Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Are there 56 constellations? What is the difference? Each constellation should be introduced in detail.

Are there 56 constellations? What is the difference? Each constellation should be introduced in detail.

It is fifty-six.

These 88 constellations are arranged according to size (Note: The following description only introduces the famous celestial bodies in this constellation, which does not mean that these celestial bodies are the only ones in this constellation. )

1, Hydrae: In Greek mythology, if you cut off one, another will grow.

2. Virgin: astoria, the goddess of justice in Greek mythology.

3. Ursae Majoris: In Greek mythology, Caristo, a beautiful fairy who was envied by Hera. Zeus turned her into a bear to protect her.

Ceti: The sea monster sent by Poseidon to punish the Ethiopian Queen was killed by the hero Poerxiusi. Contains hundreds of galaxies. There is a more complicated object.

5. Hercules: Hercules, a Greek mythical hero, followed Jason and Argo in their expedition to capture golden fleece and completed the "Twelve Difficult Tasks of Hercules".

There are two in messier objects, among which M 13 is the largest, brightest and most striking globular cluster north of the equator, and only Omega Centauri, 47 Rhododendron and M22 located in the southern sky surpass it.

6.Eridani: All ancient civilizations regarded it as a river in the center of the living area. There is a first-class star named Eridani, which is a big blue-and-white star with magnitude +0 and 5. It is called Hewei I in China. There are many binary stars.

7. Pegasi: It was transformed into the blood of Medusa's neck cavity and landed on Mount Heliken, creating a spiritual spring and becoming the source of inspiration for poetry.

The trapezium of Pegasus is the brightest star in the northern sky in autumn, and there is a messier objects. Stephen quintuple galaxy is in its range, including five famous galaxies and a darker member-NGC 7320c.

8. Dragon God: In Greek mythology, it is a dragon hidden in a golden apple orchard and killed by Hercules, the hero of Hercules.

9. Centauri: It has two first-class stars, Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri, among which Alpha Centauri is a triad star and Beta Centauri is a blue-and-white giant star.

Aquarius (10): Ganymetis, the most beautiful prince in the world, was chosen by Zeus to pour wine for the gods of heaven. One of the zodiac signs.

1 1 Ophiuchus: In Greek mythology, Asclepius is a famous Ophiuchus, holding two snakes, one of which is fatal, but the other can cure diseases.

12, Leo: There are many galaxies in the vast sky it occupies. Among the meteor swarms that appear every year, the Leo meteor swarm is the most striking one. Alpha Leo is a big blue and white star with magnitude+1, 35, etc. It's called Xuanyuan XIV in China. One of the zodiac signs.

13, Bootis: a hunter who keeps chasing the constellation Ursa major with the constellation Canis. One of the brightest stars in the sky to the north of the equator, Capricorn α, is called arcturus in China with a magnitude of -0, 1.

14, Pisces: In Greek mythology, Pisces represents the incarnation of eros and Aphrodite in the water. In order to avoid monsters, they turned into fish and dived into the Euphrates River.

15, sagitar ii: This is a very spectacular constellation, and the heart of the Milky Way is in it.

16, Cygnus: One of the earliest 48 constellations determined by Ptolemy.

Tauri (17): In Greek mythology, Zeus turned into a snow-white bull and madly loved Princess Phoenicia. Alpha Taurus is a red giant, known as Bi Su Wu in China, and is one of the four stars of Persian royal family.

18, Padis, carmelo: carmelo Padis first appeared on the celestial globe created by Dutch theologians P and Prentius in 16 13. Located in the north of the celestial sphere, Deer Leopard is a big "tall and thin" constellation.

19, Andromeda: In Greek mythology, Andromeda was the daughter of Ethiopian King Capes and Queen Cassiopeia.

20. Pupis: a part of the ancient south vestibule. In Greek mythology, the south vestibule was the Argo expedition ship that captured golden fleece.

2 1. Auriga is the incarnation of Erechtheus, the inventor of the carriage. It is one of the brightest constellations in the northern sky in winter. The first-class bright yellow star Alpha Auriga, known as Capella in China, has three messier objects.

22. Aquila: Zeus became an eagle and took Ganymede to heaven. There is a first-class bright star, Alpha Eagle, which is called Altair in China.

23. The serpent: It is divided into two parts: the head of the serpent and the tail of the serpent. It consists of two messier objects, of which M 16 is also called Eagle Nebula.

Perseus: Poerxiusi, a hero in Greek mythology, killed Medusa, got rid of the sea monster whale and rescued the Ethiopian princess Andlau Moda. Many bright clusters, gas nebulae and planetary nebulae can be seen here.

25. Cassiopeia: Cassiopeia is the queen of Ethiopian King Capes. There are two messier objects.

26. Orion is the brightest and most recognizable constellation in the sky.

27. One of the oldest constellations is King Kepus of Ethiopia.

28.Lyncis: There are a series of stars with weak starlight, which were identified by Hyvirius in 1690. Lyncis 12 and 19 are a triad system.

29. Libra: Libra δ is an eclipse binary star (that is, two stars periodically pass in front of each other and cover each other's food). One of the zodiac signs.

30. Geminorun: They are twins Polocus and Caster. They are the sons of Leda, the queen of Sparta. Caster is a mortal and Polocus is a god.

Gemini beta magnitude+1, 14, etc. , an orange giant, is called Beihe No.3 in China. Gemini zeta star is a Cepheid variable star (pulsating variable star whose brightness changes with time). There is a more complicated object. One of the zodiac signs.

3 1, Cancer (Cancri): Legend has it that Cancer is the entrance for the soul to reach the earth and enter the human body. In Greek mythology, he was the messenger of Hera who was killed by the hero Heracles. One of the zodiac signs.

32. Willem: A part of ancient southern ships. This sky area is an ideal area for searching for open clusters.

33. Scorpio: Scorpio α is one of the largest known red Supergiant star.

34. Carina: A constellation transformed from the ancient southern constellation by astronomer Benjamin Goode.

35.Monocerotis: It was drawn on the star map by German astronomer Bach in 1624.

36. Sculptor: named by Llakaj at 1752.

37. Phoenix: 1603 was named by Bayer. Phoenix Beta is a ternary system.

38.Canum Venaticorum: a hound following the shepherd. There are five messier objects.

39, Aries (Arae): The golden goat with golden hair was sent by the God of Hermes to rescue the princes Frikosos and Heller. One of the zodiac signs.

40. Capricorn: the sheep on the top and the fish on the bottom are the gates for the human soul to ascend to heaven. There is a more complicated object. One of the zodiac signs.

4 1, Funassis: 1752 was named by Llakaj. There is a galaxy cluster containing many celestial bodies-Sagittarius galaxy cluster, which can distinguish at least 18 galaxies.

42. This is the hair of Queen Bioniz of Egypt. There are eight messier objects.

43. Canis major: A dog that faithfully accompanies Orion and Canis minor. In Greek mythology, his name is Lailapus. Sirius, the brightest star in the whole day. There are more chaotic objects.

44.payon is: 1603 was named by Bayer.

45. Gruys: It was named by Bayer in 1603. Alpha crane is a huge blue star with magnitude+1, 7, etc.

46. Lupus: It is one of the earliest 48 constellations determined by Ptolemy.

47. The sextant was named after: 1680 Hevelius.

48. small magellanic cloud is within its scope. Rhododendron β 1 and β2 are six-star systems. NGC 10 is the second largest and brightest globular cluster in the whole day after ω Centauri.

49.Indi (India)

50.Octantis: determined by Llakaj at 1752.

5 1, Leporis: It is one of the 48 constellations originally determined by Ptolemy and consists of several deep-space celestial bodies.

Lila: In Greek mythology, it is a harp, which was made by Hermes with tortoise shells and dedicated to Apollo. Later, Apollo gave it to Oedipus.

Crater: One of the 48 constellations first named by Ptolemy. Its image is a huge cup on the back of Ophiuchus.

54. Columbus: named after the astronomer Plantius.

55.vulcumerae: founded by Havelius in 1660.

56. Ursa minor: One of the most famous constellations in the sky.