Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Constellation Roaming-Cancer

Constellation Roaming-Cancer

A long time ago, an ancestor of the crab family was involved in the war between Hercules (Hercules) and Xu Dela (Hydra). However, this crab is really overreaching. It caught Hercules' toes with big pliers and was crushed by Hercules immediately. Because this crab was sent by Hera, the queen of God, it was raised to the sky by the queen of God after death and became a cancer.

Cancer is located to the west of Leo and to the east of Gemini. It is one of the zodiac signs. All the stars in the constellation are dim, which is the darkest constellation in the zodiac and was regarded as a "sign of darkness" in the Middle Ages. Among them, four stars, γ, η, θ and δ, make up the body of Cancer; δ and α, γ and ι are its two giant claws; θ and β, η and ψ are its two hind legs.

There is a famous open cluster in Cancer-Honeycomb Cluster M44, which is one of the closest open clusters to the Earth. The naked eye looks like a white fog. In ancient China, it was called "ghost cluster" or "dead air", and it was said that it was "like a cloud and Feiyun, like a star instead of a star, with only visible air". It was not until Galileo observed it through a telescope that he realized that it was a cluster of many stars.

The best observation time: March and April, located in the southwest quadrant.

Liu Suzengsan (Cancer α), white main sequence star, multi-star, brightness 4.3, etc. , from the earth 168 light years.

Liu Su Zeng (Cancer β), an orange giant with a diameter 50 times that of the sun, a binary star with a brightness of 3.5, etc. , 303 light years away from the earth.

Haunted House III (Cancer γ) is a white sub-giant planet, with a size and mass slightly more than twice that of the sun and a brightness of 4.7. , from the earth 18 1 light years.

Haunted House IV (Cancer δ), orange giant with brightness of 3.9, etc. , from the earth 13 1 light years.

M44 (Honeycomb Cluster, Ghost Cluster), Open Cluster

M67, open cluster