shine on them. What kind of people are smart? ...

? The style of that sword

Pigs should not be too fat and people should not be too smart.

? Fat pigs are always slaughtered first. If people want to live happily, they have to be stupid and do a few stupid things.

? That doesn't mean they are fools.

? a brotherhood of heroes

There are many such things in the world, especially some particularly splendid and beautiful things.

? So you don't have to be sad or sorry. You don't have to keep it even if you go to the Jianghu to chase after spring.

? Because this is life, there are some things you can't keep.

? You must learn to endure its ruthlessness in order to enjoy its tenderness.

? White Tiger

If a person is too smart and knows too many things, he may gradually become crazy. Because at that time, he would think that madness would make him happier, so some people's greatest pain is that he obviously wants to be crazy, but he can't.

? Sentimental swordsman's ruthless sword

What would you do without me, Peter Ho? -? What would you do without me?

Men shouldn't want to know women's minds. Women are not born to be understood, but to be respected and loved.

? Yan Jianhua Yu Jiangnan

The singer's song, the dancer's dance, the swordsman's sword, the literati's pen and the hero's ambition are all the same. You can't give up as long as you don't die.

? Heroes do not cry.

There always seems to be a strange and ignorant phenomenon between people.

? They always want to protect themselves by hurting others, but they always hurt the people closest to them!

? Because they can only hurt these people, but forget to hurt themselves while hurting these people.

? So they are hurt more than others.

? So when they make mistakes and hate themselves, they desperately want to hurt others.

? Meteor butterfly sword.

If you think that wine is just a liquid that can make people happy, you are wrong. If you ask me, what is wine? Then I tell you, wine is a kind of shell, just like the shell on the back of a snail, which can make you escape. Then, even if others want to step on it, you can't see it.

Seven kinds of weapons

I don't regret Jimmy Lin? -? go for a walk

? This is the potential despicable character of human beings, who see the shortcomings of others far more clearly than themselves. There are many ways to make people feel good about themselves, but there is no doubt that money is always the most effective one.

Fei Xiangjian of Gu Long

The stars will never be lonely, but some get up early, some get up late, and some will be lost in the clouds, but they will still emit their due light, from ancient times to the present, now and forever. ...

Gu long gu xing chuan

You know, no one in the world can be completely fearless, but some people regard the word "fate" far less than the word "righteousness".

Gu long's colorful loud songs

Often the smartest people in the world can't get over it, go crazy and worry about their lives. Stupid people think nothing and enjoy life with peace of mind.

There are many strange places in the world. Just look at what kind of eyes you use. You feel strange. Everyone in it feels the most normal, but you should be surprised. Instead, he seems strange to you.

Xuan Lu, the Sword of Gulong

Human emotions are so wonderful. Some people, you meet them all your life, will never hear your sincere words. Others, if you are anxious with them, you will dig out your heart.

Human emotions are really strange and difficult to explain. Sometimes, when you are busy, you often have a very calm and clear mind. However, when everything is quiet, your mind is often confused.

Gulong's swordsman

Is Gao Zhengyang laughing? -? empty

What is true loneliness? A person, no one to drink and chat, lonely as hell. Nobody knows what I'm thinking. Although there are many friends, none of them can pour out their hearts. So lonely.

Not lonely, but you feel lonely.

True loneliness is an emptiness that goes deep into the bone marrow, an emptiness that makes you crazy. Even in the cheers, you will feel empty, melancholy and depressed.

The Style of the Sword by Gu Long and Ding Qing

If your friend's words make you angry, it means that you still care about your friendship with him!

Wulin waishi

Being the enemy of a friend is the most terrible, because he knows you too well.

the killer clans

Why are you sentimental? Why infatuation?

If the flowers are sentimental, they will wither early.

If people are affectionate, haggard and haggard. ...

People are at the end of the world, why don't they languish?

The wine is in the golden bottle, why not get drunk?

Drunk to see others in pairs,

The Sound of Knives in Border Town by Gu Long and Ding Qing?

Some people say that Jin Yong wrote about rivers and lakes outside rivers and lakes, while Gu Long wrote about rivers and lakes in rivers and lakes.

Throughout his life, Gu Long knew everything about books, wine and women's fragrance, which perfectly explained his famous sentence: Jianghu fights swords and walks with wine.

I miss that bohemian life, but I am always alone, and I am lonely no matter how busy I am.

Passionate but poetic.

It's the fierce and lonely Jianghu.