Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The darkest side of the zodiac _ What is the darkest side of the zodiac?

The darkest side of the zodiac _ What is the darkest side of the zodiac?

The dark side of the twelve constellations

The dark side of the constellation _ Aries Most Aries always like to run around, but it only lasts for five minutes. Once dabbled in, it completely collapsed. They never say anything important, let alone accept what others say. Never trust them or rely on them; They are always the first to get angry under pressure. Aries likes to dominate the weak and is threatened by any form of wisdom. Aries has an oversized ego. They never think of others, only themselves. Under their whitewashed masks, there are a lot of beating around the bush, anxiety and indecision. Aries will do anything to make sure that no one else is in control. Never let them be directors of the company: they are first-class braggadocio and bullies. The dark side of the constellation _ Taurus Taurus is beautiful and smart. Until the age of twenty, they became rigid, bitter, stubborn and dull overnight. Taurus's greatest asset is stubbornness, constipation, emptiness and thirst. Taurus can always be bought very cheaply. Everything they handle becomes their own, especially other people's money. Taurus should never be a writer or actor; They are first-class servants and domestic slaves. The dark side of the constellation _ Gemini Gemini people move too fast, leaving themselves in kindergarten and forgetting to take them away. Their profound wisdom can only be discovered through a microscope. Gemini is neither masculine nor feminine, and the most successful people are neutral. Gemini wants to get everything quickly. They always sit in the last row when they need patience. Gemini pays less and gets more. They never tell the truth, and they don't feel any irony coming on them. But they are first-rate experts in criticizing others. Gemini must not be a psychiatrist or a funeral director. They are masters of destroying confidence. The dark side of the constellation _ Cancer Cancer always crawls forward unless they float on the pile of money. They weave a net with the understanding and sympathy of the false fairy, and keep others firmly in the net for life. Never expect cancer to achieve anything. They are willing to listen to other people's troubles, but don't shut up when telling them, or they will pour bitter water on you when you are panting. They won't do anything for your trouble. He will never forget who owes him what. They were ideal porters and workers when they were young. The cheapest way to send them away is to keep rewarding them. The Dark Side of Constellation _ Leo Leo needs a 24-hour exclusive channel for them to realize their ambition of becoming famous in two seconds. As long as this goal is achieved, they will be satisfied. A lion without cronies is like a fart trapped in a pot. Lions like to wander around; The more people crush along the way, the more proud they feel. Lions hate anyone more beautiful than them. All lions only need to have what they want, at all costs and consequences. Lions can't be given any power, and they will feel obligated to abuse it. Although they have brains as big as broad beans and have no sense of beauty at all, they are good at blowing. Virgo Virgo's dark side believes in logic very much, but what they do makes everyone puzzled. Virgo is in a perfect future, so they will laugh at and criticize all the people or things that put them in this moment. Virgo is in a state of constant waiting for transformation; That's why they have to change clothes five times a day. If the earth's temperature continues to rise, Virgo should be sent to the tropics, which can thaw and cool the equatorial region by the way. Never let Virgo drive or pilot unless you want to make a big hole in the ground. The dark side of the constellation _ Libra Libra is another kind of kindergarten figure. They are still working on clay sculptures, scrapbooks and needlework, and unless they can meet this demand at any time, they will be furious. Libra says everything, but every time she says it, she forgets what she said. Libra never admits his mistakes, but puts the blame on everyone around him. So it's best to send them away with money as soon as possible. Libra is a perfect queen and a first-class patient. The dark side of Scorpio is obsessed with manipulating others. They manipulate their children, their loved ones, their friends, their acquaintances, everyone they meet and anyone who unfortunately knows him. Scorpio will tell you the criticism of others. They think it is their bounden duty to incite feelings. Scorpio is a telephone; They revealed your secret as soon as you turned around, and before you finished, they made up their minds who to tell. They twist everything. Scorpio forgets everything that happened in the past, except humiliation. They hate it when you kiss people. Never let Scorpio teach others that he is a first-class garbage collector. The dark side of the constellation _ Sagittarius Sagittarius is located in the area where the stars are missing, and there is a hole. This constellation exists purely to make up the spirit number system of twelve. Sagittarius lacks all talents. They imitate everything. Never rely on Sagittarius to answer questions, work or joke. Sagittarius thinks that his heart is extremely noble, so he has to absorb everything to ensure the persistence of the illusion. If you let Sagittarius drive the bus, when they turn the corner, they will think that he invented the bus. Don't expect Sagittarius to do anything well, they will only hold you back. They are excellent idiots and schizophrenics. The dark side of the constellation _ Capricorn Capricorn is so simple. They just want to own, control and avoid everyone they know. Capricorn is always on and off. They are open when they pretend to win more ownership and control. When they stood there silently chewing all the insults against him, they were in a closed state. Capricorn is also for money or drugs. They like not to be used by others, and they like to refuse any form of demand. Capricorn will never be obsessed with anything. They thrive on calmness. Never let Capricorn be a policeman; They are first-class prisoners. The dark side of the constellation _ Aquarius Aquarius people are completely unrealistic and very dull. What you can expect from them is to lie, be careless and keep making the same mistakes. If Aquarius thinks he is the Messiah and arrogant, these are forgivable shortcomings. Aquarius knows everything, but thinks nothing. They turn everything into "it" without a specific subject. "It" is or "It" is not. They will never make any promises to anyone. Aquarius should be assigned to do a job that no one can finish. They are first-rate deviants. The dark side of the constellation _ Pisces Pisces can fall in love anytime and anywhere. They will suddenly fall in love with people who know nothing about them. They always make the simplest plan; Any choice will cause their illusion. Pisces is very clever, but no Pisces has learned to use his wisdom. There is only one reason for them to fall in love, that is, they have fallen out with their lover, and they can spin around in sorrow as much as they like, and then they have an excuse to seduce the first opposite sex they meet as compensation. Never let Pisces be a priest; They will become excellent nurses, call girls, midnight cowboys and judges.